Chapter 260
Officer Bob said coldly that he had already received a hint from the chief to delay the gringo, and they didn't even look for anyone.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was too anxious, and I didn't choose what to say, so please don't take it to heart."

Quan Ning followed his heart.

Well, this is not in line with his usual personality at all. He has always been very arrogant, but he is just pretending to be a tiger. He used women to weave a network of relationships in Hong Kong Island and South Korea, and curry favor with a bunch of rich kids. If he were in these two places, he could still find people to help him, but in Europe, he was like a toothless tiger, not daring to blow his hair at all.

"That's the way our German police station works. Don't you like it? Then go back to Korea and report the crime!"

Officer Bob sneered, sat back down again, crossed his legs, and continued to read the newspaper.

Quan Ningyi: "..."

He stood up hesitantly and walked out of the room.

If it was in South Korea, which little policeman would dare to speak to him like that?

"A group of white-skinned pigs just look down on us East Asians! What's the big deal?" He murmured brokenly, "What kind of shitty place is this? When I return to Korea, I will definitely expose this matter and let you Germans The police statement sweeps the floor!"

After walking out of the police station, Quan Ningyi called Jessica's family and friends again, asking them if they had any contact with Jessica and if they knew where she was now.

A close friend said to him worriedly: "Brother Ning, I haven't been able to find my sister-in-law, this is not a problem!"

"I didn't expect her reaction to be so big this time?" Quan Ningyi said depressedly: "It's not like there have been similar things before. If I coax her, she will eventually compromise, but it has never been like this time. She hid directly, so that I couldn’t find her at all. She was too willful... She shouldn’t have been hiding under any circumstances. If she couldn’t find anyone, it would really drive people crazy!”

"Brother Ning, I have an idea about this, and I don't know if I should tell you..."

"If you have anything to say, just say it, who is going to talk to who between us?"

"Then I'll tell you, my sister-in-law has a very tough personality. If you really anger her, will she repay her in the same way..."


Quan Ning immediately became angry:

"My girlfriend is pure and pure, virtuous and virtuous. I can't be cuckolded by anyone! What kind of friend are you? We are no longer friends with you!"

hang up the phone.

He was still very angry, but after a long time, he began to feel uneasy again.

Because after all, he himself did something to be sorry for his girlfriend, and he knew it in his heart. Of course, he played with so many little sisters, but he always put his girlfriend first.

And if his girlfriend finds his younger brother to play with behind his back...

His mentality exploded in an instant!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Quan Ning smiled confidently, but only he knew how much confidence there was in the smile.

Walked for a long time.

He still started calling Jung Soo Yeon.

I called five or six times, unexpectedly, this time I actually called again——

"Hey, dear, I was wrong, you come back, I was really wrong, you come back, I want to beat or kill you, I just ask you to come back."

He finished speaking quickly with a smooth tongue, keeping his posture very low.

"Ah! Hmm!" Jung Soo-yeon yelled loudly, "Go away, my mother blocked you a long time ago, and let you out just to make it clear to you, can you stop calling my family all the time, it's so annoying!!! Really annoying! fuck!"

"I was really worried about your safety..."

"Uh! Oh!" Jessica suddenly retorted in a high-pitched tone, shouting: "You go out to nightclubs in the middle of the night to pick up girls, and leave me alone in the hotel to worry about my safety? Yes! NO!"

"Jessica, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, you come back first. I will listen to you what you want in the future."

Jessica: "Please, you keep saying the same thing every time. You are not tired of saying it, but I am tired of hearing it. Do you think I will still believe your nonsense? How many more times will you lie to me? I won't Let me tell you more, our property will be handed over to professional lawyers to divide it up, don't try to take advantage of me!!"

Quan Ning hung up the phone with an aggrieved expression.

I was scolded so much that I almost shut myself up.


He was a little puzzled.

Jessica was understandably emotional and kept yelling at him.

But when speaking, why are there so many modal particles and English suddenly mixed in?He remembered that Jessica used to have different speaking habits...

"It's strange... I came to Europe, and my tone of voice has changed. As for?"

Quan Ning shook his head.

And the other side.

