Chapter 291
Lichtsteiner didn't see it, but the other Juventus players returning to defense did.

When Abby stopped suddenly and then started speeding up instantly, many people couldn't believe their eyes——

If emergency stop and restart can be compared to shifting gears in a car gearbox, then Abby's "shift" just now can be described as "silky smooth", so smooth that no one feels any frustration at all!

So Lichtsteiner was shocked when he saw Abby suddenly burst out of his field of vision and catch up with the football first - where did he rush out from? !

He stretched out his hand to pull Abby, but Abby dwarfed and accelerated, and escaped from his control.However, Lichtsteiner himself was disrupted by this action. His running rhythm was disturbed, and he almost fell to the ground... Although he managed to maintain his balance in the end, he could no longer stop Abby.

He could only watch as this kid from Liverpool's youth training dribbled the ball into the penalty area!
When Abby dribbled the ball towards the penalty area, it posed a difficult problem for Juventus' defensive players - should they defend Abby, or should they defend Salah and Reus?
When Abby broke through with the ball, Salah and Royce also accelerated forward. At this time, they both appeared at the edge of the penalty area.

And because of Abby's breakthrough, he alone attracted two Juventus defensive players, Chiellini and Lichtsteiner. Juventus is now somewhat stretched on the defensive line.

If you go to defend Abby, the center will be empty.

But if he sticks to the center, then Abby will face very little defensive pressure, and he can shoot directly...

At the same time, in the stands, many Liverpool fans were also very anxious. They shouted at Abby: "Pass the ball! Pass the ball!"

Abby dribbled the ball to the dangerous area. As long as he passed the football, his mission was completed, and the next thing had nothing to do with him.The ball was scored, and the assister of his reverse goal was an important contributor.If the ball didn't go in, no one could blame him. Everything he had done before was good enough. If it weren't for him, Liverpool wouldn't even have a chance to shoot this time.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Abby to see what he would choose.

Goalkeeper Buffon directed his teammates with his hands. He pointed at Salah and Royce who were outflanking him in the middle, signaling his teammates to pay attention to those two people.

At the same time, he moved towards the near corner, preparing to block Abby's possible shot.

After Abby dribbled the ball into the penalty area, he turned sideways towards the center and then raised his right foot. It seemed that he was going to pass the football sideways.

Buffon, who was moving towards the near corner, paused for a moment - he had to be ready to counterattack...

And at the moment when Buffon's feet paused, Abby's right foot hit the football, but instead of passing it to the center, he straightened up and swept the football with the inside of his foot!
One shot!
With his body almost parallel to the goal, he used his right foot to kick a shot towards the near corner of the goal!

No one thought that Abby would dare to make such a bold choice to shoot in her first Champions League appearance!

Buffon never expected that Abby would choose to shoot so decisively, and the shot was from a close corner.His reaction was already very fast. After seeing Abby shoot, he suddenly pounced towards the near corner. Fortunately, he only paused and did not immediately move to the middle, so he can still pounce now. Go back.

He is not far from the near post, so he still has a chance to seal the near corner.

But the speed of Abby's shot was still beyond his expectation. Before he could reach it, it flew into the goal just past the near post!

When the ball was caught in the net, Anfield fell into a strange silence.

The silence lasted for a very short time, probably not even a second.

But because it was too noisy before, the silence now is very "shrill" even if it is short-lived.

Soon, the sound of Anfield Stadium came back, and every Liverpool fan gave a huge cheer. They raised their arms and shouted, without concealing their inner ecstasy and excitement!
"The ball is in! Ah! The ball is in! Abby! Liverpool's youth training boy! He did it! A clean shot! He didn't give Buffon a chance to save Juventus! Ha!"

After Abby finished shooting, he sat down on the ground - the shot just now was actually done by him twisting his body. After the shot, they also lost their balance.

After seeing the football fly into the goal, he slapped his hand on the turf, struggled to get up, and then ran towards the corner flag area.

In front of and behind the camera in the corner flag area, he jumped up and turned around, showing his back to the camera. At the same time, he raised his hands and turned them down, pointing with his thumb to the name above his jersey number.

He wants everyone to remember this name, remember this number, and remember him!
Lin Yi saw Abby's very domineering celebration on the way to celebrate. He smiled and shook his head as he ran - this kid!

Back at Anfield Stadium, the on-site commentator was shouting in a longer voice: "2:1! Liverpool leads! The goal is -"

Tens of thousands of Liverpool fans responded in unison: "Abby! Abby!"

Amid the huge cheers, Abby, who opened her arms, closed her eyes and leaned back, as if she was pushed by the cheers. She let her body lean back, lean back, and lean back toward the ground. Plant away.

But he didn't really fall to the ground on his back, because when he was about to fall, he was caught by his teammates who rushed up.

Salah and Royce caught him first, and then others rushed up and blocked him.

So Abby was half lying on the "human sofa".

He still had his eyes closed and didn't even move, enjoying the glorious treatment that only belonged to him - so many world-class players are now making me a meat pad!

After enjoying it for a second or two, Abby was pushed up by his teammates, and then they all hugged him.

The photographers on the sidelines held cannon barrels and kept pressing the shutter release button at this scene.

Some reporters even had a name in mind for this photo: "Acceptance."

It has been more than a month since he was transferred to the Liverpool first team, and it seems that it was not until this moment that Abby was truly accepted by the first team.

Abby's goal instantly turned Anfield into a sea of ​​joy.

At this time, no one cares about the opportunity he missed against Juventus.

Liverpool fans are happy, but Juventus supporters are not happy at all.

