The gathering they went to this time was a small gathering, and usually only a few small tribes not far from there would go there.

This gathering lasts for a long time. After the weather turns cold and before it snows in winter, tribes will come over with supplies. Some tribes will go several times. For example, the Damang tribe where Jiang Quhan belongs will go there two or three times a year. , it can be regarded as the most frequently run gathering.

There are also large gatherings that are relatively far away. There are only one or two such large gatherings in fixed places each year. The gatherings only last for a few days and then disperse.

In this era without calendars, Jiang Quhan was quite curious as to how they all arrived at a fixed place at a fixed time.

In addition to these two kinds of gatherings, there will also be gatherings that have no fixed time or location, and may not even appear. This kind of gathering is based on the harvest of materials and the needs of the tribe. When participating in the large gathering, the tribal leaders negotiate whether held gatherings.

The location and time of the gathering are agreed upon on the spot, and then they go back to their respective tribes to prepare supplies before exchanging them.

This kind of exchange gathering will be more purposeful and the materials will be richer.Tribal leaders like Damang are not qualified to participate in negotiations. At most, if there was such a gathering back then, they would participate later.

The original person has never been to any kind of gathering, so Jiang Quhan doesn't know much about gatherings.

Not many people went there, only a dozen of them, each carrying some supplies and setting off before dawn.

The leader is the leader. Every year, no matter how big or small the gathering is, the leader will definitely go.

The main supplies I brought this time were dried fish. There were two more fishing masters in the tribe, so there was a lot of dried fish to dry this year.Then he brought some meat and dried fruits, as well as stone axes and bamboo products. With these two items, Jiang Quhan had some differences of opinion with the leader.

The leader arranged to bring some animal skins as in previous years. He did not want to bring stone axes or bamboo products. Obviously he did not want to share these two things with some small tribes around him. He would wait until the big gathering to exchange them for some tribal needs. s things.

Jiang Quhan doesn't think so. Both of these things are easy to learn and very practical. Now they have penetrated into their lives. Even if they don't exchange them at the gathering this time, other tribes will soon learn how to use them. Learn, it is better to exchange it.

Unless they go to the gathering this time, they will not use these things, but bamboo tubes and stone axes have become essential items in their hunting life. There is no need to do this. Especially weapons and tools such as stone axes have a protective effect on their safety and cannot be used for their safety. A small loss brings a big loss.

As for animal skins, a winter must-have, small tribes like theirs don't have many opportunities to fight large beasts, so there aren't many in the tribe. Other animal skins are not very cost-effective in exchange for supplies, and there are many in the tribe. No one was given animal skins, so they could only rely on leaf fires to keep warm in the winter. Especially the children in the cave, they had great luck every time they spent the winter safely.

The original person's memory of winter was not very good, and she did not dare to leave the cave easily every year. Even if she ran out of food, she could only survive. She still had a worn-out rabbit skin to keep warm, and she also fell ill twice in winter. , in the end it was the fate that made it through, but most of the children were just buried in that winter.

At this time, there is a shortage of medical care, especially in winter. A small wind chill may kill you at any time. It is better for adults to be more resistant to this kind of weather, but it is a disaster for children.

Some of their mothers are still alive, and they may secretly give them some hot soup and hot water when they are sick. Whether they can survive the winter depends on their fate.

Winter is also the time when tribal children die the most, but there are more deaths and more births.The biggest role of women in the tribe is to continuously give birth to increase the declining population of the tribe.

Therefore, except for some natural and man-made disasters, most tribes can maintain a delicate balance in the number of tribes.

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