When Jessica sat in a duck-sitting position and talked to Quan Ning on the phone, Lin Yi's expression... was full of shock!
Should I say it or not, this woman is really courageous.

She is indeed a woman who has come out of the Korean entertainment industry!

"Why are you staring at me?"

Zheng Xiuyan looked down at Lin Yi from above.

"Uh..." Lin Yi sneered, " back hurts."

"Hold on!"

Lin Yi: "..."



"Come and help, don't lie down."

In the kitchen, Zheng Xiuyan, who had a ruddy pretty face with a rose-like beauty, said to Lin Yi.


Lin Yi got up from the sofa, twisted his waist, and said:
"Well, as the old saying goes, the more the cow gets tired, the more..."

Jessica's eyes narrowed slightly, with a hint of murderous intent: "If you keep talking nonsense, you won't be able to stand up tonight."

"Okay, okay, I'm here to help."

Lin Yi shut up.

Came to the kitchen and helped Jung Soo-yeon with some chores.

When Jessica Jessica was at home, she often tried to cook by herself. Of course, Koreans know everything about cooking. It is no exaggeration to say that you can make a few fried rice casually. In Korea, they are all chefs. The so-called Korean Compared with Chinese food, the food is rubbish.

The two of them were busy in the kitchen for more than half an hour, and the steaming hot meal came out of the oven.

Placed on the dining table, the appearance is excellent and the variety is rich, but the taste is not bad, at least Lin Yi is not that picky, and Jessica's cooking is indeed a bit level, which makes Lin Yi admire!
"I didn't expect you to be surprisingly good at cooking?"

Lin Yi was surprised.

He originally thought that the food made by a woman like Zheng Xiuyan can only be eaten, and there is no guarantee that it will be delicious.

But he was slapped in the face.

They cook very well.

"I'm just a hobby." Jung Soo Yeon said, "After retiring from the group, I've been busy with my career all day long. Once I take a break, I want to rest at home and cook by myself. Gradually, cooking has become one of my hobbies. "

"It's also a pleasure to see all kinds of ingredients, exert their maximum value in your own hands, and turn them into delicious dishes."

"A great hobby." Lin Yi gave a thumbs up to Zheng Xiuyan, showing his white teeth, and smiled: "But I want you to feed me with your mouth..."

I really can't help you.

Jessica looked helpless.

However, she also felt that Lin Yi could be rewarded appropriately.

Pick up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks, then hold it in your mouth and feed it to Lin Yi's mouth.

“It was delicious!”

Lin Yi licked his lips, smiled ambiguously, smacked his lips, and praised.

After eating a meal, Lin Yi said that he was quite happy with the meal, which was quite interesting.

After putting the leftover dishes into the dishwasher, the two of them lay on the sofa, snuggling together, watching TV.

It is normal for Lin Yi to watch TV and play with his mobile phone at the same time.


He smiled.

Jung Soo-yeon asked curiously, "What are you laughing at?"

Lin Yi put the phone in front of her: "Look for yourself!"

There was a tweet on the phone, and the laxatives were all in English, but Lin Yi could tell at a glance that it was posted by a domestic sand sculpture netizen, and there were many friendly comments below.

[Korea Tourism Organization: When you come to Korea, how can you not taste the Korean court''Man Han Banquet''?These palace dishes handed down from the Goryeo era are definitely the essence of Korean traditional food culture. At the dining table of the nobility...]

Below Weibo are replies from sand sculpture netizens.

【Guess why it is called 'Man-Han Banquet', is there a 'Man-Han' in Korea? 】

[The full banquet of Man and Han represents satisfaction, and Han represents the Han nationality. If South Korea wants to make dishes that satisfy our Han nationality, who told them that they have always been a vassal state of China?It is necessary to do so.There's nothing wrong with that, old men! 】

[Forgive me for my lack of reading, does it mean that "Man Han Quan Banquet" means full of Seoul delicacies? 】

"I'm dying of laughing. Don't you Koreans know what the Manchu Banquet represents?" Lin Yi said with a smile, "Koreans really love to steal Chinese culture. I remember that the Korean Tourism Bureau also had a promotional speech before. , 'There is an old saying in South Korea called [A hundred hearings are worth seeing once]. It means that it is better to see it with one's own eyes than to hear it once.', I was stunned to delete Weibo, and this time it came again."

