King Xiang of the Red Chamber

Chapter 394 Mrs. Wang’s Apology

Chapter 394 Mrs. Wang’s Apology
Besides, in Rongguo Mansion, Jia Mu returned home in a sedan chair. At this moment, she had not recovered from the shock.

"Ancestor, what's going on?" Mrs. Xing's face was full of concern.

Compared to Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Xing is undoubtedly more filial and considerate, because she needs more support from her mother-in-law to secure her position as housekeeper's wife.

"Alas...what happened today is really surprising!"


"The girl from the Xue family has been chosen as the princess!"

Hearing this, before Mrs. Xing could reply, Mrs. Wang was completely shocked: "Ah? How could that be?"

For Baochai to be a candidate and become a concubine, it was enough to surprise everyone in the Jia family.

But today Baochai chose the princess, and the effect was as shocking as a thunderbolt.

"Ancestor, are you the concubine or the princess?"

Hearing Mrs. Wang's question, Jia Mu's face turned even uglier. Did she know what Mrs. Wang had done to the Xue family.

"Are you deaf? I already said you were chosen to be the princess!" Mother Jia looked sullen.

Hearing her mother-in-law reprimanding her sworn enemy, Mrs.

These words were taken seriously, and Mrs. Wang replied: "My family is the head of the four princes and eight princes, and now that there is a princess, there is no need to help others!"

Hearing Mrs. Wang's stupid words, Jia Mu's face became even more ugly. But before she could reprimand her, someone was reported from outside that someone was coming from the East Palace.

"Go and invite me quickly!" Jia Mu said.

A few breaths later, the eunuch sent by Yuanchun entered the living room. At this time, in addition to Jia's mother and the two ladies, brothers Jia She and Jia Zheng were also there.

"Greetings to the old lady, gentlemen and ladies!"

"You don't need to be polite, father-in-law. I wonder why you came here this time?" Mother Jia had a kind smile on her face, and she didn't see the anger just now at all.

The eunuch replied: "This slave has been ordered by the Crown Princess to deliver a message to the palace!"

In order to prevent others from talking about internal and external collusion, Yuanchun rarely contacted Rongguo Mansion directly. Today, he personally sent someone to deliver the message. It was naturally something extremely important.

"Eunuch, please tell me!"

"The Crown Princess has told me that now that the Xue family girl has chosen the princess, the family must send someone to congratulate her..."

Jia Mu nodded and replied: "This is the right thing to do!"

"The queen also said that if she wants to invite the second wife to come to the house in person, she must... apologize for what happened that day!"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wang's expression changed drastically, and she even wanted to get up and leave immediately.

The fact that she had ridiculed her own sister was now known to everyone in the house. If she was asked to go to the Xue family to apologize at this time, she would not even be able to save her last face.

But Yuanchun was the princess after all. Although Mrs. Wang wanted to refuse, she had no courage, so she could only turn her head away.

Jia Zheng knew the key to it, so he heard him say, "Don't worry, father-in-law, we know how to do it!"

Once here, the eunuch's task of delivering the message was completed, he said some auspicious words and left.

Everyone in the Jia family who stayed in the hall looked at each other in silence.

In the end, it was Jia Mu who broke the silence and said slowly: "You two go to the door in person and admit your mistakes when you should... Tell them clearly and ease the relationship, which will be of great benefit to you and Yuanchun!"

This is the order of the Crown Princess, and now Mother Jia is urging her. Even if Mrs. Wang is reluctant, she must sacrifice her face at this moment.

When they reached an agreement, the news about Baochai's selection as princess also spread in Ningrong's second mansion.

When Jia Baoyu came home from school, he heard the comments of the servants.

This guy really didn’t know what was important, and he said bluntly in front of everyone: “It’s a big joke that such a treacherous person chooses the princess!”

These words happened to be heard by Jia Zheng and his wife. This made Jia Zheng so angry that he had Baoyu taken away in public and served him with family methods.

Although Mrs. Wang wanted to persuade him, she could not persuade the furious Jia Zheng. In the end, it was Jia's mother who came over and persuaded Jia Zheng.

In any case, Baochai will be a royal concubine. To slander her in public would be a disgrace to the royal family. It would be hard to blame Jia Zheng for punishing Jia's mother so severely.

Urging Jia Zheng and his wife to go to Xue's house, Jia's mother just said to Baoyu: "Remember, you must never speak ill of Baochai again in the future, otherwise your life will be in danger!"

Only at the scene of the concubine selection can we deeply feel how much Zhu Jinghong attaches importance to Baochai. To slander Baochai would offend the Thirteenth Master.

Ren Ni Baoyu is the biological younger brother of the Crown Princess. If he commits the crime of rebellion, he will be in a situation of life and death. Jia Zhen, who is already half dead, is a lesson learned from the past.

This man dared to disobey the emperor, so how could he care about Yuan Chun's opinion? Mother Jia saw this very clearly.

"Ancestor, the person named Xue is not a good person. She treated Sister Lin..."

Before Baoyu finished speaking, he felt burning pain on his face. He looked at his grandmother in disbelief. This was the first time in his life that he had been slapped by her grandmother.

