Chapter 17

With the arrival of Qin Jun.

The Mohist disciples in the organ city were like ants on a hot pot.

Everyone looked nervous and slightly flustered!
And their only backbone is still falling asleep at the side.

"The bandit Zhizhi rules, and the hammer rules him."

A Mohist disciple couldn't help but gestured.

The Mohists are at the critical point of life and death.

The big hammer was still asleep, which not only made them complain a little more.

"Don't mind him."

"You follow my orders!"

Robber Zhi looked determined.

As long as you don't leave the city to fight.

He really couldn't think of how the Qin army could break through the city.

For hundreds of years, the organ city has been able to stand here, it is not for nothing!

After all, it was built with the painstaking efforts of the Mohist giants of the past dynasties.

It gradually improved to what it is now.

at the same time.


Zhang Han led the shadow guards at the forefront of the army.

Next to them are the people of Quicksand.

But this time in the team, there was an unfamiliar figure more than before.

I saw a bald old man with a stooped body standing next to Wei Zhuang with an evil smile on his face.

The most eye-catching thing is that his right hand is a mechanical arm.

This person is the only inheritor of the domineering mechanism technique, and the public loses their hatred!

Originally, he did not join the team to crusade against the Mohists.

Just a chance.

Gong Shuchou met Zhang Han's people.

After learning that the Empire and Quicksand joined hands to crusade against the Mohist Trick City, he volunteered and asked to come together to wipe out the Mohist School.

Zhang Han never refuses anyone who comes.

After all, Gong Shuqiu still has his personal abilities and talents.

Moreover, Gongshuqiu and the empire have always had a cooperative relationship.

Therefore, for such people to join, Zhang Han naturally opened the team's door to welcome them.

"Everyone, the Mohist Trick City is ahead."

At this moment, Gongshuchou pointed to the looming castle in the distance and gestured.

Zhang Han, Wei Zhuang and others hurriedly looked up.

The castle is hidden among the mountains.

In addition, the sky is not too bright at the moment.

As a result, the castle looks like a crawling ancient beast from a distance!
And they are the warriors who came to defeat this ancient beast!

"It's no wonder that the world calls it the strongest castle in the world."

Chi Lian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Just look at the situation in front of you.

If you want to attack hard, it is basically impossible to succeed.

The only way to break the city.

You can only start from the inside!
"I don't know what the master's method of breaking the city is?"

At this time, Zhang Han couldn't help asking.

Now the army is approaching the city.

Surely you can always tell yourself how to break the city?

Gong Shuchou also quickly pricked up his ears to listen.

He also wanted to know how quicksand could break the city!

However, Wei Zhuang only responded with one word: "Wait."


Zhang Han was puzzled.

He didn't understand, what was he waiting for?
Could it be that waiting for the Mo family to rebel and open the door for them independently?
Not only him.

Gongshuqiu was also stunned.

What time is this.

Still waiting?
Wait for a while, I'm afraid the Mo family is ready for defense.

If you want to attack the city again, it will not be so easy!
However, Wei Zhuang ignored it.

Still standing there with shark teeth.

Even if the white hair is blown by the wind.

The majestic body still stands like a mountain, motionless!
from start to finish.

He didn't fluctuate a bit.

Standing behind him, the corners of Chi Lian's mouth could not help but slowly rise, revealing a mysterious smile.

the other side.

The Mohist disciples in the city also fell into doubts one by one.

It took so much trouble to attack in the middle of the night.

The result is just to wait and see?
They didn't see that Qin Jun had any intention of attacking.

Robber Zhi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Qin army did not attack.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to handle it alone.

"I thought the Qin army would attack aggressively?"

"So it's just a bunch of rats!"


"It must have seen the difficulty of attacking my organ city, and it will be in a stalemate!"

"Hmph! As long as they dare to come, I will beat them to death!"

The Mohist disciples became more and more rampant one by one.

Because in their hearts, they have already decided.

It is impossible for the Qin army to attack today.

at the same time.

Another place outside the organ city.

