Chapter 180 Why God

Soon, the Arsenal team landed at London Airport by plane.

Everyone took the championship trophy, went to the team bus again, and started the vigorous championship parade!

As the bus just left the airport, the crowds of fans outside cheered.

The scene was very hot, and the hot sun could not stop the enthusiasm of the fans.

Countless sounds gathered together, the decibels were extremely high and deafening.

There is also a helicopter of the news station hovering in the sky, recording all this.

The players sang and danced on the roof of the bus, kissed the championship trophy and opened the champagne.

Equation is also on the roof of the car, wearing sunglasses, happily taking pictures of the scene in front of him with his mobile phone,
I feel like I will never forget this day no matter how much time passes.

Soon, the news of Arsenal's championship parade was reprinted in China, and quickly became a hot search.

# Tens of thousands of people won the championship, North London was dyed pink by Arsenal #

#直接Arsenal celebration scene, North London empty alley#

Not only the champion news, etc., but also the running distance data of the equation are also on the hot search.

Many netizens left messages calling him Iron Man, feeling as if he ran away his opponent to death.

However, not long after, another praiseworthy article title appeared on the hot search.

#Equation why is God#
"First of all, Messi, who committed a crime of kindness, thought that he had excellent skills and concentrated on the court, and thought he could satisfy everyone. In fact, he was already in danger of being expelled from the team."

"Then Ronaldo, who committed the crime of self-discipline, has been dragged down by his age many times, but still wants to prove himself. In fact, his obsession will hurt himself at some point."

"Then Sun Xingmin, who committed the crime of speed, thought that he could get a good ending by staying at Tottenham with peace of mind like Kane, but he didn't know that sometimes, choice is far greater than hard work. You can't win a title in the Premier League."

After reading this article, many people called it a peerless classic.

"Good job, now that I've got all the Bibles out, I don't dare to think about anything later."

"What's the difference between the same person and the same fate? Your grandson has been fighting in the Premier League for so long, and he still hasn't won a championship. It's a pity for Que."

"What is a crime of kindness, bloggers don't make trouble, isn't Messi still staying in Barcelona now? How could he be driven away."

"The crime of self-discipline has also been committed. Can Ronaldo be wrong in self-discipline? I can no longer tell who the blogger is."

"Haha, it's too classic. First of all, these three words are the most quintessential, condescending calmness and the tranquility before the stormy divine punishment!"

"The crime of speed turns out that running fast is also a sin."

"It's about to kill the blogger, this has already jumped the prophet!"

The championship celebrations continued into the evening.
The Arsenal team celebrated to the point of exhaustion before going home.

After Fang Fang got home, he fell on the bed and slept in a dark sleep, not knowing anything.

However, outside discussions about him continue.
His post-match interview was released yesterday, and the news of his contract extension with Arsenal spread quickly at home and abroad.

Countless London fans ran to Arsenal's official account, leaving messages that they must complete the contract renewal with Equation.

If it cannot be completed, please trouble the Kroenke family to get out of North London as soon as possible.

It can be said that everyone's words are very strong.

In the past few days, Equation was named the best player of the season in the Premier League.

So under the news, many people are optimistic about the renewal of the good equation and Arsenal.

If the mvp of the Premier League season can't complete the contract extension with Arsenal,

Is there any other player who is worthy of Arsenal?
However, just as the situation was optimistic, there was news that Wenger was about to retire among the senior management of Arsenal.

When this news came out, the entire European football world was shocked. Wenger has been coaching Arsenal for 22 years, and he has participated in more games than any other head coach in 22 seasons. In three seasons, he personally won the championship trophy.

His football philosophy changed the way football is played forever.

A revolutionary approach to coaching, combined with his vision for bringing in talent from across Europe, helped the Premier League grow into the most watched league in the world.

Who knew that after winning the Champions League, Wenger chose to step down.
However, considering Wenger's age, it is also a reasonable choice to retreat bravely.

With regard to the new season, who is Arsenal's head coach, this news was quickly made a fuss.

Among several candidates, Artat's coaching may have been far ahead.

However, after the occurrence of Wenger's resignation, it still casts a cloud of uncertainty on the progress of the contract renewal of the equation.

No one dares to 100% confirm that the contract renewal of the equation can be successfully completed.

At the same time, news about other Premier League big6 teams is also being produced.
Everyone is in an arms race for the new season.

In this complicated external news, Equation is not idle.

Since the season is over, he accidentally received a script for a TV series. After reading it, he felt pretty good, so he accepted the invitation to play a guest role in the TV series.

This TV series tells the story of an oriental boy who entered the Premier League alone.

Starting from the British Championship, one step at a time, and then successfully set foot on the Premier League.

The storyline is definitely inspiring.

At first glance, Fang Fang thought that he was invited to play the leading role, but he originally wanted to refuse.

Because he feels that it is still a bit early to shoot his own biography.

However, when he saw the protagonist start from the British Championship, he realized that he was thinking too much.

This is a brand new fictional football TV series.

The producer actually wanted Fang Fang to play himself.

Yes, the background of this story is that Equation has achieved great success in the Premier League. Under the influence of his success, the protagonist overcame all difficulties and came to England to play football.

At the beginning of the production, the director did not consider the background of this story.

But after seeing the success of Equation in Europe, the director suddenly had a flash of inspiration and decided to put the story of the TV series against the background of Equation's success.

Needless to say, after the script was changed, the whole story suddenly became more interesting.

When the producer saw the revised script, he patted his thigh on the spot and agreed to the modification.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the UEFA Champions League to film a TV series, and then letting Fang play himself as a supporting role in the TV series, this is simply a genius idea.

It is difficult for such a football TV series not to become popular.

Soon, the entire crew of the TV series came to North London and invited Equation to film.

Before playing football, Fang Fang really never thought that he could still act in a TV series.
He feels very novel about shooting nature.

Especially when he plays himself in a TV series.

It feels weird and fun.

In the first shot, the protagonist just came to London to watch a football match,

The protagonist is penniless, so the ticket was naturally given to him by his agent.

This game is Arsenal vs Manchester City.

The front midfielder of the equation started.

But the reality is that the Premier League game is over.
So the game shots can only be made up later.

For on-location shooting, you’re shooting individual scenes.

For example, when Fang Fang drove to the entrance of the stadium, he was surrounded by many reporters and fans.

"Brother Fang! Can I take a photo with you?!"

"Fang, what do you think of today's game?"

The protagonist stood not far away, seeing this scene, his eyes were full of excitement and expectation.

One is to see the idol in my heart and be happy,
Second, I also hope that I can achieve such success in the Premier League!

(End of this chapter)

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