Seeing Jiang Liangfen's actions, he had already blocked this section of the sewer, Tan Siyan also followed suit, making those mutated crabs withdraw from the opening first.

With such a closed barrier, it can ensure that so many zombie viruses on Huang Penggui's body will not continue to spill out when they do something later, and it can also allow them to deal with Huang Penggui more calmly.

By controlling the zombie virus within a certain range, it is also convenient for them to dispose of the zombie virus and deal with the aftermath here.

Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan acted together and started to attack.

Tan Siyan, while ordering the mutated crab to back off and evacuate to a safe area, also followed suit to let the lightning power spread to the barrier erected by Jiang Liangfen.

The two trust each other, and they can cooperate better when using such abilities to attack, so that there will be no situation where the abilities will be consumed by each other.

After enough lightning powers had spread to the barrier, Tan Siyan controlled these lightning powers and condensed them into lightning strikes, heading towards the dozens of zombie insects controlled by Huang Penggui in the barrier. , slammed in the past.

Now, Tan Siyan is more and more proficient in the attack of falling thunder, and his shots are more powerful. ,

Following Tan Siyan's shot like this, he quickly hit the dozen or so zombie insects, and chopped those zombie insects, one after another, into slag.

These zombie insects are not very big, and their strength is relatively low, so they cannot withstand the lightning attack of Tan Siyan's level.

The speed of escape was not fast enough, so that these zombie insects were directly hit by Tan Siyan, unable to escape such a violent thunder and lightning attack.

After being controlled by Huang Penggui in turn, the dozens of zombie insects already carried more zombie viruses on their bodies, and Tan Siyan would not let such a disaster escape.

With her precise moves, the dozen or so zombie insects were all killed by lightning, drowned, unable to escape.

Soon, all these dozens of zombie insects were disposed of by Tan Siyan.

At the same time, Jiang Liangfen followed suit, using the same lightning attack, and slammed towards Huang Penggui.

Huang Penggui's strength is close to the third-order level, but a lot of strength blessings are provided by zombie insects.

In this way, when Tan Siyan successfully killed those zombie insects, it also directly weakened Huang Penggui's hard-earned strength.

Huang Penggui, whose strength had declined, faced Jiang Liangfen, and his strength had long been unequal.

He also saw Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan, and instinctively knew that these two were very powerful and dangerous. Therefore, when he saw the mutated crabs retreating collectively, Huang Penggui also wanted to escape here quickly.

Whether it was Jiang Liangfen, Tan Siyan, or these mutated crabs, they were all very dangerous, and they posed many threats to Huang Penggui instinctively, making him just want to escape.

However, those mutated crabs all retreated in an orderly manner, but they didn't have much room to move, which made Huang Penggui's plan come to nothing.

When they were farther away from the sewer opening, these mutated crabs continued to guard outside, blocking this section of the sewer, making it impossible for Huang Penggui to force it through.

Those third-order mutated crabs, as well as Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan, were not good enemies, which made Huang Penggui even more afraid, not daring to get too close.

And the zombie insects it controlled before were also very weak at the moment, and they were instantly wiped out by Tan Siyan!

Under such circumstances, the hole cards that Huang Penggui could rely on were drawn away one by one and were abolished, resulting in a decline in strength.

At this time, when he encountered Jiang Liangfen's lightning attack again, Huang Penggui was very panicked, he just wanted to run away quickly, far away, to avoid Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan.

Unfortunately, it has no chance at all now.

The development of the situation here was completely unexpected, and it also cut off its retreat.

Seeing the zombies and insects being wiped out by Tan Siyan's group, and seeing Jiang Liangfen's powerful move, so many thunderbolts fell, all of them were attacking him, Huang Penggui knew he couldn't resist, so he tried to avoid it.

However, its current position does not give it much room to hide.

Coupled with the stiff and slow movements, Huang Penggui was completely defeated when confronted with Jiang Liangfen's intensive and powerful lightning strikes.

In such a battle of unequal strength, Huang Penggui had just turned into a zombie, and his strength was also low. All kinds of incompatibility and inconvenience made the battle turn into a one-sided crushing situation from the very beginning.

The zombie insects that Huang Penggui valued also failed to provide him with any help, and they were killed by Tan Siyan long ago.

Seeing Tan Siyan's strong moves, Huang Penggui further saw the danger of Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan, and even lost his will to resist. He just wanted to escape here quickly, but he couldn't find a way out.

Without the help of zombie insects, his own strength is not as good as Jiang Liangfen, two levels behind, Huang Penggui has no chance at all.

This time, facing Jiang Liangfen's lightning attack, although Huang Penggui tried his best and used the fastest speed, he could barely escape the danger of being hit in the vital part, and was not struck. To the crystal nuclei in the head, however, Huang Penggui couldn't completely dodge such dense lightning strikes, and some of them still fell on Huang Penggui's body and on its legs.

The powerful thunder and lightning attack came in such a turbulent way, and fell on Huang Penggui's leg, directly breaking Huang Penggui's right leg, and the bone, together with the burned flesh, fell to the ground.

The zombies of the second order have begun to recover from all kinds of feelings. Huang Penggui was attacked suddenly like this, and was struck by the lightning attack of Jiang Liangfen's level, and his right leg was directly chopped off by the violent lightning, making him suffer After suffering a lot of damage, he can only scream in pain and anger to relieve his own pain.

It's a pity that the right leg has been severed by Luo Lei. Jiang Liangfen's lightning attack, the lightning contained in it, took advantage of the trend and quickly spread to Huang Penggui's whole body.

Suffering from the violent damage of these lightnings, Huang Penggui not only burned the surface rapidly, but also destroyed the energy running inside.

Such a degree of injury made Huang Penggui unable to even move around now.

And without the ability to move, Huang Penggui couldn't dodge Jiang Liangfen's next attack.

Originally, there was already a gap in strength, and after suffering such a serious injury, Huang Penggui was even more powerless to break free and dodge.

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