Alliance: Let you buy the top order, you buy an old man?

Chapter 165 West 8!I'm so annoying!

Chapter 165 Xiba!I'm so annoying!
"Is there a problem at the scene?"

Miller was full of doubts: "Scout is still a Titan now, and Van Gogh is taking Lucian, and the time to exchange heroes is over!"

"No problem, EDG didn't call a timeout!" Guan Zeyuan shook his head slowly, and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid EDG did this on purpose!"

"You mean, they originally planned to shake Lucian to hit Kenan in the top lane, and then let Scout use the Titan to go in the middle lane?" Doll's tone was full of disbelief: "This is crazy!"

"You know, it's not that the top laner Lucian has never appeared in the game. Huni played it last year!" Guan Zeyuan sighed softly: "Now I don't know the first Huni who brought this split line to the game. At this moment How does it feel to face Lucian's oppression?"

"But what I'm more curious about is, can the mid laner Titan really do it?"

This season, Titan raged on the road for a period of time. Immediately after being weakened by fists, the mana consumption of the E skill [Surging Undercurrent] weakened the frankness of the talent [Colossus], and Titan began to return to the auxiliary position.

But the mid laner Titan?
It was the first time seeing Guan Zeyuan!
"If you really want to move Lucian to the top lane, why not move Lulu to the middle lane and Titan to the support position?"

"After three rounds of weakening, Ryze is not Lulu's opponent at all in the lane, whether it is consumption or pawn clearing, but EDG put Lulu in the bottom lane!"

Wawa and Miller had just solved the doubts of the top laner Lucian, and now they were detoured by the new question raised by Guan Zeyuan, and they immediately began to think.

Suddenly there was an explosion of cheering and cheering at the scene, and all the commentators looked up, and it turned out that the game had officially started!
Blue side EDG: top laner Lucian, jungler Leopard, mid laner Titan, bottom laner Verus, support Lulu.

Red side SKT: top laner Kenan, jungle poodle, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane EZ, support Nami.

Li Mufan quickly bought a go-out outfit, stuck it next to the spring water barrier, and rushed out as soon as the time came.

"Go, go, go! Turn him popular!"

EDG has achieved good results in the first-level design several times in this MSI. Nofe has tasted the sweetness. Basically, every round has to arrange a first-level team when it has the dominant lineup of the first-level team.

The same is true for this one!
On the EDG side, there are three first-level team players: Titan, Verus, and Lulu. With two heroes of normal strength, the remaining three levels are rotten fish and rotten shrimp!
Ryze with one skill is pitifully weak in terms of spell damage and level A, let alone Kenan, making him passively stun at the first level will kill him!

The same is true for poodles. They can't save four-star skills at the first level. At the same time, because of their short hands, they have to enter the field to output. If they get a control from a titan, they will be free!
Comparing the two, this EDG is much stronger than SKT, and it is even bigger than the first-level team with Bron!

But nofe's design is not simply to let the players rush to the lower half of the river to collide with SKT. What he is eyeing is the first red buff of the little black poodle!

The poodle is a jungler, first of all, there is no blue bar, and the blue buff is a dispensable thing for him.

If EDG goes to the lower half to play a first-level team, even if Xiao Hei directly gives them the blue buff, it will not affect his early wild.

But the meaning of the red buff to him is quite different!

The poodle's control requires four-star E skills to achieve, and the movement also needs the help of grass, which means that in most cases in the early stage, he has no movement and no control to launch ganks, and the threat level is already low.

If there is no more red, the poodle will really have no ability to do things before the sixth level!
Xiao Hei naturally also knew how important the red buff was to him. After the team decided not to play a first-level team to give way to the jungle, he went directly to the intersection of the red zone alone to prepare for defense.

In the dark river grass in front of Leng Buding, a Titan suddenly appeared!
Scout is extremely ruthless, he could have used the small grass in the river as a cover for his vision, and when he came out of it, the Q was far enough to hook the little black poodle.

But he didn't!

The function of this flash is like the director of the factory wine barrel who wants to flash E when the distance of the E skill is sufficient, in order to shorten the flight time of the skill and not give the opponent room to dodge and dodge!
Xiao Hei was caught off guard, and the poodle was dragged towards him by Tai Tan in a daze!
"Hey! This flashing hook!" Doll became excited: "Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei, dare to defend red alone?!"

