Chapter 180
Regarding Lin Yi's transfer, after the dust settled, the media will inevitably report.

Some media who had speculated about Lin Yi's whereabouts were either happy or regretful about this result.

Domestically, the media also followed up and reported the news.

"Football Weekly" believes that Lin Yi's transfer to the Premier League giants is to win glory for the Chinese people and prove that Chinese people can also become outstanding in the field of football.

The reporters of "Ball News" expressed regret that Lin Yi chose Liverpool instead of Manchester United. They obviously believed that Lin Yi was more suitable to be the "new king of the Red Army"!
Domestic fans also have different opinions on Lin Yi's joining Liverpool. Before Lin Yi was in a non-rich team, some fans of the rich could still remain neutral.

But now when Lin Yi joined a wealthy family, but not their favorite wealthy family, problems arose.

Especially the Huaxia fans who are Liverpool's rival Manchester United, they are one of the largest groups of fans of China's domestic giants clubs, and they have expressed their dissatisfaction.Because they don't think they can cheer for Lin Yi, who is Manchester United's mortal enemy. Of course, these are just the speeches of some Red Devils fans, not all of them.

There are also some relatively calm Manchester United fans who chose to be neutral.They said that as long as it is not in the direct dialogue between Manchester United and Liverpool, they can cheer for Lin Yi, but if Liverpool meets Manchester United, they can only support Manchester United.

Some fans of other giants also expressed puzzlement that Lin Yi chose Liverpool, which is relatively weak among the giants. Although Liverpool is the runner-up of the Premier League, they think that Liverpool is not very competitive in the Champions League. Strength, can be based on super giants like Bayern, Real Madrid and Barcelona.

All of a sudden, there was another hype on Huaxia's Internet.
Fortunately, although Lin Yi is in China at this time, he has not been caught by the media, nor has he made public appearances. Otherwise, some radical fans in China might have asked him to express his views publicly.

As for where Lin Yi is, he is currently in a private club, and his aunt asked him to bring his cousin out to see the world. This is the way Lin Yi can make people grow up instantly.

There is a social dance party being held in the clubhouse. It is said to be a social dance, but in fact everyone understands it. Some people want to make money, and some people want to show their face. It depends on how you operate it.

The band is playing jazz, and the bright rhythm is refreshing. The hall is filled with elegant aroma, which smells very pleasant and refreshing.

"Big brother!"

Gu Yu followed Lin Yi closely, obviously a little nervous. He was really afraid that Lin Yi would be left here because of some woman he met on the way. He was not familiar with the place here.

"Haha, don't be afraid, straighten your chest, let you be a real man today."

Lin Yi patted Gu Yu's shoulder, laughed loudly, and wrapped his arms around his neck:

"Let's go, big brother will show you the world!"

Lin Yi took two glasses of red wine from the tray of a waiter who passed by, and handed Gu Yu a glass.

"Did you see it? Then focus on those beauties at the scene. I think there are quite a few beauties in the banquet today. If you think whoever is pleasing to the eye, hand over your virgin body. Everyone here should be experienced." Yes, I can take you on the road."

"Who said I'm a virgin?" Gu Yu was very angry: "I have a girlfriend?"

"Tsk tsk, how many?"

Gu Yu: "..."

He suddenly didn't feel like talking. Compared with his cousin, he was very weak. Who didn't know that his cousin's girlfriends were rumored to be in several countries, and they were all female celebrities, so they couldn't compare.

Lin Yi took Gu Yu to a corner, and scanned the audience while eating.


Lin Yi's eyes moved.

"what happened?"

Gu Yu asked.

"A friend I know came over."

Lin Yi beckoned, and a young man with a flat head came over. This man was a friend and friend Lin Yi met in the club before he went abroad, and he was also a fan, so he and Lin Yi could chat together.

"Haha, you guy, long time no see."

Xiaoping came over, fisted with Lin Yi, and said with a smile:
"Brother Yi, what you're boasting about has actually come true. I'm so stupid. I've really convinced you. You used to say that you want to play in the top league and become a first-line actress in Europe and America. It turned out to be true!"

"It's not bad." Lin Yi smiled and said, "You know, the biggest advantage of me is that I keep my word."

"Hey..." Xiao Pingtou was about to speak, when suddenly, his eyes narrowed, he quickly tugged at Lin Yi next to him, and said, "Look, she's a pretty beauty!"

"It's really good!"

Lin Yi's eyes also brightened.

Oval face, long hair shawl.

Under a pair of eyebrows curved like willow leaves, there are a pair of piercing big eyes, and a small cherry mouth under the high bridge of the nose.

