This player is not professional

Chapter 115 Confronting Dortmund

Chapter 115 Confronting Dortmund
Wilde stayed at Lin Yi's house for three days before leaving reluctantly. Lin Yi also returned to the team for training.

In the German Cup match, both Hoffenheim and Shaker wanted to lose, but they could not play a match-fixing match. Guildos chose half of the main lineup, and replaced half of the main players to rest. Young players in the midfield and defense came to the field to gain experience.

As a result, the roster was released on the day of the game, and Shaker 04 was even more ruthless. Most of the main players were absent. Marcus, who trained young people, had to continue to advance to the next round.

The opponent in the fifteenth round was Frankfurt. This opponent ranked No.15 and was already in the relegation zone. However, Huo Cun was merciless and continued to step on his feet and make great strides.

However, in this round, Dortmund overturned on the pharmaceutical factory and was pulled off the horse. They abruptly dropped from second to fourth, allowing Huo Cun to rise to No.2 smoothly.

The third is to defeat Dortmund's pharmaceutical factory and suppress it with a goal difference advantage.

In the No.16 round of the Bundesliga, it was a direct dialogue between Huo Cun and Dortmund. If Dortmund won, Huo Cun would have the same ending, falling from second to fourth, and the pharmaceutical factory would reap the benefits !

Therefore, the two teams in this round are very critical, and the pharmaceutical factory and Bayern are very happy. No matter which side wins, it is beneficial to them. Of course, in terms of the points situation, it is best for them to lose Huo Cun Yes, a tie is also good.

On December 12th, the strong showdown between the two teams officially kicked off. This battle also attracted countless fans and media. This Dortmund team must not be underestimated. Although Gotze is gone, there are still players in the midfield Royce, Shaheen and other strong players, the forwards Aubameyang and Lewandowski are also famous.

Fortunately, there is a lack of major generals on the defense line, and the goalkeeper for this game is Langerak, while the main goalkeeper Weidenfeller has just returned from injury and is sitting on the bench.

In this game, Dortmund is at home, and Huo Cun is here to challenge.

But just at the beginning, Hoffenheim suffered a lightning strike.

"Lewan——!!" The narrator roared with a prolonged voice, and just like that, his voice was almost drowned in the huge cheers of Signal Park.

After the goal, Lewandowski greeted Royce to come up and celebrate with him, because the goal was passed by Royce.

The Dortmund players celebrate the goal.

It took the lead just 5 minutes into the game. This start is really perfect.

Hoffenheim were a bit slow to get into the game and that was what led to them conceding goals so quickly.

After the goal, Dortmund took advantage of the situation to launch a fierce offensive towards Hoffenheim's goal, hoping to score again as soon as possible.

During this period of time, Hoffenheim was really embarrassed, and they were completely stunned.Their defense looked precarious.

But fortunately, no new goals were conceded.

Then, Hoffenheim finally adjusted, and they began to recover their defense.

And successfully did not continue to lose the ball in the first half, and finally ended the first half with a score of 0:1.

Of course, this result also came at a price.Both David and Polanski received a yellow card in the game, which is a hidden danger for the team.

However, it is impossible for Marcus to replace them, because there is no better substitute than them on the bench.

At half-time, Marcus cheered his players on, praising their performance after conceding the ball until the end of the first half, at least not continuing to concede the ball, which is indeed worthy of praise.

You must know that Dortmund had the most ball possession rate in the first half when it reached 70.00%. This is the ball possession level of a team like Barcelona and Bayern...

In the first half, Dortmund had six shots within the range of the goal frame, but what about Hoffenheim?zero.Not once!

It shows the huge gap between the two sides on the scene.

Every Hoffenheim player feels this first hand.

Lin Yi also wanted to fight back, but his connection with Firmino and the others in the midfield was cut off, and he could not do anything alone.

Even if he is lucky to get the ball in the front court, it is difficult for his teammates to respond. Under the pressure of Dortmund players, the ball was quickly lost.

For Lin Yi, Dortmund also made a very effective arrangement. They asked Kyle to follow Lin Yi every step of the way. He would go wherever Lin Yi went, and no matter whether Lin Yi caught the ball or not, Kyle would stick close to him. Lin Yi, as if there is a ball under Lin Yi's feet at any time.

