Chapter 293
Seeing that Lin Yi and Lorena seemed to have a good relationship, Esther Xishi's jealousy was suddenly aroused. How come her boyfriend was a rapist and played around with women outside, but Lorena could? How about showing happiness in front of her?
This emotion, encouraged by alcohol, was amplified.

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid of a man, so what are you afraid of?"

"Okay, risk your life to accompany the gentleman!" Lin Yi pretended to be reluctant, but actually he had already thought about what posture to use.

The two of them were drinking enthusiastically again, but Esther Xishi suddenly looked directly at Lin Yi: "Do you men like girls with gentle personalities?"

"I do have a preference." Lin Yi nodded and told the truth: "But you are not bad either. You are so beautiful, delicate in appearance and strong in character. You are also the type that men like..."

"Really?" Originally, Esther Xishi and Lin Yi were sitting opposite each other on both sides of the coffee table. But at some point, Esther Xishi sat on the coffee table, stretched out her hands to support the coffee table, looking down from a high position with bright eyes. Staring at Lin Yi: "But compared to Lorena, why do I look like a loser in everything?"

Yes, Esther Xishi compared herself with Lorena in her heart and found that Lorena was better than her in everything now, whether it was career or love.

Well, when people are depressed, they tend to fall into some kind of extreme.

Generally speaking, it's just a dead end.

Lin Yi looked at Esther Xishi who was too close to him, swallowed his saliva and warned:
"Woman, you seem to be playing with fire."

"Giggle." Esther Xishi was completely unaware of what she was doing. She lowered her head and tapped Lin Yi's lips. She laughed and said, "I'm just playing with fire. What can you do to me?"

"You provoked me first!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath, grabbed Esther Xishi's shoulder with one hand, pinched her chin with the other hand, and kissed her hard.


Esther Xishi exclaimed, and before she could react, her cherry mouth was sealed by Lin Yi.

It left her mind blank.

She had the urge to tease Lin Yi and seduce him to vent her jealousy towards Lorena and prove her charm, but she never expected that she seemed to be playing with fire and burning herself.

How could she, who had only had one boyfriend, be better than a big player like Lin Yi in terms of pulling tactics?

Lin Yi couldn't get enough of the kiss, so he hugged Esther Xishi...

"No! We can't do this!"

Lin Yi seemed to have regained his senses instantly. He grabbed Esther Xishi's hand with an annoyed look on his face:

"You're right, you can't do this, Esther, let's forget it. What we did was wrong and impulsive, so we can't make the same mistake again and again! It's time to stop this mistake immediately."


Esther Xishi looked at Lin Yi with a confused look on her face. I had already taken off my pants, and why are you here for me?

Fuck your sister!
She grabbed Lin Yi's handle and threatened: "You don't want me to scream indecent and call Lorena out to see us like this, right?"

"Ah this..."

Lin Yi fell into deep thought, and in the end he looked aggrieved, and had no choice but to obey Esther Xishi.

Esther Xishi had an evil smile on her face.

She was usually dignified and stable, but now she showed her true colors.

What a lady, after all, we are all human beings, so they must have their own negative emotions, and now Esther Xishi suddenly wants to prove that she is stronger than Lorena.

So how can you quickly prove that you are stronger than another woman?

Of course, it is to snatch the man that the woman loves.

See, your man thinks I'm stronger than you, so he'd rather be with me than you.



Esther Xishi also regained her sanity.

She stared blankly at the ceiling with annoyed expression on her face:
"Why is it happening like that?"

"I've said it all, let you drink alone and it's over. You insist on dragging me to drink with you. Are you okay now? Something happened!"

Lin Yi was touching the clearly visible vest line on Esther Xishi's jade-white belly, feeling the touch that was comparable to a baby's skin. Suddenly, when he heard Esther Xishi say this, he immediately complained and started to accuse. Esther Xishi:

"How do you want me to face Lorena in the future?"

"You fart!" Esther Xishi looked at Lin Yi angrily: "If you don't want to, what can I, a woman, do to you? You are just enjoying yourself now, and you still blame me Are you no longer a man? Are you still responsible for your body?"

