Chapter 171 Hidden danger
When Jiang Liangyan took Yang Zibo to the training room, Tan Siyan asked Xu Bo: "Xu Bo, where did you find him? How is his specific situation?"

Yang Zibo's physical condition is a bit special, and Tan Siyan also wants to know more about it, so as to facilitate subsequent arrangements.

If there is no problem, then she is going to take Yang Zibo with her and leave together when the time comes, and let Yang Zibo stay with them so that no accidents will happen if they continue to stay at the security base in S city.

Moreover, Yang Zibo's dark ability is very pure, but Yang Zibo still can't control it by himself, which is not a small hidden danger.

Let Yang Zibo learn to control these dark abilities, improve his ability to protect himself, and avoid being targeted by those with ulterior motives, and plunder this kind of dark abilities. This is not accomplished overnight. It takes time and effort to complete .

Before that, Tan Siyan had to know as much about Yang Zibo as possible.

Since the dark abilities on Yang Zibo's body are temporarily out of control, Tan Siyan doesn't know whether there will be some problems left in the place where Yang Zibo stayed before.

Taking this into consideration, Tan Siyan is also going to check it out to avoid leaving any hidden dangers in those places and threatening the safety of the security base in S City.

At this moment, Song Rui, Wang Huankai and the others are helping to check and deal with some situations in the security base, and here, Jiang Liang is in charge, and begins to teach Yang Zibo to control the dark ability, so the problem will not be too big.

Tan Siyan, on the other hand, needs to take the opportunity to deal with some other matters, so that he can solve the problems in the security base in S city more quickly.

This time they left the security base in city L and came to the security base in city S. They encountered such dangers. Then, if they went to other security bases, they might encounter other situations. Tan Siyan couldn't help feeling a little worried. , I want to investigate other safe bases as soon as possible to avoid aggravating the problem.

The situation has changed a lot, and Tan Siyan cannot continue to deal with the current new problems completely based on past experiences.

This made Tan Siyan even more worried.

Regarding Yang Zibo's situation, Uncle Xu still knew a little bit about it.

After accidentally discovering something abnormal about Yang Zibo and bringing him back to his residence, Uncle Xu asked Peng Shuhua to look up Yang Zibo's specific information.

Uncle Xu needs to take care of Yang Zibo to avoid problems, so he can only explain the matter to the careful Peng Shuhua.

And Peng Shuhua quickly investigated Yang Zibo's situation.

At this time, when Tan Siyan asked, Xu Bo replied directly: "Miss, Yang Zibo is an orphan."

"Before the crisis of the last days broke out, Yang Zibo was already living alone."

"With the outbreak of the end of the world, Yang Zibo's own situation has changed a lot. He has become silent all day long. He lives on relief from a safe base. He just likes to play Rubik's Cube every day and has hardly communicated with other people."

"Because I haven't practiced before, other people can't see through Yang Zibo's situation. In addition, recently, there are many dangers here in the security base of S City, so that no one else has discovered the problem."

After hearing what Uncle Xu said, Tan Siyan frowned slightly.

The situation was actually similar to what she expected.

Judging from Yang Zibo's current situation, it is indeed not easy, and he is basically trapped in his own world.

The influence of those dark abilities aggravated the negative emotions in Yang Zibo's heart, which led to such a situation and brought hidden dangers.

With such a powerful dark ability, Yang Zibo still can't control it, she is really not at ease.

Knowing the news, Tan Siyan thought for a while in silence, and then said to Xu Bo: "Xu Bo, you stay here and watch, I'll go out to check the situation first, and I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Tan Siyan took the book where Uncle Xu recorded Yang Zibo's information and looked at it, still frowning slightly.

Remembering this information, Tan Siyan returned the notebook to Uncle Xu, and then turned and walked outside.

This time, Tan Siyan went to Yang Zibo's residence first.

Living alone, Yang Zibo stayed here the longest, and Tan Siyan checked it carefully.

At Yang Zibo's residence, Tan Siyan found a few problematic things, all of which were jade crystals with dark powers stored in them.

Such objects all have dark powers inside, so Tan Siyan put them all away.

If these dark abilities are allowed to stay here, and these jade crystals are stored, after the storage time becomes longer, it will become a hidden danger.

Knowing such a problem, Tan Siyan put all these away, not missing anything, and planned to return it to Yang Zibo later.

After putting it away, Tan Siyan continued to check here.

After making sure that nothing was missed, Tan Siyan rushed to other places to continue eliminating hidden dangers.

Fortunately, in the case of Yang Zibo, the dark powers are very pure, and if they are leaked, the conditions for continuing to store them in the outside world are relatively harsh.

And Yang Zibo's special physical condition also allows him to better store these dark abilities.

Although there will be some leaks, the overall situation is fine.

It is indeed not easy to have such a self-increasing dark ability, and he will not leave Yang Zibo's place easily until he finds another suitable host.

And as long as Yang Zibo learns to practice on his own and learn to control these dark abilities, then the situation of the spread of dark abilities will improve, and hidden dangers will also be resolved.

Of course, when Yang Zibo's condition improves, she and Jiang Liangfen will need to go further afield for inspections to resolve these crises as much as possible.

The other party has discovered that there is such a pure dark power in the S City Security Base, and it is under uncontrolled circumstances. It is very coveted for such dark power and should not give up the plan easily.

Since the other party has already discovered these problems, then, if such behind-the-scenes opponents are found out and dealt with properly, they will be able to ensure the safety of the security base in S City.

When they came to the security base in City S, they would naturally try their best to help solve the problem, which was beyond the capability of the security base, so as to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

After checking and dealing with the remaining hidden dangers of the leakage of this part of the dark power, Tan Siyan walked outside the security base in S city, ready to see the situation of those mutated animals.

With the mutated animals given by Tan Siyan, the outside of the S city security base has become more lively, attracting many people to watch, all of whom are very curious about it all.

(End of this chapter)

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