King Xiang of the Red Chamber

Chapter 425 Lin Ruhai Returns to Beijing

Chapter 425 Lin Ruhai Returns to Beijing

While Baochai and the Jia family were making excuses, Zhu Jinghong was also making a fuss in the east hall of Kunning Palace.

"Brother Thirteen, then this matter is settled. I will come to your house to have a look in a few days!"

"Third sister, this requires mother's consent. It's useless for you to tell me!"

"Go and tell me!"

"They won't listen even if I tell you!" Zhu Jinghong slowly put down his teacup, looking relaxed and casual at this moment.

Seeing him perfunctory with the princess, Daiyu couldn't stand it anymore, so she walked behind Zhu Jinghong and said slowly: "Thirteenth Master, when you were trapped in Shanglin Garden, the princess tried her best to rescue you. I don't know how many times she went there for this purpose." Qianqing Palace, I don’t know how many good things I said!”

"Now that the princess needs help, you shirk the responsibility. This is not what a man would do!"

Looking back at Daiyu, Zhu Jinghong said slowly: "But... I never said that I was a man!"

Daiyu pouted and said: "The Thirteenth Master said that he is not a real man. If this word spreads... you won't be afraid of losing face!"

"Girl Lin...I have lost face for a long time, are you still afraid of losing face?"

These words really choked Daiyu, so much so that she didn’t know how to answer.

As long as I lie flat enough, no one can knock me down... Zhu Jinghong thought.

"Return to the Ming Dynasty as the number one warrior, I think he really doesn't live up to his name!" Daiyu finally said this and turned around and walked away.

"Brother Thirteen, look have betrayed all your relatives and left!" Zhu Yunsheng said angrily.

However, just as she finished speaking, she saw Zhen Qin peeling an orange, walked to Zhu Jinghong and said, "Thirteenth Master, please eat the fruit!"

Taking the oranges smoothly, Zhu Jinghong said with a smile: "Third sister, I am not betraying my relatives. Look at Qin girl, she is facing me!"

"Since she is devoted to you, Brother Thirteen will take her back to the palace and appoint her as a servant or something!" Zhu Yunsheng said angrily, not forgetting to glare at Zhen Qin at this moment.

At this moment, Zhen Qin was staring directly at Zhu Jinghong, hoping that he would agree on the spot, so that she would recognize him as a waiter.

When I enter the palace, I will first focus on pleasing the Thirteenth Master, and then make friends with the princess. It will not be difficult to become a concubine in the future... Zhen Qin started to think again.

Seeing her stupid look, Zhu Jinghong immediately looked at his sister and said, "Third sister, Girl Qin is yours, how can I take away someone's love?"

But as soon as he said these words, Xiangyun jumped behind him, clapped his hands and said, "So what Thirteenth Master means is that if Sister Qin is not the princess, he will bring her into the palace?"

Upon hearing this, Zhen Qin's eyes suddenly shone, and she looked at her sweetheart who was so close.

It turns out that Master Thirteen cares about this... Zhen Qin's mind started to race, thinking about how to solve these troubles.

"Girl Yun, why don't you come to my palace? I think you are quite good!" Zhu Jinghong pointed out.

Uncle Xiangyun was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Military and Horse Division of the Five Cities, responsible for the defense of the entire capital, which was really useful to Zhu Jinghong.

But it was only of some use. The historian was absolutely loyal to the emperor and could not change his position for the sake of a daughter.

"Girl Yun, did you hear that the Thirteenth Master is going to make you his concubine... Haha!" Daiyu covered her mouth and laughed.

"Hmph... I won't talk to you anymore!" Xiang Yun left angrily. How could a serious daughter like her tolerate such a joke.

"Girl Lin, look at made Girl Yun so angry!" Zhu Jinghong immediately threw the blame.

When everyone was noisy, Yang Jingting came out with a book, looked at Daiyu and the others and said, "Okay... stop making trouble, and your jokes must be moderate!"

"Especially you, Miss Lin, are you talking about a side concubine, and marriage is just a piece of cake?"