"My word is that Baoyu is crazy and unconscious. From now on, he is not allowed to go out. He can only go out after he recovers!"

For the sake of Baoyu's life, Jia's mother showed the courage of a princess and put her favorite grandson under house arrest.

Turning around and looking at the girls in the room, Jia Mu said with a cold face: "Whoever dares to discuss what happened today will be beaten to death immediately!"

"Do you understand everything?"

"I understand!"

Turning around, Jia Mu glanced at Baoyu on the bed, and said slowly: "You should be more peaceful these days, and don't cause trouble for you and your parents!"

"If you really want to cause a huge disaster, no one can save you!"

After teaching these words, Jia Mu got up and left. When she went out, she did not forget to warn Qingwen and others, asking them to take good care of Baoyu.

After Jia Mu left, a doctor came to treat Baoyu's injuries and apply medicine. This time, he was beaten to pieces, which meant he lost half his life.

After the doctor left, Tanchun and the others came to see him. Yingchun and Xichun couldn't help crying when they saw him in such a miserable state, but Tanchun looked tough and hesitated to speak.

"Third sister, if you have anything to say, just say it!" Baoyu saw Tanchun's hesitation.

"Second brother, you may not like to hear what I say, but I don't mind saying it..." Tan Chun shook his head.

"Third sister, just say what you want to say. I am also a stupid person, and I just want to listen to you teach me!" Obviously Baoyu knew what Tanchun was going to say.

Tanchun didn't hide it, and asked bluntly: "Second brother is extremely smart, he should know the stakes of today's matter, but my little sister is stupid and doesn't understand... Sister Bao is such a good person, why is second brother always so malicious towards her!" "

Regarding the things that Mrs. Wang did, she pushed the Xue family away, and Tanchun didn't understand her thinking.

Thinking of Baoyu's repeated stupidities, sometimes Tanchun couldn't help but think that the stupidity of these two people might be the same.

"No matter what you say, I despise people like her!" Baoyu turned his face to the side.

Tanchun sighed and had no desire to say more. She just hoped that the second brother could figure it out during the lockdown.

The three women didn't agree with Baoyu's words, so they only sat there for a while and then left.

When Baoyu was distressed, Xiren and others also came in to persuade: "Second Master, you don't listen to what our ancestors say anymore? Don't speak ill of Miss Bao again in the future. If you make the master angry again, won't you be beaten again?" …”

These words made Baoyu furious, and he immediately scolded: "You all say good things about her, why don't you serve her at her house, get out... you all get out!"


There is no shortage of opportunists from ancient times to the present.

So after the Xue family gave birth to a princess, people started to come to visit her, including but not limited to business friends of the Xue family.

Xue Pan, who was standing at the door to greet the guests, had not yet woken up from the shock. He just smiled stiffly at the guests.

At this moment, in the back house of the Xue family, Aunt Xue was also so happy that she was sharing the good news in front of her deceased husband's soul.

"Madam, someone from Prince Rui's Mansion has come to give you a gift, saying congratulations to our young lady on being selected!"

Outside the imperial city, Prince Rui's Mansion and Prince Xiang's Mansion are the most noble places in the world. (Note: The East Palace is outside the imperial palace and within the imperial city)

Obviously Prince Rui's Mansion has always been ahead of the East Palace, and even the gift giving has been prepared in advance.

At this moment, Prince Rui and his wife did not know that they had been betrayed by Zhu Jinghong, and they were having a good time while drinking to achieve their goal.

It was once again confirmed that Zhu Jinghong was a fool, and the two of them only had the prince as their opponent, which was naturally something to be happy about.

"Have a good time!"

"Reporting to my wife, those father-in-laws have already left!"

Now that everyone is gone, Aunt Xue can only give up, but she feels even happier.

In fact, many people who came today just gave gifts and said a few words before leaving. After all, the Xue family was not ready to entertain them.

About an hour later, Jia Zheng and his wife arrived at Xue's house, and Xue Pan introduced the two elders into the inner house.

When meeting her biological sister, Mrs. Wang always felt that she couldn't save her face, but Jia Zheng was the one doing the talking the whole time.

But Jia Zheng is a man after all, and what he keeps saying is always a bit disobedient, but Mrs. Wang just can't save face.

It was at this moment that Wen Xing jumped in from the outside and announced with great joy: "Mrs. Qi, our girl is back!"

As soon as she heard that Baochai was back, Aunt Xue was overjoyed. She said goodbye to Jia Zheng and went out to welcome him.

With the couple left in the room, Jia Zheng could say some things.

"Have you forgotten, madam, why you are here today?"


Before his wife could speak, Jia Zheng ordered: "No matter what, Madam must obey the words of the Crown Princess, and the overall situation should be the most important thing!"

"I understand!"

"As long as Madam understands!" Jia Zheng sighed.

"Let's go, let's go out to greet him too!"

Although Mrs. Wang was reluctant, she saw her husband getting up and leaving the table, so she could only follow her.

Speaking of the front yard, Baochai still walked out of the sedan. Except for the Xue family mother and son and a group of girls, there were no other outsiders.

