Chapter 238
The Catalan commentator was stunned after losing the ball. He kept asking: "Is this true? How did this happen?"

Can't blame him for making a fuss, in fact, Barcelona's players are not much better.

After conceding the ball, they all looked dazed. They didn't expect Liverpool to score a goal just after the start of the game...

What the hell is this!

Firmino was running wildly to celebrate the goal, and Liverpool players also rushed up, including Lin Yi.

They passed through the transfixed Barcelona players and caught up to Firmino beneath the North Stand at the Camp Nou to celebrate with him.

Firmino turned around and hugged Lin Yi, thanking him for his assist.

Then he said in his ear: "I found our fans!" He turned around with his arms around Lin Yi, and then pointed to the top of the north stand.

Lin Yi followed him and looked up. In an inconspicuous corner at the top of the north stand, there was a small area of ​​yellow.

That is the Liverpool fans who came from afar.

There they were, jumping and waving their arms, celebrating the goal with the distant Liverpool players.

"Great, you found it!" Lin Yi also happily said to Fei Mi. "That's right, they seem a bit hidden..."

"It's not just a little hidden, I doubt whether they can watch the game there..." Firmino looked up.

"You can't see our faces and numbers, but at least you can see our goals." Lin Yi patted Firmino on the shoulder.

"Yes, you can see us score!" Firmino was very happy.

While the Liverpool players were still celebrating the goal, the TV broadcast was replaying the goal just now.

Obviously the ball was instigated by Lin Yi. After passing back and forth twice in the backcourt, he suddenly made a long pass and accurately found Firmino, completing a sneak attack.

The game has only started for eight seconds, and the Barcelona players may not have entered the game state yet.

So was this ball a result of good luck, or was it carefully planned and premeditated?
Thanks to the well-developed TV broadcast, when Lin Yi and Firmino were discussing before the game, there was a shot recorded, and now the director of the game broadcast quickly cut this shot.

So everyone can see that Lin Yi was communicating with Firmino, and after speaking, he went to find several other teammates.Among these teammates were Royce and Gerrard who passed the ball to him.

Well, it's obvious after seeing this, Liverpool's goal was premeditated long ago!

"This ball proves one thing, that is, Liverpool definitely did not come to Camp Nou to go through the process and accept defeat! If Barcelona were eliminated when they played by themselves, it would be a big joke."

Regardless of whether the Barcelona players and fans are willing to accept it or not, the fact has been placed in front of all of them, that is, Liverpool led Barcelona 1-0 away.

Now Liverpool not only leads the total score, but also has an away goal.

Had Barcelona scored just one goal and leveled, they would still have been knocked out.

It was originally a situation that was extremely beneficial to Barcelona, ​​but unexpectedly it turned into a favorable situation for Liverpool in just eight seconds.

In the commentary, the Catalan commentator reacted and began to cheer the team and the fans: "...the coaching staff must also fully consider that Liverpool may score, so this goal should be in their expectation The game has just started, Barcelona still has a lot of time to equalize the score and overtake the score!"

In the mind of the commentator, there is no reason for Barcelona to lose to Liverpool at home anyway, so there is nothing to worry about conceding the goal.Instead, it's Liverpool's players and fans who should be worried because their goal has angered Barcelona, ​​who will face a comeback and full fire Barcelona!
In fact, when the game restarted, Barcelona's offensive firepower was indeed fierce.

Being hit by the Catalan commentator, the Barcelona players are really upset, very, very upset.

They lost the ball in the first eight seconds, and their first reaction when they came back to their senses was-shame!

The second reaction is - revenge!
They want to respond to Liverpool's provocation with more goals, and vowed that this will be Liverpool's last goal in this game!
Barcelona are really strong, and in their own home, they should also have the confidence of "we can beat all opponents".

But things are a little different today.

Liverpool, who scored a goal, shrunk their defense after the game started.

That's normal behavior, and it's what any team would do nine times out of ten after leading Barcelona.If they continue to attack, they may concede the ball instead.

Liverpool retreated and Barcelona attacked.

And they are not simple offense, Barcelona's offense and defense are inseparable.

They can continuously put pressure on Liverpool in Liverpool's half, and then tear through Liverpool's defense through continuous passing.

Passing the ball is key.

The most impressive thing about Barcelona's football style is their tacit movement and precise passing.They can pass the ball in continuous and uninterrupted running, which looks like a meaningless kick, but in this seemingly inadvertent pass, they slowly tear apart the opponent's defense.After they found this opening, they suddenly exerted force and accelerated, breaking through the opponent's defense line in one fell swoop, and reaching the confidant area!
It can be seen that in Barcelona's successful attack, accurate and tacit continuous delivery is very important.

In the past, hesitant about Barcelona's special football philosophy and their consistent training for more than 20 years, the Barcelona players passed each other very smoothly, just like flowing water.

But today, Liushui seems to have encountered a little obstacle.

Mathieu passed the football to Iniesta. After receiving the ball, Iniesta looked up and did not rush to pass the football because there was not a good point to get the ball out.

Liverpool midfielder Henderson leaned forward while he was watching, intending to steal the ball.

But Iniesta seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. When he turned around, he put Henderson behind him, protecting the football in front of him. At the same time, after he led Henderson up, Liverpool's midfielder appeared There is an empty space, and Messi ran into this empty space.Iniesta turned again and passed the football.

"Messi has the ball!"

When Messi received the ball, the voice of the Catalan commentator was high, and there was a burst of cheers over the Nou Camp.

All Barcelona supporters have high hopes for Messi.He is a superstar who can single-handedly tear through the opponent's defense and then blast the football into the goal!
Facing such a player, Liverpool's players also became nervous.

