Chapter 253
There are a lot of balls, and the difficulty is actually very high, but Lin Yi made them with ease, as if eating and breathing were normal.

His performance is seriously inconsistent with his age. For such a phenomenon, people can only use one word to explain it-the genius of heaven.

Firmino equalized the score 10 minutes before the end of the game, which immediately made the game full of suspense again.

After Juventus took the lead, most people felt that it was only a matter of time before Juventus won.

But now it is not a matter of time.

Liverpool equalized the score, their morale was high, even if the game was dragged to a penalty shootout, it would be them, not Juventus, who would have the upper hand.

After the game restarted, the morale-boosted Liverpool did launch a fierce offensive towards Juventus' goal. At this time, they did not seem to worry that the space behind them would be used by Juventus.

They knew that the other party didn't have much physical strength, how could it be so easy to fight back?
There are some balls that can definitely be caught up if they are placed in a 10-minute game.But now looking at it, I can't run anymore, and the speed has slowed down.

Of course, Liverpool is not much better, but they have been in a defensive state in the first half of overtime, and they have somewhat gained some respite.

Juventus is also very aware of where their disadvantages are now, so they don't think about attacking any more, and first defend the goal. If they lose the ball at the last minute, they will be reversed by Liverpool.

This kind of thing has been experienced once in the league, and there is no need to experience it again in the Champions League.

As long as the ball is not conceded, the game can be dragged into a penalty shootout. At that time, it will be fair for both parties. Liverpool has a chance to win, and Juventus has the same.

Both teams have prepared for the possible penalty shootout, so they are not very resistant to the penalty shootout.

In order not to concede the ball, Juventus shrank their defense and retracted all inside and outside their penalty area, in the 30-meter area, trying not to give Liverpool too much space.

In the face of Juventus' intensive defense, Liverpool's offensive routines are still crosses from the wing, contending for the top in the middle, or long-range shots from outside the penalty area.

However, Juventus also made targeted arrangements. While continuing to strengthen their defense against tall players like Skrtel and Sterling, they also deployed additional manpower to defend against Firmino and Lin Yi. It has become very difficult for Firmino to get unmarked opportunities in the penalty area as he wanted to score just now.

Under such circumstances, Liverpool's offensive effect is not very good.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Now Lin Yi seldom retreats to the midfield to catch the ball, he just stays in the frontcourt.This is not because he is lazy, but because he can't run anymore.

Even if his physical fitness has improved a lot this season, he still can't bear to play such a high-intensity 120-minute game after fighting for a season.

Most of the time, he didn't even run, but just paced slowly, panting heavily at the same time.

Lin Yi seldom experienced this feeling of exhaustion. When was the last time he felt this way in a game?
Lin Yi can't remember it long ago. It seems that after entering the Bundesliga, there has never been such a scene.

In today's game, if he is exhausted and can get back a Champions League champion, even if he is exhausted, he is willing to do so.

"Lin Yi is basically walking on the court now, and fortunately the game is basically played in the Juventus half, otherwise, he would be offside..." Chinese commentator He Wei said in the commentary booth on, said worriedly.

Klopp still has a substitution quota, but he didn't use it. He Wei is always worried that Lin Yi will be replaced.

Although even if Lin Yi was replaced, it was normal, and even a reasonable replacement, but He Wei would still feel pity because of it.

He hoped that Lin Yi could stay on the court all the time, and he still had a little fantasy about Lin Yi, dreaming that Lin Yi could show his amazing creativity again and help Liverpool win.

None of this would have happened if he had been substituted.

Out of selfishness, He Wei hoped that Lin Yi would stay on the court, even if he couldn't run anymore.But he still placed hope in Lin Yi.

Klopp also seemed to be a little hesitant, and it would be great to be able to equalize the score.

If it doesn't work, he is completely acceptable to play a penalty kick.

But in that case, will Lin Yi be replaced?
He hesitated and hesitated, but he still couldn't make this decision.

