Daqin: Incarnate as a general, cast an immortal dynasty

Chapter 220 A continent that appears inexplicably? Kunai? Ninja!

Chapter 220 A continent that appears inexplicably? Kunai? Ninja!

Ok? !

Looking at the black dragon scroll in his hand, Ying Qingdian couldn't help but frown?

It turned out to be late one night a month after he left.

Everyone along the entire coast of Qin State felt a sudden violent tremor on the ground.

It was like the end of the world was coming, and the shaking lasted almost all night.

Vaguely, someone heard an extremely strange animal-like roar coming from the sea!

And after dawn, a scene that shocked all the coastal people happened!

I saw that on the surface of the originally boundless sea, countless mists shrouded the sea appeared out of thin air!

Thunder exploded in the fog, and no one could see clearly what was happening there.

But I could faintly see that there seemed to be land emerging from the mist!

At first, this magical scene made almost all the people think that it was a god descending from heaven, and that it must be the legendary fairyland Penglai Island!

In order not to offend the gods, the people did not dare to go fishing anymore.

However, what happened soon exceeded everyone's expectations.

I saw some people in strange clothes appearing on the sea from time to time. They took boats and arrived at the coastal areas from time to time to rob.

It made people panic.

Although the soldiers of the Qin State tried to stop them, the human beings who emerged from the land had extremely strange methods.

Or spit out flames from his mouth, or conjure monsters out of thin air!

There are even people who can grow bigger and smaller out of thin air!

Like a fairy, but also like that demon!

"So weird?"

Ying Qingdian frowned. The continent suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and there were strange people and strange things with various magical powers?

All of this is really weird!

"That's right, so for the past month, people in our Daqin have been panicking because no one understands that group of people. They want to send troops to fight, but they are also worried that they are ghosts and gods."

"That's why few people are worried about this."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but sigh. Even though he was a talented and well-informed man, he couldn't help but feel annoyed and confused by this sudden incident.

"Could it be that ghosts and gods really appeared? Could it be that..."

"Is God dissatisfied with me?"

It has to be said that Ying Zheng has fallen into deep suspicion at this moment.

Hearing this, Ying Qingdian smiled.

"Father, don't think too much. The achievements you have made will last forever. How can God blame you?"

"From what I can see, there must be something weird about this."


With a tap of his finger, Ying Qingdian thought for a moment, and then asked directly.

"Since I, Da Qin, have been at war with them for a long time, I should have left something behind, right?"

"Perhaps, you can let me have a look?"

He had great faith in Qin Jun's martial ethics. Even if he was a real god, let alone a ghost or a god, he would probably be able to take a bite out of him.

"Yes, yes." After hearing Ying Qingdian's words, Ying Zheng thought for a moment, replied firmly, and then opened his mouth to drink.

"Zhang Han!"

"No!" A figure appeared in the shadow.

"Show the prince the trophies you have captured."


Zhang Han agreed, took out a piece of black cloth from his waist, and then slowly unfolded it.

I saw a short blade with a long, pointed shape and some strange shape on the black cloth.

The blade is long and slender, with two sharp edges, and a ring at the bottom of the blade.

This is something that no one in Qin has ever seen before. Even Zhang Han and Ying Zheng have no way of knowing about it. However.

When Ying Qingdian saw such a thing, he couldn't help but pause in his eyes, and his heart immediately stirred up a storm!

"This is……?!"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince recognizes this object?!"

Zhang Han was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the prince in front of him would show such an expression. Could it be said that he recognized what he was holding?

"Your Majesty, do you recognize me?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but breathe heavily. During this month, he kept looking for all kinds of strange people to identify this thing, but no one could tell the reason.

But he didn't expect that his son would recognize it?


After exhaling heavily, Ying Qingdian's eyes became a little solemn!

With his eyes fixed on what was revealed in front of him, he spoke slowly.

I do believe that this object may not belong to this era, so it is normal that no one in the Qin Dynasty recognizes it. "

"Just because its name is..."



Hearing this name, Ying Zheng and Zhang Han were both stunned. How could there be a weapon with such a strange name in this world?

"This is a special thing for ninjas. It is used for assassination and throwing. On the one hand, this ring can be held in hand, and on the other hand, it can be pulled with a string to withdraw the killing action."

Ying Qingdian said, took the kunai from Zhang Han's hand, and then threw it away!

The kunai penetrated deeply into the wall!

Then, the breath turned into a thin thread, wrapping around the ring and pulling it back.

Such a magical action immediately attracted the attention of the two of them!

"Your Majesty, what is this ninja?"

Ying Zheng asked eagerly as if he were opening up a new world.

At this moment, he only felt that as an emperor, he still knew too little!

Zhang Han was even more stunned, and couldn't help but froze when he saw Ying Qingdian's smooth movements just now!

Your Highness, you are so powerful!

"Ninja... this kind of thing is really hard to explain."

Ying Qingdian scratched his head with a headache, sorted his thoughts before speaking.

"To put it simply, this is a strange person who uses chakra, which is equivalent to our internal power. He can use many moves, and this move is called ninjutsu!"

"The basic essence of Ninjutsu is divided into five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, so what you have seen is that they can spit out flames from their mouths, or they can grow in size out of thin air, spit out water, etc., all of which can be called Ninjutsu. "

When he saw the kunai, Ying Qingdian already understood who the strange group of people who suddenly appeared in the coastal areas were burning, killing and looting.

I'm afraid it has to be the ninja in his memory.

But even so, many mysteries will begin to surround it.

For example, what is the continent that appeared out of thin air? Could it be the ninja village in his memory?

Or is it something else?


Ying Zheng, Zhang Han and others looked at each other, feeling confused for a moment.

What kind of chakra is this, what kind of ninja...

Is it really too obscure?

Looking at the appearance of the two people, Ying Qingdian stared at the kunai in his hand. Then he raised his head and looked at Ying Zhengdao firmly.

"Father, since those people dare to do this, then as the prince, I cannot just watch the people being humiliated."

"After tomorrow, I will set off to the coastal section and completely eradicate those ninjas!"

(End of this chapter)

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