Chapter 242
The Barcelona players on the field are even more morale, pressing hard every step of the way.Liverpool has recovered across the board, and even center Sterling has retreated to the line of the penalty area to take on defensive tasks...

Liverpool's penalty area is densely packed with people.

In this noisy environment, Barcelona launched a fierce attack on Liverpool's penalty area, hoping to break through the opponent's goal in the final six minutes.

They only need one goal to knock out their opponents.

Scoring a goal is nothing to them at ordinary times, but now it is as difficult as heaven.

Liverpool will do whatever it takes to keep this score.

After Firmino was knocked to the ground, he didn't get up from the ground, he rolled on the ground with his knees in his arms.

However, the Barcelona player who succeeded in stealing the ball did not take the initiative to kick the football off the field, but continued to attack.This move caused dissatisfaction among Liverpool players.While they signaled to the referee, they also had to concentrate on defense to avoid being taken advantage of by Barcelona.

Firmino hasn't gotten up yet, and the referee has no intention of stopping the game.

The football was passed to Messi's feet.

When Messi was about to make a vertical breakthrough with the ball, Lin Yi stuck him up.

Lin Yi, who posted it, didn't intend to break his ball at all, but used both hands and feet, and threw himself directly at Messi.

No matter how light Lin Yi was, he still weighed more than 100 catties, and he was so unreservedly pressed on Messi's body. How could the Argentine, who was also not considered strong, bear it?
He was pulled to the ground by Lin Yi and lost possession of the ball.

The game finally had to be interrupted.

There was a deafening booing at the Camp Nou.

The Barcelona fans were very dissatisfied with Lin Yi's foul, it was an intentional foul!
Messi, who was pulled to the ground by Lin Yi, raised his hands to protest and complain to the referee. The other Barcelona players were also very angry at Lin Yi's foul. Seeing that Messi was about to break through, Lin Yi fouled directly!Shameless! ?

But Liverpool was also very dissatisfied. After the referee blew the stoppage of the game, three Liverpool players rushed up immediately, surrounded the referee, and pointed to the place where Firmino fell to the ground-Firmino hadn't get up.They believed that their players were injured and fell to the ground, and Barcelona should kick the football out of bounds out of sportsmanship.

Both sides surrounded the referee and argued theoretically.

Over there, Firmino has got up from the ground, but he is still limping when he walks, which shows that he is really injured, and he didn't pretend just now.But the Barcelona fans didn't care so much. When they saw Firmino getting up from the ground, they thought he was acting just now, and boos and curses flew towards Firmino.

Klopp also appeared furious off the pitch, complaining to the fourth official about the Barcelona foul.

But this is useless, Firmino is obviously injured, but he has no substitutions, so he can only let Firmino persist on the court, with 5 minutes left, Liverpool is actually one less person... …

The referee pushed aside the crowd and walked towards Lin Yi, holding a yellow card in his hand.This yellow card was obviously for Lin Yi, but it was normal, Lin Yi just made a deliberate tactical foul, and receiving a yellow card is not wrong.

But Lin Yi didn't get up to get the card because he said he was injured and couldn't get up
Royce was so shrewd, he realized Lin Yi's thoughts at the first time, and immediately called his teammates to surround him. The Liverpool players who were still surrounding the referee's theory hurried over to press Lin Yi's legs.

The Barcelona fans who were still booing Firmino before turned their guns and started booing Lin Yi. They thought Lin Yi was pretending to have cramps, but was actually delaying time.

In fact, this is true, but amidst the boos, Lin Yi didn't get up immediately. After his teammates pressed his legs, he sat up by himself, broke his legs again, and spoke Chinese to the Barcelona players who urged him to get up. Shouting: "What's the rush! Didn't you see my cramps? I'm so anxious, are you rushing to reincarnate!"

After complaining, he slowly got up from the ground at a speed comparable to that of a sloth.

The referee was standing next to him, and he had a stubborn temper. He insisted on waiting for Lin Yi to stand up before giving him a card.

