King Xiang of the Red Chamber

Chapter 421 The Eunuch’s Activities

Chapter 421 The Eunuch’s Activities

"You just report it, and I will take the responsibility for any sins. If you deliberately shirk responsibility... I will impeach you tomorrow!"

It is normal for a dignified court official to impeach the eunuch of the 24 yamen of the inner court, but it would be embarrassing to have sex with a few petty eunuchs.

So this kind of thing usually doesn't happen, but several young eunuchs present knew that the tough man in front of them could really do such a thing.

Seeing the hesitation of these people, Wang Pei'an continued: "Your Highness has just returned to the palace. If you are involved in trouble, I don't know if you will be alive!"

Thinking of Zhu Jinghong's temper, everyone present was extremely frightened. At this moment, they were really afraid of Wang Pei'an.

"Wait!" said one of the eunuchs.

Just when he was about to turn around, Wang Pei'an said: "If you look for someone else first and miss my business... I will still look for you!"

This was what he said. The young eunuch planned to report it to his superior first, so that he would not have to do anything about him.

But what Jing Wang Pei'an said meant that the responsibility still fell on him, forcing him to go to Yin'an Palace to pass the news first.

Let's say that the young eunuch went to Yin'an Palace and learned that Zhu Jinghong was not here, so he had no choice but to go to Jiangyun Palace.

The Tongxin Hall where Baochai was located was connected with the Yin'an Hall, so she knew what was going on in front.

At this moment, she had finished washing and was combing her hair with Ying'er waiting on her. When she heard the noise, she ordered someone to ask about the situation.

After a few breaths, the maid returned and reported: "Princess Qi, the chief historian is here and wants to apologize to the prince!"

Seeing that Baochai didn't respond, Ying'er ordered: "I know, get out of here!"

After the man retreated, Ying'er murmured: "My dear, this Wang Changshi is loyal and upright, and he is careful and meticulous in his work... What other mistakes can he make? It's really strange!"

Baochai was thoughtful, and after a moment's thought, he asked, "Why didn't Wang Changshi come to greet the prince when he returned to the mansion today?"

"This...if I hadn't told you, this servant would never have noticed that he wasn't here!" Ying'er suddenly realized.

In fact, Baochai didn't notice it at first. She only thought of it when she learned that Wang Pei'an came to plead guilty.

"Didn't anyone inform him?"

"This...should not be possible!" Ying'er replied uncertainly.

"That's weird!"

Then Baochai didn't think much about it, just thinking that Wang Pei'an had missed the time, or that something else had delayed him.

Over at Jiangyunzhai, Zhu Jinghong was sitting on a rocking chair and had pulled Ke Qing into his arms and sat there.

Yinglian wanted to avoid it, but Zhu Jinghong asked her to stay here, but she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

"But Qing, I feel like you have lost a lot of weight. Do you miss me too much?"

Even though she was a married woman, Keqing still felt extremely shy when she heard such a straightforward provocation.

"Look, I've lost weight here, and it seems smaller here..."

"Yinglian, come here, I will check with you..."

"Your Majesty, I..." Yinglian was even more shy than Keqing.

"What am I? Come here quickly...sit on my lap!"

"Yeah!" Yinglian said timidly.

While Zhu Jinghong was hugging him from left to right, playing with his hands up and down, and was about to start a fight with his half-undressed clothes, the little eunuch who was delivering the message came to Jiangyunzhai.

As Zhu Jinghong's personal steward, Yu Hai basically stayed by Zhu Jinghong's side the rest of the time except for working as a tiller in Shanglinyuan for a few months, and today was no exception.

The messenger eunuch first passed the news to the eunuch who served nearby, and then this person entered the courtyard and reported to Yu Hai.

"Wang Changshi came to plead guilty?" Yu Hai was deeply surprised.

Although Yu Hai doesn't show his sharp edge, he is also a very smart person. Knowing that Wang Pei'an came over so late at night, there must be something very important.