Wearing a long red dress, it added a bit of charming temptation to her, blending with her own pure and soft appearance, it was extremely attractive.

What impresses Lin Yi the most is those eyes that are as clear as lake water.

"Brother Yi, I think I'm in love again."

"You're in love, I'm in love again!" Lin Yi said angrily, "Do you know who this girl is? Didn't you say that you hate being in the entertainment circle the most?"

"In the entertainment industry? Is this a female star?"

Xiao Pingtou exclaimed: "That's your home stadium, and the outside world has passed you on like a god, brother Yi, show me how you managed to handle those female stars."

Gu Yu was also excited, he also wanted to see how his cousin got a female celebrity.

"Then you two have to watch it, I'll perform this one time!"

Lin Yi drank the wine in the glass in his hand, put the empty glass aside, and smiled faintly:
"Look, I'm going to try her depth."

Xiao Pingtou curled his lips: "Then how do you plan to test her depth? Oral calculation, written calculation, or insight?"

Lin Yi didn't bother to pay attention to Xiaoping's sourness, and took another glass of wine from the waiter's tray, and walked forward.

"Hi, hello, are you a star? I seem to have watched your TV series."

When Lin Yi came in front of the woman, the woman froze for a moment, seeing that the person who came was actually someone she knew, she narrowed her eyes, and a gardenia-like smile bloomed on her face:

"Mr. Lin Yi, nice to meet you."

"I am the one who was able to meet the goddess when I was young! It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Young? Why not now?"

Gao Yuanyuan asked with a smile.

"It's a pity that the goddess is married, so she is no longer a goddess."

Gao Yuanyuan's face darkened. She had just obtained a license from Zhao some time ago, and she was directly on the hot search. Unfortunately, she met Lin Yi's official transfer announcement and was suppressed. Now the culprit appeared in front of her eyes again.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yi expressed concern appropriately.

Gao Yuanyuan sighed and said nothing, Lin Yi handed him a glass of wine, and the other party drank it down, Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, it seemed that he could get close to his idol.

the other side.

"Look at it, your brother will definitely come back in despair before long."

"is it?"

Gu Yu expressed doubts.

"I remembered. That's Gao Yuanyuan, playing Yitian Tulongji. The key is that this woman officially announced her marriage a few days ago. How could she get married?"

It didn't take long.

Gu Yu looked at Lin Yi and Gao Yuanyuan curiously, and asked:

"Brother Xiaopingtou, can my brother take care of this?"

"Shouldn't be..."

Xiao Pingtou murmured:
Gao Yuanyuan and Lin Yi chatted happily and devotedly.

Gao Yuanyuan chatted with Lin Yi very quickly. It was undoubtedly a matter of men and women, and it had something to do with her husband. Just after she got married, she found out that her husband was stealing food outside. The two had a big fight, and Gao Yuanyuan came out to relax.

As for Lin Yi's love affair, Gao Yuanyuan also saw it on the Internet, but she didn't reject it. As long as the state officials set fire, the people are not allowed to light the lamps?
Chatted for a while.

Gao Yuanyuan looked at the time on her watch with a troubled expression on her face.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just that usually, it's time for me to sleep for beauty."

"It seems Yuanyuan that your life is quite regular." Lin Yi said with a gentle smile:

"But it's not very safe at night. Can I take you home?"

Seeing the smile on Lin Yi's face, Gao Yuanyuan understood something in her heart, bit her lip, and nodded slightly after a while.

So ever.

Gao Yuanyuan got into Lin Yi's car.

The direction the car was heading was obviously not the hotel where Gao Yuanyuan was staying, but the opposite direction.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't say anything.

The thing between a man and a woman is nothing more than a man thinking about it, and a woman thinking about it...

Looking at the backs of Lin Yi and Gao Yuanyuan leaving straight away, Gu Yu was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Didn't you say you brought me here to teach me how to be a man? What's the matter if you ran away suddenly?
What kind of big brother is this!

The city shrouded in the night, with bright neon lights, is like a river of stars pouring down, beautiful and enchanting.

On the street, the bustling crowd seems to never stop carnival.

It is full of decadent sounds.

The car drove through the lively neighborhood and arrived at the villa where Lin Yi lived.

There are nine master bedrooms, five of which are huge suites, with seven luxurious bathrooms.

It features Ionic pilasters, gilded sconces, rich tapestries, ornate marble fireplaces and original parquet floors.

In this huge house, the infrastructure is also complete, with a study and library, fitness center, plunge pool, sauna, hot tub, massage room.

It was the first time for Gao Yuanyuan to see such a place, and she couldn't help but stare blankly.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan's reaction, Lin Yi couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Would you like some more red wine before bed?"

