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Chapter 118 The Best Choice

Chapter 118 The Best Choice
"I don't want anyone to know we're together!" Keira Knightley said, staring into Lin Yi's eyes.

"Okay!" Lin Yi nodded.

She didn't know why she didn't reject this man, although Lin Yi explained that she had come to the wrong hotel, but his behavior had violated the law.

But maybe Lin Yi's training effect is so good, Kaila found that she was actually a little obsessed with the feeling that touched the depths of the soul, which was a fit she had never had in the previous 28 years.

So after getting acquainted with Lin Yi initially, she decided to grab this man, and this man was unexpectedly in demand, but thinking of Lin Yi's super power, she was relieved again.

She immediately asked Lin Yi to be her boyfriend, or sent him to the police station. Lin Yi was fascinated by Yinglun Rose, so he agreed immediately. Anyway, he was just a girlfriend, and he didn't say that he could only have one girlfriend.

After knowing Lin Yi's identity, she searched and found that Lin Yi's reputation was not much less than her, even though they were all scandals with other women.

Thinking of Lin Yi's lace news, the angry Knightley said, "Break up with Laura, stop thinking about Nina and Jennifer, draw a line with Mel, Lena, and all Yingying who have had relationships with you Say goodbye to Yanyan! Do you know?" As she spoke, Kaila grasped Lin Yi's lifeblood, "Otherwise, I will ecstasy him!"

"I'll try to come back to spend Christmas with you, but you'd better be honest during my absence, and don't allow any scandals with other women!" Kaila said in an orderly tone.

"Okay, I promise!"

"What if a woman comes to seduce you?" Keira tilted her head, her eyes flickering with anticipation.

Lin Yi took out his mobile phone, the screensaver had turned into her photo, and said loudly: "Take out this thing, look at her, and then silently say I love you!"

"Good!" Keira kissed Lin Yi and said, "I have to leave now, the assistant has called several times!"

Putting on the new clothes that Lin Yi asked the waiter to buy, Kaila left the hotel under a disguise.

Lin Yi sighed, it's cool, but this kind of mature woman Yujie is not easy to deal with. After all, Lin Yi's tricks are also seen a lot, like Maria, Nina, Lina, etc., because they are older, they will not I don't care if the relationship with Lin Yi will go further, as long as Lin Yi trains with them.

Now, Laura and Mel have already accepted Lin Yi's fascination, Lorena is basically confused, and Lin Yi has basically dealt with the women.

But the current Kayla is not so easy to deal with. Fortunately, Lin Yi is still in Germany, and there is still time for the time being. Slowly PUA her!
Lin Yi opened the door, and was taken aback because someone opened the door on the other side. ,

When he walked out of the hotel room, he frightened the oncoming woman. Yes, the hair was messy like a chicken coop, his eyes were squinted, and his walking posture could be referred to in "Shaun of the Dead". Obviously, Lin Yi took this place as his living room.So when he opened his mouth and yawned, the oncoming scream made him wake up quickly.

"Wow, I can't even imagine what you look like now!" The woman said with a smile, "Did we meet a little more frequently recently?"

Lin Yi pushed back the hair in front of his forehead, looked down and saw Cofield looking at him with a half-smile, and thought that Keira had left, Lin Yi felt relieved, stretched his waist and said, "Well, I specifically inquired about you Living here, that's why I thought of living next door to you!"

"So where do you want to go now?"

"It's my habit to walk around in my pajamas after waking up. Of course, you can also understand that I'm going to climb into your bed!" Lin Yi shrugged, and suddenly dragged Cofield into his room, and closed the door .

"What do you want to do?" Cofield was startled, and suddenly thought that this guy is a famous playboy, not a gentleman. Could it be that he wants to...

"Don't be nervous, it's just that I found out that someone was secretly taking pictures!" Lin Yi let go of Cofield and walked into the bathroom.Cofield was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, "If someone secretly took pictures, wouldn't it be clear why you dragged me into your room like this!"

"Well, Hermione, can you help me comb my hair?" Lin Yi saw his messy long hair in the mirror in the bathroom, and stuck his head out of the bathroom door, showing a sunny and lovely smile.

Cofield felt that he must be crazy, otherwise how could he involuntarily comb this man's hair? Thinking of the scene he saw in the bathroom before, Cofield was already blushing. Thinking of being pulled into the room, would Lin Yi do anything to her? Excessive things?

How did she struggle to appear more reserved?

It's a pity that Lin Yi didn't know that she was in the entertainment industry at all. Although she was very beautiful, he just ate English roses last night, and he was not very hungry now, and he also promised Keira not to spread rumors. The relationship between them is not stable yet, and Lin Yi doesn't want to provoke each other yet.

So when he walked out of Lin Yi's room, Cofield didn't know what kind of mentality he was in. It seemed that he felt a sense of humiliation. A well-known playboy actually respected him like a guest. This is not the biggest insult.

But it's impossible for her to send it herself, that would be too cheap.

Lin Yi didn't know that Cofield who went out had such a responsible mind, but he received a message from Maria, and he couldn't come out to accompany him before Christmas.

But Lin Yi didn't care. After all, this trip to England had already yielded unexpected results. The Rose of England was actually an S rank, even more powerful than Oscar Wilde, ranking first among all Lin Yi's women.

The encounter with Keira not only earned 100000 popularity points, but also rewarded thirty junior cards.

Primary Speed ​​Card*8, Primary Stamina Card*7, Primary Dribbling Card*5, Primary Explosive Power Card*5, Primary Movement Awareness Card*2, Curve Ball*2, Primary Passing Card!

Including the previous training results, the popularity value is now 126000 points. Lin Yi added all the attributes, and the attributes ushered in an epic level enhancement.

Host: Lin Yi]

【Advanced Speed ​​Card*2】

[Intermediate stamina card*4]

【Intermediate Explosive Power Card*4】

【Intermediate movement awareness card*4】

【Intermediate Shooting Accuracy Card*2】

【Intermediate Ribbon Card*2】

【Intermediate pass card】

【Intermediate long-range card】

【Intermediate Curveball】

At this time, Lin Yi has improved significantly in all aspects, and the speed has improved the most. All these changes are brought about by Keira, and Keira, who has a potential score of S, has increased by as much as 16 times, and the popularity value has increased by 160 per training. click/once!
Lin Yi fully realized that he should not continue to stay in the small pond of Germany, because compared to the UK, there are too few top actresses, and even in the whole of Europe, there is no one comparable to England.

Unless he goes to play in the major leagues of the United States, England is his best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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