Jack immediately raised his hand and spread the E skill [Evil Arrow Rain] in front of the poodle. He controlled the position of the skill release very well. Only the lower corner of E was scratched on the poodle, and the rest of the wider range was used Come to block the direction of the poodle's retreat!
But Meikou quickly connected to W after the continued control of Tai Tanping A [Wonderful Idea] to transform the poodle, and the serial control directly formed a lore!

Frist Blood!

A blood is born!

"You control it, it seems that the E skill is useless!" Jack criticized: "You should let him dodge, he can't get out of the circle of the buddy's E skill if he just dodges, so you can earn another one for nothing. flash!"

"Damn it, you can't beat the capitalists!" Sister Kou was startled: "Isn't it okay to get a first blood? And you can turn him red, and you're still thinking about his flashes!"

"But Yixue belongs to Brother Fan, Hong belongs to the factory manager, and my buddies didn't fare well!" Jack sighed: "Forget it, let's go back to the bottom road, are you coming?"

"I'll help Mingkai fight red and come here." Meikou continued to walk deep into SKT's red zone, planning to make a deeper invasion vision first, so that it is convenient to observe whether the opponent has the idea of ​​coming to fight for red.

Jack returned to the bottom lane alone to guard the line.

"Go back to the city and stick to the wall." Li Mufan saw that Jack wanted to save trouble and cross the wild area, so he stopped him directly: "Don't go to the wild area!"

Seeing that he was being caught for being lazy, Jack smiled and started reading back to the city.

When EDG went out, five people ran up in a group, and their own jungle area must now be in the sights of SKT.

SKT backstage lounge.

After seeing Scout's extremely decisive flashing hook and eating Xiao Hei, Kouma raised his head and closed his eyes helplessly and sighed.

Little Peanut felt that this scene was a bit familiar, and his jungler gun in the second game was also directly designed and collapsed by the EDG first-level team.

At that time, EDG got stuck in a blind spot in the wild area, snatched his blue buff and killed others at the same time, and the male gun directly maximized the loss at the first level!

Kumma sat up straight again, and he suddenly came back to his senses at this moment!
EDG's first-level regiment was by no means accidental, it was not designed on the spot, it was all well prepared!

I'm afraid in their tactics, as long as the blue team gets a strong lineup that can retain people, they will definitely come against the red team!
In the fourth game, Kou Ma finally paid attention to EDG's first-level team.

"If you can reach the fifth round, you must think about how to counter their first-level regiment design!"

Kou Ma was not too pessimistic, because he found that the voice communication within the SKT team was not flustered.

Faker methodically arranged the bot lane duo to help Xiaohei turn red, and at the same time he himself inserted a reconnaissance guard into the inside of his own F6 camp on the right.

In this way, we can monitor the trend of the middle and wild playing red on EDG, and at the same time, the little black poodle has also exchanged things. In the end, the loss is only a first blood, which is still within the acceptable range.

The pawn line in the middle was handed over, but Faker's position was against the lower half of the river, because he knew that EDG had hidden a lot of people in its own red zone.

Suddenly, Faker's eyes turned serious!
Lulu from the sister button appeared in the field of vision he just placed!
Faker then quickly cut the screen to look at his downfield trio who had fought against the jungle in the past. Among them, bang and wolf played a few times and then turned back. They had just passed the blue EDG bottom lane triangle grass.

"Zawan (wolf), you and Junzhi directly block the intersection of the defense tower!" Faker commanded quickly.


"Here!" Faker clicked twice on the exit of the next tower of EDG: "The support on the opposite side didn't come, there is a high probability that the AD will go online first, you just block it so that he can't get experience!"

Bang quickly realized that at this moment, Jack was walking past the defense tower alone, clinging to the wall!
He immediately leaned against the outside of the wall and threw a Q [Secret Shot]. This wall-throwing skill is similar to Marco Jhin's [Fatal Brilliance] release. Jack can't dodge it by moving. Hard to eat!

But then Jack found out that the situation was not good. The two people on the opposite side did not leave after throwing their skills, so they stood in front of the tower and became the goalkeepers!
"Broken brothers!" Jack hissed: "The other side seems to know that Tian Ye is not there, and they won't let the buddies get experience!"