Abby scored in the 80th and [-]nd minutes of the game. Even including injury time, it was only [-] or [-] minutes before the end of the game.

It's not impossible for Juventus to equalize the score in the remaining time, but it is very difficult.

When the Liverpool players celebrated the goal, Abby's goal was replayed over and over again on the TV broadcast. From the moment he turned around to get rid of Chiellini to the final goal, the whole process was done in one go.

Abby, who came on as a substitute, has physical strength and speed. Now that he has just scored a goal, his condition is definitely not good.In the following time, if Juventus wants to equalize the score, they must strengthen their offense, but once they strengthen their offense, more spaces will appear behind them... Then Liverpool will counterattack quickly and let Abby get the ball. If so... Juventus' goal will be in danger.In fact, this was indeed the case. When the game restarted, Liverpool did not continue to press forward and besiege Juventus' goal. Instead, they chose to do the opposite - they shrank their defense!
If Juventus wants to attack and equalize the score, then Liverpool will counterattack defensively.If Juventus does not attack and does not intend to equalize the score, then Liverpool will be happy to just hold on to a small victory with one goal.

The question was put to Juventus coach Max Allegri.

Allegri stood on the sidelines with a sad face and a frown that looked more like the comedy character "Bean" who is a household name in England.

But at this time, the Italian Juventus fans couldn't laugh at all. They frowned like Allegri.

Is attack or defense next?
After Allegri thought for a while, he made a decision to attack, but not with all his strength. While attacking, he also did not forget to defend.

This is a relatively conservative and prudent approach. It has not completely given up hope of equalizing the score, but it is not desperate to equalize the score.

However, this choice is a bit mediocre. If you cannot go all out on offense, the possibility of equalizing the score will be greatly reduced.

Allegri certainly knows the drawbacks of this.But now he has no other way.

He wanted to equalize the score, but he didn't want to lose more.

But he was very afraid of Abby.

Abby's characteristics have been fully revealed.In Allegri's view, Abby's biggest feature is not his speed, explosive power, or dribbling ability, but his outstanding individual combat ability.

Abby is the kind of player who doesn't need support and can use his personal abilities to cause trouble for his opponents even when trapped in a tight siege.

This means that he is the best player on the counterattack.

This is exactly what Liverpool did, or Lin Yi thought so too.

So as long as there is a ball, he will give as much football to Abby as possible and then ignore it.

Abby will use his physical advantages and personal skills to drive the ball towards Juventus' penalty area again and again.Even if the shot cannot finally be formed, it can still delay a little more time, and prevent Juventus' defenders from daring to press all the way, and unable to provide more support to the offensive players in front.

Klopp next to him grinned widely.

He knew he had found a treasure. Although young Abby still had many shortcomings, those shortcomings could be corrected and changed little by little. What attracted him most was the shining point in Abby.

Under Abby's constant harassment, Juventus played very unpleasantly and felt like they couldn't exert any energy.

The game time does not wait for them, and they follow a fixed rhythm.

When the fourth official raised the sign indicating 3 minutes of injury time on the sidelines, there were only 3 minutes left for Juventus.

The score is still 2:1, with Liverpool leading at home.

Is 3 minutes enough for Juventus to equalize the score?
It's certainly enough in theory, but considering the actual situation... many people are not optimistic about it.

In the last 3 minutes, Juventus also went all out.Anyway, we only have so little time, so why not go all out and give it a try? What if we really create a miracle?
Just be careful when attacking, that young kid from Liverpool who is not afraid of tigers.

So at the last moment of the game, Juventus suddenly exerted force and set off an offensive climax.

However, their offense did not break through Liverpool's goal. Instead, in the second minute of No. 90, Liverpool seized the opportunity and launched a counterattack.

At that time, Royce got the ball in the backcourt and directly passed the ball diagonally to Abby who was wandering on the wing in front.

As soon as Abby received the ball, he faced the frontal defense of Juventus players.

This time, Abby did not force a breakthrough with the ball. Instead, after receiving the ball, he swept the football directly to the center with his left foot.

Following up in the middle is Lin Yi!
He is completely unmarked!

"Lin! Does Liverpool still have a chance to score another goal?!"

The Liverpool fans in the stands also jumped up and cheered for Lin Yi desperately.

Lin Yi received the ball at the top of the penalty area outside the penalty area. At this time, he was already facing Juventus goalkeeper Buffon alone.

Facing the attacking Buffon, Lin Yi took a shot. When his toe touched the football, he flicked it and the shot turned into a spoon lob!
The football passed over Buffon's head, fell from behind him, and fell into the goal behind him...

"3:1!!! Lin Yi! He sealed the victory for Liverpool!"

Lin Yi's goal was definitely a surprise.Many people thought that defeating Juventus 2:1 was good. This is a completely happy result.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi's goal now brought them a new surprise——

Lin Yi was also very happy after scoring the goal. He ran to find Abby who passed the ball to him, and then held him in his arms.

Other Liverpool players also ran up to join in the celebration.

"Abby's performance after coming off the bench was perfect! With one goal and one assist, his popularity was only inferior to that of Lin Yi, who had two goals and one assist. Presumably after this game, the youth training boy Abby will With more playing opportunities at Liverpool, we will have more opportunities to appreciate his performances!"

Lin Yi's goal completely killed the suspense of this game - in fact, there was no suspense before, but in theory, Juventus still has the possibility of equalizing the score.But now it's not even theoretically possible.

The remaining few dozen seconds were spent cheering and celebrating by the Liverpool fans.

When the referee blew the full-time whistle, the cheers of the Liverpool fans reached a climax.

(End of this chapter)

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