Chapter 240
The Liverpool players saw that the referee had awarded a penalty kick, and they all rushed to the referee to lodge a complaint.

Lovren also defended himself, thinking that Messi's fall was exaggerated and it was a flop.

But when he complained about Messi diving, the referee took out a... red card from his pocket!
Everyone in Liverpool was taken aback.They thought that even if there was no problem with the penalty kick, a yellow card for Lovren would be the harshest punishment. After all, Barcelona has already given a penalty kick...

Unexpectedly, the referee of this game actually showed Lovren a red card!
Red cards and yellow cards are more than just different colors!

If Barcelona's penalty kick is scored, Liverpool, who has one less man, will almost be eliminated.

Klopp on the sidelines was very dissatisfied with the referee's penalty. He rushed out of his activity area and roared loudly: "Is there something wrong with your brain! How can this be a red card!? FUCK! FUCK! What a fucking black whistle!"

The fourth official came up to ask him to calm down. Klopp was about to continue to spray people, but was dragged back by the assistant coach. Now this is the situation. If the head coach is sent off again, this game can be skipped.

The referee's red card caused dissatisfaction among Liverpool players and coaches, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Liverpool's substitutes protested to the manager, but he did not respond to them, instead urging Lovren off.

Reluctantly, Lovren babbled off the pitch as his arm couldn't twist his thigh.

No matter how dissatisfied the other Liverpool players are at this time, there is nothing wrong with it.

They can only choose to accept.

Messi is standing in the penalty area with the football already placed.The chaos behind him seemed to have nothing to do with him, he just looked at the goal, as if in a daze.

Lin Yi didn't go up to the referee either, because he knew it was useless, and the decision made by the referee cannot be changed.

He set his sights on Messi's back.

The Barcelona No. [-] stands in front of the ball with his hands on his hips, waiting for a penalty.

If nothing else, this penalty has a high chance of flying into the goal, and Liverpool will go from a tie to a fall behind.

But this is Barcelona's home court after all, and they should be allowed to have some home court advantage. It's not surprising that penalties or something, as we all know, Barcelona will always receive some preferential treatment in the Champions League.

No matter how dissatisfied and protested Liverpool's players are, they cannot change the penalty that the referee has made.

After Royce received a yellow card for protesting, they could only accept this result.

Players from both sides gathered outside the penalty area, looking at Messi's back.

Mignolet was at the line of goal.

The referee blew his whistle, Messi ran up, and then kicked and shot.

Mignolet dived to the left, but the ball flew to the right, and he was completely fooled.

Half a second later, the football hit the net and the Nou Camp erupted in loud cheers.

"Messi!!! Barcelona took the lead! 2:1! And now Liverpool is one less man! Scored twice! Messi's performance in this game once again proved why he is the best player in the world! No matter what kind of difficulties the team faces, he can always stand up, force! hold! mad!!!”

I feel like crying...

After the goal, Messi and the Barcelona players ran down the stands excitedly, celebrating the goal with the Barcelona fans in the stands.

The Liverpool players were a little lost.

The score of 1:2 made their away goals have no advantage at all.

After Barcelona celebrated, they returned to their own half. The TV broadcast kept the close-up shots firmly on Messi. The Catalan commentator was still praising Messi. All kinds of compliments came from him It popped out of his mouth, making the audience wonder why he was able to find so many flattering words...

The commentator of Sky Sports is worried about the fate of Liverpool: "There is one less central defender and the score is behind. Liverpool now urgently needs to adjust..."

Liverpool is in disarray right now.The players didn't know what to do.

The score is behind, are we going to attack?

But when we attack, will Barcelona score more goals?

But how can we equalize if we defend?
Now that there is one less person in the central defender, who should go back and stand up for the time being until the replacement?

All kinds of problems appear in everyone's mind, but they cannot be solved.

At this time, captain Gerrard suddenly saw the assistant coach on the sidelines waving, and hurriedly leaned over to accept Klopp's latest instructions.

In fact, there is no other choice at this time. If you keep defending with such a score, you will be eliminated, so what else do you think, go all the way to the black, fight your back, there is no other way!

Gerrard came back and grabbed Lin Yi, pulled him and said: "Lin, I will temporarily retreat to play a cameo as a central defender. The front will be handed over to you and Royce. You must stay back, but it is not to give up the attack. Note that I will Plug in at any time, and once you have a chance, immediately counterattack! Use your best speed!"

Then he clapped his hands and shouted to his players: "Don't be passive defensively, we want to keep the football under our feet!"

After the goal, there was a huge cheer at the Nou Camp, but now the cheers are much smaller, after all, the voices of the Barcelona fans also need to rest.

And at this relatively quiet time, Gerald's voice appeared a little abruptly.

Except for the goalkeeper Mignolet who was too far away, the Liverpool players who gathered near the center circle and were about to kick off heard the voice of the captain.The Liverpool players, who were still downcast and a little overwhelmed, immediately cheered up.

They are the Red Army!

Can be defeated, but not crushed!
Even if you fail, you have to bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh!
There have been changes on the field.Gerrard dropped back to the central defender's position, cameo played the defender.

In the midfield, Royce and Lin Yi formed the midfielder.

It stands to reason that the defensive hardness of this midfielder combination is not as good as that of Gerrard and Royce.As long as Barcelona strengthens their offensive, they will be able to blast away this midfield defensive combination.

After Barcelona attacked, they faced Liverpool, which had shrunk across the board.Once the possession of the ball changes hands, according to the practice, Barcelona will not retreat to the half court, but will directly launch an active siege in the frontcourt.

This kind of siege combined with the momentum of their goal just now was enough to make Liverpool at a loss and overwhelmed, resulting in mistakes.And they took advantage of Liverpool's mistakes to directly threaten Liverpool's goal.

