King Xiang of the Red Chamber

Chapter 586 Who agrees? Who objects?

Chapter 586 Who agrees? Who objects?
The chessboard was smashed and pieces flew everywhere.

The eunuchs and maids serving at the scene, as well as Zhang Lin, Chen Yuntai and others a little further away, all knelt on the ground very consciously.

Zhu Jinghong was not the emperor. He was angry that except for the slaves in Prince Xiang's Mansion, there was no need for anyone else to kneel down.

He is usually quite easy-going towards others, and indeed he is rarely as angry as he is now. His sudden full aura can really scare people.

Strictly speaking, Zhu Jinghong, an old silver coin, really shouldn't be so emotionally out of control, but he really couldn't bear this matter today.

This incident not only shattered his image of Zhu Jinghong as being able to achieve things, but also disgraced the emperor who issued the decree at the court.

The government was in a bad mood, and it was hard to find something to boost morale, but now something like this had happened... Zhu Jinghong could foresee the old man's anger.

What's more, he also knows that the impeachment proceedings against him have never stopped, and now that they have made such a mess, how can these people not seize the opportunity to cause trouble?

In the past, it was Zhu Jinghong who took the initiative to taint himself after making meritorious deeds, but this time it was entirely his fault for messing up the matter.

At this time, he was still awake and knew that solving the problem was the most important thing, so he kept thinking in silence.

"General Qi, what do you think about this matter?"

Looking at the map, he began to think about countermeasures while waiting for the generals to arrive.

In a month, at most the army was mobilized to the front line, and it was impossible to pacify North Korea.

Qi Yanze is now a first-class soldier. He is a third-rank Weiyuan general. He is appointed as the governor of the right army governor's mansion. He is one level higher than the commanders present.

Let's say that when Zhu Jinghong went to the living room, he immediately asked someone to get a map, which had some annotations made by himself.

"Greetings to Your Highness!"

"Chen Yuntai...

Fortunately, the news came in time, otherwise these people would have to leave tomorrow, and it would take more time to reconvene.

"Your Majesty, please give me your orders!"

Of course, Zhu Jinghong and Zhao Chengwu reported the situation, and the guy immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, so he started thinking about it alone.

In this half hour, although they could not see Zhu Jinghong, these people all understood the situation and planned their own countermeasures.

After Zhu Jinghong left, Bao Qin was completely relieved. It was really hard for her to imagine that Zhu Jinghong had a completely different side.

After paying homage, Chen Yuntai did not dare to delay for a moment, got up and rushed outside.

"Yes... I will leave immediately!"

"I don't know how Sister Baochai can bear such a scary scene. Anyway, I will be scared to death!" Bao Qin secretly complained in his heart.

The General Qi whom Zhu Jinghong pointed out was Qi Yanze, the commander of the Andong Xingdu Division.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Bao Qin took out a handkerchief and approached Zhu Jinghong to bandage him.

In the tea room on the east side of the living room, several senior generals prostrated themselves before Zhu Jinghong.

"As long as my brother-in-law is happy, you will win!" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Baoqin realized that he was wrong, so he immediately covered Yingtao's mouth.

In other words, even if North Korea can be crushed to death, the time will have to be pushed to next year. On the contrary, people in the DPRK will not give Zhu Jinghong this chance.

Some preparations made in the early stage, such as the mobilization of troops and food and grass, now appear to be very necessary.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Jinghong ordered: "Zhang Lin... you immediately send someone to convey my order, and ask the commanders of Yanshan and Liaodong, the commander of Andong Xingdu, and the admiral of Liaodong Navy to come to see me immediately! "

After signaling everyone to stand up, Zhu Jinghong said: "Everyone... you already know the situation. Do you have any good ideas on how to deal with it?"

The first one to arrive was Navy Admiral Zhao Chengwu, but Zhu Jinghong did not meet him directly, but planned to meet the four generals together.

Zhang Lin had already taken the order and left. Zhu Jinghong was still thinking when a female voice appeared in his ears: " hand is bleeding!"

The voice trembled so much that it was made by Baoqin. It was obvious that the girl had not recovered from the fright.

"Haha... You win this time, let's do it again next time!"

Zhu Jinghong was stunned for a moment, looking at the little beauty in front of him, he could smell her fragrance.

But the problem is that it is now mid-September, and the cold winter is about to begin. This year, the time to fight is less than one month.

Gao Zhiwen went to North Korea to declare his decree. Retrieving him would prevent Ming Dynasty from losing its face abroad. This matter is of course also very important.