"I'll come right away!" Meikou had already returned to the spring at this time, relying on assists and natural growth of gold coins to buy a control guard and began to drive down.

"You have to hurry up, I guess the experience of the first three melee soldiers will not be gained."

The unusual positional confrontation between the two sides in the bottom lane naturally attracted the attention of the director.

"SKT's counterattack came very quickly!" Wawa frowned: "Use EDG personnel to counterattack on the top, and come directly to prevent Jack from taking the lane!"

"The little sister is coming!" Miller whispered: "It's okay! Otherwise, Xiao Hei may come over to climb the tower later!"

After Meikou rushed to the bottom lane, she quickly started to play a role, controlling the guards to guard against the triangle grass on the side, so that if Xiaohei wanted to move directly in the early stage, they could also gain insight in advance.

The crisis of getting off the road was temporarily lifted, and the factory manager and Xiao Hei switched wild areas.

Although it's a pity that he didn't start with three buffs, the factory manager relied on Leopard Girl's advantage to clear the jungle and quickly ate three groups of Wild Shengsan while rushing to the lower half of his home, forcing Xiao Hei to give up the anti-stone beetle.

At this time, Li Mufan gradually began to show Lu Xian's terrifying laning strength in the top lane!
The first three levels of Li Mufan held steady, while ensuring the replenishment of troops, he only tried to consume Huni Kenan with the pierceer Q [Holy Light Through Body].

It doesn't matter if you can hit the best, you don't hit, the important thing is Lucian's explosion after promotion!

Because of the kill experience gained at the first level, Li Mufan could eat one less melee soldier when he was promoted to the third level compared with the usual time.

And Huni was still remembering this when he was promoted to second in the first wave. As the two waves passed, Li Mufan's steady play gradually made Huni a little negligent in the details of the laning.

Li Mufan was stuck on the experience bar, and when A defeated the first soldier in the third wave of the artillery line, a burst of golden light rose from his body!
With a slight movement of his left hand, he raised a W [Zhenzhen Bomb] and threw it forward, and the cross-shaped explosion range easily included Kenan!
Huni threw out his Q skill backhand and wanted to consume it, but Li Mufan wasn't as steady as he was in the previous levels at this time, and Lu Xi'an faced the shuriken without dodging or avoiding, sliding straight forward!

The red bottle on his body was knocked off directly, and a green recovery light appeared from Lu Xian's body, and he rushed up with two taps!

The thick purple-black thunder fell from the sky, and the [Decree of the Thunder Lord] had already been triggered, smashing a lot of Huni's blood.

In this battle against Kenan, Li Mufan did not choose [War Passion], which is most suitable for leveling A-type heroes, but brought the more explosive Thunder!

The reason is easy to think, Kenan has E acceleration and passive ability to play dizzy, even if Lucian's face-mounted output is difficult to continue to follow up after [War Fervor] is full.

And if it can't continue to output, the thunder burst damage will obviously be higher than the bonus of [War Fervor] under a set of skills!
Huni was caught off guard by Li Mufan's sudden aggressive style of play. Kenan is still level [-] now, so he is definitely not Lu Xian's opponent in a fight. He quickly activated his E skill [Profound Truth!Lei Kai] is about to pull back.

But at this time, Li Mufan has already attached the passive movement speed bonus of the W skill!
This is also the reason why Li Mufan used W instead of E to fully level the passive A. Although starting with W and then going up with E, it seems that he lost two passive A, but Lu Xi'an was able to get the most stable movement speed of the W skill. !
If it was E first and then W, Li Mufan could only watch Huni run away.

Lucian, who had a movement speed bonus, followed closely behind Kenan, firing continuously with two guns in his hands!
Lucian's passive acceleration is about half of Kenan's E skill, but Li Mufan's previous position was close enough to Kenan's; Huni ran until the last second of E skill before throwing Li Mufan out of the [-]-yard attack range, but this time At that time, half of Kenan's blood had been wiped out under Lucian's double guns!

"This Lucian! The fight is so fierce!" Miller couldn't help laughing when he saw the road under the camera: "The third level directly hits on the face and chases down the tower!"

