Chapter 273
In the past, no one cared much about the performance of the Guoan team. Anyway, the outcome of this game was decided and there was no suspense. Everyone came to watch this game to appreciate the wonderful performance of the Liverpool players and Lin Yilai.

As a result, Zhang Xizhe's shot attracted everyone's attention to the Guoan team. Some people even had the idea of ​​​​seeing whether BJ Guoan could cause some trouble for Liverpool in the subsequent games. Woolen cloth?

A one-sided game actually doesn’t look good.

Zhang Xizhe's kick also caused changes in the stands. When the game restarted, more and more people cheered for the BJ Guoan team.

After all, we are all Chinese. Who wants to let teams from other countries show off on their own territory?Previously, they were in a fan mentality and were a little obsessed with Liverpool, but deep down, they still had a patriotic heart.If the Chinese team performs better, why can't they cheer for their own country's team?Not to mention that this is still the home court of BJ Guoan.

The football didn't just hit the goalpost, it also hit many people's hearts, shaking them awake.

However, at this time, Zhang Xizhe did not have the time to care about the reaction in the stands like he did when he was sitting on the bench. Although the goal was not scored, it did not dampen his fighting spirit. He quickly recovered from his depression. Come over and continue the challenge towards Liverpool's goal.

His teammates seemed to be inspired by his shot that hit the door frame. The whole team ran actively, looking for opportunities to cooperate with Zhang Xizhe.

Finally, he is no longer fighting alone...

There's just not much time left for him and his team.

It is now the 707th minute of the game, and there are still 13 minutes left before the end of the game.

Facing the suddenly high-spirited BJ Guoan, Liverpool seemed ill-prepared. The defense line composed of a group of young people started to look a little panicked when faced with the impact of BJ Guoan players represented by Zhang Xizhe...

"Zhang Xizhe, good shot! He broke through again!" the CCTV commentator shouted excitedly, and comments like this were common in the next few minutes.

With the Guoan team's offensive, the stadium was filled with people, and cheers came one after another, all cheering for Guoan.

Klopp was dissatisfied with the performance of his players on the sidelines. Lin Yi was sitting on the bench, touching his chin, crossing his legs, and watching the court with interest.

There was no such scene when playing against Evergrande.I didn't expect to see it today.

How did this scene come about?

Looking at the panting Zhang Xizhe, Lin Yi was suddenly curious. If the other party behaved like this at Wolfsburg, how could he be sent back?

No matter what he guessed, Zhang Xizhe performed better and better amidst everyone's cheers. He kept running on the court looking for opportunities and seemed to never get tired.

In the 805th minute of No. [-], BJ Guoan launched a counterattack.

Zhang Xizhe switched to the right wing this time - his frequent changes of positions on the court also made Liverpool's defensive players a little confused.

There was a large space in front of him, and his teammates passed the football in front of him.This just allows Zhang Xizhe to give full play to his speed advantage.

After the football was passed, Zhang Xizhe accelerated forward to chase the ball.At the same time, Liverpool's defenders were in his way.

Zhang Xizhe, who had just caught up with the football, pushed the football forward with his right foot!Then speed up!
There were no fancy fake moves or any changes in rhythm. He just walked directly to the ball and rushed past Liverpool's defenders unreasonably with his speed...

"Good shot! Beautiful breakthrough!" the Chinese commentator became excited. "This is BJ Guoan's opportunity!"

The stands were filled with cheers, cheering for Zhang Xizhe.

Zhang Xizhe, who broke through a barrier, dribbled the ball towards Liverpool's penalty area at high speed.

Liverpool's defenders were rushing back to defend.

The game lasted for more than 80 minutes, and this was the most embarrassing performance by Liverpool...

"Go!!!!" A die-hard Guoan fan in the stands waved the Guoan team flag. After entering the field, the flag was waved a few times at the beginning of the game, and then hung down listlessly. , just like those fans, they can only watch their team being "bloodbathed" mercilessly by Liverpool...

Zhang Xizhe dribbled the ball to the edge of the penalty area and faced the left back Moreno who was back in place - in fact, he didn't know who the player wearing a Liverpool jersey in front of him was or what his name was, and it meant nothing to him. , no matter who it is, just get over it.He did not have the awareness of "whoever comes, the sword will not kill the nameless ghost" when the two armies were fighting in ancient times.