So even though Zhu Jinghong was working on something now, he felt that he should go in and send a message, otherwise he might cause trouble for his prince.

Yu Hai had gone to class with Zhu Jinghong and knew very well how powerful Wang Changshi was.

"Oh... Your Majesty, please be gentle!"


Arriving at the house, listening to the laughter inside the curtain, Yu Hai tentatively shouted: "Your Majesty, Wang Changshi is outside asking for a meeting!"

There was still laughter inside, but Zhu Jinghong obviously didn't hear it, so Yu Hai raised his voice: "Your Majesty, Wang Changshi is outside asking for a meeting!"

Finally, it gradually became quiet inside, and the two Ruizhus who were guarding outside the curtain looked at Yu Hai with admiration.

I'm afraid that except for the princess, only a straight person like Yu Hai dares to call Zhu Jinghong out of the gentle village at this time.

"What is he doing here?" Zhu Jinghong felt very disappointed and asked sitting on the bed inside the curtain.

"I said I wanted to apologize to the prince, but I'm waiting in Cunxin Palace right now!"

"Go and send a message and say that we'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do!" Zhu Jinghong replied casually.

How could Yu Hai, a eunuch, understand the choice of a normal man when it comes to his brain?

After Yu Hai left, Zhu Jinghong started playing with the two women again, and for a while the spring scenery was filled with beauty.

Wang Pei'an soon received a reply, but he had no intention of leaving.

"Master Wang, the prince has already said... If you have anything to do, please come back tomorrow. It's already getting late!" the young eunuch who passed the message said earnestly.

Now that Zhu Jinghong has rested, Wang Pei'an has no choice but to leave, planning to confess to Zhu Jinghong tomorrow, and by the way, talk about the situation of the eunuchs in the palace.

Just as Wang Pei'an was about to leave, Chen Chong, the eunuch in charge who learned the news, came out and said with a smile: "Master Wang, you didn't come when the prince came back. Now that you have rest, you rushed to ask for an audience. Didn't you mean to make things difficult for the prince?" !”

A damn slave dared to talk to him like this, Wang Pei'an became angry.

But after so many years of ups and downs in the officialdom, Wang Pei'an is not a fool. He smiled and said: "That's why I came here to accuse you. Since the prince doesn't see me, I'll come back tomorrow!"

Chen Chong sneered and watched Wang Pei'an leave, his expression full of teasing.

In Chen Chong's opinion, his prince must have hated this person because he had been strictly controlled by Wang Pei'an before, and not seeing him tonight proved this even more.

Therefore, Chen Chong was not afraid at all when facing Yin Yang King Pei'an, and felt that he was venting his anger on Zhu Jinghong's behalf.

As for Wang Pei'an's suggestion of impeachment, Chen Chong didn't even take it to heart.

Presenting the memorial will only embarrass Wang Pei'an, and at the same time make Zhu Jinghong lose face. This is purely a thankless task, and it can also scare the young eunuch.

"Eunuch, have we offended him too much? He is the chief historian of the palace, sent by the imperial court..."

Hearing his subordinate's worries, Chen Chong gave him a cold look, which made the latter immediately lower his head in fear.

Then Chen Chong glanced around and said slowly: "You idiots, what can a foreign official do to us?"

"Remember everything... we slaves, there is only one cloud in the sky, and that is the prince!"

"As long as we serve the prince well, no one can touch us!" Chen Chong said proudly.

But Chen Chong forgot that in addition to a cloud in the sky, there was also a big tree named Deng An, the eunuch in charge, above his head.

For example, Deng An, who was sitting in the house to rest, was listening to the little eunuch report the situation.

Among the more than two hundred eunuchs in the palace, Deng An placed many of his own people so that he could fully grasp the situation in the palace.

Zhang Ping'an, who is also the general manager, is also using similar methods, but Yu Hai only cares about his own land.

"You mean... Chen Chong ridiculed Wang Changshi?" Deng An asked with a frown.

"That's about it!" the young eunuch replied vaguely.

