Chapter 269
Fimi happened to be showing off to Henderson the cheers he received when he just came on the field.

"I never expected that I would have so many supporters in China! They are so crazy and enthusiastic! I think, Kuba, I must have more fans in China than you..."

Before he could finish his words, he was drowned out by sudden thunderous cheers.

He looked back and saw Lin Yi walking out of the exit.

"Lin Yi!!!!!!"

"Lin Yi is good!!"

"Lin Yi, I love you so much!!"

Regardless of whether the voice is male or female, only one person's name is called.

Not only Firmino turned back, but also other Liverpool players, coaches, and officials all turned back to look at Lin Yi.

They knew that Lin Yi was a very popular star player in China, but they could not imagine that Lin Yi was so popular.

The reporters from the British media who came with the team were shocked when they saw this scene. They felt that the love of the Liverpool fans for Lin Yi was shocking enough, but they did not expect that the love of the Chinese fans for Lin Yi was even more shocking!

"...In my opinion, Lin Yi is completely emperor-level in China. No matter where he goes, he can arouse people's worship..." In a report sent back to the UK by a reporter, he wrote. "He cannot go out unabashedly, otherwise traffic will be paralyzed wherever he goes... We used to think that China is a football desert, and Lin Yi is like a god who brings rain to this desert..."

"After seeing Lin Yi's popularity in China at the airport, I think I can understand why Liverpool FC must plan this trip to China. If I were the decision-maker of Liverpool FC, I would probably agree... Please Thanks to Lin Yi, the entire Liverpool team enjoys extraordinary treatment in China..." another British reporter wrote.

"...The Liverpool team's bus left the airport, and was escorted by police cars along the way. Everywhere it went was smooth. On both sides of the road, you can see fans gathering at any time, wearing Liverpool jerseys and waving Chinese flags. Expressed the warmest welcome to the arrival of the Liverpool team, they took the summer bus to Liverpool and kept shouting Lin Yi's name... But Lin Yi still had a look on his face in front of such crazy fans. With his signature smile, he waved to the fans. Although the smile did not change, at that moment, I felt a little strange to Lin Yi in front of me. He really seemed to be the leader of this land..." A The British reporter described in detail what he saw and heard in China.

The words and photos of these reporters opened the eyes of British fans, and they also had the most intuitive understanding of Lin Yi's popularity in China.

This scene really excited the staff of Liverpool's commercial department. Before coming to China, they were worried that Liverpool's popularity in China was not too high.

So after winning the Champions League, they gained a little confidence to come to China to make money.

But now it seems that they don’t actually have to wait to win the Champions League before coming back, they just need to keep Lin Yi.
China is a market so huge that no one can ignore it. It is like a treasure mountain.But not everyone and all teams can come to this treasure mountain to get a piece of the pie.If you don't have the right method, you may not even be able to enter Baoshan.

Liverpool are lucky, they have the best golden key.

With Lin Yi, the Chinese market is completely open to Liverpool.

In the next few days, everyone at Liverpool Club and the British reporters who came with the team saw Lin Yi's popularity in China.

The training was originally open, but in the last two days it had to be closed.

Because there are so many Chinese fans who come to watch the team's training, it has completely affected the team's normal training.

Those fans kept shouting Lin Yi's name in the stands.

Their voices even covered the whistle of the coaches, making it impossible for the players to respond to the coach's instructions immediately.

Therefore, the team could only cancel public training. At the same time, in order to avoid offending Chinese fans, Lin Yi was allowed to participate in the press conference, which ended why the team did this.

"...We take the game very seriously and hope to have a good training before the game..."

Lin Yi explained.

Within the team, everyone is also intimidated by Lin Yi's popularity in China.

"God, it turns out that so many people in China like Liverpool!"

"Hey, it's not Liverpool, it's Lin. Lin's popularity is really high."

Someone immediately corrected him.

"Oh, yes, yes. What a terrifying popularity!"

A total of three games have been arranged for Liverpool's trip to China this time.