Dortmund completely controlled the scene and rhythm, they can only follow Dortmund's rhythm!

Although Marcus praised everyone's performance in the first half, the atmosphere in the locker room was still a bit dull, and most people didn't speak.Because they all know how they played in the first half, the coach's praise is just to boost their morale.Not how well they really played.

In this slightly dull atmosphere, Lin Yi also remained silent.

In the second half, the two sides changed sides and fought again, and the hustle and bustle of Signal Park was still very loud.

After the start of the game, Dortmund continued to attack Hoffenheim's goal fiercely, not caring whether Hoffenheim answered their counterattack.Perhaps it was the performance of Hoffenheim in the first half that made them feel that Hoffenheim was not a threat, or it was because they had absolute confidence in themselves.

But this is a good thing for Lin Yi.

Because when Hoffenheim has the ball, he has more chances.

Lin Yi retreated deeply, and Firmino could pass the football to him without too much effort.

Lin Yi ran two steps with the ball and gave it to Wallander on one side. After Wallander received the ball, Piszczek came up to defend him.

At this time, Lin Yi started to run forward, and of course Kyle ran with him. He thought that Wallander would pass the football back to Lin Yi, but Wallander did not do so, but passed the football to the person behind him. Firmino.

During this process, Lin Yi was still running forward, although not fast.But Kyle still followed him. He thought Firmino would pass the football to Lin Yi this time, and he couldn't give it a chance.

But Firmino didn't pass the football to Lin Yi, but passed it to Rudy who also advanced forward.

After Firmino passed the ball, Piszczek's attention was attracted by Rudy, and he relaxed his marking on Wallander, who was able to run away from him with ease.

The two consecutive passes were not to Lin Yi, and Kyle was a little confused.If I kept running with Lin Yi, but Lin Yi didn't touch the ball at all, wouldn't I be led astray by him?
If I see an obvious vacancy at this time, will I make up for it?What if they pass the ball to Lin Yi?But if he didn't make it up, the opponent took advantage of this gap to score a goal?

They didn't have only one Lin Yi.

Although Lin Yi is the core, Hoffenheim is not the only one who can threaten the opponent's goal.

Kyle was in a position of hesitation.Faithfully implementing the head coach's arrangements is certainly a practice, but as a player, shouldn't you know how to adapt on the court?

When Kyle was hesitating, Lin Yi was still running. He was not running straight forward, but was writing to the side.It seems that he really wants to take Kyle to the sidewalk...

Almost 5 minutes into the second half, Hoffenheim finally attacked again and seemed to be able to threaten Dortmund's goal.

However, Dortmund's players are not vegetarians. They are quickly returning to defense, trying to implement a strategy of dividing and encircling these offensive players of Hoffenheim to prevent them from connecting again.

If the Dortmund players are slower, their counterattack is very likely to be stillborn.

So Rudy didn't dare to neglect after receiving the ball. He distributed the football to Salihovic on the other side.

This was completely different from the direction Lin Yi was running in.

Looking at it this way, it is impossible for Salihovic to pass the football to Lin Yi's feet again, right?
On the contrary, Rudy and Firmino suddenly inserted into the penalty area. Cooperating with Wallander, Hoffenheim had three points in the penalty area in an instant!

As long as Salihovic crosses, they can pose a threat to Dortmund's goal!
This time can no longer hesitate!
Kyle decisively shook off Lin Yi, and followed Firmino to the penalty area.

Sometimes players have to believe what they observe on the court and their own judgment, because the players are at the forefront and can get in touch with the most real game. They are often better than coaches watching the game from a long distance off the court. It's more realistic and accurate to know what's happening on the court now.

So Kyle believes that there is nothing wrong with his self-assertion.

But when he was chasing Firmino and running towards the penalty area, he didn't see that behind him, Lin Yi, who was about to run to the side, suddenly stopped and turned back, and ran to the middle!

At the beginning, Xavi Alonso's attention was also rushing towards the Hoffenheim players in his own penalty area. At that time, they shot three arrows at once, which was indeed very imposing and eye-catching...

