King Xiang of the Red Chamber

Chapter 430 New Year's Gift

Chapter 430 New Year's Gift
At the beginning of the year, various ceremonial sacrifices held by the court were basically concentrated in the first seven days.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, everything finally calmed down, and the nobles and officials could finally calm down and spend the New Year with their families in peace and contentment.

However, in Prince Rui's palace, Zhu Jingyuan was dressed very formally, which puzzled Chen Zhi.

"Where are you going?"

"Enter the palace to face the saint!"

"Meeting the Saint? You haven't had enough trouble these days? Why go to see the old man?" Chen Zhi became more and more puzzled.

Although it is important to please the emperor, you can't go there every day. You should always give yourself a holiday during the Chinese New Year.

"What do you know? I'm going to the palace to show auspiciousness!" Zhu Jingyuan looked at himself in the mirror, and Zhu Jingyuan motioned to the eunuch to tidy up his clothes.

"Auspiciousness? What auspiciousness can there be? The old man is not easy to deceive!" Chen Zhi reminded.

Turning around, Zhu Jingyuan replied: "The true records of the ancestors, a total of 670 six volumes, have finally been revised. Do you think this is auspicious?"

The current emperor respects his grandfather the most, and he attaches great importance to the records of ancestors who cultivated the world. For this purpose, the imperial court set up a Jixian Pavilion.

There are more than 100 bachelors participating in the revision all year round, and nearly 500 people have come in and out in recent years, and most of them have become Zhu Jingyuan's supporters.

It was with the help of Jixian Hall that Zhu Jingyuan was able to establish his power and gain a firm foothold in the court.

"But...if the Ancestor Records are completed, shouldn't the Jixian Pavilion also be withdrawn?" Chen Zhi pointed out the crux of the problem.

The removal of Jixian Pavilion will cause great losses to Prince Rui's Mansion, so Chen Zhi is very worried.

Zhu Jingyuan said calmly: "Don't worry, there will inevitably be fallacies in a revised record, and it will have to be refined next..."

"The compilation of the two orthodox canons has just begun. It will take several years to complete the book. It may not be completed in ten years!"

Chen Zhi didn't care whether she could repair it or not. As long as Jixian Hall didn't evacuate her, it didn't matter.

"Then you hurry up and enter the palace. The old man may not be idle today. Those envoys from the feudal clan are here. I will definitely receive them in the next few days!"

After saying that, Chen Zhi adjusted her makeup in the mirror and said, "My thirteenth daughter-in-law is coming today, so I have to be well prepared!"

"Did you invite her here?" Zhu Jingyuan asked.

Twisting the fine hair on her temples, Chen Zhi said with a smile: "You are not talking nonsense, that girl is very smart, it is too late to hide from us!"

"But we are her benefactors after all. If I call her, she will have to come!"

Nodding, Zhu Jingyuan asked again: "From the first day of junior high school to now, the 13 couple haven't gone to the East Palace, right?"

Chen Zhi replied: "They have been so busy since the first year of junior high school, how can they have time to go!"

"That's good!"

Suddenly remembering something, Chen Zhi asked everyone to leave. Then she came to Zhu Jingyuan and lowered her voice and said, "Jia Zhen of the Rongguo Mansion is dead. Can I use it to write some articles?"

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jingyuan replied: "Just give a little guidance, let the Jia family hate Lao Shisan, and lead them to make some mistakes again!"

"And Jia Baoyu can also be used a little bit. I will ask Ying Qiu to take care of these things!"

The couple discussed for a while before Zhu Jingyuan left home and drove towards the imperial city in a sedan.

After entering the imperial city, Zhu Jingyuan first went to Jixian Pavilion, and after ordering people to take the books with him, he rushed to Qianqing Palace.

When he entered the palace and came outside the Qianqing Gate, he found that no envoys came today. When he asked, he found out that the emperor had not seen the foreign ministers today.

It seems that the old man is tired too... Zhu Jingyuan thought.

Immediately afterwards, he entered the Qianqing Gate, and the guards and eunuchs did not stop him. After all, this man was not a foreign minister.

When he arrived at the entrance of the palace, Zhu Jingyuan realized that he had thought too much. The old man was not tired at all, but was doing his own thing behind closed doors.