This time when Baochai came back, he was escorted by the Banner Guards, and the Wucheng Army and Horse Division also sent people to guard along the way. The scene was no longer as grand as usual.

These things do not require special arrangements, everything is based on precedent.

After walking out of the sedan with Ruyi in hand, Baochai saw his mother and brother, and a sincere smile appeared on his face.


When she came forward, Aunt Xue wanted to call her "Bao Yatou", but when she thought of her daughter's identity as a princess, she held back the words.

"Baochai, congratulations!" Aunt Xue sent her blessing from the bottom of her heart.

Xue Pan didn't think too much and said bluntly: "Sister... we didn't expect you to choose the princess!"

Baochai smiled lightly and replied: "Yes...even I didn't expect it. This is all thanks to the great blessing of the Holy Spirit, the mercy of the Queen, and the great love of His Highness King Xiang!"

Even in her own house, Baochai still chose to praise the emperor and empress together. What stood out was that she was impeccable.

There was no one to refute her words. When everyone was paying tribute to the emperor's holy land, Jia Zheng and his wife also came out.

"Baochai, congratulations!" Jia Zheng said.

When Jia Zheng and his wife met Baochai now, the status comparison was completely different, so he showed respect when he spoke, even though Baochai had not been canonized yet.

However, Baochai did not show off, but bent down and saluted: "I have met my uncle, my aunt..."

"No need to be too polite, no need to be too polite!" As he spoke, Jia Zheng pulled his wife to step aside.

To be honest, Jia Zheng is quite smart, but his biggest shortcoming is that he has a stupid wife.

When giving in, Jia Zheng also tugged on his old wife's clothes, signaling her to take the opportunity to speak.

"Bao...Baochai, what my aunt said before was't blame me!" Mrs. Wang said with great embarrassment.

However, the ridicule she imagined did not happen. Baochai said very sincerely: "Auntie, what are you talking about? You said everything is for my own good. How could someone who is not a close relative do this? It's too late for my niece to thank you!"

"You don't blame me?" Mrs. Wang was deeply surprised.

Stepping forward and holding Mrs. Wang's hand, Baochai said with a humble expression: "Auntie was joking, my niece still understands the truth that blood is thicker than water!"

Don't hit the smiling person. After all, Mrs. Wang is the Crown Princess's biological mother, so Baochai will naturally not argue with her.

When Mrs. Wang felt at ease, she smiled and said: "Baochai, I was blind at the beginning. I really didn't expect you to..."

Now that the words were spoken, the conflict seemed to be resolved. Then Aunt Xue came out to smooth things over, and everyone went to the living room to continue talking.

And Xue Pan returned to the outside to greet the guests, and the afternoon passed between welcoming them and sending them off.

After achieving their goal, Jia Zheng and his wife left. Aunt Xue wanted to stay but she didn't.

In the inner house, Baochai has returned to the boudoir and is thinking about what to do next.

If nothing happens, the next step will be her marriage to Zhu Jinghong, which means that their family will return to their ancestral home in Jinling.

When a prince gets married, there are many rules and regulations. Even if the whole process goes smoothly, it will take two to three months, during which there will be a series of complicated ceremonies.

While Baochai was thinking, Aunt Xue walked in with a smile on her face.

"Baochai, it's a double happiness for our family today!"

Baochai was deeply surprised when he heard this, and then asked: "What is the other joy?"

Aunt Xue replied: "The Osmanthus Xia family just sent someone here, saying that they agreed to our family's marriage proposal and asked us to set a date for our wedding earlier!"

Baochai replied calmly: "No matter what the character of the Xia family girl is, my mother should think it over carefully before making a decision. As the saying goes, a virtuous wife will bring less trouble to her husband..."

At this moment, she has completed the role change and can express her opinions on her brother's marriage, but Aunt Xue doesn't think there is a problem yet.

"That's right. I think it's better not to reply in a hurry. I'll wait until I find out more about it!"

Nodding, Baochai added: "Mom, please remember not to be public these days, especially since the eldest brother wants him to go out less and not cause trouble..."

"If necessary, I can confine my eldest brother to the house!"

She persuaded her mother to ground her brother. If Baochai had said this before, Aunt Xue would have thought she was crazy and would not have listened to this outrageous request.

"Okay...I will restrain him!"

Baochai then said: "One more thing, please mother, please pack up and make preparations. Maybe we will return home in the near future!"

"Back home?"

Aunt Xue only hesitated for a moment, and then she figured out what was going on, so she nodded and agreed.

While the Xue family's mother and daughter were discussing, Jia Zheng and his wife also returned to Rongguo Mansion, and then they learned that Baoyu had been grounded by the old lady.

Although Mrs. Wang was unwilling to accept this, she still didn't say a word. She knew that the old lady was protecting her grandson.

Jia Zheng went to Jia Mu's courtyard to recover. When he learned that Baochai generously put aside his grudges, Jia Mu frowned.

Whether this matter is over or not is unclear.

 Is it "good wind relies on force" or "good wind relies on force"? The book I read is "depending on"!

(End of this chapter)

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