Now it seems that Lin Yi is the one with the worst physical condition among the Liverpool players on the field. Many times, he cannot function normally.Liverpool is tantamount to ten against eleven.

If he is replaced, no matter who is replaced, at least his physical fitness can be guaranteed, and at least he will no longer be at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

But if Lin Yi is really replaced, it seems that there is nothing to look forward to, and he can only focus on the penalty shootout.

If this is the case, Klopp is a little unwilling.

Liverpool finally equalized the score, and when morale was soaring, the head coach himself voluntarily gave up all possibilities, leaving only the preparation for a penalty kick.He felt it was a waste of morale...

Just when Klopp was hesitating, Liverpool was still besieging Juventus' goal.

Lin Yi will occasionally pass the ball outside the penalty area, but he will also run into the penalty area to look for opportunities. He will not stick to a certain position. Although he can't run anymore, it doesn't mean that he stands like a scarecrow. He couldn't move, even if he was pacing, he was constantly changing his position.

This time, he moved to the edge of the penalty area, and the football was passed horizontally outside the penalty area. Lin Yi didn't raise his hand to ask for the ball. He knew that even if he wanted the ball, it would be useless if the ball was passed. Instead, the ball may be lost.

So he just watched his teammates stumble outside, looking for opportunities.

Lin Yi is also looking for opportunities.

But he didn't find any opportunities. After being equalized, Juventus decisively shrunk across the board.This is intended to stay until the end of overtime and drag on to the penalty shootout.

In this way, they are naturally very concerned about defense, and they have built their own penalty area to be airtight.

Even for Liverpool, there is no good way.

Facing Juventus' intensive defense, the Liverpool player Firmino who took the ball decided to try a long shot.

However, his shot did not hit the goal. The football that was running forward against the turf had just rushed out when it was blocked by Marchisio who fell to the ground and shoveled. Instead of flying towards the goal, it turned sideways. Roll to... Lin Yi who is on the line of the restricted area!
At this time, Lin Yi's back was facing the attacking direction, and Pereira was defending him closely behind him.

Try not to let him turn around.

Lin Yi could feel the pressure from behind.

But he still tried his best to lean back against the pressure from Pereira.

Pereira didn't intend to do anything else, he didn't want to go around the front to defend in front of Lin Yi and destroy the football - in that case, he might be left behind by the cunning Lin Yi.

Ever since Lin Yi had one goal and one assist, Pereira had to guard against this possibility.

Who knows what action Lin Yi will make next time?

So he just pressed against Lin Yi hard, not letting him turn around easily. If he wanted to pass the football, then he could do whatever he wanted, and Pereira couldn't control that much.

In the eyes of many people, as long as Lin Yi is not allowed to turn around, his threat to the goal will be greatly reduced.

With Lin Yi's physical confrontation ability, it is impossible to play Pereira with his back.

But just when everyone thought that Lin Yi could only pass the football out, Lin Yi made a move, which made Pereira feel very suspicious.

Originally, he was in direct contact with Lin Yi's body. He pressed against Lin Yi's back, raised his hands and placed them beside him, and signaled to the referee that he did not move his hands. He pushed, but Lin Yi was diving.

From this physical contact, he could clearly feel the power coming from Lin Yi, he was desperately resisting the invasion of his own body, so that he would not be defeated in this physical contest.

With a height of 1.9 meters and a weight of 81 kilograms, Pereira completely "crushed" Lin Yi physically. He bent over, condescending, against Lin Yi, and did not give him a chance to turn around at all.

If Lin Yi wanted to fight him head-on, he was absolutely confident that he would win.

But at this moment, he felt Lin Yi's body slipping sideways under his pressure, as if he was about to deviate!
When Lin Yi tilted his body to one side, he suddenly picked up the rolling football behind him with his left foot!
The football flew past Pereira's left shoulder!

At the same time, Lin Yi quickly turned around and passed Pereira's right.

Pereira really didn't expect that Lin Yi would use such a method to complete the turn. At first, when he found that Lin Yi turned around and wiped away from him, he wanted to turn around and chase, but he suddenly found that the football was coming from him. The other side of the ball flew by, so he changed his focus again, intending to tilt his head and push the football out.