When she said this, Yang Jingting felt particularly uncomfortable because she was the concubine of the palace.

"Okay, okay, it's time for me to go back... I'll talk to you in a few days!" Zhu Jinghong stood up and left.

"Brother Thirteen, when will you take me out?"

"Uh... let's discuss it again, let's discuss it again!"

After saying that, Zhu Jinghong walked away. He was really scared of being asked by Zhu Yunsheng.

Seeing Zhu Jinghong leaving, Zhu Yunsheng looked at Yang Jingting again, stepped forward and held her hand and said: "Sister Ting... you will enter the palace in a few days, and I will go with you to see it!"

"Princess, this..."

"Sister Ting, don't you want to help me too?"

When Yang Jingting was kidnapped by Daode, Zhu Jinghong had already slipped out of Kunning Gate. Unexpectedly, he was a bit behind today and met the emperor who was taking a walk.

Zhu Xianming was in a good mood. He had a good chat with Zhao Yushan, the chief assistant who was accompanying him, and he had a relatively optimistic judgment about the future situation.

Looking at his youngest son standing in front of him and saluting, Zhu Xianming said coldly: "Feng Feng Huo Huo, that's half as noble as a sect king!"

"Dad... but your son is born noble. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Who did you call me your son?"


For a moment, Zhu Xianming didn't know what to say, because that was the essence of the matter.

"Look at this kid, I'm really confused... I don't know how to teach my son!" Zhu Xianming complained to Zhao Yushan behind him.

Zhao Yushan arched his waist and replied: "Your Highness knows that Your Majesty is kind, so he is a little naughty... his talent is still very good!"

"He is also very talented? He is a person who is not diligent and does not distinguish between grains and grains. If it weren't for my son... he would have starved to death outside!" Zhu Xianming said calmly.

"Father...son, I have to correct you!" Zhu Jinghong said solemnly.


"According to what my son knows in Jinling, most people work hard for a year and barely have enough to eat, so it's normal for people like my son... to starve to death!"

Zhu Jinghong's words frightened Zhao Yushan who was standing beside him. Others who said this were simply seeking death.

"You mean, my people are all in trouble?" Zhu Xianming had a cold look on his face.

"No... what my son means is that the clearing of the land that you always promote, that is, the collection of taxes based on land, must be done quickly, so that fewer people will starve to death!" Zhu Jinghong replied seriously.

"You know nothing!" Zhu Xianming scolded.

Although Zhu Xianming was scolding, his anger had already subsided.

Even though it had been almost a year, he still remembered Zhu Jinghong's views on dividing the family into his own family, and knew that this boy had a thorough understanding of the matter of Qingzhang.

Zhu Jinghong's words also surprised Zhao Yushan. He originally thought that this man was only interested in martial arts.

"Your Highness also thinks that clearing land and collecting taxes based on land will benefit the people?" Zhao Yushan couldn't help but ask.

"Would it benefit the people to have people with more land pay more taxes... Isn't this obvious?" Zhu Jinghong asked rhetorically.

"What His Highness said is absolutely true..." Zhao Yushan smiled and became more and more interested in the prince in front of him.

"You wander around all day long, and you don't have a formal appearance... Is this what you should worry about? How are the North Four Guards training going? Can they be dragged to the battlefield?" Zhu Xianming changed the subject.

"My son thinks he has done a good job, but his words are unfounded... Dad, will you take some time to review?"

Hearing this proposal, Zhu Xianming was obviously moved. After thinking about it, he said: "Let's prepare first... In the first month of next year, let the envoys coming to Beijing participate!"

I knew the old man would choose this moment, after all, who doesn’t like to show off!

"Son understands!"

"I have arranged for you to be the chief historian of the palace. How is your studies going now?"

"Well... my son has been studying hard!"

"Have you finished studying all four books?"

"Wang Changshi taught you very well. Your son has made great progress recently?"

Seeing that Zhu Jinghong didn't answer the question, Zhu Xianming gave him a cold look, and then said: "You'd better pay more attention. Wait until I get the free test. If you can't answer it..."

