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Chapter 156 2 Goals Lead

Chapter 156
Dortmund's offense is one wave after another. Through the strong midfield control, Dortmund can always easily penetrate the frontcourt and then create opportunities. Such a scene made Marcus very anxious on the sidelines, because again If the fight continues, it is only a matter of time before Dortmund equalizes or even overtakes!
Unknowingly, the time in the first half was almost over. Dortmund launched an attack through the right. After Shaheen and Royce played a two-for-one, they directly kicked in a pass, and the ball bypassed Lu Di's defense flew directly to the penalty area.
Lewandowski has shown his strength as the silver boot of the Bundesliga at this time, he still grabbed the spot under the attack of David and Juan
"Lewandowski headed the goal."

"Oh~~~ It's very powerful, but it's a pity that the angle is too straight, and it was directly embraced by Casteers."

After embracing the football, Castiles did not slowly throw the ball to his teammates, but directly drove to the frontcourt with a big kick. Obviously, he wanted to try when the team's midfield was difficult to create opportunities. Change at once!
Castiel's big foot did not reach the top of Hummels' head, but flew in the direction of Lin Yi, who is not tall. After all, in the hearts of his teammates, Lin Yi's ability has been recognized by all the players. Admittedly, every time in times of crisis, Lin Yi stood up to deal with his opponents. Facing Piszczek, Lin Yi still stubbornly stuck in his position.

However, when Lin Yi was about to compete for the header, he found that he seemed to have made a mistake in judging the landing point, because the football had not yet fallen to a height that he could reach.
After discovering this mistake, Lin Yi was ready to make the mistake, and he continued to pretend to compete fiercely with Piszczek for the position.Just when the football was about to fly over their heads, he suddenly turned around and ran towards the penalty area
Piszczek, who had been wrestling with Lin Yi all the time, was disturbed by the sunlight, but he just felt that there was a sudden void in front of him, and he hesitated for a moment when he jumped up to head the ball, but it was a beat slower.
"Pishchek actually fell to the top. This is really a terrible mistake. Hua Xialin finally has a chance, go!!!"

Wow~~~ There was a burst of noise in the stands.Obviously, no one expected Piszczek to make such a mistake. In the eyes of Dortmund fans, Piszczek has always done a good job. He defended Lin Yi firmly and contained Huo Cun's offensive. His performance was not perfect, but he didn't expect him to make a mistake at this critical moment, and the consequences of such a mistake were quite serious!

At this time, Lin Yi had already rushed to the penalty area line, and the football had already landed in front of him. Weidenfeller had already chosen to attack when Piszczek missed the top, but he hadn't had time Rushed in front of Lin Yi, Lin Yi shot directly.
Facing the bouncing football, Lin Yi flicked it lightly, and the football obediently passed the attacking Weidenfeller and flew towards the empty goal behind him!
"Goal! Lin Yi lobbed a shot... the goal went in! Go in! Go in! Go in! Hoffenheim caught a mistake by the opponent and extended the score to 2-0. Dortmund is really unlucky today, At the beginning of the game, Lin Yi scored a goal with his personal ability, but now a low-level mistake in the defense gave Hoffenheim another excellent opportunity. Now Hoffenheim is leading by two goals, and now Dortmund It's not a good game."

The fans of Huo Village in the away stands cheered again. When Lin Yi was restricted, the team was in a disadvantageous situation, which made them very worried, but they did not expect that the opposite side gave them such a big gift , Now that the team leads by two goals, they can feel more at ease and can enjoy the game patiently!

Marcus on the sidelines didn't expect the team to score the second goal in such an unfavorable situation. He really wanted to go up and hug the opponent's Piszczek and kiss him. This gift came too timely. up!

Castiels in front of the Hoffenheim goal also raised his arms excitedly, because his big foot just now directly completed a long-distance assist, and Weidenfeller in front of the other goal had a face on his face. It is full of helplessness, this is the second time a football has flown into the goal from above his head!How embarrassing is this for him!
At this time, Marcus didn't care about his handsome suit specially prepared for winning the championship. He directly waved his hands and rushed to the sidelines, and hugged the assistants around him one by one!

Klopp's face on Dortmund's coaching bench was ashen. He didn't expect the situation to change so quickly. Piszczek, who he had placed high hopes on, made such a mistake, and the situation was good just now. Just when the score was about to be equalized, Lin Yi's sudden goal kicked it away!
Lin Yi, who only scored the goal, started rushing to the sidelines after seeing the football pass over Weidenfeller's head
He rushed to the stands where Huo Village fans were, and he found that a fan behind the billboard was holding a fake 'salad plate' in his hand.

He immediately ran over to take the award plate from the fan, bent down slightly and shouted: "One, two, three"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi raised the award plate above his head!

Some fans who saw Lin Yi's intention also imitated his practice, raised their hands above their heads and cheered.
Lin Yi's actions ignited the stands where the fans of Huo Village were, and at the same time attracted fierce boos from Dortmund fans!

"Oh~~~ Lin Ke is really a young man with personality. He actually simulated the situation of winning the championship in advance before the first half of the game was over. I really don't know whether he is confident or conceited."

"Champion, we are champions!!!"

"Lin, kill Dort, we are the champions!!!"

"Hold the cup, today we must hold the cup! We want to achieve a great breakthrough in history!"

"Long live Huaxia Lin, you are our God, please stay in Huo Village!"

Huo Village fans in the stands expressed their love for Lin Yi with various shouts. Soon, Lin Yi's teammates also surrounded him, surrounded Lin Yi in the middle, and followed him to do There was an action of holding a cup.

Although they knew that doing so would undoubtedly irritate Dortmund players and fans, they didn't care, because they had a two-goal lead, and they had such an advantage before the end of the first half, so why not be frivolous?

While the Huocun people were celebrating wildly, the Dortmund players were all standing on the field, especially Piszczek who made a mistake just now. His face was full of guilt. In his opinion, his own The task was to defend Lin Yi, but he not only made a defensive mistake, but also allowed Lin Yi to score another goal. It can be said that he single-handedly ruined Dortmund's ever-improving situation, which made him extremely frustrated!

(End of this chapter)

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