Like many officials, the first thought that came to his mind was to "hide it", but he rejected it the next moment because he would not make this mistake twice.

For a moment, Zhu Jinghong's scalp was numb. He had never been so passive as before.

After Zhao Chengwu arrived Cai Chuansheng, the commander of the Yanshan capital, then Qi Yanze, the commander of the Andong capital, and finally Sun Maozhi, the commander of the Liaodong capital.

Looking at the smashed chessboard, Zhu Jinghong let Baoqin wrap it up and said with a smile: "Girl... today's game of chess, you and I are indifferent!"

Adding up the time before and after, it took almost half an hour.

Therefore, what we need to do now is to think about how to deal with the situation, more precisely, how to deal with North Korea.

"Send someone immediately, lead the team yourself to chase Gao Zhiwen back!"

Zhu Jinghong then ordered everyone to clean up the scene, and after saying goodbye to Bao Qin, he went directly to the living room outside, where he would wait for the generals to come to discuss matters.

Zhu Jinghong took a look and didn't pay much attention to it. This kind of small wound was discovered later and basically healed on its own.

Since political means have failed, the only thing left to use is military means, so a war is inevitable.

The tea cup just now was crushed, and some small pieces were held by Zhu Jinghong. They hit the chessboard and cut his palm.

"Your Highness...this trip to North Korea is tantamount to treason. I thought I was going to report to the imperial court and raise an army to attack!"

This is of course the correct procedure, but it will take a long time, and it is impossible for Zhu Jinghong to wait that long.

"Of course we have to report to the court, but we must attack the rebellious ministers... without delay!" Zhu Jinghong pointed out.


"It's September now, and we don't have much time left!"

"Within this year, within ten months...if we cannot achieve results to punish North Korea, His Majesty will be furious, and yesterday's favor will turn into disaster in an instant!"

If these people make such a big mistake, the emperor's anger will definitely affect his official career.

Although the first person responsible is Zhu Jinghong, he is the emperor's biological son, so where can he be punished? In the end, they are the ones who bear the consequences.

"Everyone... if we want to pass this level, we must achieve results within ten months, so that we can pass the court level!"

When Zhu Jinghong said that the victory would be achieved within ten months, everyone thought it was nonsense. Given a month's time, it is already very difficult to mobilize all the troops to the front line, let alone engage in combat to achieve results.

"Your Highness... I'm afraid this is... a very difficult thing!" Cai Chuansheng, the commander of Yanshan City, said.

"It is extremely difficult, but we must do it!" Zhu Jinghong remained determined.

Everyone was silent, and then they were thinking about how to persuade Zhu Jinghong to give up this unrealistic idea.

However, before everyone could think about it, Zhu Jinghong took out a map, pointed to a city above and said: "This is Anzhou, an important town in northern Korea. Its city is less than forty miles away from the coast!"

Zhu Jinghong mentioned that it was forty miles away from the coast, and the key words were refined by everyone present, so they started thinking about it.

"I know what you are worried about. Attacking by land is of course time-consuming, but if we land by sea, we can save a lot of time!"

These words basically clarified Zhu Jinghong's intention and made everyone seriously think about its rationality.

"As far as I know... the Liaodong Navy has a total of 3 A-class warships, 18 B-class warships, and 25 C-class warships. Its transport capacity is to transport three to five thousand elites and carry two months' worth of food and grass. no problem!"

Zhu Jinghong made this simple calculation, so this is the situation on paper, but the actual implementation is another matter.

So now, he wants to find these generals to discuss the matter, fully discuss it and then decide whether to implement it.

"General Zhao, what do you say?"

Looking at the map, Zhao Chengwu said slowly: "Your Highness... Our army has never had a large-scale ocean voyage. The risk is too great!"

"Instead of sailing across the ocean, you just need to sail offshore and approach Anzhou along the coast!"

"I did a rough calculation and found that from Jinzhou to Anzhou... it's about eight hundred miles!"

"My Ming Dynasty's warship is the slowest on the C-level battlefield. It can run close to twenty miles every hour!"

"In other words... one day is one hundred and twenty miles. From Jinzhou to Anzhou, it takes eight hundred miles, which is only six or seven days!"

"And the wind blowing now is from the northeast, which is more conducive to navigation... I'm afraid the time it takes will be shorter!"

Zhu Jinghong had done his homework carefully before about these situations, and now he was naturally able to talk about them eloquently.

What he said was quite professional, and except for Zhao Chengwu, the other three people couldn't get a word in.