"It's true that I... flirted with you first. I was wrong, I admit it, but you didn't resist the temptation, so you were right? Liu Xiahui can sit still, can't you?"

Lin Yi: "Liu Xiahui can sit still in his arms because he met a female beggar. If he met you, Esther Xishi, he would definitely not be able to do it."

When Esther Xishi heard this, she was quite embarrassed - others were so nice, and they went out of their way to praise me for my charm!
"Okay, I was wrong too." Lin Yi sighed and said, "Then what should we do now?"

"We all drank too much, that's why we made this mistake! If this hurts Lorena, then I will never redeem myself." Esther Xishi said calmly: "I don't need you to be responsible, either. After tonight, let’s just act like nothing happened. Can you do that?”

Lin Yi fell into deep thought: "After tonight..."

"Can you do it?"

Esther Xishi was uneasy.

If Lin Yi insists on dumping Lorena and staying with her, this will make Esther Xishi very embarrassed. She doesn't want to be a woman who steals her best friend's boyfriend.

What's more, this kind of thing just happened to her own boyfriend...

If it gets out, won't it appear that she is too flirtatious?
"No!" Lin Yi explained, and he said with a sincere face: "I mean, you said that after tonight, nothing happened, but it's still early before dawn, and Lorena is still sleeping. So can we do it again?"

Esther Xishi: "..."

When Lin Yi took off her clothes, returned to the sofa very skillfully, lay down properly, and waited for Esther Xishi, she couldn't help but complain: "I thought you were a good man, but now it seems, man No one is really honest!"

"Who said that? I am a truly honest person!" Lin Yi said righteously: "When I went to steal the money in the merit box, I only started stealing after the Buddha said 'OK' to me... The Buddha has recognized me, who dares to say that I am not an honest person?"

Esther Xishi: "..."


The next day, dawn.

Before Lin Yi and Esther Xishi had time to clean up the battlefield, the door was pushed open. Lorena wanted to come in to comfort her good friend. When she opened the door, she saw Lin Yi's pair of Esther Xishi's big shoes. The sight of the long legs on her shoulders left Lorena speechless.

"Did I come at the wrong time?" Lin Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to Lorena: "No, you came at the right time!"

Two supermodels, double happiness, the three of them have been fooling around all day and all night.

The next day, the first rays of the sun shine through the horizon and onto the earth, soft and warm.

The air in the morning is extraordinarily fresh, as if it has been filtered, without the haze and humidity overnight, but more sweet and pleasant.

Lin Yi woke up from his sleep and immediately felt something was wrong.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the scene was extremely chaotic, and Lorena's feet were stuffed into his mouth.


Lin Yi spat out Lorena's feet and patted them angrily.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Lorena was also woken up by Lin Yi and rubbed her eyes.

Lin Yi ignored her...

"It seemed like we were a little too crazy playing yesterday." Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead.

Esther Xishi was also awakened.

She sat up and saw that she, Lin Yi, and Lorena were talking honestly to each other in the living room. She screamed immediately, grabbed a handful of clothes scattered nearby, blocked herself, and moved towards Ran into an empty room.

"Hey, Esther, you took my clothes!" Lorena couldn't help shouting.

It's a pity that Esther Xishi was so ashamed and angry that she couldn't care about these small details.

"Look at you, what a crime you have done!"

Lorena gave Lin Yi a roll of her eyes.

"You still want to accuse me?" Lin Yi said confidently: "Didn't you say you wanted me to comfort Esther? I was only halfway through comforting... and you joined in halfway!"

Lorena pointed at herself in disbelief: "So, it's still my fault?"

"It doesn't matter." Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "I forgive you."

Lorena: "..."

"My whole body is sticky now. I want to take a bath. Can we come together?" Lin Yi asked.

Lorena didn't care: "Okay."

"Where's Esther? Are you coming together?" Lin Yi asked Esther Xishi who was in the room.

Esther Xishi did not answer.

