Chapter 217
Wenger on the sidelines is also frowning at this time. The rotten ship still has a three-point nail. The four-pointer may not sound good, but it also represents the dominant strength of the Premier League. When has he been suppressed so miserably?

In the 60nd minute of No.[-], after Arsenal played a counterattack, Wenger's deeply frowning brows relaxed and turned into a smile!

Royce's through ball was intercepted by Chambers in the penalty area, and Chambers passed the ball to Welbeck outside the penalty area without any hesitation.

After the Brazilian received the ball and turned around, he sent it directly to the frontcourt with a long kick.

Due to this period of time, Liverpool has been suppressing Arsenal's offense. In order to maintain a reasonable distance between the three lines, Liverpool's defense also overwhelmed the midfielder's position about ten meters behind.This also made Liverpool's halftime almost flat.

This is the favorite of striker Giroud. The moment Welbeck passed the ball, he ran at full speed.

Giroud was originally a speed forward, and Liverpool's two central defenders are obviously not his opponents in terms of speed.

Even though Skrtel and Lovren flanked Giroud, they still failed to prevent the French from chasing the ball by using their speed to surpass them!

Seeing that Giroud is about to use his speed to throw off their defense, Lovren can only pull and drag to slow down Giroud's speed.However, not only did he not stop Giroud, but he was brought down by Giroud's speed.

Before falling to the ground, Lovren didn't do anything, and directly hit the running Giroud's leg with his shoulder.

Giroud felt his legs get caught and immediately fell to the ground.

Wow~~~ There was a burst of noise in the stands, including the boos of the Arsenal fans and the exclamation of the Liverpool fans.

Obviously, everyone knows what such a foul means.

Sure enough, the on-duty referee Babel immediately ran to the place of the foul, took out a red card from his pocket and showed it to Lovren!
"Red card! The referee directly took out the red card! Because just now, once Giroud got rid of it successfully, it would create a one-handed opportunity, so Lovren's foul can be said to have blocked an inevitable opportunity for Arsenal. The referee's penalty has his reason!"

The commentator can understand the referee, but it does not mean that Liverpool fans can understand the referee.Boos all over the sky sounded over the Anfield stadium.

"Damn referee, have you been bought by the Arsenal people?"

"Is the referee blind? This is at best a yellow card!"


All kinds of abuse came from the stands, but by the time it reached the referee's ears, it had turned into a chaotic sound.

Lovren put his hands on his chest and begged the referee with an aggrieved face. Now the team is still one goal behind, and there is almost half an hour before the end of the game. If he is sent off again, there will be one less player to fight, and this game will really be hopeless!

The other Liverpool players also gathered around the referee to negotiate!

"Referee, this yellow card is enough!"

"Yeah, he didn't foul on purpose either!"

"Referee, if this continues, the game will be impossible to play!"


The referee Babel still had a serious face. After walking out from the siege of the Liverpool players, he said flatly: "I'm just following the rules. I hope you all calm down!"

The sudden blow made Klopp helpless on the sidelines. He could only call Toure from the bench. Even though the score was behind, he did not dare to only put a central defender on the field.

Who should I replace?This is another problem!
In the end, Leiwa was replaced.

There is no way, the team's offense cannot be interrupted, and the striker cannot be replaced. Only Rewa's role in the midfield is slightly smaller.Although after he leaves the field, Liverpool's defense on the right will be weakened, but in this situation, Klopp can't care so much, and can only make up for it through Royce and Gerrard's supplementary defense.

When Lei Wa left the field, he looked a little dissatisfied. After finally making the first start, he was somewhat unwilling to be replaced in such a situation.

After the replacement, Klopp also called Lin Yi to the sidelines and said a few words: "After Leiwa leaves the field, the two sides will be handed over to you, and you can act freely! Whether you can get the score back is up to you!"

At this time, Klopp entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. Lin Yi felt the burden on him, but he was not prepared to overwhelm him with any pressure. In fact, even if Klopp didn't say so, he knew that he had to stand up.

