Chapter 277
"Look, this is Arsenal's home court!" the commentator at the Emirates Stadium proudly shouted. "Arsenal leads 1:0 and they have a good start!"

If it weren't for the directional microphone right next to his mouth, his voice would have been drowned out by cheers.

Being behind and coupled with the cheers of the opponent's fans showing off their strength, it stands to reason that Liverpool's players should feel panicked, right?

When the TV broadcast cut to close-ups of several Liverpool players, there was no look of confusion or pain on their faces. Their eyes were looking in different directions.

But in the end they all converge on one point, on one person.

In fact, it was not just them, other Liverpool players who were not given a close-up shot also looked at it immediately after losing the ball.

Not only on the pitch, but also off the pitch, the Liverpool substitutes, the Liverpool coach, and the Liverpool fans traveling with the team, as well as the live cameras and the Liverpool fans in front of the TV.

At this moment, their eyes were all on one person.

The man stood in front of the Liverpool penalty area. The Arsenal players who had celebrated the goal ran past him. He was like a reef in the rapid water, letting the water flow separately from both sides of him, but he was It stands still and motionless.

He yelled towards the goal: "Throw the ball over!"

Goalkeeper Mignolet quickly turned around and fished the football out of the goal, then threw it to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi stretched out his hand to pick up the football and held it in his arms. There was no panic, no pain, and no annoyance of holding his head in his hands. He turned around and ran with the football towards the center circle.

The referee blew his whistle and the game restarted amid the cheers of Arsenal fans.

Liverpool kicked off after conceding the ball.

When Firmino kicked the football to Lin Yi, Lin Yi turned around and made an action to pass the football back, but his foot hooked the football and turned around suddenly.
Lin Yi passed by Giroud who was rushing towards him. Just after he broke through Giroud, Lin Yi made another move to give the football to Firmino who was meeting him diagonally in front, deceiving Sanchez who was in front of him. Lin Yi moved a step aside and took advantage of this opportunity to move the football forward and accelerate in a straight line.
Another breakthrough from Sanchez's side, the cheers of the Arsenal fans in the stands turned into boos.

"Lin passed two people. He had no intention of passing the ball... Was he going to break through directly to the opponent's goal?" the TV commentator shouted.

"It's useless, there are all our people in front! Lin's breakthrough will definitely be stopped, even if it is a foul, it doesn't matter. Lin's breakthrough looks meaningless, as if he was angered by losing the ball. , but after losing his mind, he is just a reckless man!" the on-site commentator asserted.

What he said seemed to be right, because as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yi passed another Arsenal player and was knocked to the ground by the No. 4 Arsenal player.
foul!The referee's whistle sounded.

The boos turned to cheers again - the Arsenal fans were applauding the foul.

"Look, what am I talking about? This kind of breakthrough is meaningless. Getting a free kick in the frontcourt is already the best result, and this free kick is still so far away from the goal. What's the use? Lin thought again He staged a breakthrough of personal heroism, but he faced the entire Arsenal team, and he is destined to fail!" What the on-site commentator said before was fulfilled, and he was proud.

"Liverpool fell behind less than 10 minutes into the game. The situation was not good for them... Now it was their turn to kick off. Lin... he did not pass the football back, but chose to lead it himself. The ball rushes forward! Does he want to solve all the problems alone?" He Wei said quickly.

Unexpectedly, Liverpool fell behind in the first 8 minutes, which really made the Chinese fans in front of the TV anxious.

I believe that in China, there are not many fans who support Arsenal. Those who support Lin Yi have an absolute advantage, so after Arsenal scored, no one cheered for them.

Everyone can understand Lin Yi's anger, but they were still surprised when they saw Lin Yi rushing to the opponent's goal with the ball alone. They did not expect that Lin Yi would choose such a way to counterattack.

Is Lin Yi going to score a one-stop goal?
Everyone started to look forward to it.

But at this moment, Lin Yi was knocked to the ground after passing the three opponents.

A harsh whistle sounded and Arsenal committed a foul.
"Damn, despicable~!"

"Ah this! You should be given a red card!" The angry Chinese fans pointed at the screen in front of the TV and roared, completely forgetting that it was already past three o'clock in the morning, and they didn't know how many people they would wake up with their roar...

The referee did not listen to the roar of the Chinese fans. He did not show the fouled Arsenal player Kirkland a red card, not even a yellow card.

He just gave Liverpool a free kick.

After all, the foul spot was too far from the goal, and there were many Arsenal players behind the foul spot.Although it was knocked over, the foul action was not serious. During high-speed movement, any physical contact between the two parties may cause loss of balance.

Lin Yi, who was knocked to the ground, did not lie on the ground unable to get up. He quickly turned over and stood up, then asked his teammates to hook the ball and signaled them to throw the football to him.

He didn't seem to care about the opponent's foul at all.

Arsenal's players also quickly returned to defense and began to build a human wall.

It was very worthwhile to stop Lin Yi's seemingly threatening breakthrough with a foul.

The foul spot was about 37 meters away from the goal. From such a long distance, it was impossible for Lin Yi to score the football directly into the goal.

Arsenal carefully studied the video of Lin Yi's game before the game and knew that Lin Yi's free kicks were not bad, but he was not good at such long free kicks. Arsenal did not believe that Lin Yi could be so good in this game. Luck, just such a long-range free kick can allow him to score...

In short, the foul in this place is safe for Arsenal's goal.

Royce was going to come up and kick, but he wanted to take an indirect free kick, hit the football in front of Arsenal's goal, and create chaos in front of the goal.

But looking at Lin Yi's posture of placing the ball in person, he knew that Lin Yi was definitely going to kick it himself.

If Lin Yi wants to kick the ball, no matter whether he should kick it or not, no one else can take it away.