"You break your son's leg!"

After being reminded by the emperor again, Zhu Jinghong was able to escape and leave. It was already half an hour after he returned to the palace.

The congratulators had left. Baochai had just taken off her makeup and was lying on the couch to take a nap.

"Mother, the prince has returned to his residence!"

"Yeah!" Baochai still squinted his eyes.After a while, footsteps were heard outside the room, and it was Zhu Jinghong who had already changed his clothes.

Knowing from the maid that Baochai was resting, Zhu Jinghong's steps were noticeably lighter. When he entered the room, he saw Baochai leaning on the couch.


Everyone in the room was about to salute, but was stopped by Zhu Jinghong with a wave of his hand. He did not want to disturb Baochai while he was resting.

However, at this time, Baochai had already opened his eyes and looked at Zhu Jinghong who had walked in front of him.

"Baochai, why are you lying down... At this time, you were either reading or doing embroidery!" Zhu Jinghong asked as he sat on the couch.

"Don't mention it... I'm exhausted today!" Baochai sat upright.

"Ying'er, bring some tea!"

Zhu Jinghong replied: "As for canonization, various ceremonies are very complicated. It is not easy for a royal daughter-in-law to do it!"

Taking the tea cup from Ying'er, Baochai handed it to Zhu Jinghong and said, "Not only am I tired physically, but my heart is tired too!"

After taking the tea cup, Zhu Jinghong smiled and said, "Feeling tired?"

Seeing that Zhu Jinghong didn't take it seriously, Baochai continued: "I won't talk about the ceremony in the morning, but the congratulations from the estranged wife in the afternoon...hundreds of people have to receive her!"

"How to speak, how to deal with it, how to get close...all these need to be thought about carefully. Things are so complicated that I don't know how I got here this afternoon!"

"Princess, you have worked so hard, you should drink this cup of tea!" Zhu Jinghong handed the tea back.

However, at this moment, Ying'er brought another cup of tea, and they didn't have to be humble.

"Girl Ting will enter the palace the day after tomorrow. You have to make proper arrangements for this matter. I have already agreed with her... let her enter the palace and live in peace!" Zhu Jinghong said casually.

Sighing, Baochai looked outside the room door and said, "I hope so!"

"Where does sister Ting live?"

"You just arrange it!"

"Why don't you let sister Ting live in Yihe Garden?" Baochai asked tentatively.

"Yiheyuan... this place is good, let's just settle it!" Zhu Jinghong put down the teacup and said, taking advantage of the situation to lie down on the couch.

"Get up first and take a look at this!" Baochai took out a booklet from behind.

"What is this?" Zhu Jinghong asked confused.

"There are more than 20 clans and noble families in the capital, and there are more than [-] weddings and funerals within ten days. These are the gifts I listed!"

Seeing the detailed arrangements above, Zhu Jinghong only turned two or three pages before feeling overwhelmed, and finally returned the booklet directly to Baochai.

"You can just arrange these, I'm already upset enough!"

Putting the book away, Baochai said angrily: "What are you upset about?"

"Third sister has been pestering me and asking me to bring her to the palace. I'm getting dizzy because of this!" Zhu Jinghong said helplessly.

"This matter is not simple. Just stop getting in front of her!"

"Oh...then she has to say that I'm avoiding her!"

Baochai rolled her eyes at Zhu Jinghong and asked with a smile: "Really? Who knows if you are afraid of Sheng'er being blamed, or if you are reluctant to let go of someone around her!"

"Baochai!" When he said this, Zhu Jinghong grabbed Baochai's wrist.

After moving but unable to break free, Baochai said confidently: "How?"

Zhu Jinghong pulled him into his arms and said with a wicked smile: "Even you are making fun of me, let's see if I don't deal with you!"


Orthodox year 11, twelfth lunar month 25.

Snow was flying all over the sky, and outside the Yongding Gate, the main gate of the capital, it was as lively and noisy as usual.

In a shed outside the moat, two brothers, Jia She and Jia Zheng, sat together, their eyes glancing towards the official road outside from time to time.