At this time, Deng An had a cold look on his face. He suddenly sat up from the bed and said coldly: "Call this bastard over here!"

Deng An, his immediate boss, sent a message, and Chen Chong arrived at his room soon. At this time, Deng An was already sitting by the stove warming himself.

“Father-in-law, what do you want from this slave?”

Stretching out his hands and turning them left and right, Deng An asked slowly: "Isn't it interesting that Wang Pei'an was rejected when he asked for a meeting?"

"Ah? This..." Chen Chong couldn't figure out what Deng An meant.

"Aren't you very proud?"

"Eunuch... this servant doesn't understand..." Chen Chong just finished his words when Deng An angrily yelled: "You idiot!"

"Do you think your life is too long? Even the prince treats this person with courtesy. Who do you think you are and why you can't get along with him?"

Chen Chong was promoted to the position of eunuch in charge by Deng An. At this moment, his immediate boss was furious. Chen Chong was so frightened that he knelt down and felt like sieving chaff.

"My slaves will die, my slaves will die..."

"What happened tonight? Why didn't Wang Changshi come?" Deng An asked coldly.

Regarding the fact that Wang Pei'an was kept secret, Deng An actually knew the situation, and it can even be said that he acquiesced.

So when Chen Chong heard him asking this question, he was confused on the spot, and then he understood that the other party wanted to get rid of him.

Chen Chong was not a young man either, so he replied immediately: "Father, I don't know about this matter. Maybe the people below have been negligent!"

"is it?"

"It must be!"

"I guess the man surnamed Wang came here tonight, saying he was asking for forgiveness, but actually he wanted to punish you. Although he was driven away tonight...but he will definitely face Prince Chen tomorrow!"

"After all, you didn't do a good job in this matter, so... I will go to the prince early tomorrow morning to convict you of being lax in your duties!"

"Yes!" Chen Chong lowered his head and replied, obviously he was not convinced.

Detouring behind Chen Chong, Deng An said coldly: "Don't think that the man named Wang is a fool. I'm afraid he knows some of the bad things you did in the palace..."

"If those unpleasant things are revealed, I'm afraid your life will be even more difficult. Being lax in your command... is the most minor crime!"

After hearing Deng An's words, Chen Chong's dissatisfaction gradually faded away, but he still had one most critical question.

"Eunuch...will the prince really believe that Wang Pei'an?"

All Chen Chong's actions were based on Zhu Jinghong's hatred of Wang Pei'an, which he consciously understood correctly.

"How can you understand the prince's intentions?" Deng An sneered.

"My father-in-law taught me, and I understand it and am willing to be punished!" Chen Chong was sincerely convinced.

Sitting back on the chair, Deng An said in a deep voice: "Get up!"

"Thank you, Eunuch!"

Picking up the tea cup, Deng An blew in the hot air, and then said: "Go back and prepare yourself. If the prince asks, how should you respond!"


"Nothing, just go back!"

"The slave retire!"

Sweat broke out on Chen Chong's forehead. When he left the room, he was hit by the cold air, which immediately made him shudder.

When Chen Chong walked into the wind and snow, Deng An in the room was also thinking about how to speak tomorrow morning.

"Father, Manager Chen is too ignorant of the importance. He really failed to live up to your cultivation!"

Hearing the sarcasm from the young eunuch beside him, Deng An looked at the man coldly and said, "Whether he knows the importance or not, it's not your turn to tell!"

"Damn the slave!"

People who have lost their lifeblood have only one thought, and that is to climb up at all costs, so the infighting among the eunuchs is also very serious.

This little eunuch is giving Chen Chong eye drops at this moment, hoping to let Chen Chong vacate the place as soon as possible, so that people like you can have the opportunity to rise to power.

Although the palace is not big, there are many activities inside, but these have nothing to do with Zhu Jinghong for the time being.

The game of one dragon and two phoenix made him happy, and he was completely immersed in the gentle countryside.