The three Lunas hid in the dark and quietly watched what happened here.

However, the faces of the three were full of doubts.

"Why doesn't Zhang Han attack?"

"What is he waiting for?!"

Da Si Ming said anxiously.

Luna shook her head lightly, indicating that she didn't understand either.


Luna said calmly.

If the organ city is not broken, they will have no chance to get back the treasure.

With the three of them alone, it is even more impossible to complete the task.

As time passed slowly.

Soon came the hour of Chen.

When the first ray of warm sunshine hits the earth.

Wei Zhuang slowly opened his closed eyes.

"It's time to attack."

He spoke in a deep voice with a calm tone.

Zhang Han couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

What do you mean?
The sun is up.

Want him to attack now? !
However, Gong Shuchou's face suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something.

"When the sun is right, slaughter the city!"

"Could it be...?!!"

The more he thought about Gong Shuchou, the more horrified he looked on his face.

"Not bad!"

Chi Lian stood up and looked towards the organ city.

"At this moment, no one in the mechanism city can resist."

Zhang Han and many lieutenants were stunned.

Immediately took advantage of the situation to look.

When they saw the current situation on the organ city, they couldn't help being shocked.

All the disciples of the Mohist school disappeared.

There was no one on the city wall.

"what happened?!"

Zhang Han showed doubts.

Why all of a sudden.

The Mohist rebels on the city wall all disappeared?

next moment.

A loud noise suddenly came from the gate of the organ city in the distance.


Everyone saw an unbelievable scene!
I saw that the city gate was opening little by little from the inside.

Zhang Han was dumbfounded.

Many lieutenants were also dumbfounded.

The three Lunas who were hiding in the distance were also stunned.

what's going on? ! !
Why did the city gate suddenly open?
With the city gate opened.

A pitch-black figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"It sure is him!"

"The moon is black and the wind is cold, the life is invisible, the thousand changes are inexplicable, the black jade unicorn!"

Gong Shuchou couldn't help but speak.

Zhang Han suddenly realized.

He knew about the Quicksand Organization in private.

One of the members aroused his curiosity at the time.

It was the black jade unicorn.

Because there was only one sentence in the information about Moyu Qilin at that time.

That is "this person is ever-changing and extremely good at disguising"!
Other than that, there is no information about him at all.

It turns out that quicksand has already let Mo Yuqilin sneak into the organ city.

But Zhang Han still couldn't figure it out.

How come the moment the sun came out.

Did the Mohist rebellion disappear?

"General Zhang Han probably doesn't know something."

Gongshuchou saw Zhang Han's doubts, and immediately opened his mouth to explain.

"I'm afraid that the entire Mo family has been poisoned by a poison called 'Zhen Yu Qian Ye'!"

"It is said that "Zhen Yu Qian Ye" was formed after a thousand dark nights, during which no sunlight can be seen, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

When using it, drop it into the water, spread it when it encounters sunlight, and spread through the respiratory tract, and the stronger the sunlight, the stronger the toxicity, which is known as "when the sun is right, the city will be slaughtered".

When the poison is exposed to light, its power will increase thousands of times in an instant, but the poisoned person will not die immediately, but will fall into a dead state. If he does not get the antidote within twelve hours, he will never be able to wake up. "

Listen to Gongshuqiu's explanation.

Zhang Han completely understood.

No wonder Wei Zhuang had to wait.

It turns out that the moment the sun rises is what we were waiting for!
"Let's go."

Wei Zhuang said calmly.

The organ city has been broken.

His task has been completed.


Just look at Zhang Han's.

However, just when everyone was ready to act.

A huge rumbling sound came from a distance behind everyone.

Deafening, resounding!

It was as if the whole ground was shaking!
"What's going on?!" Zhang Han turned his head and asked his subordinates.


"Report to the general!!!"

"Five or five kilometers away, a strange army suddenly appeared!!!"

Zhang Han was shocked when he heard the words: "What!?!"

 I have something to do, let's pass a chapter first, and there will be another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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