At the same time, he will also take time to look at Salihovic who is holding the ball, to prevent him from suddenly cutting inside, and he is stuck on the key pass of the ribs of this inside cutting.

He doesn't have time to think about anything else, and he's not the type to look around when he's not holding the ball.

So until he noticed that Salihovic suddenly passed the football to the center, but it was not a cross, he realized that there was someone behind him!
The football flew past him quickly, he turned around and saw Lin Yi lift his foot to stop the football.

And at this time, in front of Lin Yi was the Dortmund back line who was pressed in the penalty area by Firmino, Rudy and Wallander, and behind him was on the way back to defense, but not all of them were in place. The rest of the Borussia Dortmund players, in fact, they are almost there...but there is still a little distance.

So, between the two groups of Dortmund players, one in front and one in back, there was a space that was not too big but definitely existed...

And Lin Yi caught the ball in this gap!

"Lin Yi! He has no defense!!" The home team commentator exclaimed, his subtext was, "Where did Kyle go? Why isn't he by Lin Yi's side?!"

Because Kyle has been with Lin Yi for almost the whole game, everyone defaults that Kyle is by Lin Yi's side.

But Kyle is now in the penalty area and just pasted Firmino. At this time, he found that the football was not passed directly into the penalty area, so he looked back and saw Lin Yi catch the ball.

He wanted to turn around and pounce on Lin Yi, but it was too late. He could only watch as Lin Yi swung his right foot on the ribs outside the restricted area, and then kicked...a cross?
It looked like a cross, the football was rubbed up, drew an arc in the air, and went straight to Wallander at the back point!

Wallander also jumped high to compete for the top!

Durm jumped up and wanted to compete with Wallander in the process of retreating, but it was too difficult for him to jump backwards like this, and he missed the football!

But in fact, he missed the football not because he jumped backwards and couldn't jump high, but because... Lin Yi kicked the ball a little high.

Because not only Durm, but even Wallander didn't stand up to it!
The football just slid over the heads of the two of them!

No!Lin Yi's long-range shot is intermediate, and there is a curve ball bonus!
The football over Woland's head fell and went straight to the point behind Dortmund's goal!
And Langerak in front of the goal was completely deceived by Durm and Wallander's fight for the top. He concentrated on preparing to attack Wallander's header, but Wallander missed it!

The football was missed in this way, and it was too late for Langerak to make a save at this time. He could only turn his head and watch the football rub against the far post and fly into the goal...

"Lin~Yi!!!" Duan Xuan yelled in a drawn-out voice, a little unbelievable in his voice.

This goal is really surprising, because when Lin Yi kicked the football, everyone thought it was a cross, so Wallander also jumped up to fight for the top, and Durm also did not dare to neglect Then jump up and compete for the top.

In the end, no one hit it, and the football just flew into the goal...

After scoring the goal, Lin Yi didn't run wildly to celebrate, but stood in place, slowly raised his arms, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

It's as if he wasn't surprised by the goal. He knew that the goal would be scored early on, and he shot with his kick, not a cross!
Lin Yi calmly celebrated this potentially very important goal for Hoffenheim.His teammates couldn't calm down anymore, howled and rushed towards Lin Yi excitedly, and then surrounded him.

Dortmund took the lead for most of the time and has been suppressing Hoffenheim. Now that the score is equalized, it is a morale booster for Huo Cun players.

Marcus also looked very excited, embracing with his assistants.

When the game restarted, Hoffenheim took advantage of the momentum they had just scored and launched a wave of fierce offensives towards Dortmund's goal. They hoped to score another goal in a short time, taking advantage of Dortmund's just lost goal. confusion.

At this time, the Dortmund players also began to get impatient. After all, they have been leading all the time. After playing against their opponents for most of the game, they had all the advantages. Even if it was a draw in the end, they couldn't accept it.

So in the face of Huo Cun's onslaught, they did not stabilize their position before attacking Huo Cun.

Instead, he chose to attack more violently, wanting to use hard power to overwhelm the opponent and gain the lead again.

Doing so will undoubtedly give Lin Yi more opportunities and more room for display!

 Chapter 112 can't be released, it has already been thrown in the group, the group number is in the testimonials on the shelf, if you want to see it, you can find it yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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