After a while of silence, Zhao Chengwu spoke again: "Your Highness...that's what you said, but this...after all, we are going deep alone. Firstly, the morale of the army is unstable, and secondly, it is difficult to respond. Even if there are some results, it will be difficult to expand the victory!"

To be honest, Zhu Jinghong is very authoritative in commanding operations, and it does take a lot of courage to question him directly and repeatedly.

Even though Zhao Chengwu is a veteran, he can't help but feel drumming in his heart at this time.

"Anzhou is only two hundred miles away from the Yalu River. If we can really break through in one fell swoop, the guards on the Liaodong border can go south!"

Pointing at the map, Zhu Jinghong said slowly: "A joint attack from the north and the south can wipe out the North Korean garrison in one fell swoop. In this way, we will gain a firm foothold!"

These strategic plans were all thought up by Zhu Jinghong just now, and they were indeed much bolder than the four senior generals present.

To say it's outrageous, it's indeed outrageous, but it has a certain degree of operability.

"Everyone... this is not only a battle of revenge, but also an opportunity to show your abilities. The harder things are, the greater the rewards will be!"

"We must win over North Korea. How to fight beautifully... is what you should consider. Do you want to do nothing and eventually be replaced by the Holy One?"

If you don't play well, there is a real possibility of being replaced, and then your career will be hopeless.

"Your Highness... We are working hard on the expedition, and the enemy is waiting for work. It is too risky!" Qi Yanze said in a deep voice.

Faced with this situation, Zhu Jinghong can certainly use his power to promote it. After all, he is also responsible for controlling the errands of the kings of Yan and Liao.

But he did not do this. Instead, he wanted to convince everyone so that they could work together to achieve great things.

"What I just said is the top secret of our army, so there are only you and me in the room!"

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, Zhu Jinghong said: "Since it is a risky operation, it must be unexpected. Therefore, in order to cooperate with our army's surprise troops, we need to make large-scale feints in other directions!"

Continuing to point at the map, Zhu Jinghong said: "The guard posts on the Liaodong border, as well as the various departments of the Andong Xingdu Division, must move eastward and southward. Let North Korea move its troops to where they should go!"

He is indeed very professional. He has a clear idea when talking about army mobilization, which has unknowingly affected the generals' concepts.

Compared with using surprise troops to win, the feint attack concept that matches it is the truly larger plan.

And these plans can be turned into feints and attacks at any time, which can be said to force North Korea to deploy troops to take precautions.

After talking in detail, Zhu Jinghong finally stopped.

At this time, he said the last sentence: "This battle plan was proposed by me alone. If there are any mistakes... I will bear the responsibility!"

These words really require courage. One person should bear all the responsibilities. If something goes wrong, Zhu Jinghong will definitely be severely punished.

To put it more seriously, he has already "harmed the country". If he loses troops and loses generals again, the emperor may punish him with a penalty and he may not be able to keep his title.

Zhu Jinghong knew this very well, but he did not panic at all.

Because as long as the queen is still there, even if his title is removed, he will basically be re-titled later.

Of course, he could not work so hard and just go back to Beijing with the crime of "missing the mark". In this case, although he would be punished, the most he would receive would be a fine and grounding.

But he can't make this choice, because leaving in such a dejected manner will destroy the myth of his invincibility and damage the "tough man" image he has worked so hard to cultivate.

Therefore, he must use the toughest means to get back the face he has lost, so he has to choose the most difficult path.

In other words, the character he created himself can now kidnap him, making him feel as uncomfortable as Zhu Jingyuan's "loyalty and wealth".

At this time, Zhu Jinghong sat back in his seat.

Looking at the people who had been silent for a long time, Zhu Jinghong picked up the tea cup and said slowly: "I have finished speaking. Who agrees? Who opposes?"

All aspects have been considered, the plan has been prepared in great detail, and all responsibilities have been taken over. Everyone can see Zhu Jinghong's determination.

Although his tone was calm at this time, everyone could hear his determination, so they must be chosen carefully.

If you object at this time, you will directly stand against Zhu Jinghong, and there will definitely be no good results in the end.

Thinking of this...the answer is self-evident.

When Zhu Jinghong put down his tea cup, Zhao Chengwu was the first to speak: "Your Highness has thought carefully, and I will go all out to complete the battle plan!"

The next moment, Cai Chuansheng followed up and said: "I should also cooperate fully. The various guard posts of Yanshan Dusi are at your disposal at your Highness's disposal!"

(End of this chapter)

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