Chapter 236
Two over one is not enough, three over two?
Gerrard kicked the ball backwards, Royce received the ball, and kicked the ball to Lin Yi.

Chick made up for it, but Lin Yi put the ball on his left shoulder, separated Chick with his body, and then rushed to the penalty area.Terry and Mikel rushed over together, but Lin Yi did not slow down. Both of them are good defensive players, but the distance between their positions at the beginning was too large. At this time, there is still a gap between the two of them. Yes, but Lin Yi kicked the ball towards the gap, and then squeezed through the gap between the two of them.

Mikel hesitated for a while and did not foul, but this moment of hesitation allowed Lin Yi to break through.Terry was still standing in front of Lin Yi, Chick and Ivanovic also chased after him, and even Mikel made up for it at this time, but Lin Yi didn't see them in his eyes, what he saw, It was his teammate standing in front of the goal.

There are four people around, but the running of four people cannot cover all areas.I can find a passing route among them. At this time, as long as the ball is passed, the forwards can seize the opportunity.

Lin Yi suddenly stopped, kicked the ball up, and kicked it towards Fei Mi.

Terry jumped up, and his head still hit the ball, which made the ball's course slightly crooked.However, even so, at this time, Fimi relied on his own running position to get a single goal.

The position where he received the ball was less than ten yards from the goal. Not far in front of him were Terry, Ivanovic, Mikel, and Chick, who surrounded Lin Yi. On the goal line, It was Courtois who had already turned his attention to him.

The ball flew in the air for less than a second, but Fimi kept following it with his eyes, feeling that the ball had been flying for ten years, as if his entire career was just for this one goal.

He has scored hundreds of goals, including against Bayern, Dortmund, Manchester United, Arsenal and other giants, as well as all kinds of lore goals. A wonderful push to the empty goal, but at this time, he felt that those goals were nothing.

This goal will definitely be the most memorable one in his lifetime!
Jumping up and turning slightly sideways, Firmino threw himself in mid-air.His body has already slipped a lot, and he can't remember the last time he made such a shooting action.However, at this time, he didn't feel any difficulty at all, that's it, this ball should be played like this.This ball, kicked like this, will definitely score!
His kick in the air hit the lower part of the falling ball, and the ball was lifted towards the far post by him.Courtois, who misjudged the first step, took a big step back and bounced back.But the angle of the football is extremely tricky, it almost sticks to the upper left corner of the goal, and gets into the goal!
The ball went in!Fimi lore Chelsea!

"gooooal!!!!!! Firmino!!!! Perfect strike!!! Liverpool beat Chelsea tonight at Stamford Bridge!!! God bless Liverpool!"

No.807 minutes, Firmino scored, 2:0, which almost killed Chelsea.

Klopp, who was standing on the sidelines, raised his arms in a rare way and shouted towards the stands in celebration.At this time, Mourinho was rarely stunned on the spot, watching the scene just happened on the field with a look of decadence and stupefaction.

Firmino took off his jersey. Instead of running, he strode towards the stands. He thought that he was already used to the cheers and support of the fans.But at this moment, there was still an unavoidable surge of pride and ambition in his heart.

He saw his teammates running over, he grabbed Lin Yi, looked at him, and kept waving.

As long as you are still playing on the court, there will always be a moment that will move you inexplicably.Even if you have played football all your life and are used to watching the wind and rain, how can you not be happy when you see and hear the cheers of the fans and the surging red ocean?
"God bless Liverpool!"

Amidst the shouts of the fans, the cheers and joy of the fans also swept the entire Stamford Bridge. They were extremely excited, because they were about to win the Premier League champion that they had been thinking about, and became the name of the rich team re-engraved on the Premier League trophy. At this moment , Liverpool people have waited too long, too long!

In the last few minutes, Chelsea set off a frantic attack.However, at this time, Liverpool's defense is also extremely stable.Hazard's shot was high, Cesc Fabregas' shot was wide, Chelsea's attack didn't work.

The stoppage time sign was quickly raised - 3 minutes.Chelsea continued to attack, but in the last few minutes, it was dragged by Liverpool.

"Liverpool won the game! Liverpool won the championship! Premier League No.30 six rounds, Liverpool defeated Chelsea! Two rounds ahead of schedule! Let us congratulate Liverpool!"

"The league is over! Yes! The league is over! Liverpool beat Chelsea 2-1 away and they have successfully won the league championship this year! There are two league rounds left in this season, but for Liverpool, it is meaningless Already!"

When the referee blew the whistle for the whole game, Liverpool's substitute players rushed onto the pitch, and they celebrated the championship wildly at Chelsea's home court.Their madness even exceeds the normal excitement, this is because they are at Chelsea's home stadium, and being able to celebrate the championship at the other side's home stadium will make them extra excited, because Chelsea has been giving this season from beginning to end. To feel their pressure, to beat each other, to celebrate at their home court, makes them feel more refreshed.

Sure enough, their celebration was booed by Chelsea fans.

There were even conflicts between players from both sides on the court because of this incident, but they were quickly pulled apart, and the conflict did not escalate.

Chelsea's players and supporters could not bear the sight of Liverpool's players celebrating the title with such brazenness on their turf.

Fortunately, there is no need to hold an award ceremony here, otherwise Chelsea will probably be vomited with anger.

Amidst the boos at Stamford Bridge, the Liverpool players finally "reluctantly" left the field and returned to their dressing room.

After the game, before leaving Stamford Bridge, in the Liverpool dressing room, the players were already opening champagne to celebrate.

They continued to celebrate in the dressing room, almost tossing the visiting team's dressing room at Stamford Bridge into a mess.