Compared with the city gate, this place is obviously much cleaner, so it has become a place where literati and poets are welcomed and sent off. Naturally, this place also charges a fee.

Ten taels of silver for a shed is nothing to the Jia family. It is really not easy for the two brothers Jia She to go out.

"Calculating the's time to arrive!" Jia She couldn't help but say.

Just listen to Jia Zheng say: "It should be here!"

Hearing this, Jia She looked outside the shed and saw that a carriage had stopped and the Jia family's servants had already stepped forward to greet it.

The next moment, the curtain of the carriage was opened, and an elegant man appeared inside. It was Lin Ruhai, the salt censor of Jinling.

At this time, Brother Jia She had already stood up to greet him, and Lin Ruhai walked up to him when he got off the car.

"The two elder brothers welcome me in person, which really scares the younger brother!" Lin Ruhai said seriously, cupping his hands.

Looking at their thin and gaunt brother-in-law, both Jia She brothers were surprised. Lin Ruhai was several years younger than them.

"My dear brother, it's been a hard journey!" Jia She stepped forward and said, inviting Lin Ruhai into the shed to talk.

"According to your wishes, you didn't create a scene, and you didn't let any of your family members come... Dear brother, please don't blame me!"

Lin Ruhai replied: "That's right. Nowadays, the situation in the government is unpredictable, so it's good to keep a low profile!"

"I have traveled thousands of miles to Beijing. My dear brother is coming back this time... I have to stay longer!" Jia Zheng said.

"Yeah...we haven't talked together for a long time!"

"I'm going to bother you, but I hope my two brothers won't dislike it!" Lin Ruhai said half-jokingly.

Soon everyone entered the shed together, and then a slave served hot tea. Drinking it not only warms the body but also relieves fatigue in the winter.

"This time my dear brother returns to the capital, should he stay in the ministry or..." Jia She asked the question that concerned him the most.

With Lin Ruhai's current official rank, those who stayed in the ministry were either ministers or deputy censors of the capital. This had reached the ceiling of the civil service, and there were only six ministers, nine ministers and cabinet bachelors left.

If this is true, combined with the current trend of the court, the strength of the Jia family will rise again.

"Sigh... When I return to Beijing this time, I will resign to the Holy Spirit. I don't want to be an official anymore!"

Lin Ruhai's words shocked both Jia She and others, but once they saw his body, they understood.

"The Holy Lord has great trust, and the Queen has taken Yu'er by her side to educate her. It's so gracious... If my dear brother intends to resign, I'm afraid he will let the Holy Lord and the Queen down!" Jia She reminded solemnly.

The reason why he said this was that he actually hoped that his brother-in-law would continue to be an official, at least until the prince succeeded to the throne and then return to his family.

"Sigh... It's not that I don't want to repay the grace of the Holy One, it's just that I am physically weak and lack energy. If I rely on my position, I will miss important things!"

After hearing what Lin Ruhai said, the two brothers Jia She persuaded him a few more times, but in the end they still failed to persuade him.

After resting for a while, Lin Ruhai proposed to go to the palace to see him. This was also a necessary behavior for officials returning to Beijing to report on their duties.

The emperor may not have time to see you, but you have to see the emperor.

Lin Ruhai wanted to enter the palace, and Jia She and the others could not persuade him, so they sent him all the way to the capital, and finally arrived outside Dong'an Gate.

"My dear brother, come back early. A banquet has been prepared at the house and is waiting for you to hold the banquet!"


Obviously, during these days of reporting in Beijing, Lin Ruhai had to rely on the Jia family, which was also reasonable.

It is said that he changed into his official robe, showed his official letter of confession and entered the imperial city. He came all the way to the gate of Qianqing Palace and handed the memorial to the eunuch on duty.

Normally, there would be a reply within half an hour, and Lin Ruhai could leave if he was not summoned.

However, only ten minutes later, a young eunuch came out to send a message, and the emperor asked him to wait in the side hall.

This result did not surprise Lin Ruhai, because every time he returned to Beijing and entered the palace, the emperor chose to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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