While running, he stretched out his right foot, pointed the football back with his toes, and then made an emergency stop, which meant he was about to turn!
Moreno immediately stopped and adjusted his center of gravity. If Zhang Xizhe wanted to turn around, he would be hit directly. In fact, he didn't know the name of this active Guoan player. That didn't matter. Anyway, no matter who wants to break through him, just stop him.

Zhang Xizhe turned around and kicked the football with his left foot.

Moreno was about to turn around, and after Zhang Xizhe cut inside, he continued to get stuck inside, preventing him from having a chance to break into the penalty area.

But Zhang Xizhe's left foot did not touch the football. He crossed from behind the football!

Is it a feint?
Moreno stared at Zhang Xizhe in front of him. He found that Zhang Xizhe's right foot followed up and kicked the football. At the same time, his body also fell to the left.This made Moreno feel relieved - his center of gravity fell to the left side. He couldn't just fake it now, could he?

But the next scene made Moreno's eyes widen: Zhang Xizhe's right foot did not kick the football, but still passed behind the football!
Then Zhang Xizhe's body fell to the right like a tumbler, and at the same time he pushed the football in the opposite direction with the instep of his left foot!
Zhang Xizhe then broke through from the right!
When he passed by Moreno, Moreno's body froze in place. He could only look back, wanting to see the name of the Chinese player who had broken through him.But unfortunately, Guoan’s jersey is just like the jerseys of other teams in the Chinese Super League. There are only numbers and sponsors’ names on the back, but no players’ names...

Zhang Xizhe, who broke through the defense, flicked the football inward with his right foot and cut into the penalty area!
His move made the Liverpool defenders very nervous, and others swarmed towards him.

And this is exactly what Zhang Xizhe needs - when the Liverpool defenders are rushing towards him, he kicks the football towards the center!
A half high ball!

There, Deyang rushed to the top and jumped to the top!


There was a huge cheer in the stadium, celebrating the goal in advance.

Adam Bogdan raised his hands in front of the goal. It was too late to make other defensive actions. It looked like he was raising his hands in surrender.As long as the ball can hit the goal frame but not hit the goalkeeper, it will basically be a sure thing!
But it is a pity that the football Deyang pushed out flew off the crossbar...

"Ouch——!!" the CCTV commentator looked up to the sky and sighed. "Oh! This is a perfect opportunity! Oh! What a pity! Deyang, Deyang! He wasted a perfect opportunity! This is an opportunity that Zhang Xizhe used his personal skills to win!"

There was a huge exclamation in the entire stadium - the fans did not expect that Deyang could not score the goal. Zhang Xizhe's cross was so comfortable...

After passing the ball, Zhang Xizhe watched Deyang reach the top. He raised his arms again, intending to cheer.

As a result, God played another joke on him. Dejan's inevitable header turned out to be too high!

Zhang Xizhe suddenly squatted down in annoyance and slapped his hands on the turf hard.

He shot on the post, made a cross, and his teammates headed the ball high...

Dejan looked horrified as he watched the football fly out, but he didn't expect the ball to miss.He covered his mouth with his hands, exposed his eyes, and stared at the goal. He was so shocked that he even forgot to give Zhang Xizhe a thumbs up and thank him for his beautiful cross...

De Young's header shot just now was replayed over and over again in the TV broadcast.

"De Yang's want to use too much force, right? In fact, you don't need to use such force at all. As long as you can hit the ball, it is enough...What a pity, what a pity! What a series of breakthroughs Zhang Xizhe just made Beautiful! The quality of the cross is also very high. If this goal is scored, it will be a wonderful goal! And in front of Liverpool, this goal can also save a little face for the Chinese team..." CCTV commentator sighed Said, he really felt sorry for not scoring the goal.

At the same time, deep down in his heart, he also felt sorry for Zhang Xizhe - he worked so hard and kicked the goal post, and made another assist, but his teammates pushed the football up... Even after working so hard, he couldn't get back the ball. A goal, that's such a pity...

He had different ideas from those fans who were afraid of hurting the Liverpool stars. After Zhang Xizhe came on the field, he showed a fighting spirit and spirit that was completely different from others, and he started to like and look forward to this kid.He hoped that this young man's efforts would not be in vain.

Although the so-called "football will not deceive you, football will reward you as much as you pay" is a kind of chicken soup, but at least it symbolizes a state that everyone generally yearns for, that is, "God rewards hard work."

