Chapter 255
Juventus, who conceded the goal, launched a very fierce offensive towards Liverpool's goal. Although their own physical fitness has reached the point of exhaustion, if they don't fight now, what's the point of remaining physical fitness?
It's just that in the face of Liverpool, which is united as one, Juventus doesn't have much to do.

The physical fitness of their players is not much better than Liverpool, maybe even worse...

At 119 minutes into the game, Liverpool made their last substitution of the game.

The fourth official held up a substitution sign on the sidelines, No. 19 was off, No. [-] was on.

No. 19 is Lin Yi, No. [-] is Lei Wa.

"Lin Yi was finally replaced..." He Wei let out a long breath. He had been worrying about Lin Yi being replaced in advance since the final stage of the 10-minute game, but now when Lin Yi was really replaced, he There is no thought of worrying about gains and losses.Now he is even more relieved, Lin Yi has completed his mission, it is normal to take a rest and there is nothing to blame.

"Klopp used up his last substitution and replaced Lin Yi with Lei Wa! If Liverpool can finally win and win the Champions League, then Lin Yi will be the biggest contributor! Two goals, One assist, great performance!"

The same is true for the fans in the stands. The Liverpool fans all stood up and gave Lin Yi warm applause and cheers.

Amid the cheers and applause, Lin Yi waved his hand to the fans in the stands, and walked towards the sidelines.

He wasn't walking fast, which was normal because he was tired.

But the Juventus players were not happy. Pogba protested to the referee, protesting that Lin Yi walked too slowly and was suspected of deliberately delaying the game time.

For the current Juventus, time is their life, and they only need one goal to return to the world.And goals take time.

If Lin Yi keeps procrastinating, there will be very little time left for them.

Pereira ran to complain to the referee, and another Juventus player, Matri, went directly to trouble Lin Yi. He ran to Lin Yi and reminded Lin Yi that it was not proper to do so.

"Why aren't you authentic?" Lin Yi simply stopped when he heard it, and asked Matri.

Matri wanted Lin Yi to leave quickly, but Lin Yi stopped instead. He was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily: "You are delaying time on purpose!"

"Why did I delay?" Lin Yi spread his hands, insisting on explaining the matter clearly.

The dispute between the two caught the attention of others, and they ran over one after another.

The Liverpool players naturally want to help Lin Yi, they absolutely do not allow their teammates to be bullied.

The same is true for Juventus.

Players from both sides quickly gathered around Lin Yi and Matri.

In the crowd, Lin Yi continued to question Matri: "If you want me to run off the field, let me tell you, I can't run anymore. It would be good if I can walk off the field. If you think I am walking slowly, you let the stretcher Come and lift me off!"

After speaking, he stood still.

Matri was also angry, he simply stretched out his hand to push Lin Yi down, Lin Yi was pushed staggered and almost fell to the ground.

This annoyed the Liverpool players. They surrounded Lin Yi and Matri and separated them. Skrtel stood between them and pushed Matri back with his hand: "You What do you want?"

Skrtel's actions were seen by the Juventus players, and naturally he was also furious-bullying!
So the players on both sides stood up like this.

The Juventus players who were behind in the score were very anxious, and naturally wanted to take this anger on Lin Yi.

But Lin Yi was surrounded by Liverpool players, they couldn't touch Lin Yi, they could only find trouble with other Liverpool players, such as Skrtel, Royce, Johnson...

The Liverpool players were not to be outdone, and while protecting Lin Yi, they protested loudly: "What are you pushing? Can't afford to lose!"

In fact, conflict is more powerful for Liverpool players, and most of them know this in their hearts.The game time passed by second by second in the conflict, and there was even less time left for Juventus.

Of course they wish this conflict would continue.

It was Allegri who stomped his feet anxiously on the sidelines-he knew very well who would be more beneficial if this went on!

He didn't know if Lin Yi was delaying the game on purpose, but it was obvious that Matri went up to him to make a theory, but it was in his favor... How could Lin Yi, such a cunning person, not take advantage of every available opportunity?
If Matri doesn't go up, Lin Yi will walk a little slower, but he will always go off, or like Pereira, complain to the referee and let the referee put pressure on Lin Yi, Lin Yi will never be able to Playing a rogue in front of the referee, right?
However, Matri rushed forward by himself and gave others such an opportunity...

Well now, there was not much time left, and all was wasted in this unnecessary conflict.

Simply stupid!
But of course he couldn't criticize his players at such a time. He stood on the sidelines to put pressure on the referee, signaling the referee to notice that Lin Yi was deliberately delaying time. This was very unsportsmanlike.

Klopp of course has to stand up for his players at this time. He roared at the fourth official: "Such an obvious foul! Matri should be given a red card!"

This is nonsense... Matri's action may not even meet the punishment standard of a yellow card, let alone a red card.

But it's the enemy anyway, and you don't need to care what the enemy thinks, as long as you vent your emotions.

Klopp's approach will of course cause dissatisfaction on the Juventus side.

The assistant coach of Juventus rushed up at that time, and was about to argue with Klopp across the fourth official: "What nonsense are you talking about! It is obvious that you are delaying the time first!"

Not to be outdone, Klopp hit back: "I am surprised that you can say such nonsense! You are still a player, and you can run for me after playing 120 minutes? You are taking Superman's standards. Against Biaolin?"

"There was an unexpected situation on the court, and Matri and Lin Yi seemed to have a conflict..." The commentators also quickly noticed this scene.

"It's really irrational for Matt to provoke Lin Yi..." He Wei said. "Lin Yi really has no energy, he can't run, can't he go off the field? I understand the Juventus players want to hurry up, but it's too irrational to do so..."