"Still too shy." Lin Yi shook his head.

Lorena smiled: "If you do it a few more times, she might just let go."

Speaking of which, Lorena felt a bit funny. She once told Esther Xishi that she would be good sisters for life, but she didn't expect it to come true. She and Esther actually became sisters in the same quilt.

After Lin Yi and Lorena came out of the bathroom, Esther Xishi trotted into the bathroom cautiously like a hamster.

Esther Xishi came out from the bath. Her body was still filled with water drops, her hair was floating lightly in the air, her body was graceful, her skin was as white as jade, her eyebrows were picturesque, and her eyes were filled with fresh water vapor, which made people feel I can't help but want to ravage him hard.

"Okay, wait for breakfast?"

Lin Yi and Lorena were busy in the kitchen, and by the time Esther Xishi came out, breakfast was almost ready.

"You..." Esther Xishi looked awkwardly at Lin Yi and Lorena, who were getting along harmoniously: "Don't you have anything to say?"

"What's there to say? You will all be my wings from now on!" Lin Yi said with a smile: "Two wings are indispensable, I want them both."

Esther Xishi: "..."

Lorena rolled her eyes and said to Esther Xishi: "Now that things have happened, what else can we say? Let's be real good sisters from now on, Esther."

Esther Xishi was very frustrated. It seemed that she was incompatible with them because she was not perverted enough.

No wonder this scumbag has so many girlfriends in reports, but Lorena still doesn't break up with him, she has such a high tolerance.

But speaking of it, this guy does have some extraordinary talents. Esther felt that he was still aching, and it seemed that he had been developed to a new depth.

Although the team was happy in love, it was inevitable that the stadium would be disappointed. Liverpool was actually tied [-]-[-] by Norwich in the league, ending its five-game winning streak. Fortunately, the undefeated streak is still there.

Lin Yi would never admit that he was a little weak because he had overtrained due to the new training method.

The only goal in the whole game was scored by Salah. Unfortunately, Lin Yi's abnormality affected Firmino. The brave Egyptian was also unable to support himself and failed to bring victory.

In the next game, the League Cup was tied again, but this was originally abandoned by Klopp. Basically, only youth training players played, and there were only a few main players, and none of the front three played.

Fortunately, Esther's work was over and they returned to Germany together. Lin Yi finally repaired himself.

Next, facing Aston Villa, Liverpool won 3:2 and got back on track. Lin Yi scored a goal in this game, ending a goal drought of up to one game!
After this league is over, it will be the new Champions League group stage, and the opponent is Borussia Monchengladbach from the Bundesliga.

Monchengladbach, this team is an old rival in the Bundesliga for both Klopp and Lin Yi. Even if Lin Yi both left the Bundesliga, the coach of this team is still the former Fife. you.

At the beginning of the game, Liverpool continued their previous style, attacking actively in a simple and fast way, hoping to break the deadlock and score goals as soon as possible.

Scoring goals at the fastest speed can disrupt the opponent's plan and drag the game into a familiar rhythm.

Only 6 minutes into the game, Liverpool launched an attack from the left. Henderson made a pass from the wing. The ball was blocked by the opponent's defender and fell to the edge of the penalty area. Lin Yi followed up and fired a powerful shot. The ball was blocked by Monchengladbach. The goalkeeper Sommer fell to the ground to block it.

In the 12th minute, Liverpool launched another attack. This time even central defender Lovren rushed up to participate in the attack. He successfully broke through in front of the penalty area. Facing Sommer's block, he shot from a small angle. As a result, the football was missed by Sommer. Blocked the bottom line.

But Monchengladbach is obviously well prepared.

Monchengladbach's head coach Favre must have studied Liverpool and knows what Liverpool are good at.

So in order to contain Liverpool, naturally the game cannot be allowed to fall into Liverpool's rhythm.

Monchengladbach first defended solidly and did not allow Liverpool to score.

The key is goalkeeper Sommer. He has already made two outstanding saves in less than 15 minutes, which proves that he is in very good condition in today's game.

(End of this chapter)

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