Fortunately, the demon clan should have heard about the arrogance of the Tianling fox. Snakes in the food chain are the food of foxes, so the snake demon just stared at Qin Xu for a while, and then glanced at them by the way, taking The team leaves.

Tan Yunhuang was swept by the cold gaze, and goosebumps appeared on his body, as if he saw a snake in the dark spitting at them in the corner.

"They are still staring at us, are they waiting to see if we will choose to go back or move on?" Feng Jiang asked in a low voice.

Qin Xu didn't care: "Look at it. These monsters just want to take advantage of it, to measure what is good or bad. The snake clan has such a small brain and still thinks so much."

Tan Yunhuang: " must have been beaten in the Yaozu's territory, right?"

Cheng Yu spoke up at an unexpected place: "I've been beaten up. I happened to see him in the shark's territory 30 years ago. He wanted to eat a shark's cub, but his face was swollen from being slapped by his tail."

Tan Yunhuang opened his mouth wide, and then under Qin Xu's cannibalistic gaze, he gradually turned into an uncontrollable smile: "Pfft—I'll just say it!"

Seeing that Qin Xu was about to change into his original form and eat people, Yue Baitan stopped Gu Xiao in front of him, and said, "Let's go, don't waste time here. The corridor is so narrow, and the scent on Daoxiu's body is too strong. My The puppet can't help but come out to reminisce about the old days."

This fragrance refers to the taste of aura in Daoxiu's flesh and blood. To Moxiu, it's like a tooth-cracking snack, a bit tempting.

His bones were stained with demonic energy, Qin Xu avoided him in disgust, and gave Tan Yunhuang and Cheng Yu a sullen look.

Tan Yunhuang was used to it, she had nothing to be afraid of, and turned her head to wink at Cheng Yu.

I didn't see it, Cheng Yu looked cold with a serious face, but it was actually quite interesting.

They are ready to go back, along with several teams that have made the same choice.The mermen and spirit butterflies walking in the front were all glowing, they were natural large incandescent lamps, but this strange corridor would absorb the light, so Tan Yunyou was still holding her bag of "small table lamps".

It's just that scratching bugs in this world is easy to cause trouble. A monster with tentacles on its head floated by, staring at her faintly.

The light was so dim that she almost didn't see it, but felt a tentacles poking herself.She turned around and squinted her eyes to discern carefully, and asked, "Fellow Daoist, what's the matter?"

The Tentacle Demon stared at the bug lamp bag in her hand and said, "Are you catching my kind of lighting?"

"..." Tan Yunyang opened the bag and took a look, then looked at the two familiar tentacles on his head, and said dryly, "Yes, I'm sorry."

Tentacle demon: "Fortunately, they are all mentally ill. But we can't torture them."

"Of course I won't be tortured. I'm not that kind of person. I occasionally go to the insect rescue station to show love." She put away the bag of bugs with double flashes on the buttocks, and took out the night pearl to illuminate.

Qin Xu laughed to himself on the sidelines, and didn't say who he was laughing at, but who wouldn't know.

She turned over with an elbow, pretended not to stand firmly, and hit Qin Xu's ribs. Before he could raise his eyebrows, she apologized first: "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't stand firmly just now. The great Tianlinghu will definitely not because of Are you angry about such a trivial matter? After all, they are the race with the best tails."

Qin Xu: "..."

Yue Baitan glanced at them: "You can concentrate on the business, if you can't find the formation, swing your sword at the wall twice, maybe it will be useful."

A body repairer in the front has hammered 49 punches on the front wall, and various magicians are also constantly testing the method of brute force to break the formation. Heart... don't care?

Yue Baitan looked at Tan Yunhuang thoughtfully again.

She didn't feel it, and pretended to look around seriously.

The corridors are black and long, they look exactly the same, there is nothing different, there are superfluous things, not even a stone or a clump of weeds.I released my consciousness to the stone wall above my head, but I didn't find anything wrong. In short, I couldn't find any flaws, and I couldn't get out.

The more they walked, the quieter everyone became, as if the air needed for talking was gradually taken away from this place, and they were just moving forward mechanically.

After an unknown period of time, they still failed to meet the people who were separated before.Some people questioned whether they were going in circles in the same place, or whether this tunnel had no end.

"How long have we been walking? How many hours? Half a day? Or many days? This formation is going to make crazy people!"

"How could it be only a few hours, and I didn't feel this way after sitting in the cave for more than a month."

"But this round only lasts ten days, and this is the first level. It should not be possible to pass a few days."

"You have to think of something to keep yourself busy, and you can't really be driven crazy, otherwise, even if you pass this level by luck, you won't be able to pass the second level."

There is no day and night, no clear feeling of time passing, as if a moment is a long time, and it seems that a long time is just a moment, the chaotic cognition makes people panic.

At this point, everyone can really experience the power of the formation.

Nowadays, the number of talents on the Lingjing Continent is declining, and there are not many people who are good at formations. Even if there are inheritances available, it is difficult to compare with the original Wenshi Zhenjun.That's the case with this formation, it's hard to imagine what kind of proud gesture the true king would have had if he used a stronger formation 500 years ago when his spiritual power was abundant.

"Take a break, it's useless to be anxious anyway." Seeing Feng Jiang and the others, they also looked dignified and anxious, and made timely suggestions.

She purposely whispered it, but the space in this place was small and the others were silent, so the effect was comparable to a loud suggestion, everyone heard it, and Qi Qi turned to look at her.

Tan Yunhuang's reflex nerves were engraved with genes that are not suitable for being noticed by so many people, so he shut up, pretended that what he said just now was not his own, and resolutely refused to meet other people's eyes.

Then those people actually stopped and prepared to rest, and their actions revealed a kind of trust in the disciples of Wanlin Sect.Probably thought that, after all, she was Zhenjun Wenshi's nephew, so she might have some kind of magical intuition.

Everyone rests, and so does their small team.Yue Baitan and Qin Xu looked at her meaningfully, but she pretended not to notice, with a fish under her arm, she took out her sleeping three-piece suit and put it away.

The single bed was just long enough for her body, and after hanging wind chimes and small paper figurines on it, and then arranged the fairy pillow, she lay down with the fish and let out a comfortable sigh.

Qin Xu: "...Are you planning to sleep until the end of time?"

"Only by resting with high quality can you work efficiently. Have you heard a saying? Being able to work is an ability, but being able to rest is a superpower."

Qin Xu: "High-quality rest is not about learning how ordinary people sleep, dream and die. Don't you Daoists know how to meditate and run around the sky? Others improve your cultivation and you improve your sleeping skills?"

She said casually: "Everyone's way of cultivating the Tao is different. You can't completely copy the inherent methods. My way has to be cultivated in this way."

Qin Xu: "What way?"

"The golden mean, advanced?"

Cheng Yu and Feng Jiang stared at her, and they showed stunned expressions when they heard this.However, Cheng Yu was thinking "This seems to make sense", while Feng Jiang was full of "The Great Way! The Great Way! I have some insights!" It seems that he wants to add a new "Zongmen Diversified Development" besides "Zongmen Diversified Development". Taoism".

At this time, Yue Baitan said meaningfully: "I want to go to your dream to find help from your expert?"

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