Even though he got up early the next day, he still felt refreshed, but Ke Qing and Qing were still catching up on their sleep, and Zhu Jinghong didn't wake them up.

After finishing the simple cleaning, Zhu Jinghong rushed to Yin'an Hall. At this time, Deng An was already waiting outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, please!" Deng An took away Yu Hai's job.

Entering the main hall, Zhu Jinghong asked: "Why are you here so early? You have nothing to do?"

"Serving the prince is the most important thing for a slave!"

"Okay then... just stay in Yin'an Palace and work under Yu Hai!"

This sentence was equivalent to pushing Deng An to the end, causing the latter to break out in a cold sweat.

But even so, Deng An still had the courage to answer: "This slave can't ask for more!"

To be honest, Zhu Jinghong can really fuck him to the end, so Deng An can still say this at this moment, which proves that this guy's psychological quality is really good.

Zhu Jinghong also understood this, and immediately laughed and said: "Forget are not used to your rough hands and feet, so you should run outside!"

While they were talking, they had arrived at the side hall, where Zhu Jinghong's swords and crossbows were displayed. Zhu Jinghong picked up the long-lost sword.

Pulling the knife out of its sheath, a cold light emerged, making Zhu Jinghong feel particularly good.

After dancing casually for a few times, Zhu Jinghong asked: "Come here so early, is there something wrong?"

"Replying to the prince, this servant is here to plead guilty!"

"This is strange. Last night Wang Changshi came to plead guilty, and today you come again... tell me, what's going on?"

The critical moment of the secret passage came. Deng An calmed down and replied: "Reporting to the prince, because the eunuch Chen Chong was not strict with the emperor, his servant forgot to inform Wang Changshi, so that the king missed the time last night and was unable to greet the prince. Return to the mansion!"

"So Wang Changshi's apology last night was because of this incident?"

"It should be so!"

"Wang Changshi forgot to notify, it's time for those below to take charge!" Zhu Jinghong said in a deep voice.

Deng An immediately replied: "When I learned the news last night, I found Chen Chong and scolded him. The chamberlain responsible for delivering the news was fined a salary!"

"You are quick!" Zhu Jinghong said slowly.

"Today Wang Changshi comes again. As long as he gives up his intention to impeach me, and as long as it does not damage the prince's reputation... I am willing to die to apologize to him!"

Deng An's words were good. On the one hand, he gave Wang Pei'an some eye candy, and at the same time, he showed his loyalty. The comparison between the two highlighted the differences between the inside and outside, allowing Zhu Jinghong to understand who was his.

Zhu Jinghong turned around, looked at Deng An and laughed out loud, and then said: "You are talking better and better now..."

"You'd better keep your life, it's still of some use!"

Seeing Zhu Jinghong's relaxed expression, Deng An knew that the test was almost over, which made him feel relieved.

At this moment, the little girl Wen Xing came to the side hall, walked past everyone and walked to Zhu Jinghong to salute.

"Your Majesty, please come over and have breakfast!"

"Well... tell her I'll be there right away!"


After Wen Xing retreated, Zhu Jinghong put the saber back on the shelf, and then said: "I will leave the following matters to you to take care of. I don't want to hear the messy little things. If anything happens, I will only ask you!"

Zhu Jinghong is very clear about the principle that when the water is clear, there will be no fish. It is simply impossible for the people below to be loyal without any selfish motives.

There are more than 200 servants in the palace. It is normal for some nonsense to happen. As long as it doesn't cause trouble, he doesn't care about it.


"Go down!"

After Deng An withdrew, Zhu Jinghong left the side hall and walked north to the Tongxin Hall.

Coming out of the back hall of Yin'an Hall and passing through the corridor is the gate of Tongxin Hall.

Seeing Zhu Jinghong's arrival, all the maids outside bowed down and Baochai, who heard the movement, also came out to welcome him.

Last night was the first time Baochai slept alone in the two months since their marriage, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Thinking that her man was with another woman, and there were three of them together, Baochai felt even more upset.

In professional terms, this situation is called jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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