What ball king, call me ball god

Chapter 191 Klopp's Tactical Layout

December 5, the day before the game.

Klopp also held a pre-match meeting.

After all Liverpool players were seated, Klopp began to speak.

"Boys. We worked hard for a season and finally got here, the Champions League final. Last season, we lost to Real Madrid and fell short, but this season we made a comeback! We are 1 point behind and No. 2 in the league. FA The Cup, League Cup is not about us either. But! We reached the Champions League final! So can we say the season was a success? Can we?"

Klopp's traditional rant came out again.

"No! Because we didn't win a championship! I don't care what others say, but if the season ends and we perform so well this season and there is no championship, then I will not admit that this season is a success! Competitive sports, championship It is to prove that the championship is not everything, but the championship is 99%. Therefore, in the final final, we want to win, we want to be the winner, and we want to win this most important championship. We fought for a season, for what ? I won’t tell you so many empty words, what we are doing is honor and money. If you win the Champions League, you will have both honor and bonus!”

Klopp roared passionately, and the players under him naturally roared passionately.

But after the rant and blood, we still have to talk about specific business issues.

So Klopp asked the assistant to start playing the ppt.

The first is a map of Ajax's starting formation.

Klopp looked at the screen and began to speak.

"Ajax's starting roster is relatively fixed, basically this set of 4231. There is a relatively large gap between their substitute lineup and starting strength, but we should not have the idea of ​​winning at the end of the second half, because They have more rest time than us. After the second round of the Champions League semi-final, they have already rotated the two league games, so their players have been fully rested. We can’t compare this point. After all, our title fight with Manchester City lasted until the last round, and we needed a few days less rest than them. In addition, Tottenham’s physical fitness is relatively good. Both of us played high-post press, but our game More, the schedule is more intensive, and Ajax played the Dutch Cup match, they were directly on the bench before the final, and their league opponents are relatively weak, unlike us who have to fight hard every game. Say so Many, not to complain, but to tell you that our tactics for tomorrow's game are very simple, that is, we want to grab the start, fail to score goals, and disrupt their offensive rhythm."

"Let's talk about their players in each position." Klopp walked around in front of the screen, directing the assistant to change the next page of the PPT while walking.

"First of all, the goalkeeper Onana. Onana's biggest advantage is that he is alive. He dares to take and pass the ball in a small space without panic. The accuracy of handling the ball is comparable to that of a central midfielder. He is a goalkeeper. The playmaker at the position is indeed a player who came out of Barcelona’s youth training. However, Onana also has shortcomings. He sometimes makes some very low-level mistakes, such as here—”

At this time, a video clip of a game in the Eredivisie League was played on the big screen.

In the video, Onana controlled the ball in the penalty area and wanted to get rid of the pressing opponent, but he failed to control the ball and passed it directly to the opponent, who immediately accepted the gift with a smile.

"Although there are not many such scenes, he may indeed make such mistakes, so this requires our players to dare to press the goalkeeper. Secondly, he also has a problem. He is more irritable and easily provoked." The last question is that his desire to attack is actually very strong. You will understand when I mention a name here, Neuer. I feel that he just wants to use Neuer as his own template. He likes to press. In one UEFA Champions League group match, he even stood in the position of the midfielder to play the ball. So he is a double-edged sword player. If we press harder in the final, will he collapse? Will I make a mistake? I don’t know these things, but what I do know is that we must do this.”

"At the back, De Ligt is the most important player for Ajax. His advantages and disadvantages are also obvious. Let's talk about the advantages first. The advantage is that he can execute high-post presses and low-post rescue capabilities. This is why he is so valuable. One reason. His kicking skills are not good when he tackles, but his strength, speed and flexibility are good, so the opponents rarely dodge. He has a strong front-top sweeping ability, and at the same time Can also complete key rescues in the low post. As a variety of players, De Ligt still has a good efficiency when dealing with the ball from the next three lanes. But his shortcomings are also obvious, he is too young and experienced Insufficient, his movements are very frizzy, which is also his biggest flaw. After all, he is only under 20 years old now, coupled with his heavy weight and continuous sudden force, it is easy to lose control of his center of gravity or fail to complete timely movements. Braking. So our little Kuailing actually has an advantage against him in the frontcourt. Mohammed and Sadio, when you face him, you can use your own small skills to seek breakthroughs, just like Messi. Like Boateng!"

Having said that, Klopp named his left and right Shuangsha.

"In the midfield, the most important players for Ajax are Schone and De Jong. Of course, De Jong's tactical value is higher. We should focus more on pressing him. Because De Jong will often connect with Lin, so We go to press him, and it can also affect Ajax's attack."

"Schone and De Jong, one sweeps the defense at the back, and the other is responsible for organizing and advancing forward. De Jong's speed is slower, so we use the wing to press him. The effect will be good, but for Scheene, it is more flexible. We can use our midfielders to cash in."

"And then there's what I think is the most important player in the whole of Ajax and the one who's facing our goal - Link."

"I have to say that his scoring statistics are really scary. He scored 12 goals in 19 games in the Champions League. The statistics that Messi and Ronaldo failed to achieve were achieved by him, and he was still like this in Ajax. What the team achieved is enough to show that his shooting ability must be at a world-class level. I don’t think we need to worry about this. He does have this ability, so we have to pay attention to him. Take him seriously!"

"Lin Kedi's shooting skills are good, the key point is that his left and right feet are well balanced, he can shoot with both feet, and he has the ability to take free kicks and headers, plus his current height of 1 meters, although it seems that he His body is very well-proportioned, but his physical confrontation is very strong. I believe you can feel it after watching the Champions League knockout games in the past few games. He likes to fight with the central defender very much. This is relatively rare among center forwards. Yes. Also, he presses hard and reminds me of Diego Costa."

"Finally, his speed is also very fast. In fact, I think he can play on the wing, which may make it easier to take advantage of his speed. In tomorrow's game, Ajax is likely to play a pragmatic defensive counterattack tactic, so that His speed will become his big killer. We have to guard against this!" (End of this chapter)

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