The whole world of comprehension is waiting for me to make my C debut

Chapter 75 Which turtle grandson stole my pillow towel? !

Waking up from the dream, Tan Yunhuang first opened a gap between his eyelids and looked around, and found that the corridor was still quiet, and most people were meditating. It seemed that time had not passed too long, so he turned over with peace of mind. I am ready to continue sleeping.

Who knew that as soon as she turned over, she was touched by a ball of fluffy things to the tip of her nose, itching so much that she almost shook herself out of bed with a sneeze.

A loud sneeze sounded along with someone's distraught voice, and everyone else in the tunnel looked over.

"You're pressing my tail! You're still sneezing on my fur!" Qin Xu's tail exploded like a reed flower, and almost poked Tan Yunhuang's nose again, causing her to sneeze again.

But fortunately, she held back, and subconsciously touched two hands as comfort: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Unexpectedly, Qin Xu was even more irritable, his fluffy tail turned into a zombie, and he pulled one out of her arms in a daze, and then slapped her with the other tail.

"Daoxiu is indeed a beast in clothes!"

Tan Yunyu: "...No, why did the situation escalate to this point? It shouldn't be so?"

Cheng Yu, who has not been able to meditate at ease, opened his eyes in time and said, "The fox's tail is very important, it is..."

"Shut up!" Qin Xu bared his fangs at Cheng Yu, and a ferocious beast appeared on his delicate face, "Stupid casual cultivator!"

Cheng Yu was not easy to provoke, he immediately turned cold and showed the weapon in his hand, the spikes on his knuckles gleamed coldly, one can imagine how bloody the scene would be if he punched someone in the face.

"Say one more word?
Tan Yunhuang saw that something was wrong, so she quickly got up to stop the fight: "Don't be like this, don't be like this, if you have something to say, talk about it, everyone is a team, harmony makes money and anger makes money!"

Feng Jiang also stopped meditating to help, only Yue Baitan didn't move his butt by the side, touching his puppet as if he didn't know them.

As for the other people in the tunnel, they were all watching the excitement, and it was good to add fuel to the fire if they were unhappy.

Tan Yunhuang and Feng Jiang stopped Qin Xu and Cheng Yu by themselves, trying to calm them down by saying something, and sat far away from each other, out of sight and out of mind.

She was so tired, she just woke up and sneezed on a tail, which almost caused her teammates to kill each other, she was really speechless.

Taking a deep breath, she fell back on the bed, only to be shocked to find that the fire raccoon on Youxian's pillow was gone.

"Damn it, which bitch grandson stole my pillow towel! Are you still a fucking human? You also stole the pillow towel!"

Her angry scolding sound spread far along the tunnel, and the echoes formed were echoed back layer by layer like ocean waves, and the last words rang in everyone's ears over and over again.

Like a singing birthday lotus candle, it is so loud that people's ears and brains hurt.

Others in the corridor: "..."

The puppets in Yuebaitan covered their ears and giggled, and each of them said "It's so noisy" and "Kill it" like singing a horror nursery rhyme.

"I saw a puddle of water stains coming over just now," Yue Baitan was disturbed to hear, and provided a message, "It should be taken by the person who lives in the sewer over there."

Tan Yunhuang immediately searched the crowd to locate "a person who can tell at a glance that he lives in the sewer", Qin Xu pointed at the location with the tip of his tail wagging, and called his name directly: "That resentment demon, an unpleasant smell with malicious intentions smell."

Resentment demon: "..."

Although he was the one who stole it, but what do you call someone who stops the sewer?And why did the fox demon point at him affirmatively when he mentioned the man who lived in the sewer? !

"Okay, friend of the Demon Race, I have always firmly supported the policy of the great unification of the three races, and insisted on the principle of harmonious coexistence of demons and demons. I never thought you would be here to cause damage." Shout a few slogans, then roll up your sleeves and pretend to fight.

Before making a move, give the opponent 3 minutes to surrender: "If you return the pillow towel to me, I will let it go, otherwise, when I do it, the scene will be ugly."

Qin Xu: "If you want to go up, go up, if you don't go up, you will fall down, don't talk so much nonsense."

"...You know what a fart, if your tail didn't touch my nose just now, would I have sneezed? Would I have touched your tail because you scolded me if I didn't sneeze? If I didn't touch your tail, Cheng Yu would Did you almost get into a fight with me because you explained it to me? If you two hadn't almost got into a fight and I went to fight, wouldn't I be unable to hold the pillow towel?"

The formation of the tunnel will affect people's emotions and state of mind. Her anxiety about suddenly holding a koi script in her hand turned into a fountain of emotions, spraying all over Qin Xu's face.

Qin Xu gritted his teeth at what she said, if he acted like a fox, he would probably lie down and growl to threaten her.Human-shaped monsters are not the kind of docile animals in the animal world. The fox monster's mouth can bite her whole body off.

But after he got angry, he didn't attack her, but went to the resentment demon angrily.A Tianling fox who has beaten all the invincible hands of the Yaozu under the age of [-] is still a bit strong. Throw the cloth in front of Tan Yunyou.

"Your torn pillowcase!"

"It's not good to steal something from people who are neither human nor ghost. Stealing a piece of cloth, an old sow wearing a floral dress, pretending that no one can tell what you look like."

"The puppet over there, if you touch it, you will know how to touch your bone. Did you see it just now and stop it?"

"And you, my tail is still wrong? You, a weak chicken in the foundation-building period, sleep so dead here, I am kind enough to help you block it, otherwise you will not only lose a piece of cloth, you will be scared when you open your eyes. It can be stolen and buried!"

Tan Yunhuang was stunned by the spray, considering that he helped her get back the things anyway, it's better not to talk back and let him lose his temper.

But she took the cloth and was silent for a moment, and still couldn't help defending herself: "All my storage bags have eight layers of codes, even if you come to steal it, you may not be able to do it."

Qin Xu jumped: "Who wants to steal your rags!"

"..." Forget it, humans and foxes have a natural communication barrier caused by reproductive isolation.

Feng Jiang was like a big moth that had been drenched in the heavy rain, carefully moved over to Qin Xu's cursing voice and said to her: "He is actually kind, Tianlinghu is so proud, it's good to be able to use his tail as a bedside for you gone."

Qin Xu's sad voice interjected: "What are you talking about, big man, who is her bedside?"

Feng Jiang immediately sat up straight, and smiled at him with an honest sword cultivator.

The fox glanced at Tan Yunhuang again, she pretended that she was temporarily deaf and didn't hear what they said, and packed the three-piece sleep suit by herself.

The echo in the corridor gradually disappeared. At this time, the tentacle monster who had met once before suddenly said: "Something is wrong."

Su Huaiyuan, who was in the same group as her, immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sound," the two antennae on her head are very sensitive to sound, and after careful identification, she pointed to the wall on the right and said, "There is something wrong with that wall. If her voice wasn't loud enough, I wouldn't have heard the slightest sound." difference."

Tan Yunhuang: ...Isn't it, just such a coincidence?

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