Because of the obstruction of these zombies and mice, Jiang Liangfen and the others spent a lot of time, but they still couldn't rush to the cargo yard wharf quickly.

Seeing that it was already past noon, and the progress was still very limited. If it continued to delay, it would take time. They might not be able to complete the collection of materials for this freight yard and wharf today, so Tan Siyan took action immediately.

Released the group of mutated crabs in the space again, and Tan Siyan commanded these mutated crabs to attack those zombie mice with all their strength, as well as those zombies and zombie animals that still remained at the freight yard wharf.

Following Tan Siyan's big move this time, suddenly, a lot of mutated crabs came out so suddenly, which shocked everyone in the special brigade.

However, when he saw Tan Siyan standing in the distance, he knew that Tan Siyan was helping, but Jiang Liang was a little surprised and a little embarrassed.

He was in charge of the freight yard and wharf, but he had never met those people in Liu Renjian's team.

As a result, they were outside the cargo yard wharf. They were besieged by so many zombies and rats, and fell into a bitter battle. Up to now, they have not been able to enter the cargo yard wharf.

As for those members of Liu Renjian's team, they haven't appeared here until now!

In such a situation, the members of Liu Renjian's team most likely went to Tan Siyan's side, and they must have met Tan Siyan and the others.

If this is really the case, then, Tan Siyan was able to rush over to this side so quickly, doesn't that mean that Tan Siyan has successfully resolved the crisis at the freight yard over there, as well as Liu Renjian and others?

Thinking of the possibility of such a result, Jiang Liangyan's mood became a little complicated, and he also admired Tan Siyan more and more.

Relatively speaking, there are so many superpowers from the special brigade on his side, but their task progress is indeed too slow. After half a day, they still haven't been able to enter the cargo yard wharf!

However, I have to say that Tan Siyan came here and controlled so many mutated crabs to help, which saved them a lot of effort.

In such a situation, Jiang Liangfen couldn't help feeling a little more emotional, and looked at Tan Siyan with complicated eyes.

At this time, these mutated crabs were controlled by Tan Siyan, and as soon as they were released, they immediately rushed towards the zombie mice and fucked with them.

This group of mutated crabs has an incomparably hard shell, even if they are at the first level of strength, they can already compete with the second level of zombie mice.

Those second-order zombie rats were also quite strenuous in dealing with such first-order mutant crabs.

Facing the mutated crabs, these zombie mice couldn't bite through the hard shell of the mutated crabs at all, and they easily broke their teeth.

Even if they used their abilities to attack, these zombie mice couldn't hurt the mutated crab, and couldn't even pierce the mutated crab's shell.

But on the other hand, the mutated crab relied on its extremely hard shell, and could continue to rampage and attack these zombie mice.

The hard and sharp big iron pliers bite violently, with a strong bite force, enough to bite off the bones of the zombie mouse, or even directly bite off the neck of the zombie mouse, leaving a mouse head there.

In this kind of contest, the zombie mice have no advantage at all, while the mutated crabs completely have the upper hand, and the advantage is very obvious.

With the influx of a larger number of mutated crabs, these zombie mice, who originally wanted to dominate in numbers, directly fell into a disadvantage in terms of numbers, and suffered a strong impact from this group of mutated crabs.

In an instant, these zombie rats, who were still very strong, were more powerfully crushed by the mutated crabs in terms of quantity and quality. Many of them were directly besieged by the mutated crabs, and there was no escape.

In the crazily biting attacks of the zombie mice and the mutated crabs, the scene was very bloody and messy.

It's just that, in such a contest, the mutated crabs are overwhelmingly crushed.

Those zombie rats couldn't do any harm to the mutated crabs at all, they could only be cruelly tortured.

The bloody mess in this area is all left over from the biting and tearing of these zombie rats.

With the strong attack of the mutated crabs, Jiang Liangfen and the supernatural beings of the special brigade saw the powerful offensive and defensive power of the mutated crabs and their complete suppression of the zombie mice, which shocked everyone in the special brigade.

Many people in the special brigade knew about the use of mutated crabs as a means of defense around the security base.

This time, the members of the special brigade who followed Jiang Liangfen out for activities were all people Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan could trust.

It is precisely because of this that when Tan Siyan made a move, he didn't need to do anything to cover up, and just amplified his moves as soon as he came.

Of course, to control so many mutated crabs to launch an offensive at once, Tan Siyan's powerful mental power is still beyond the expectations of many people in the special brigade.

Before that, they had also seen Jiang Liangfen make a move, and knowing that Jiang Liangfen could control those mutated crabs and let the mutated crabs help open the way and solve the crisis, everyone was shocked.

Now, seeing that Tan Siyan can directly control such a large number of densely packed mutated crabs, everyone's ability to control the spiritual power, and the battle defense of controlling mutated crabs to launch an offensive, is also very surprising, directly refreshing the three views , Enriched their knowledge of the use of abilities.

As for Tan Siyan, everyone admired him even more, even more than they admired Jiang Liangfen.

Such a powerful Tan Siyan's strength and means are indeed too amazing.

In the past, they knew that Tan Siyan's mental power was very powerful, but they just had a vague concept, and they had never really seen the way Tan Siyan used his mental power to fight.

This time, seeing that Tan Siyan directly controlled such a large number of mutated crabs, the number he could control was much higher than that of Instructor Jiang Liang and Jiang. With such a big difference, this undoubtedly gave everyone in the special brigade a more intuitive understanding of Tan Siyan's mental strength.

Of course, they can't imagine how strong Tan Siyan's spiritual strength can be.

After all, Tan Siyan seemed to be able to handle it with ease, without any difficulty.

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