But when the ball really changed hands, everyone found that the situation was different from what they had imagined.

Messi, who was in good form, shot a cold arrow from outside the penalty area. The football flew out of the baseline against the outside of the goal post. Goalkeeper Mignolet failed to touch the football.

Liverpool get the goal kick.

Goalkeeper Mignolet did not directly drive the football to the front with a big foot-many teams will do this when facing Barcelona. The strongest midfielder tangles with them.On the other hand, it is considered that even if the offense is not successful, you can keep the football away from your goal by directly using your big foot, so it is safer.

But this time Liverpool didn't do that.

They chose what was considered the most unwise approach-short pass.

Anyone who knows that Barcelona are good at attacking the frontcourt would not think that the goalkeeper kicking off with short passes is a good thing.

But now Liverpool are doing just that.

Football was quickly passed to Lin Yi's feet.

As the core of Liverpool, Lin Yi will naturally be taken care of by Barcelona.As soon as the football reached his feet, the Barcelona players forced it up.

But as soon as the football reached his feet, he passed it out again.

This is normal, but then, what is a little abnormal is the other Liverpool players.

After they received Lin Yi's ball, they would quickly pass the football out as soon as possible.The speed is very fast, the key is also very accurate!

This is not the same as before.

Passing speed and accuracy are inversely proportional, the faster the pass, the lower the accuracy.This is not just about Liverpool, it is about the same for any team.This is why Enrique's Barcelona caused such a big sensation after it came out, because Barcelona they can pass the ball quickly and accurately.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that their passing distance usually does not exceed 15 meters. The closer the distance, the higher the accuracy of the pass.

When the Barcelona players surrounded the frontcourt according to the original plan, they found it difficult for them to grab the football.

Although many of Liverpool's passes are short passes that are not difficult.

But they were able to ensure that they kept the football at their feet through the passing of the ball, which is really amazing.

Facing Barcelona's siege, Liverpool's players didn't look like they had just lost the ball. They were calm and composed, and led Barcelona's nose to run with back and forth passes.

However, no matter how much the Barcelona players siege, it is difficult to grab the ball.

In back-to-back situations, Liverpool's defense was resilient and...unfazed.

Seeing the team's performance like this, Klopp was relieved-at least he didn't have to worry about losing the ball right away.

Now he can take the exam and consider how to change players. After all, the players on the court are already very tired. If he wants to break through the opponent, he must replace with a new force!
Klopp is not the kind of coach who follows the rules, nor is he the kind of passive and conservative coach.

He can be extremely surprising if need be.

He dares to take risks and is willing to take responsibility, so he often reaps more and richer returns than ordinary people.

Although Gerrard is very important to the team, his body is already difficult to support. The old man is old, that's it!
He replaced Gerrard with Kolo Toure.

This decision seemed unthinkable to many commentators.

"Replacing a defensive midfielder with a defender, does this strengthen the defense? What's the point of such a substitution?"

"It can be seen from this substitution that Liverpool has already lost..."

Commentators from all over the world are commenting on this substitution.

Many people thought that Liverpool had to give it a go, they should strengthen their offense and replace them with offensive personnel, but they didn't expect that Klopp would actually strengthen their defense!
But anyone who really understands knows that this is the signal to attack, because Gerrard is not a defender after all, and he can't really make up for the defense. Lin Yi and Royce need to retreat to help defend, but instead supplement the complete defense , to completely liberate the two of them!
This kind of Liverpool can give it a go. If they don't defend against emptiness, even if they score a goal in front and lose another goal in the back, what's the point of such a struggle?

"Replacing a defensive midfielder with a defender, Liverpool is still thinking about attacking... But facing Barcelona, ​​​​with a defensive player in the midfield, how long can they last? Once Barcelona scores another goal, this The game is completely over..."

After Kolo Toure ran onto the pitch, he brought the players the acting head coach Klopp's arrangement for the team's next trend.

Very simple sentence.

Kolo Toure pointed at Lin Yi and shouted to everyone: "The coach said, how to play, listen to Lin!"

No one objected, and no one was surprised. The coaching staff just handed over almost all the power to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi led everyone to deal with Barcelona's offense just now, and he did a very good job. Everyone believed in him.

When the game restarted, there were some changes in Barcelona-they saw that Liverpool had replaced a defensive midfielder, and they must have ideas.

As a result, the hardness of Liverpool's midfield defense has plummeted, while Barcelona's midfield strength has always been very strong. It is not difficult for Barcelona to score another goal.

Now as long as Barcelona scores another goal and the total score is 3:1, the suspense of this game is over, and Liverpool will never have any chance to turn around anyway.

Therefore, when the game restarted, Barcelona's offensive became stronger, and it was the point of Kolo Touré.It seems that he wants to crush Kolo Touré when he has just entered the field and is still not on the ground.

It is true that many players have not yet entered the game state after they have just played, and they are prone to some mistakes.

But such a situation did not appear in Kolo Toure.

He performed very steadily. He has been in the Premier League for many years. He was also a powerful defender in Manchester City back then. It’s just that he is old now. But he has just played in this game. When he is full of energy, Barcelona wants to break through him like this. Defense, I really think too much.

When it was Liverpool's turn to control the ball, they did not directly drive the football forward like other teams did when they faced Barcelona, ​​keeping the football as far away from their defense zone as possible.Instead, under the leadership of Lin Yi, he controlled the situation with fast and precise passing.

Facing Liverpool's fast pass, Barcelona's frontcourt siege didn't work. Liverpool players, including Lin Yi, can always pass the football before they get around...

In this way, the Barcelona player will turn to the next Liverpool player to receive the ball, and it looks like the Barcelona player is led by the nose by Liverpool's pass.

(End of this chapter)

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