In the main hall of Qianqing Palace, there were seven or eight tables on the left and right, and more than 20 eunuchs were fiddling with abacus, and there was a crackling sound on the scene.

At this point, Zhu Jingyuan did not dare to trespass, so he could only ask the eunuch to help him report, and he soon received a response.

"Sixth Master, His Majesty summons you in!" The young eunuch who was about to reply said in a deep voice.

Picking up the catalog of the true records of the ancestors, Zhu Jingyuan stepped into the palace, but was led to the attic by the young eunuch.

When reconciling accounts in the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Xianming liked to stay in the attic, which allowed him to overlook the entire scene.

Going up to the attic, Zhu Jingyuan saw his father lying on a chair, leaning against the railing and staring at the eunuch settling accounts below.

"My son kowtowed to the emperor!"

Turning his head slightly and glancing at Zhu Jingyuan, Zhu Xianming asked: "Get up!"

After Zhu Jingyuan stood up, Zhu Xianming looked downstairs again and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Dad, my son was ordered to compile the true records of the ancestors. Recently, he has finally lived up to his sacred mandate and has completed the task of compilation!"

After hearing this, Zhu Xianming suddenly became energetic and sat upright from the recliner.


Seeing his father's happy expression, Zhu Jingyuan was also extremely proud of himself. He immediately stepped forward and handed over the booklet: "This is the catalog. Please take a look at it, dad!"

As a result, Zhu Xianming flipped through the booklet. Each volume contained something similar to a record of important events, which allowed Zhu Xianming to understand the general details.

"The true records of Shizu total 670 six volumes, from the 26th year of Dading when Shizu raised his army to the 35th year of Zhangwu, during which period..."

Zhu Jingyuan continued to talk. He was the chief editor of the record and knew these specific matters very clearly.

"Did you bring the actual record?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Zhu Jingyuan immediately replied: "Bring it!"

"Move to the Nuan Pavilion and I'll see it myself!"


There are more than 600 volumes of records, which is equivalent to more than 600 books, so it takes more than a dozen eunuchs to move them.

There are only two copies of the completed records now. One is stored in Jixian Hall, and the other has been moved to Qianqing Palace.

After getting down from the attic, bypassing the little eunuchs who were settling accounts, and entering the Nuan Pavilion, Zhu Xianming saw several large stacks of books.

He randomly took out one of the books, read it for a while, then put it back, and then he took out another book.

While watching, Zhu Xianming asked: "Where will Zhang Wu be 28 years later?"

In the autumn of the 28th year of Zhangwu, Zhu Xianming went on an expedition with Shizu for the first time. From then on, he only had a slight sense of existence.

He had mentioned Zhu Jingyuan before and was about to come to verify the results today.

Revising the actual records is just a representation. Using the actual records to tamper with the historical facts and create a good saint-grandson persona for himself is Zhu Xianming's main purpose.

Zhu Jingyuan was already prepared for this. He first glanced at the piles of books placed, and then he walked to one of the piles.

"Dad, this is Volume 585, which records events from July to October of the 28th year of Zhang Wu..."

"This is Volume 587, and the Battle of Hami is in it..."

"This is……"

Zhu Xianming took the book and read it in more detail.

Zhu Xianming smiled unconsciously when he saw the record in the book about his natural talent and invincibility.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside the hall, which attracted Zhu Xianming to look outside the Nuan Pavilion. He knew who was coming just by the sound.

"Dad...Dad? Good news is coming..."

"Master Thirteen, you..."

Ignoring the eunuchs who blocked him, Zhu Jinghong walked around the main hall twice, and then turned around to find that the emperor was in the Nuan Pavilion.

"Dad, you are here!" Zhu Jinghong said with a smile, and went in with the memorial.

Seeing that the emperor was not angry, the eunuchs on duty outside the palace carefully stepped back. They knew that they could not stop Zhu Jinghong and the problem was not big.

"Thirteenth brother, I didn't see dad reading a book. Please be quiet!" Zhu Jingyuan stepped forward to greet him first.

This was a gift he had been preparing for a long time, and he definitely didn't want Zhu Jinghong to ruin his mood.