Lin Yi held the wine bottle and goblet, stood behind Gao Yuanyuan, and said.

Well, looking at it from this angle, you can see that Gao Yuanyuan is wrapped in a close-fitting red dress, she has a slender waist like a willow, her legs are straight and slender, her buttocks are extremely plump, and her hips are wider than her shoulders. The ultimate woman.

"Thank you!"

Gao Yuanyuan turned around, took the wine glass from Lin Yi, and thanked her with a smile.

Under the illumination of the light, Gao Yuanyuan's skin is as white as jade, her lips are like crimson pearls, her eyebrows are like light smoke, and her eyes are like peach blossoms, like a fairy walking out of a painting.

The two chatted together without knowing it.

A bottle of red wine was finished by Gao Yuanyuan and Lin Yi.

Gao Yuanyuan's cheeks were already flushed, her eyes were full of drunkenness, and her tenderness was blended with coquettishness, making her extremely charming.

She chatted with Lin Yi so happily that it was full of ambiguity. When she came back to her senses, Gao Yuanyuan suddenly found that Lin Yi was so close to her at this time, it seemed that she could hear the other party's breathing.

She couldn't help but blushed, and timidly wanted to take a step back.

But Lin Yi stopped her in advance, wrapped one hand around Gao Yuanyuan's slender waist, leaned close to her soft hair, and took a deep breath:
"It's so fragrant!"

For a moment, the air seemed to turn pink.

Gao Yuanyuan's strong coat seemed to be ripped off by the alcohol, and she turned into a girl with a soft voice, soft body, and easy to push down.

"you you……"

Gao Yuanyuan saw Lin Yi's eyes were full of fiery, flustered, put his hand on Lin Yi's chest, and said hastily:

"No, Lin Yi, I have a husband."

Lin Yi is afraid of a ghost?

"If his wife has one more person to care and love, he won't even want to? This person is so selfish, what qualifications does he have to be your husband? Look, you drink so much outside alone? He doesn't even Not even a phone."

Lin Yi was plausible, of course he would not say that he interfered with her villa, he had already blocked the signal, and said loudly:

"That kind of scumbag, let's ignore him, shall we?"

Gao Yuanyuan was at a loss and blinked her eyes.

She wondered if she was really drunk, so that she misheard Lin Yi's words.

You mean, you are the good man and my husband is a scumbag?
What kind of anti-human logic is this?Although my husband is a scumbag, aren't you, Lin Yi, even more scumbag?

He lowered his head, kissed Gao Yuanyuan's ear, bit her earball, and whispered:
"Yuanyuan, just once, okay? He won't know..."

"No, we can't do anything wrong."

Gao Yuanyuan speaks softly, her face is slightly flushed, her eyes are a little blurred, she seems drunk, and she can steal your heart within an inch, making it uncontrollable.

"How can this be wrong?"

Lin Yi gently rubbed her cheek and said:

"Everyone has the right to pursue love. If he truly loves you, he will definitely fulfill you, rather than occupy and bind you. How can a person who truly loves you be willing to bind you with love and break your life?" Wings, so you can't fly?"

Wow, this man is so good. Compared with him, my scumbag husband really seems like an honest person.

Seeing the hesitant look on Gao Yuanyuan's face, Lin Yi went a step further and kissed her gently on the cheek:
"Don't worry, you just made a small mistake that most couples in different places make..."

"But... our progress is too fast, Lin Yi, can you give me some time?"

Gao Yuanyuan said sadly in a soft voice.

But her clear and hazy eyes, revealing a trace of pity, seemed to seduce Lin Yi loudly: Come and bully me!

"Life is short, enjoy yourself in time." Lin Yi kissed Gao Yuanyuan's lips lightly. It was rose-flavored lipstick, which was icy cool and smelled good: "Every woman is a creature that pursues love. It's a woman's nature to be picky by nature and put love first. It must be because he doesn't love you enough that you want to find extra real emotional comfort, Yuanyuan, don't fight against your own heart..."


Really... Do you want to do this?

Lin Yi stretched out his hand to caress her cheek, feeling the tenderness of the skin, and said sincerely:

"Yuanyuan, you are so beautiful!"

Staring at Lin Yi's fireball eyes.

"Only this time, Lin Yi..."

Tears glistened in Gao Yuanyuan's eyes, and finally, she closed her eyes.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth curled up into a faint smile, and he stretched out his hand to pick up Gao Yuanyuan's chin, which was as clean as jade, and kissed it.

A goal without a goalkeeper is soulless...

(End of this chapter)

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