After Messi got the ball, Gerrard posted it immediately.

Facing Gerrard, Messi made a move to break through to the side, and Gerrard shifted his focus to the side.Messi, however, was just a feint. He flicked the football to the inside with the instep of his left foot, jumped up and dodged past Gerrard, and rushed towards the middle!

"Messi beat Gerrard!"

Seeing Messi breaking through in a straight line, Liverpool's defense immediately responded, and two Liverpool players rushed towards Messi's defense.

Lin Yi and Skrtel.Skrtel took the lead, rushed in front of Messi first, and then hit him.

At this time, the Catalan commentator was extremely excited, thinking that Messi was going to make a dragon-like breakthrough and go straight to Huanglong.

He shouted excitedly: "Friends in the audience, don't blink your eyes at this time! Otherwise..."

While speaking, Messi was bumped by Skrtel. Although he still firmly controlled the football, it became difficult to continue to dribble the ball inward.

Maybe the commentators and the Barcelona fans in the stands hoped that Messi would show his otherworldly skills and get past Skrtel.

But in Messi's heart, he has his own judgment.If you continue to force a breakthrough, it is inefficient.After conceding the goal, what Barcelona needs is not to show off, but to equalize the score and score a goal.

So at this time, the best way is to spread the football...

I have already attracted two Liverpool players, so there must be loopholes elsewhere in Liverpool's defense.

So Messi followed his tacit understanding with Iniesta and passed the football to the left without even looking at it.

He knew that Iniesta would definitely be there waiting for him - countless Barcelona games have proved this, sometimes they pass each other, and there is no need to look ahead to determine the position.

This is tacit understanding.

This time, he and Iniesta's tacit understanding has a little problem...

Instead of showing his superb footwork to break through Skrtel, Messi sent the ball out.

The Catalan commentator who is familiar with Barcelona naturally knows that Messi is going to pass the football to Iniesta.

But Iniesta did not receive the ball.

Whose feet did the football fall to?

When Messi passed the football, he turned his head to look, but found that the football did not fall to Iniesta's feet.

Between him and Iniesta, Lin Yi suddenly appeared!
He showed up in the passing lane, stretched his foot a little, and stopped the football.

"Lin! Nice interception! He defended Messi's breakthrough!"

If you only listen to this and don't watch the game, some people will definitely think that Lin Yi directly snatched the football from Messi's feet in the one-on-one match with Messi...

But in fact, it was just stealing Messi's pass from the side.

However, Lin Yi himself was not happy about this, or he didn't think it was a big deal.

He didn't stop after stealing the ball, and knocked the football behind him with his heel, and the football was passed to Henderson.

Messi watched Lin Yi finish all this in surprise.At that time, he was immersed in dribbling the ball and didn't see what happened around him at all. He didn't know how Lin Yi appeared there. It stands to reason that he should come and fight with Skrtel for himself?
After Lin Yi stole the ball, he passed the football to Henderson, and Liverpool took the opportunity to launch an attack.It's just that this attack was not successful. When Henderson passed the football to Firmino, Barcelona's defense line was also arranged very quickly. After Firmino received the ball, he didn't have any good opportunities. He chose to break through Barcelona's right back Alves forcibly, but because he had no speed advantage, his breakthrough was destroyed by Alves' tackle.

The football rolled over the touchline and Liverpool's attack only got a throw-in.But think about how their penalty area was under the threat of Barcelona and Messi just now. This throw-in is also a good thing for Liverpool.

Taking advantage of this dead ball opportunity, the TV broadcast quickly returned to the scene where Messi's pass was interrupted just now.

At this moment, the spectators who were focused on the match between Messi and Skrtel saw how Lin Yi broke the ball.

At first he ran forward normally, pounced on Messi, and planned to encircle Messi with Skrtel.But just as he was about to run behind Messi, he suddenly turned a corner and ran towards the line between Messi and Iniesta.

When he just ran to this line, Messi passed the ball, so he blocked the football as soon as he stretched out his foot.

This action is naturally like a perfect pass coordination, but the pass is made by two people from different teams.

Many people may think it was a coincidence or a mistake, but Lin Yi knew it was not. He knew Barcelona and Messi better than anyone else.

Just like the one just now, although Messi is on the right side of the field, he will often move to the center. In the process of lateral dribbling, if he encounters an interception, he will have three choices-passing, shooting and passing. ball.

Skrtel's collision just now left Messi with only one option to pass the ball.If he was going to pass the ball, nine times out of ten it would be to Iniesta on his left.

Luck is the most unreliable thing in the game, no one becomes a superstar by luck.

In the following defense, Lin Yi appeared in the correct position several times at critical moments and intercepted Barcelona's pass.He is like a dam, blocking the narrowest section of the river in Barcelona, ​​controlling the flow of Barcelona...

It was very uncomfortable for Barcelona to play.

"Lin Yi is almost like a Barcelona player wearing a Liverpool jersey..."

The narrator in Catalonia was even more speechless, not knowing how to explain this phenomenon.

Since Lin Yi's defensive performance greatly exceeded the expectations of the Barcelona players, in order to get rid of Lin Yi's interception of their passes, the Barcelona players had to choose long passes or fast passes.First of all, the long pass is not in line with Barcelona's football philosophy, they are not proficient.Second, increasing the speed of passing the ball means increasing passing errors, which is unavoidable even for a team like Barcelona that takes advantage of passing and possession.

So in the first half, Barcelona's offense in the first half was not smooth, not "Barcelona".

Therefore, until the end of the first half, they failed to blast Liverpool's goal and equalize the score.

(End of this chapter)

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