Lin Yi took longer to place the ball than when he used to take free throws. He placed it carefully. After placing it for the first time, as soon as he let go of his hand, the ball tilted to the side, and he started again. .I repeated this position several times before the ball stabilized.

Then he got up and stepped back.

After walking about three steps, he took another half step back.

Now everyone can see that Lin Yi is going to take the free kick personally.

If Lin Yi wants to volley with great force, he should be farther away so that his speed can be fully released...

Now this run-up distance feels no different from an ordinary close-range free kick...

Everyone couldn't figure out what Lin Yi was doing.

The Arsenal fans in the stands booed Lin Yi. In the stands behind the Arsenal goal, those Arsenal fans wearing green and white sword-striped shirts kept waving their flags in an attempt to disturb Lin Yi. The sight distracted him.

After Lin Yi stood still, the opponent's human wall had already been set up.After the referee made sure that both players were in position, he blew his whistle.

As if Lin Yi heard the starting gun of a race, the moment the whistle sounded, he leaned forward and ran forward.

Every step is not big, and the speed of the run-up is not too fast. The front sole of the foot is on the ground, and the foot is like a spring.

This confuses the onlookers-can this kind of run-up be able to kick a powerful free kick?
Lin Yi ran to the football, and his left foot was planted firmly beside the football. He looked down at the football, and swung his right foot. His thigh did not swing much, but his calf moved very quickly, like a whip, and his foot twitched. To football!
Lin Yi looked down at the football, completely ignoring the distance between the wall and the goal. His eyes were firmly fixed on the valve core of the football, and then he saw the toe of his right foot hit the football.
He quickly withdrew his legs and did not let his right foot continue to follow the football forward.

The football was kicked into the air by him, almost motionless in the air
Because the distance was too far, there were only three people lined up on Arsenal's wall, but they did not take it lightly. When Lin Yi took off, they did not jump on the spot, but rushed directly towards the football, thinking To shorten the distance from the football and block wider angles.

But they were not able to stop the football because it took off higher than they expected.

The football flew past their heads at such a high speed that they didn't even react. If the football had been lowered, it might have hit their faces directly.

After the football was kicked out, Lin Yi's eyes caught up with the football. When he saw the shape of the football in the air, his expression changed slightly.

Do you have?
Do you have--

His eyes widened.

In his eyes, the football, which should have been going straight forward, began to deflect to the right... Could it be a mistake?

Just as this suspicion arose in his mind, he discovered that the football suddenly dropped to the lower left.
Goalkeeper Cech saw the football flying up and then started flying to his left. He thought it was a shot going straight to the left of the goal, so he took a step there and was about to fly into the air.

The ball is too far away, and now the direction of the shot is very clear, it is really easy to pounce...

He couldn't understand what threat Lin Yi's kick would bring... In this case, it would be better to let Royce kick it and hang the football directly into the penalty area. The threat to himself might be greater...

But just when his legs and knees were bent, his body's center of gravity sank, and his feet were about to kick out, he saw the football in the air suddenly falling in the opposite direction and flying to the right side of the other goal. square
But at this moment, it was no longer possible for him to readjust his center of gravity. He was able to force the brakes, and it was pretty good that he didn't let himself go directly to the opposite side... The only thing he could do now was turn his head, widen his eyes, and watch the football fly into the goal from the right side of his body with a hellish expression!

Then his body fell backwards, as if he had been hit by a bullet, and fell on his back into the goal.
He saw the night sky and the net swaying in front of his eyes as it was lifted by the football.

The ball is in!
The scene, which had been very noisy before, was like someone suddenly pressing the mute button. The boos disappeared instantly.
"The goal is in! Beautiful! After Lin scored, the boos at the Emirates Stadium suddenly disappeared. No one expected that just one minute after Arsenal scored, Lin would use a direct free kick to equalize the score!"

The TV commentator raised his arms and shouted, looking very excited.

Just a minute ago, Arsenal fans were singing and dancing in the stands.Who would have thought that after a minute, they would collectively fall silent.

Is there anything more exciting than this?
At this time, the TV commentator suddenly thought of the expressions of the Liverpool players in those TV close-ups before the game.

He also thought of the expressions on the Liverpool players' faces after losing the ball.

Why are they so calm and composed?

He didn't understand why at the time, but now he understands - Liverpool has such a great guy, how can they not be calm?With Lin Yi here, what else is there to worry about?

Liverpool's players knew this exactly, so they remained unmoved amidst the overwhelming boos from Arsenal fans!
They trust their core, and the reason is that simple.

Why didn't I think of it before?
After Lin Yi scored, all the Liverpool players rushed to Lin Yi to celebrate the goal.

They knew Lin Yi could do it, which is why they all turned their attention to Lin Yi after losing the ball.

They believe that Lin Yi will not let them down. No matter how difficult the situation is, he will definitely have a way to resolve this crisis. This ball is just another proof of this for him!

"Arsenal fans are completely confused! They didn't expect Lin Yi to equalize the score immediately after losing the ball. When Lin Yi took advantage of the kick-off and dribbled the ball forward, they must still be laughing at Lin Yi's recklessness. But...I'm afraid they can't even laugh now. Lin Yi's free kick was really beautiful.
He Wei was also very excited, and he even slightly blackmailed the Arsenal fans...

The on-site commentator was now completely speechless. After Arsenal lost the ball, he remained silent. He was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Lin Yi's ball was like a loud slap, hitting him firmly on the cheek.

Now it seems that maybe from the beginning, he had no intention of dribbling the ball all the way to the goal... He was aiming for the free kick from the beginning. If he could break forward a little further, he would be closer to the goal. , he can use his left-footed curve ball to score a goal far away from the goal...

(End of this chapter)

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