"Huni is completely unplayable! Is this the charm of the top laner Lucian?" Guan Zeyuan also exclaimed, but then he thought of another level: "Brother Fan, this Lucian has a smooth combo and a good understanding of the skill group. It’s not a novice at first glance! So the question is, since when did EDG start preparing for the top lane Lucian?”

Judging from the results, Lucian probably played casually against all the top lane non-tank heroes!

It is easier to play against top tanks, but there is also a problem of being unable to fight in the late stage, so Guan Zeyuan thinks that Lucian's top laner is very good for targeting non-tank heroes!
"I'm afraid I've been practicing since the LPL playoffs!" Miller boldly guessed: "At that time, BP often released Jess and Rambo, but in the end it was useless to hold back, and they have been holding back until now!"

"I didn't expect EDG to have hidden tricks!"

In this MSI finals, EDG's rich tactical preparations amazed all the commentators and audience, and even confused the entire SKT training team!

On the opposite side, how many people are working together to develop tactics?
Relying on the characteristics of the talent Thunderbolt and Lu Xian's displacement + hand length, Li Mufan just waited for the cooldown time of the talent to finish before sliding over to play it.

No matter how fast Huni reacts, he can drive E backwards to speed up and escape while Lucian E is running, but he can't avoid the damage of taking W [Zhenzhen Bomb] first and leveling A twice, Thunder will naturally trigger without any suspense!
After this set, Kenan's more than 200 blood immediately disappeared!

"Xiba! I'm so annoying!" Huni scratched his head anxiously. Even if he was single-killed by Li Mufan's matchup in the first few rounds, it was not as annoying as this round against Lu Xian!
This hero is outrageous!

Compared with Kenan, Kenan's consumption Q has no barriers in the middle, but Lucian is different, it is better to have minions in the middle, and directly use the minions as a springboard to pierce Q!

Not to mention that the movement skill E [Relentless Pursuit] can use the passive A to reduce the cooling time, and the W skill has a very fast ballistic speed and a large range, and can also provide a movement speed passive!
Kenan's advantage when facing other heroes in the line, was completely blown into a son when facing Lucian!

At 4 minutes into the game, Huni was stepped on by Li Mufan again and threw the W contact, and the Thunder exploded again, leaving Kenan with less than [-] HP left!
Even after relying on the talent [Feast] to restore blood and Dolan's shield for a while, at this time Huni finally reached the point where he ran out of ammunition and food.

If you continue to stick to the line, if you accidentally get a Lucian's piercing Q, I'm afraid you have to confess it here immediately.

"Shanjiu! Come and help me solve the wave line!" Huni could no longer continue to fight, but he would lose a lot of soldiers if he went back to the city directly, so he had to ask the jungler to force a wave!
It just so happened that the second round of wild monsters in the upper half was about to respawn, and Xiao Hei was also in the upper half, otherwise Huni would have to bite the bullet and return to the city.

Little slang doesn't talk much, just quickly replied 'Come on! '.

Huni shrank in front of the tower, and his eyes fell on Lucian who crossed the line in front of him.

He didn't want to admit how good Li Mufan's manipulation was, it was obviously the restraint of the hero's attributes!
Bring a thunderbolt, and slide up without thinking to consume a wave. Except for heroes with built-in recovery ability, who can withstand this kind of consumption?
But it's not a big problem, anyway, I didn't die, did I?

As long as you stay online for a few minutes, the pressure on the armor shoes will be much less, and you will not be afraid of Lucian's consumption when you come out of the ruins and have blood sucking.

And after Kenan has a two-piece suit + a big ice hammer, the offensive and defensive momentum of Kenan and Lucian will be reversed directly!

Huni couldn't help but laugh out loud when he thought of how he was chasing Lucian on the sideline ten minutes later!
Just let you go crazy for a while!
On the side, Xiao Hei carefully squatted in the triangle grass, and it took more than four minutes to line up on the road. There is a high probability that the initial jewelry eyes have been used up.

If he can take the opportunity to catch Lucian to death once, or if he doesn't catch him and just dodges, it will be a big profit for Xiao Hei!
After all, if the flash is lost at this time, the second flash will definitely not be able to get better before Xiao Hei is promoted to sixth; and that time difference is the perfect opportunity for the poodle!
(End of this chapter)

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