Chapter 178 Record Breaking Data


The championship award ceremony has begun.

All Arsenal players took the championship medals in turn.

Everyone has a happy smile on their face.

Saka followed the formula to receive the medal, and he came over to joke with the formula, asking if he wanted to try the authenticity of the medal.

Fortunately, Equation moved quickly and hid his medal in his pocket, otherwise he would be bitten by Saka.

"You boy, is it itchy!"

Fang Fang smiled and put his arms around Saka's neck.

Saka hooped and yelled, and the teammates around him burst into laughter.

This scene was also seen by the audience at the scene, and many fans were amused. The friendship between these men is indispensable.

At this time, the barrage of live broadcasts did not decrease but increased, filling the entire live broadcast room.

"Saka wanted to play a prank, and was immediately strangled by Fang's neck~"

"Laughing, baby Saka really hasn't grown up yet, we must let him know the dangers of society!"

"This Arsenal team is really united and friendly, and unity is an important condition for winning the championship."

"I'm really envious, Brother Fang is one step closer to the Grand Slam."

"I don't know if Equation will renew his contract with Arsenal after winning the championship"

"The Champions League has been won, when will the league be able to win the championship?"

And Equation also knows the seriousness of joking,
Saka is a big international footballer. Although they are so good that they can make trouble casually, it is easy for some glass-hearted fans to break the defense.
So, Equation touched Saka's hair lightly again, and let him go.

But it's over,

Saka was still shameless, and joked with Equation whether to guess rock-paper-scissors, and the winner was the first to win the championship trophy.

Equation (●''●)
Manager Arsene Wenger was the last to step onto football,
He chatted a little more with Ceferin.

The old man is already one of the representatives of European football.

Ceferin also had to give enough respect.

When Wenger also received the medal,
Xhaka was the first to pick up the championship trophy, his legs jumped quickly, and he was preparing to toast to celebrate.

The teammates shook their hands happily, ready to raise their hands together to celebrate.

Then, at the same time, Xhaka raised his glass and hands with his teammates and cheered!

Fireworks exploded in the background,

Colorful fireworks are falling down like rain at the same time, fluttering,

Fireworks and fireworks, confused eyes.

The whole stadium shook.

The live camera recorded this historic scene, and people will still be moved by it many years later.

This will become the driving force for countless fans to continue to love football.

After the fireworks and fireworks fell,
The teammates held up the big double-eared cups one by one, tasting the taste of the championship.

Equation also won the big amphora cup,

The trophy weighs 8.5 kilograms, is made of 925 silver, and is worth more than 5 euros.

This feeling is much better than the Europa League trophy.

Because the Europa League trophy weighs 15 kilograms, it is too much to hold in your hand.

Fang Fang kissed the big amphora hard in front of the camera.

It is this damn Champions League trophy that has made countless people happy and painful.

After taking home the Champions League trophy, their season finally came to a successful conclusion.

Next, relatives and friends from the club gathered around and continued to celebrate happily.

The fans still did not disperse in the stands,
So everyone came to the sidelines holding the trophy and interacted with the stands.

Xhaka smiled all over his face, and waved his hands up and down, signaling that the cheers from the stands should be louder.

Immediately, under everyone's organization, Arsenal's huge flag kept fluttering like a cloud sail.

The singing in the stands gradually became louder!
"And It's Arsenal, Arsenal FC,"

"Andits Arsenal,"

The song echoes like the waves of the sea,

Fans joined the chorus one by one!
The singing reverberated in the stadium, lingering for a long time, with great momentum.

Seeing this shocking scene, many people were moved.

That's the beauty of football,

This is the best gift on this planet!
"Stay here, Fang, you belong to Arsenal!"

At this time, many of Arsenal's famous players also came to the court,
Naturally, Henry was not absent either, wearing a suit and leather shoes, Cheng Liang.

He walked up to the equation, put his hands in his pockets, and said something cool and handsome.

Seeing Henry, Fang Fang couldn't help smiling, and said seriously: "I am Arsenal's youth training, and this is my home."

Henry nodded and said with emotion: "That's right, this is my home too. It's a pity that I didn't win the Amphora with Arsenal. Now let you young people help us old guys realize our dreams."

Fang Fang thought about it, and said comfortingly: "There is no pity, you still have a chance, and you can use your identity as a coach to help Arsenal win the trophy in the future."

Henry laughed loudly, patted Fang on the shoulder, and said: "This is a good idea, but I will not only help Arsenal win the cup as a coach in the future, but now I also want to win it with my own hands."

While talking, Henry was about to bring the championship trophy, holding a mobile phone, and took a photo with Fang Fang.

Henry then posted the picture on his social account with the caption "Our Champion Boy".

Within a few minutes, the number of likes on this picture exceeded [-].

Many fans left messages below,

"This lucky guy, made Henry jealous!"

"Hahaa, Arsenal champion~~"

"Wonderful night, everyone can be excited till dawn~"

"Raise a glass, Arsenal!!"

"Keep him at Arsenal, Henry!—"

"They can win more, keep going Champion Boys!"

"Yes, he will always be an Arsenal boy."

Soon, the statistics of this game came out,
The data of the equation in this game is——

Playing time: 93 minutes
Shots on target: 3
Shots Missed: 1
Assists: 1
Successful dribbles: 10 (2)

Contacts: 69
Pass success rate: 90%
Fouled: 10
Running distance: 15.3 kilometers
The equation created the record for the highest running distance of players in a single game in this UEFA Champions League, 15.3 kilometers.

Not only him, but the entire Arsenal team showed strong willpower today.
The team's running distance in this game reached an astonishing 129 kilometers.

The Arsenal team celebrated on the field for a long time, which made many reporters and media on the sidelines eager to wear it.

After the players leave the field, these reporters are like perverts who have been empty for a long time. When they catch a player, they are interviewed enthusiastically.

Naturally, Equation did not escape the siege of reporters.

"Congratulations, you made history with Arsenal tonight. What do you think of this game? Who do you think is the best?" The female reporter asked him.

Equation replied directly: "It feels good, we will celebrate the championship well."

The female reporter asked again: "Then, how did you run the astonishing statistic of 15.3 kilometers?"

The equation stayed for a while.

He actually ran so many kilometers?
(End of this chapter)

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