One game in Guangzhou, one game in Shanghai, and one game in BJ. After the fight, we left BJ and headed to South Korea.

In Guangzhou, Liverpool's opponent is a local professional team in Guangzhou-Guangzhou Evergrande.

Today's Chinese Super League hegemons, the head coach of this team is Lippi, a world-class coach.There are many domestic stars in the team, and many international players are from Guangzhou Evergrande.

As the strongest domestic team in China, the match between Guangzhou Evergrande and Liverpool is naturally eye-catching.You know, Liverpool has just won the Champions League.Everyone wants to see how big the gap is between the top teams in China and the top teams in Europe.

At the pre-match press conference, Lin Yi also talked about the Evergrande team: "I also know that they are the Chinese Super League champions for four consecutive seasons. I have introduced them to my teammates. This is an Asian team. Against championship-level opponents, I think we will go all out in the game." Because this season's Chinese Super League is not over yet, there is no talk of five consecutive championships.

The two sides began to exchange commercial boasts. Lippi, the head coach of Guangzhou Evergrande, praised Liverpool for their outstanding performance in European football at the pre-match press conference. He thought Liverpool was great and Klopp had accomplished an incredible job. Call it a great job.

Then he also focused on Lin Yi, which is the topic of most interest to the Chinese media.

In the interview, world-class coach "Silver Fox" Lippi spoke highly of Lin Yi.

"...There is no doubt that he is a world-class player. It is a blessing for Liverpool to have him. It is also a blessing for Chinese football to have him. If I were the head coach of the Italian national team, I would also very much hope that He could be an Italian, then I could recruit him into my national team..."

A reporter asked: "Then why don't you accept the Chinese national team?"

Lippi smiled and blinked: "As we all know, Lin Yi has been permanently expelled from the national team."

There was a burst of understanding laughter among the reporters. Who didn't know that Lin Yi's performance over the years has swollen the face of the Football Association.

In fact, when they played against Liverpool, the Chinese Super League was going on as scheduled. For Guangzhou Evergrande, they did not get more rest time just because they had to play against Liverpool. They just squeezed out their usual week's rest time to play against Liverpool. Play a game.So they didn't have to face double matches a week, but now they have to face double matches a week.

Evergrande had just finished an away game in the Chinese Super League and returned to Guangzhou without stopping. The whole team was engaged in training to prepare for Liverpool.

Although it is very hard, everyone at Evergrande is still looking forward to this game. "We hope to compete with the top teams in Europe. Only by playing against strong teams can we improve ourselves." This is the common sentiment of almost all Evergrande players interviewed.

Lippi didn't send a substitute in just because this was an unplanned game.This is a rare learning opportunity for his team, and it would be a waste to cope with it with substitute players.

Therefore, in the starting list announced before the game, Guangzhou Evergrande has all the main players.

There are quite a few domestic internationals in the current Evergrande team, but in terms of foreign players, the most famous one is the former Real Madrid star Robinho, but this one has no form and is purely here to make money.

The current leader of this team is Paulinho, who has just been bought from Tottenham for half a season.

This player is a Brazilian international, and in his prime, he is the well-deserved number one superstar in the Chinese Super League.

At eight o'clock in the evening BJ time, the Tianhe Stadium was packed and the crowd was buzzing. The referee blew his whistle and the game between Guangzhou Evergrande and Liverpool began.

Lin Yi also started in this game.

At the beginning, when Liverpool faced Evergrande, most of the players probably did not take Evergrande's players seriously. After all, there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

But at the beginning of the game, Evergrande used Paulinho's organization and Goulart's speed to create several opportunities in succession.Guangzhou fans in the stands burst into cheers.

On one occasion, he even came close to scoring.

The camera captured Lin Yi shouting loudly to his teammates on the court.

"I think Lin Yi must be reminding them not to underestimate the enemy..." the CCTV commentator speculated. "I don't know what exactly he shouted..."