Seeing Zhang Xizhe working so hard, he almost single-handedly pulled the Guoan team to run and confront Liverpool.

Wouldn't it be too cruel if you can't reap a little reward for working so hard?
The narrator hopes that fate can give this young man a little confidence and allow him to insist on going further on his own road...

But now it seems that fate has made a joke on him, or that fate is too cruel.

Unfortunately, the commentator is in the back studio and not at the scene. He can only explain the game through the TV broadcast signal and understand what is happening on the court.So even though he really wanted to see what Zhang Xizhe looked like at this time, he could only see Dejan covering his face with his hands through the TV screen, as well as the shocked Liverpool players. Only there was no picture of Zhang Xizhe, who had been there before. The young man who performed brilliantly in the series seems to have been forgotten because he was not the one who took the final shot.

At the scene, there was a huge crowd, and various voices mixed together, expressing the very complex emotions of the fans at the scene.

The non-BJ Guoan fans in the stands who originally supported and cheered for Liverpool felt sorry for Guoan.

Even if Guoan scores a goal, it will not hinder Liverpool's victory, but as Chinese, they also hope that the Chinese Super League team will not behave so badly. If they can score a goal, wouldn't everyone be happy?

Many people even scolded Deyang...

But all this has nothing to do with Zhang Xizhe.

When the football flew out of Henglian, Zhang Xizhe squatted down suddenly, slapped the ground hard, and then stood up again.

He was annoyed, angry, and very angry, all of which were unabashedly expressed in his body language and expression.

However, he did not scold De Young, nor did he directly complain that De Young wasted such a perfect quasi assist.

He just cursed, turned around and ran back.

The game is not over yet, and he believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will always have a chance.

The game is not over yet, and now is not the time to hang our heads.

After the game restarted, Liverpool launched a revenge attack against Guoan.Their army pressed forward, the whole army attacked, and they bombarded the Guoan team's goal. They seemed to be venting their shock and anger after almost being scored by the Guoan team just now.

But in Lin Yi's opinion, this is not a very smart approach.If the Liverpool players had never seen Zhang Xizhe's speed and how sharp his breakthrough was, it would be understandable. They would do this after seeing it... To be honest, Lin Yi was a little disappointed with his teammates. , but most of the players on the court now are young players, so it’s okay to make some small mistakes!
Of course, he is not the head coach, and he has no right to blame his teammates on the sidelines. Anyway, Klopp is right next to him, and he doesn't move. Why does Lin Yi jump out to increase his presence?

Moreover, if Liverpool presses so hard, it would be good if Zhang Xizhe really steals a ball. Lin Yi hopes that Zhang Xizhe's stubbornness can be rewarded...

In the 808th minute, Guoan really got such an opportunity!
At that time, they were making a clearance in the penalty area and the football fell in front.After Dejan stopped the ball with his chest in the middle, he protected the ball with his back to the attacking direction, attracting the attention of Liverpool's defense, and then decisively distributed the ball to the left wing.

This time, Zhang Xizhe, who came here again, ran wildly along the wing, and then received the ball from Deyang!
A burst of thunderous cheers and applause suddenly erupted in the stands - this was a completely different performance.

Zhang Xizhe has won the support of many people with his outstanding performance and tenacious fighting spirit.

Everyone now hopes that Zhang Xizhe can score a goal for the Guoan team and the Chinese team!

Just as Zhang Xizhe caught the ball, Liverpool's defensive players came up from the side.

Faced with such an interception, Zhang Xizhe did not hesitate and swung the ball away with his big foot, which was a full ten meters away from the opponent.Then he used his speed to accelerate, throw away the opponent, and catch up with the football!
"It's so beautiful! It's like lightning!" the CCTV commentator shouted excitedly. "Zhang Xizhe's running posture when sprinting at full speed is as stretched as a cheetah, with a sporty aesthetic!"

If such disgusting praise had been said when Zhang Xizhe first came on the field, it would have given the CCTV commentator another reason to be scolded by the fans.Although Zhang Xizhe also sprinted at full speed at that time, of course his full speed sprint almost injured Gerrard that time...

But now that I say this, no one will think that the CCTV commentator is mindlessly bragging about his country's players.Zhang Xizhe has won the hearts of many people with his performance.

(End of this chapter)

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