Lin Yi finally got up from the ground, and the referee quickly showed the yellow card.

The booing of the Barcelona fans in the stands was only slightly quieter.

However, with Lin Yi making such a fuss, the 6-minute stoppage time has already passed by almost 2 minutes...

In the commentary booth, the British commentator criticized Barcelona's lack of sportsmanship, while the Catalan commentator also criticized Lin Yi's lack of sportsmanship.

The British commentator believes that Barcelona did not take the initiative to kick the football out when Firmino was injured for the first time, which is a manifestation of unsportsmanlike ethics.If they took the initiative to kick the football out, how could there be Lin Yi's next tactical foul?In this way, Lin Yi does not need to receive a yellow card.

The Catalan commentator believed that both Firmino and Lin Yi were suspected of deliberately delaying time. Although they were both injured, it would definitely not make them lie down on the court and be unable to get up.

This is how the ass determines the head, and different positions determine their different interpretations of the same thing.

It is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong, because it has nothing to do with right or wrong, but only with interests.

In the last minute of stoppage time, Barcelona still failed to score a goal. Even the goalkeeper Claudio couldn't help but wanted to rush up to participate in the attack.

During this period, the Nou Camp was booed continuously, because it was Liverpool who had the ball.

The cramped Lin Yi's running ability has declined significantly, but he can still pass the ball.

He moves in a very small area, passing the ball around, making it very difficult for Barcelona to get the ball.

In the end, Mathieu couldn't bear it anymore, fouled Lin Yi, and knocked Lin Yi to the ground.

As a result, Lin Yi lay on the ground again and didn't get up - this time his leg was cramped, last time it was his right leg, this time it was his left leg...

No matter how loud the boos from the stands were, it would not help.

He is really cramp, can't let him drag his cramp legs up to buy time for Barcelona, ​​right?

Sportsmanship is never this good...

The referee gave Lin Yi a yellow card because of his tactical foul, not because he was delaying time. Cramps are really not a delay. At least Lin Yi didn't fall to the ground by himself.

As a result, even if the Barcelona players surrounded the referee, the referee did not say anything this time.

The last minute of stoppage time ended in the process of Liverpool teammates pressing Lin Yi's legs...

When Lin Yi stood up again and started the game, the referee blew the whistle to end the game in less than a minute.

In fact, before the game was over, the Liverpool players couldn't wait to stand on the sidelines, ready to cheer.

When the referee blew the end-of-game whistle, the men rushed onto the field screaming.

They won!

They knocked out Barcelona!
The Liverpool players on the field also raised their arms and shouted, while the Barcelona players collapsed on the ground. They never imagined that they would be eliminated in the semi-finals...

"The game is over!! The game is over!! Liverpool did it! They drew with Barcelona in the away game in the second leg despite the unfavorable situation in the first leg. With the advantage of more away goals, they eliminated a strong opponent! They broke into Champions League final!"

"The Cosmos team was eliminated and Liverpool won the battle to defend the Earth! Who would have thought that Liverpool would be able to eliminate Barcelona in an away game? The schedule of home first and then away was once considered to be extremely unfavorable to Liverpool, but now it seems that there is nothing unfavorable In the situation, there are only people who don't want to win! Liverpool never gave up, so they deserve such a result!"

"In this amazing game, Lin Yi contributed a lot, and he was the biggest contributor to Liverpool's promotion to the semi-finals! This game showed us a Lin Yi who can attack and defend! He can attack and retreat! That day The foot volley has become the classic goal of this Champions League and will be kept in our memory for a long time!"

The Liverpool players were celebrating the victory to their heart's content, but the Nou Camp, which had been noisy for 97 minutes, suddenly became much quieter. The Barcelona fans in the stands no longer booed, but held their heads with their hands, unbelievable Looking at the Liverpool players celebrating in the stadium.Maybe they forgot to boo the Liverpool players, or maybe they didn't have the strength to boo anymore...

In stark contrast to the reveling Liverpool players were the Barcelona players.