In fact, what Lin Yi shouted was: "Did you have too much fun during the offseason? You should be more serious!"

Firmino's eyes widened, "Brother, you obviously paid to take us to play, but why do you act like you didn't go? I still remember that the female model was helped off the boat."

Fimi finally figured out why Lin Yi was so fierce on the court. A real strong man is strong in all aspects.

Evergrande's continuous offensive makes Chinese fans very happy - although they are fans of Lin Yi, when playing between domestic clubs and foreign clubs, unless they are fans of Liverpool and not fans of Evergrande, otherwise Everyone will support their national team.

Rationally speaking, it is impossible to expect Guangzhou Evergrande to defeat Liverpool, but they hope that Evergrande can score at least one goal in the game and play with style and level.

So seeing Evergrande's offense playing vigorously, the Guangzhou fans in the stands were very excited.

But they were not happy for long.

After several consecutive attacks but failed to score, Liverpool finally came to their senses and realized that if they underestimated their opponent, they might really lose the game, which would be embarrassing...

Once Liverpool starts to get serious, there will basically be no chance for Evergrande.

Lin Yi is the core of Liverpool, but when playing against Evergrande, he does not need to exert much effort as his core, and Liverpool does not need to rely on his core. Others are enough.

Before the game, Evergrande also arranged for special people to mark Lin Yi. During the actual game, they discovered that they were actually thinking too much - Liverpool could easily defeat them without Lin Yi...

Of course, Lin Yi can't take a walk on the court to make soy sauce, so the Chinese fans will be the first to quit-they come to see Lin Yi's performance.

Several of his wonderful passes drew cheers from the fans in the stands.

In the past, cheers of this level would only erupt after a goal was scored, but now they occur frequently when Lin Yi passes the ball.

In the 207th minute, Lin Yi made a wonderful through ball in the midfield and sent the football to Evergrande's ribs. Kuba received the ball there and passed it across the ball immediately.

Firmino in the middle easily pushed the ball home.

Although Zeng Cheng fought back hard and made a save, it was too late.

After scoring, Liverpool played more easily.

Before the end of the first half, Liverpool scored another victory, rewriting the score to 2:0.

During the halftime break, Lin Yi was not replaced. He continued to stay on the court in the second half. The Guangzhou fans applauded Klopp for this approach - they did not want to watch Lin Yi for half the game.

Liverpool, which had already led by two goals in the second half, began to control the rhythm under the leadership of Lin Yi.

They pass and cooperate continuously, just like they play in Europe. When they pass continuously, it is difficult for Evergrande's players to stop the football no matter how they run.

Even the Guangzhou fans were impressed by the skillful passing and cooperation between Liverpool players, and cheers erupted from the stands.

And just when Evergrande became impatient because of Liverpool's continuous passes, Liverpool suddenly changed its rhythm.

Lin Yi sent the football to the front and then quickly moved forward.

Firmino passed the football to Lin Yi who had already run into the open space.

After receiving the pass on the line of the penalty area, he directly shot a long shot. The football was drawn in an arc by him, bypassed Zeng Cheng's outstretched arm, hit the lower edge of the crossbar, and then bounced in. goal!

"Lin Yi!! Good goal!! World wave!!!!" the CCTV commentator shouted excitedly - in this game, Liverpool depends on Lin Yi's performance, and now Lin Yi has scored a goal, this is simply It couldn't be more perfect!

When Lin Yi scored, huge cheers erupted from the Tianhe Stadium, which exceeded any previous cheers.

Both goals were scored by Liverpool, but the first two goals definitely didn't have such momentum.

Lin Yi, who scored the goal, did not celebrate the goal in front of his national team teammates. He just waved to the Chinese fans in the stands.

Klopp also applauded Lin Yi's goal on the sidelines, and then prepared to replace Lin Yi - letting Lin Yi score the goal was an explanation.Now, for the benefit of the team, he wants to replace Lin Yi to avoid injury and excessive fatigue.

(End of this chapter)

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