However, inertia made it difficult for him to quickly change his center of gravity. His body froze in place, unable to do anything about the flying football or Lin Yi who was wiped away.

It was as if Lin Yi cast a spell on him.

"Oh—Lin! Lin! Lin!"

The narrator and the fans in the stands climaxed.

The scene where Lin Yi picked the football past Pereira lightly with his ankle movements looked like a work of art, and it was mesmerizing to watch.

But what got them excited was what this turnaround meant.

It means that Lin Yi can face Juventus' goal head-on!
Lin Yi deftly circled behind Pereira, ready to catch the ball.

But at the same time, Barzali also arrived. He stood in front of Lin Yi and became a wall, but he didn't easily get out.Because he is very sensitive in the penalty area now, if he hits Lin Yi with his foot and Lin Yi falls, wouldn't that be a penalty for the opponent?

So now in the restricted area, we must be very cautious and absolutely not reckless.

As long as he gets stuck, Lin Yi will be helpless.

Lin Yi rushed over, and Barzali had already rushed to the defensive position. The two of them were about to meet...if they didn't brake, it would become a collision.

Barzagli raised his hands, indicating in advance that he did not make any hand movements, so as to prevent possible disputes in the future.

Next, it can be foreseen that the two people will definitely collide, because the distance is too close, it is not easy to brake urgently...

When Lin Yi was about to bump into Barzagli, he twisted his waist and turned sideways, then stretched out his left foot to reach the ball that he had picked past Pereira. At this time, he was almost turning his back to the attacking direction again. He intended to Use your body to block Barzagli and protect the ball with your body.

In the eyes of many people, being able to regain control of the ball is considered very good for Lin Yi. As for the matter of turning his back to the attacking direction again... it is not so important, as long as he can control the football, then there is Chance.

But what everyone, including Barzagli, didn't expect was that Lin Yi didn't want to regain control of the ball. With his back almost turned to Barzagli, he hooked the football with his left foot and challenged the football again. Get up!

The kicked-up football flew high over Barzagli's head.

No matter what, Barzali never thought that Lin Yi would directly pick the football over his head. Considering his height of 1.9 meters, there are really few people who want to play on his head.On the contrary, there are more people walking down the third road, because they are tall and have a high center of gravity, so their feet are naturally not so flexible.

So he tends to pay more attention to the defense of the ball at his feet, but Lin Yi did the opposite, and caught Barzagli by surprise!
Lin Yi, who picked the football past Barzagli, turned around and wiped it away from Barzagli.

"It's another dribble!" Many people in the commentary raised their buttocks from their seats and shouted in an unbelievable tone.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yijing completed his turn, and raised his foot again behind Barzali.

This time, goalkeeper Buffon abandoned the goal and rushed forward.

He jumped high and raised his arms, obviously guarding against Lin Yi's third pick.

Lin Yi raised his foot, and that was indeed an action to continue to pick the ball-if the pick is smooth, continuing to pick the ball is like inertia, and it is difficult to brake suddenly.

But Lin Yi stopped in a daze.

This time he switched to his right foot. When his right foot was lifted up to kick the football, it didn't exert force. Instead, when it touched the football, it sank along the direction of the football!

And the football seemed to be stuck to his shoe, and it fell obediently, without any intention of popping it out!
Lin Yi is not picking the ball, but stopping the ball!

Instead of going up, the football went down.

No matter how high Buffon jumped, it was useless, but it was more convenient for Lin Yi!
It's a pity that now he is jumping in the air, unable to do anything, he can only watch Lin Yi stop the football from the air in horror and despair.

After landing, the football did not break away from Lin Yi's control, and it still stuck to Lin Yi's feet obediently.

Lin Yi, who looked down at the football, hooked the football with his right foot and flicked it to the left immediately after the football hit the ground.

As soon as he pushed the football away, Paduin shoveled over!
(End of this chapter)

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