When the game ended, many Barcelona players collapsed on the ground, covering their faces with their hands, unable to believe the result.

Before the start of the game, they never imagined that they would be eliminated at home.

When they drew 0:0 with Liverpool in the away game, they didn't feel that Liverpool would pose any threat to them at all.

But thinking about it now, if they could score a goal away from home, maybe the situation would be completely different... It is precisely because they did not score away from home that Liverpool were so unscrupulous in the Nou Camp, because Liverpool people know very well that as long as they can A goal is an away goal!

Barcelona, ​​which was overconfident in its own strength at the beginning, has now tasted the bitter fruit.

Messi sat on the ground, covered his face with his hands, and raised his head.He also tried his best in the game and scored two goals, but failed to help the team win. These two goals suddenly became meaningless...

In the final stage of the game, even if he tried his best, it would be difficult to break through the iron wall set by Liverpool.People often use "rewrite the results of the game on their own!" to describe the ability of a star of Messi's level, but now it seems that this sentence is not absolutely correct. For example, at this time, he did not rely on his own strength rewrite the outcome of the game.

When a team like Barcelona begins to rely on the personal abilities of its stars in the end, it is basically at the end of its rope.

Neymar stood with his hands on his hips, looking around in confusion. He was really surprised by this result.

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder, and he looked back, it was Iniesta.

"Unbelievable, isn't it?" Iniesta whispered next to him. "We were eliminated at home."

Neymar didn't know how to proceed, and Iniesta continued: "But this is football. What happens in the football world is normal, isn't it? The only reason we were eliminated is that we are here. What he did in nine 10 minutes was not as good as his opponent."

When he said these words, his eyes kept looking forward, and it seemed that he had no focus, but in fact the focus was on one person.

Lin Yi.

The Liverpool centerpiece is riding on the back of his team-mate, raising his arms in celebration, with no sign of cramp
Neymar came back to his senses and turned his attention to Lin Yi.No need to ask, he also knew that Iniesta must be looking at this kid.

Because they will be eliminated, and also because they lost to Lin Yi alone, he will not blame Lin Yi for pretending to have cramps, because this is a small problem, if it is not for him not scoring more goals, there will be no such delay This kind of thing exists, Lin Yi just made reasonable use of the rules!

In the final analysis, they themselves are not up to date!
Suddenly, Iniesta walked towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi, who was celebrating his promotion to the semi-finals with his teammates, was suddenly stopped, and he looked back at Iniesta in surprise.

"Swap jerseys, Lin?" Iniesta asked in English.

"Of course!" Lin Yi replied very simply, turned around and took off the jersey, and handed it to Iniesta.

Iniesta also took off his jersey, and the two completed the exchange of jerseys.

Before leaving, Iniesta said to Lin Yi: "Good luck."

Because they played late, the other pair in the semi-finals had already decided the winner, that is Juventus, and both La Liga duo fell in the semi-finals.

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment before he thought about what Xiaobai meant. He suddenly thought that Juventus lost to Barcelona this season, and they have already eliminated Barcelona. This has changed history. Does this mean?

Lin Yi's heart was pounding, he suddenly realized that he was so close to his dream
"Thank you." Lin Yi also politely returned the gift.

Although the two sides fought fiercely in the game, and they did some unscrupulous methods in order to win, but after the game is over, there is no need to confront each other again.

When Iniesta came back with Lin Yi's jersey, Ma'er asked him, "What did you two talk about?"

"I didn't talk about anything, I just wish him good luck." Iniesta lowered his head and put Lin Yi's jersey on his body.He was wearing Lin Yi's jersey and it fit him well...

"I thought you would persuade him to come to Barcelona..." Ma'er was a little surprised.

"I think he is a person with his own thoughts, and what other people say has little influence on him." Iniesta said looking at Lin Yi.

Enrique also had the same troubles as Iniesta. At the post-match press conference, reporters threw questions about Lin Yi to him.

Everyone basically agrees that Barcelona's exit is directly related to Lin Yi's outstanding performance.

(End of this chapter)

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