As a Chinese commentator, he must always demand himself with "neutrality and objectivity", otherwise the large number of Juventus fans in China may not spare him lightly.So even if he wants to criticize Juventus players, he should try to be as tactful as possible and pay attention to his tone and wording.

However, many Chinese fans in front of the TV and on the Internet did not need to maintain "grace" at all. They launched various attacks on Matri, and Juventus naturally couldn't escape.

This season, the competition between Juventus and Liverpool has reached a fever pitch after the foreshadowing of the previous two seasons.

Conflicts between players from both sides are common.

And this kind of conflict is not only reflected in the football field, but also in the places where fans from both sides gather off the field.

Mostly on the web.

In China, Liverpool has always been more dominant, because Liverpool has Lin Yi, while Juventus does not have any Chinese players.The vast majority of Chinese fans will of course stand by Lin Yi out of support for their compatriots, so they will naturally support Liverpool with Lin Yi.

I am afraid that only the most die-hard Juventus fans will fight with fans who support Lin Yi and Liverpool on the Chinese Internet.

The conflict didn't last long, and there were also people on Juventus' side helping to persuade them. Finally, there are smart people who know that continuing to toss is not good for Juventus-even if it's because of this, overtime is still needed. Injury stoppage time, but it is impossible for the referee to give stoppage time indefinitely, right?
Still have to get back to the game as soon as possible.

Some of the Liverpool players are also persuading their teammates not to continue pestering them.However, the starting point of their worry is that if this consumption continues, the referee will count all the delayed time into the stoppage time.

The right to stoppage time in overtime is in the hands of the referee Rizzoli...

Now they can't wait for the referee to blow the whistle for the end of the game after the conflict is over...

In the end, the referee gave Matri, who pushed Lin Yi, a yellow card, and Skrtel, who pushed Matri with a backhand, a yellow card.

It can be regarded as playing [-] big boards each.

But in the eyes of Juventus fans, they are very upset, because the instigator of this conflict seems to have not been punished-Lin Yike is doing well!

The referee did not give him a card, nor did he give him a verbal warning.

As for Lin Yi himself, after the conflict ended, he walked slowly to the sidelines, and instead of clapping high-fives to Lei Wa standing in front of him, he raised his hands first to greet the applauding Liverpool fans in the stands. Thank you for your support.

This is a "prescribed action" that almost every off-field player will do.

However, most players will only do this set of "prescribed actions" when they walk off the court after handing over to their teammates.There are also some players who choose to do it as they walk off the court, walk to the sidelines, just finish, and then bend over with their teammates and get off the court cleanly.

But Lin Yi was not. He walked to the sidelines, stood still, and then did this set of moves, leaving his teammates alone.

According to FIFA regulations, if the replaced player does not leave the field, the replaced player cannot play. Therefore, if Lei Wa wants to play, he must wait for Lin Yi to come down. If Lin Yi does not leave the field, he cannot go up. .

At first glance, it seemed that Lin Yi was putting on airs in front of Lei Wa, but Lei Wa showed no displeasure, but looked at Lin Yi and applauded like the Liverpool fans in the stands.

He doesn't mind Lin Yi "hanging" him here, on the contrary, he agrees with Lin Yi's approach very much, because he can understand the "small thoughts" in Lin Yi's heart-deliberately delaying time.

If it were Lin Yi, he would do the same.

Lin Yi stood on the sidelines and thanked the Liverpool fans with a smile. The Liverpool fans all stood up and applauded Lin Yi.

But the other half of the stadium were Juventus fans. They booed Lin Yi's blatant delay of time.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't go too far, he just slapped his hands twice, waved his hands, and ended up.

While hugging Reva, he heard Reva whisper in his ear, "Good job, buddy!"

Of course he wasn't talking about Lin Yi's goals and assists, he was talking about the time wasted by Lin Yi's exit.

Generally, when the leading team makes a substitution in stoppage time or near stoppage time, it is basically impossible to have any technical and tactical attempts, just to delay time.

Since it is delaying time, it is necessary to make a big fuss in the process of replacing people.

Many teams will take the opportunity to delay time when making substitutions, which is not a rare thing at all.

Conflicts caused by time delays during substitutions are not uncommon.

Finally, Liverpool completed the substitution.

The game can continue, but at this time the time has already exceeded 120 minutes, and it has reached 1201 minutes.

It stands to reason that the referee can directly blow the whistle to the end of the game.

But he didn't, he signaled Juventus to keep attacking.

There was a booing from the Liverpool fans in the stands.

The Juventus fans saw hope and cheered for their team loudly.

They believed that the referee would make up for all the time lost by Lin Yi, and Juventus would seize the few minutes of stoppage time, equalize the score at the last minute, and drag the game into a penalty shootout.

It would be best to be able to score a goal during the countdown, and use the time provided by Lin Yi and Lin Yi's method to beat Lin Yi's team, that would be really cool...

Thinking of this, many Juventus fans are excited.

I can't help but start to imagine what kind of scene it will be in my mind.

But the reality is very cruel.

When Juventus's attack was finally kicked away by Simone Pepe, the referee blew the whistle in his mouth, but it was not the whistle indicating Liverpool's goal kick, but two short whistles, one long whistle, and three whistles. Whistle!

"The game is over——!!!" He Wei almost shouted, and when the referee raised his arm, he couldn't wait to yell out such a sentence. "The game is over! Liverpool are the champions! They are the European champions! Lin Yi has become the first Chinese player in history to win the Champions League!!"

"It's over! Liverpool beat Juventus 120-3 after 2 minutes of hard work in the final to win their sixth Champions League title in club history!! For Klopp and his team It’s been a fantastic season, an incredible season, but it’s also a tough one!! Liverpool now ranks third in the Champions League after Real Madrid’s 14 and AC Milan’s 7. Their last time Winning the championship is still the famous Miracle of Istanbul!!"

(End of this chapter)

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