After temporarily comforting Zhu Jinghong, Zhu Jingyuan asked: "What are you doing here?" Zhu Jinghong replied: "There is good news over there in Shanglin Garden. I am here to congratulate dad!"

Hearing Zhu Jinghong's whining, Zhu Xianming felt particularly upset, and scolded: "Old Thirteen, please be quiet, the noise is annoying!"

Ever since, the Nuan Pavilion became quiet.

Leaving Zhu Jinghong aside, Zhu Jingyuan handed over another volume, and then said: "Dad, this is Volume 588, which records the events of the later period of the Battle of Hami..."

Zhu Jinghong was not idle at this moment. He picked up the book and flipped through it. Only then did he know what Lao Liu was here for.

Could it be that he had repaired the Records of the Ancestors and was now in front of the old man to claim credit?
What a coincidence, but I am here to take credit today, and the two brothers collided... Zhu Jinghong thought.

Zhu Jinghong flipped through the transcript at will, while Zhu Jingyuan was busy flattering his father.

"In the battle of Hami more than 30 years ago, my father led a powerful force at a young age and became the first pioneer of the ancestors..."

"You are so invincible that you defeated hundreds of thousands of Rakshasa Kingdom's troops. Looking at the emperors and generals of ancient and modern times... no one can compare with you!"

Even though he was a thick-skinned emperor, Zhu Xianming felt embarrassed after hearing these words.

The great war that year was entirely presided over by Shizu. As a young general who led thousands of troops, he really had no influence on the outcome of the war.

To put it simply, Zhu Jingyuan did go too far.

Zhu Jinghong also knew a lot about the famous Battle of Hami. Hearing Zhu Jingyuan's unscrupulous boast made him smile vaguely.

According to what Zhu Jingyuan said, Liu Chan also advanced seven times to seven at Changbanpo, always half a body ahead of Zhao Yun, and killed Cao Jun to the point where he threw away his armor and fled.

When Zhu Jinghong was lost in thought, he heard the emperor ask coldly: "Old Thirteen, what are you laughing at?"

Zhu Jinghong said quickly: "Dad, back then you were so brave and invincible that you killed the Rakshasa Kingdom with corpses all over the land. You really made your son admire you!"

While continuing to read, Zhu Xianming asked casually: "You said you came to announce the good news? What's the good news?"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jinghong immediately took out a memorial and said: "Dad, the workshop in Shanglinyuan has made a new musket and artillery..."

"The range, safety, and accuracy of these newly manufactured fire cannons have been greatly improved, and they are definitely not inferior to those good guns in the West..."

"When the range is one hundred steps..."

Zhu Jinghong began to introduce in detail. Zhu Xianming was not too interested at first, but the more he listened carefully, the more interested he became, and finally he simply closed the book.

"Dad...the specific situation is recorded here!" After the explanation was completed, Zhu Jinghong handed over the memorial.

The eunuch on duty in Nuan Pavilion took the memorial and finally handed it to the emperor.

Putting down the book, Zhu Xianming picked up the memorial and read it carefully, with an extremely focused expression.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jingyuan felt uncomfortable. Today was a specially prepared gift for him, but it was disturbed by Mr. Zhu Jinghong.

As an emperor on horseback, Zhu Xianming naturally understands the parameters of guns and artillery, and understands what these improvements mean.

"Old Thirteen, these things... don't have any moisture, right?" Zhu Xianming raised his head and asked.

Zhu Jinghong replied: "Father...if you give them a hundred courages, they won't dare to deceive you!"

"Who is this Jia Yun?"

"It's a white body. It seems to have some connection with the Jia family of Rongguo Mansion, but it is related to the fifth server!"

This statement acknowledges the relationship between Jia Yun and the Jia family, but emphasizes that they basically have nothing to do with each other.

The reason why I say this is because Zhu Jinghong is worried that his father will get tired of the house and abandon Jia Yun because of the Jia family.

But obviously, he underestimated the emperor's ambition, and only heard Zhu Xianming say: "This man has some abilities, and he should be rewarded!"

Zhu Jinghong answered: "Dad, the craftsmen who do the specific work should be rewarded generously!"

"Today...forget it, I will go to Shanglinyuan in person in two days to see if what the memorial says is true or false!" Zhu Xianming said in a deep voice.