After talking with Klopp, Lin Yi returned to the backcourt, he had to go to the wall.Lovren's foul just now not only received a red card for himself, but also gave Arsenal a free kick in a good position.

In this regard, the Liverpool team did not dare to underestimate it. Even if they had only ten people to fight at this time, they still formed a wall of four people.

Giroud stood alone in front of the ball, and after the referee's whistle, he started his approach and slammed his right foot on the bottom of the ball.The ball crossed the high jumping wall and flew towards the near post!
Giroud's free kick was of extremely high quality. After crossing the wall, there was an obvious drop, and finally fell into the goal before Mignolet made a save!
"what~a~goooooooooooal!!! Giroud~~~~~~ Giroud!!! This is a precise and direct free kick! At the same time, his goal also declared that the price paid by Lovren for the red card became necessary! Liverpool still failed to prevent Giroud from scoring twice, and extended the score advantage to two goals!"

The Arsenal fans in the stands burst into wild cheers, one more player took the challenge, and at the same time led by two goals, in their view, the victory had already been pocketed by them!

Wenger also waved his hands with a smile. He also thought that the three points had already been obtained. In this way, the direct points gap between his team and Liverpool could be narrowed. One entry and one exit equals the benefit of six points!
Giroud was also very excited after scoring the goal. He is very satisfied with his performance today!

Before rushing to the stands, he took a provocative glance at Lin Yi who was standing in the crowd. Who let Lin Yi be boasted too much by the media, and he was directly blown as No.1 in the Premier League in the new season, as a banner to compete with Melo, so as to prove that the influence of the Premier League is not inferior to that of La Liga!

There is no doubt that Lin Yi is being touted at the top of the British media, which naturally dissatisfies other Premier League stars, especially a young young man like Giroud who has just risen!

Ji Lu's provocative glance also completely angered Lin Yi.

Lin Yi suppressed his anger, ran back to the penalty area, took out the ball in the goal, and shouted as he ran towards the middle distance: "This is Anfield. They have come to our home court to act wildly. Don't show them some color and tell them this is not a place for them to be presumptuous!"

Lin Yi's angry words resonated with his teammates.

yes!Damn, this is our home stadium, this is Anfield!So what if there is one less player, so what if you are behind by two goals?
At Anfield, even if you lose, you have to lose and you have to stand and lose!
Therefore, when the Arsenal players are celebrating wildly, the Liverpool players are already waiting for the game to start.

The Arsenal players who were urged to return to their own half by the referee naturally also saw the determination shown in the eyes of the Liverpool players.But they didn't care about it. They were both behind by two goals, and there was one less player. What kind of disturbance do you want to make?
However, when the game resumed, they immediately felt the fighting spirit displayed by Liverpool players.

Lin Yi suddenly appeared on the right, which caught Arsenal's defensive players a little off guard. At least Cazorla, who would have been eyeing Lin Yi as soon as he arrived in the frontcourt before, did not follow this time!

After receiving the ball, Lin Yi directly faced Debish!
Lin Yi could clearly see a trace of excitement on Debish's face.

Obviously, Debixi has been waiting for this opportunity to talk directly with Lin Yi, wanting to teach him a lesson.

Nima!Excited!You will be able to guard against me?

While thinking, Lin Yi suddenly dribbled the ball towards the bottom line and accelerated, wanting to force his way.

But Debic's speed was not slow, and he posted it quickly.

Lin Yi didn't even think about passing Derby in one go. He is also the number one left-back in the Premier League, isn't he?
The moment Debish came over, Lin Yi suddenly knocked the ball from behind the two of them to the middle with the heel of his right foot, and at the same time, he braked suddenly and chased after the ball!

Anyone who is familiar with Lin Yi knows that this is one of Lin Yi's signature moves.

Debish obviously also studied Lin Yi, so he stopped the car in time and chased him.

What a dog skin plaster!

Using his strong body to lean against Debish, not giving him a chance to grab the ball, Lin Yi was thinking about his next move, after all, he couldn't get rid of Debish.