After scratching for a while, I left the stadium and took the bus back to Liverpool.

At the press conference after the game, the head coaches of both sides were obviously very angry.What Mourinho focused on was naturally the issue of penalties. At the press conference, he directly expressed his opinion, "We are playing with a group of liars and robbers! They deliberately kicked the ball into John's hands. , Such a penalty should not be awarded. Such an approach is simply a villain's approach, which is unsportsmanlike. We have been awarded a penalty kick. Who will be next? I don't know, but, such an approach must be Somebody has to take care of it."

Klopp also responded to this, "I don't know why he questioned this question. The rules are clearly written in black and white, and there is no violation of football rules. If he feels dissatisfied, he can ask the FA to modify the rules. , then there will be no problem."

The dispute between the coaches of the two sides cannot change the fact that Liverpool won the championship in advance. Liverpool players want to return to Liverpool and start celebrating.

After arriving in Liverpool, everyone has already contacted the restaurant in the car, and they want to have a collective meal. No one will choose to be absent. This is their night of glory!

This is not an ordinary champion. This is Liverpool's Premier League champion. From then on, no one will say that Liverpool does not have a Premier League champion. The honor room of this club has successfully collected all the Grand Slam trophies. No one can question the title anymore!

Lin Yi didn't go home either, but went out to play with his teammates.

Klopp and the coaching staff also attended the team's return to Liverpool for dinner.After a season of hard work, and finally successfully defending the title, it is not a big deal to make a fuss at this time.

The fans in Liverpool also took to the streets to celebrate this long-awaited championship in various ways.

The whole of Liverpool seems to have become a city that never sleeps.

Tonight, and tomorrow, the sports media throughout Europe will only talk about Liverpool winning the championship.

The matches between Liverpool and Chelsea were played in the evening of local time. It was almost late at night after the game, and the Liverpool team took the bus back overnight, and then had a good time to celebrate. It was almost impossible not to get it in the early hours of the morning.So when Klopp saw this, he simply announced that there would be no training in the morning of the next day, and asked the players to repair it and come back to training in the afternoon.

At this time, I unconsciously ignored the upcoming semi-finals of the Champions League and winning the league championship. This is the goal of Liverpool's struggle for many years. Let them have a good time first.

Although the UEFA Champions League match against Barcelona will be three days later, there is no other way but to let the players rest, and Klopp thinks this is a good thing. Pressure, the Champions League also has pressure, but the performance on the field is not very good.

Now half of the pressure has been relieved, but you can devote yourself to the Champions League. This is also a good thing for the whole team. After all, the home game is 0:0. As long as the next away game is not 0:0, it can be eliminated even if it is a draw. opponent.

The situation is favorable to Liverpool, as long as they can fully demonstrate their strength, Liverpool in the first round is not a normal Liverpool.

The Liverpool players celebrated wildly at night. After the dinner, many players went to the next game. Lin Yi got drunk in the first game, so he didn't make it to the second game.He didn't even know how to get back. Anyway, when he opened his eyes the next day, he found that he was already lying in the house, but not in his room, but on the sofa in the living room. He didn't even change his clothes. And lie down.

Lin Yi should be thankful that he was the only one in the room last night, otherwise it would be too embarrassing...

Getting up from the sofa, Lin Yi felt sore all over his body, as if he had been beaten, and he didn't know if it was because he fought too hard yesterday, or because he used too much force when celebrating the defending title, or It's the wrong sleeping position...

He sat on the sofa with his hands on his forehead, feeling that yesterday was really crazy, everyone was suppressed for a whole season, and when they finally released it, they used too much force.

Since the pre-season training camp, the intensity of training has been very high. After the training camp, Liverpool's training volume is still relatively high compared to other Bundesliga teams.Everyone is very tired, but for the championship, everyone is holding on.

Now that I have won the championship, I feel a little relaxed.

Lin Yi remembered that the UEFA Champions League semi-final against Barcelona would be three days later... No, it was two days later... He quickly jumped off the sofa and went to wash up.

On the second day of the game, the European media were discussing Liverpool's successful defense of the league title.

Many European media believe that it is a good thing for Liverpool to win the league championship two rounds in advance, because it means that they can concentrate on the Champions League.

But in terms of exaggeration, it has to be the British media, and it is a shocking body when it comes directly up.

"Could it be, are we going back to the 80s again?"

The British media did not comment very well on the rise of Liverpool: Liverpool was once too strong, and the five-year ban harmed the interests of all English clubs, and even because of them, Mrs. Thatcher ordered the cancellation of the England Four Nations , making Northern Ireland football and Scottish football never recover from a setback.Liverpool has made countless enemies, so naturally it cannot be praised.

"Some people say that Liverpool's strength will have a negative impact on football. This is pure nonsense. Liverpool was the strongest in the 80s. In 1990, England reached the semi-finals of the World Cup. Now, Liverpool is the strongest. It also bodes well for English football."

The "Liverpool Echo" does not have enough guts to confront the media all over England. Their statement is just a trick, saying that Liverpool's strength indicates that England will end its poor performance in the 2018 World Cup!
Of course, this kind of remark is just one person who knows how nonsense it is. In 90, English clubs were banned for a long time, but the result was that the national team played unprecedentedly well. In these years, the Premier League is booming, but the England national team is getting worse and worse. The national team is reconciled every day. Players will always improve when they play together, but the England national team is a counterexample-this national team is too weird.

Although such an argument is ridiculous, it also distorts the praise of Liverpool in the UK. Otherwise, if they are eliminated by Barcelona, ​​​​Liverpool will be trampled under the feet of the British media!

(End of this chapter)

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