"You want to see it in person?" Zhu Jinghong was a little surprised. He felt that he had underestimated the old man again.

"Why...are you afraid that I will see something wrong?" Zhu Xianming asked coldly.

"How is that possible? Dad, don't worry!"

Seeing his playful smile, Zhu Xianming asked, "Do you have anything else?"

"'s okay. My son is resigning, resigning!" Zhu Jinghong slipped out.

Glancing at Zhu Jingyuan, who was still on the spot, Zhu Xianming continued: "Lao Liu, nothing's wrong... You should also go out. I want to read the record carefully!"

To be honest, Zhu Jingyuan didn't want to leave. After all, he was just flattering and hadn't had time to formally claim credit.

But now that his father had spoken, Zhu Jingyuan could only say goodbye and leave. He caught up with Zhu Jinghong after leaving the hall.

"Thirteenth brother, what a coincidence that you came here!" Zhu Jingyuan said with a smile, already scolding him in his heart.

Zhu Jinghong replied: "Sixth brother, I didn't expect that our brothers would meet together!"

"You don't know, these fire blunderbuss are really good things. They will definitely have miraculous effects when used on the battlefield. We will kill anyone who disobeys!"

"Brother Six, if you are free today, why don't you come with me to Shanglin Garden and try the power of those guns?"

Before Zhu Jingyuan said a few words, Zhu Jinghong had already babbled a lot, and he had no intention of saying what he originally wanted to say.

"Thirteenth brother, I'd better not go. There are still things going on at Jixian Hall!" Zhu Jingyuan replied.

When he was about to turn around, Zhu Jinghong stopped him: "Sixth brother, don't stay in the house every day. You have to go around more, otherwise you won't be as boring as fourth brother!"

Why can't I compare to the fourth child... Zhu Jingyuan thought to himself.

Seeing his hesitation, Zhu Jinghong immediately said: "Let's go... follow me to Shanglin Garden. There are so many fun things there!"

As a result, Zhu Jingyuan was forcibly taken away, secretly thinking that he still had to spend a whole afternoon of precious time.

Here the two brothers Zhu Jinghong were traveling together, while at the other end of the palace of Prince Rui, Baochai had been carried outside the Cunxin Hall.

Surrounded by the maids of Prince Xiang's Mansion, Baochai slowly stepped out of the sedan chair, and Princess Rui Chen Zhi immediately greeted her.

Today was a meeting between the two sisters-in-law, but Baochai was not the only guest present. Chen Zhi also invited other wives to accompany him.

Most of these people were the wives of civil servants and had basically no contact with Prince Xiang's Mansion. They had only met Baochai when he was granted the title, so he had no impression of them at this moment.

"Brother and sister, you are finally here, the banquet is ready!" Chen Zhi greeted him enthusiastically.

"Sorry for the long wait, sister-in-law!" Baochai replied.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Chen Zhi took Baochai and walked inside. The two talked and laughed along the way, showing their close relationship to everyone present.

"This is the wife of Feng Ke, the Minister of Justice..."

"This is the wife of Tian Fengnian, the imperial censor of the Imperial Procuratorate..."


Leading Baochai forward, Chen Zhi introduced her one by one, and the wives who were introduced also saluted Baochai.

If these people all turn their hearts to Prince Rui, it is no wonder that Prince Rui is spying on the position of the prince... Baochai thought secretly in his heart.

"Baochai, let's go... let's go sit in the back garden. This is not the place to talk!"

"Sister-in-law please!"

"You are a guest, you invite me first!" Chen Zhi said nonchalantly.

Baochai smiled slightly and said, "It's up to the host to guest, but my sister-in-law should invite me first!"

Seeing that she was not wearing the condom, Chen Zhi smiled freely: "Okay... let's go together!"

After the two of them left first, the rest of the concubines followed and followed the two princesses to the garden.

The layout of Prince Rui's Mansion and Prince Xiang's Mansion are basically the same. The northernmost end of the palace is a large garden, but the layout of the garden is very different.

We came to a high platform, where we had a better view. Everyone sat down separately, and Baochai and Chen Zhi sat at the top.

As the host, Chen Zhi was the first to speak: "I'm here with you all today so that we can talk together without being too restrained!"

(End of this chapter)

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