When Lin Yi and Debish were entangled, that guy Cazorla ran over with a resentful face like a resentful woman who had been abandoned by her husband!

Just in time!Not only was Lin Yi not worried about being flanked, but he seemed very happy on the contrary!
Just when Cazorla posted it and wanted to intervene between Lin Yi and Debish to have a fart.Lin Yi suddenly pulled the ball back, as if he wanted to get rid of it from the other side!
Debish still reacted immediately and chased after Lin Yi.Cazorla, who had come all this way, would not let Lin Yi slip away from him, so he also ran over!

However, at this time, Lin Yi seemed to be performing magic, and made an unbelievable movement!

I saw that he stepped on the ball that was pulled back by him with his right foot, and at the same time he sat a 180-degree turn to the right, and at the same time swung his left foot, and then moved to the defense line just now!

It's a reverse Marseille gyration!

This movement was completed in one go, and Debig reacted quickly, but it's a pity that Cazorla's reaction was not as fast as him!
Therefore, when Debish slammed on the brakes and wanted to chase back, he directly bumped into Cazorla who hadn't had time to brake!
As the saying goes, don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs!
In this way, Debig was played a "pick and roll" by his own people.

Boom~~~ The Liverpool fans in the stands also gave their own cheers for Lin Yi's extraordinary feat!
"My God! How did Lin do it? Isn't he not affected by physical inertia?"

Not only Cazorla and Debish beside Lin Yi, but also the other defensive players of the Arsenal team did not expect that Lin Yi returned to the penalty area so quickly!

After being dazed for a while, Mertesacker moved towards Lin Yi to make up defense, but unfortunately, he was gorgeously ignored by Lin Yi, who was full of anger at this time.

Before Mertesacker approached, Lin Yi directly kicked the bottom of the ball with the inside of his right foot, which seemed to be a cross!
At this time, everyone turned their attention to Sterling and Firmino who outflanked the center.

However, soon, everyone noticed the unusualness of the ball kicked by Lin Yi. Although the ball was spinning, it did not draw a clear arc.In other words, the ball did not fly towards the outflanking players in the middle with an arc as everyone imagined, but flew directly towards the back post!
Szczesny in front of the goal obviously didn't expect Lin Yi to choose to shoot under such circumstances. When he quickened his pace and rushed towards the back post, he was a beat slower, and the ball had already started to fall!

In the end, the ball almost flew into the goal against the lower edge of the crossbar!

"unbelievable!!! fantastic~~~~~goooooooooooooooal!!! Lin! Lin! Lin! At the most dangerous moment for the Liverpool team, Lin stood up! He almost broke through the Arsenal defense line with his own power. First, he used a magical Marseilles to trick Debig and Cazorla, and then used an unbelievable shot to break through the goal guarded by Szczesny! The score was tied 2-3, which made Liverpool see the corner. living hope!"

Boom~~~~~ The Liverpool fans who were in despair because of Lovren's sending off just now saw hope again. Lin Yi's wonderful goal brought a huge surprise to the home fans
Klopp on the sidelines also jumped up from his seat excitedly.Originally after Lovren was sent off and Giroud's direct free kick was scored again, Klopp also believed that this game was undoubtedly lost.But Lin Yi's goal gave him hope again. After all, they are only one goal behind now.

After scoring the goal, Lin Yi just clenched his right hand and waved vigorously, then ran into the goal, fished out the ball, and beckoned his teammates to run to the midfield. The score has not been evened yet, so what qualifications are there to celebrate!
The faces of the Arsenal players who saw Lin Yi's astonishing performance were full of shock!
Originally, in their view, when Giroud scored that direct free kick, the game should have ended.

Unexpectedly, just a few minutes later, the Liverpool team actually pulled back a goal.Now this situation is not easy to say. Although the Liverpool team has one less player and the score is still behind, they have more than one star who can change the situation on the field.

One flash from them and Arsenal's victory could be in the air.
Therefore, after the game restarted, Arsenal did not dare to relax. Wenger signaled the players to continue to attack, taking advantage of the numerical advantage to defeat Liverpool in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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