Chapter 164 Combination
Having said this, Tan Siyan looked at Miao Ziyi and Meng Yiyi and the others, and asked, "What do you guys think about this matter?"

After listening to what Tan Siyan said, Miao Ziyi and Meng Yiyi looked at each other in shock.

If, with such mutated animals to help out and form a defensive line around the security base in S City, it would indeed be able to bring a very good improvement to their security base's defense.

For such a good thing, Miao Ziyi naturally hoped that it could be done, and couldn't help saying excitedly: "Instructor Tan, this is a great thing!"

"With such a defense method, then, on the security base side, the defense power will be greatly improved."

"At that time, the defense of the security base will be further improved, and the effect will definitely be better, so that this big crisis will not happen again."

After a pause, Miao Ziyi continued to add: "With such an additional line of defense, then, in some places that we can't think of, and where the defense is insufficient, we can also have such mutant animals to supplement them well, and provide security in a timely manner." Warning from the side of the base."

"Such a line of defense arrangement can definitely bring greater security to the security base."

"With these, we will be more confident in the defense and early warning of the security base in the future."

Looking at Tan Siyan and Jiang Liangfen, Miao Ziyi asked nervously, "Instructor Tan, please help us arrange such a line of defense for our security base in City S, can you?"

Seeing Miao Ziyi, Meng Yiyi and the others looking forward to it, Tan Siyan nodded and said, "I need to hurry up and arrange this matter at night, and I should be able to help you deal with it tomorrow morning, and Arrange for a safe base."

Looking at Miao Ziyi and Meng Yiyi, Tan Siyan continued: "However, among you, who is going to be in charge of the management of these mutated animals, you need to prepare two places, one for formal management and one for reserve."

"You have decided, tell me tomorrow morning, and I will make arrangements for you then."

"There is still time, you can also think about it more and see if there are any other issues that need to be dealt with."

Miao Ziyi and Meng Yiyi responded to these points seriously.

After the discussion was completed, everyone went to work on their own.

This time, after going through a fierce battle for the defense of the security base, the casualties of the security base in S City are not a small problem.

However, the casualties this time were basically on the front line, where the supernatural beings who participated in the defense and the guards sacrificed, and other people in the S city security base were well protected.

Those crazy mutated animals couldn't break through the defense line completely, so they couldn't enter the security base in S City.

After the crisis, everyone in the security base in S city was very grateful to be able to survive. They also knew about the damage this time, and they were very grateful. They spontaneously came to help and re-established the defense line of the security base in S city.

Because the casualties were not small, everyone kept silent and mourned.

The crisis broke out suddenly, and none of them could have predicted it in advance, so that such a big problem occurred, but fortunately, they waited for support and successfully repelled those crazy mutant animals.

When night fell, the cleaning of the battlefield and the reconstruction of the defense line were basically completed.

Kong Lingqi, the captain of the special brigade of the security base in S city, began to arrange the members of the special brigade, and reorganized the divided teams to take turns patrolling and guard the security of the security base in city S.

Miao Ziyi and the others also arranged guards to further strengthen the defense tasks of the security base.

Although they had just experienced a very tragic battle, none of them dared to slack off.

After seeing the madness and cannibalism of those mutated animals, they had to be more careful and take good precautions against possible zombie siege at night.

However, that night, the security base in S City was very calm, and there was no crisis around.

Zombies, mutated animals, none of them approached the security base in S City, giving everyone a chance to rest and recover.

When the sun rose again and dispelled the darkness of the night, the biggest crisis this time was considered to be over.

It was dawn, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief, no need to worry about it anymore.

After a busy night of work, Tan Siyan also contracted and tamed the mutated desert scorpions, mutated bats, and mutated egrets.

After enabling these mutated animals to be obedient according to the contract and facilitate the arrangement of procedures, Tan Siyan arranged a defense combination composed of these four mutated animals.

Mutated desert scorpions, mutated crabs, mutated bats, and mutated egrets together form such a defensive combination. All aspects of abilities have been considered, and it can better deal with zombies of various attributes, as well as most of the zombies. Mutated animals and zombie animals.

With such a combination of mutated animals to increase the defense and form the defense line around the safety base, the defense level of the safety base will be greatly improved.

Among them, the most powerful mutant egret bird, which has the advantage of suppressing other mutant animals, has naturally become the leader of these contract combinations.

With the help of the ability tree, borrow the old leaves of the ability tree to bear the power of such a contract, and then use various contracts to integrate this group of mutated animals into a more powerful combat force, so that they can Play its due defensive role, help protect the safety of the security base, and do a better job of early warning of crises in a more timely manner.

At that time, it will be more convenient to hand over such a combination of mutated animals to other people.

And once something uncontrollable happens to such a combination of mutated animals, she can also deal with it in a timely manner so that things don't get out of control.

After doing these things and arranging everything, Tan Siyan left the space.

The number of mutated animals collected this time is still relatively limited. Tan Siyan needs to keep the others in the space and continue to breed more. Then there will be enough for other safe bases to distribute.

Tan Siyan didn't know if such an arrangement would be accepted by the security base in City S.

When the time comes, she will show Miao Ziyi and Meng Yiyi first, and after knowing their feedback, if there are any problems, then make adjustments.

For the time being, with such a combination of mutant animals that are more versatile in all aspects and can deal with more zombies, it is still a very good reinforcement for the security base.

(End of this chapter)

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