Jessica blushed, but she was powerless to refute. This is indeed something that Korea can do.

Angry and angry, he patted Lin Yi, fiercely, "What do you mean by showing me this? Laughing at me?"

Lin Yi looked innocent, "You asked it yourself!" He shook his head speechlessly: "It's not because of cultural inferiority in your bones. You have achieved great economic development, but in terms of history and culture, you are too scarce, so you have money. Afterwards, it’s like becoming a cultural person, wearing gold and silver and so on after getting rich like those nouveau riche, showing that you are a rich person, carved out of the same mold.”

"Don't say that again!"

"Okay," Lin Yi raised his hands in surrender, "Then let's talk about something else."


"Do you want to make movies in Hollywood? What I said before is true. My company has already been established, and I'm already contacting the film company to acquire it. I have negotiated a batch of film investments in advance. Do you want to join the team?"

"How is it good for me?"

"Of course." Lin Yi raised his eyebrows: "I have always been the most generous to my own people. But, I treat you as one of my own, do you treat me as your own?"

Jessica Jessica looked at Lin Yi suspiciously: "I... have done that, isn't it enough? Then what do you want?"

"Be more sincere. I heard that Girls' Generation has nine..."

Lin Yi said with a smirk.

"You are too much!"

Zheng Xiuyan was furious immediately. This guy was really a philanderer. He rushed up and bit Lin Yi, chewing in big bites:
"I'll bite you to death!"

"Hey, hey, don't bite... um... um... oh..."

Lin Yi let out a cry of pain.

It hurts her to bite.


The next day.

The sun slowly rose from the horizon, dyeing the entire sky a golden yellow.

The whole city is illuminated and everything becomes clear and beautiful.

There are white clouds floating in the light blue sky, like a beautiful scroll unfolding in front of people's eyes.

When Lin Yi woke up from his sleep, what caught his eye was naturally Jung Soo-yeon curled up in his arms, like an insecure beast.

"you're awake?"

Jessica didn't know when she opened her eyes and looked at Lin Yi with sleepy eyes.

"It's so beautiful!"

Lin Yi smiled and kissed her gently on the tip of her nose.

Her body curves are maintained just right, not too much more, not too much less.The curve from neck to shoulder is soft and smooth, without any unnecessary ups and downs.

The whole gives people a light and youthful feeling, and the temperament of the body is much more advanced at once.

"Hurry up and get on the boat, it's getting late."

He patted Jung Soo-yeon on the buttocks lightly, and said:

"Don't forget, you are going to have a cut with the scumbag today."

Well, I have been playing with Lin Yi for two days and two nights, and it is impossible for her to continue playing with Lin Yi here. It is time to meet that person, and the professional team Lin Yi found for her is already waiting. caught!
She has earned so much money, she can't let her hard-earned money be cheated by a scumbag.

"I see."

Jung Soo-yeon got off the boat lazily, although she really didn't want to leave, but this matter must be understood, at worst, she would be embarrassing, anyway, she was already a joke in the Korean media, and she didn't care about losing face a little more.

"I really don't want to see his face again."

"Huh? You hate him that much?"

"I didn't think so before, but now, the more I think about it, I think he's...hehe!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Jung Soo-yeon's mouth, and said:

"Now I can only use a joke to describe what he looks like for most of his life in my eyes."

"What joke?"

【One day, Xiao Ming was walking with potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. When he passed the first intersection, the potatoes were run over by a car. Xiao Ming: "Haha, ketchup!" Passing the third intersection, Xiao Ming was run over, Cucumber: "Haha, scum!"]

Lin Yi: "..."

Sure enough, when a woman doesn't love you, it's wrong for you to even breathe.

"You wash up first, I'll make you breakfast."

Lin Yi kissed her on the face again, and then left the bedroom gracefully.

half an hour.

The two sat at the dining table.

Lin Yi still cooks the third breakfast, fried dough sticks, eggs, soy milk, clean and hygienic, rich in nutrition. As a die-hard fan, Lin Yi is confident that he is still qualified to eat eggs laid by his brother!
(End of this chapter)

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