Chapter 27 Scar Repair
Listening to Tan Siyan's introduction and looking at these grapes, both Xu Bo and Xu Linlang were shocked.

However, Xu Linlang still came to his senses first.

After looking at his old father and Tan Siyan who was smiling, Xu Linlang mustered up his courage, pointed to the fire-type grape, and said, "Miss, I want this one, I want it To obtain the ability of the fire department."

Since the apocalypse is so dangerous, then, she needs such a powerful fire ability to gain stronger combat power in the apocalypse, protect her father and miss.

Relatively speaking, the attack power of the fire element will be more powerful, and it can be more neat and convenient when dealing with dangers such as zombies.

Taking this into consideration, Xu Linlang made such a decision.

Seeing Xu Linlang's earnest and firm expression, Tan Siyan nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay! Linlang, take the grape you want and eat it directly."

"Don't worry, with me here, there will be no danger."

"There should be some pain in the process of obtaining the power. It is because the power fruit is transforming your body so that you can better withstand the power. You need to bear it first."

After receiving Tan Siyan's words, Xu Linlang nodded solemnly and said, "Miss, I know everything, and I will hold back."

After saying this, Xu Linlang picked up the grape with the fire attribute ability, looked at Tan Siyan again, and swallowed the grape directly.

Afraid that it would affect the effect of the supernatural fruit, Xu Linlang didn't dare to bite through the grapes, and he didn't even spit out the grape skins. He just swallowed the whole grape without tasting the taste.

When the grapes got into his stomach, before Xu Linlang could react, suddenly, Xu Linlang's whole body glowed with fiery red light, as if on fire, covering Xu Linlang in the light.

The situation looked very dangerous, but Xu Linlang, who was deeply involved in it, was very quiet.

Even though the process of arousing the power was not easy, Xu Linlang still gritted her teeth and endured it, without making any sound.

Seeing Xu Linlang like this, Tan Siyan looked at her with admiration.

Xu Linlang looks petite and weak, but she is actually a very strong and tough girl.

This kind of tenacity is very rare, and after Tan Siyan obtained the ability, he can better control and improve the ability.

On the side, Uncle Xu watched nervously, fearing that something unexpected would happen to his daughter.

Fortunately, the eldest lady Tan Siyan was here, and her daughter Xu Linlang seemed to be able to hold on, so Xu Bocai felt relieved and continued to watch quietly without making a sound, so as not to disturb her daughter's acquisition of supernatural powers.

At this time, as the power fruit continued to work, Xu Linlang finally formed a power core in his body.

The ability continued to travel along the meridian, continued to expand and strengthen the meridian, and at the same time, the ability was also completely transforming Xu Linlang's body.

This way of obtaining supernatural powers is equivalent to performing a body quenching. If you persist, the effect will be better.

Of course, such a process also requires a lot of pain, and not everyone can persist.

It was for this reason that Tan Siyan was needed to help.

If he really couldn't handle it, Tan Siyan would take action directly, using the powerful power of the ability tree, or helping to alleviate the impact of the ability, or simply canceling the ability.

Of course, Tan Siyan intervened, which will change the situation of obtaining supernatural powers, so that the physical condition of those who have obtained supernatural powers will not be better tempered, and the potential for subsequent supernatural qualifications and improvement will be relatively limited. .

This time, Xu Linlang persevered by herself, which made Tan Siyan appreciate her even more.

After seeing that the supernatural fruit had mostly played a role, allowing Xu Linlang to have the fire power, Tan Siyan spoke up and said to Xu Linlang: "Linlang, feel it yourself, and remember these supernatural powers in your body. operation, and the whole process of gathering to the supernatural core."

"In the future, if you want to control supernatural powers and cultivate and improve, you need to remember these methods and proceed according to this method."

"Remember it yourself, feel it, and then try to control and guide these abilities."

Xu Linlang, who was a little confused, heard what Tan Siyan said, and instantly understood. She began to feel the operation of the supernatural powers in her body, especially the situation of gathering the supernatural powers, and tried to control these supernatural powers by herself.

Xu Linlang is very smart and has a good understanding. This time, the process of obtaining and controlling the supernatural ability progressed very quickly.

This kind of fire ability is really suitable for a girl like Xu Linlang who is full of energy.

Withstanding the impact of the abilities on the meridians, Xu Linlang soon reached a very good coordination state with these fire-type abilities in her body.

Moreover, after understanding and mastering the operation of supernatural powers in the meridians of the body, Xu Linlang has been able to initially control and use these supernatural powers.

This kind of progress is really very fast and amazing, and Tan Siyan did not expect it.

By this time, the energy of this power had been completely absorbed by Xu Linlang, and transformed into her own fire power.

Through that grape, Tan Siyan bestowed Xu Linlang's supernatural power, and successfully tempered Xu Linlang's body, becoming a first-level fire-type supernatural power user!

At this time, all the abilities had been merged into the ability core, and the red light on Xu Linlang's body completely subsided and returned to normal.

Although the situation of Xu Linlang's ability is not so stable, and she can't completely restrain the breath of the ability for the time being, her overall situation has changed a lot with the success of body tempering.

Uncle Xu, who had been standing by Xu Linlang's side, was shocked to see the changes that had taken place on his daughter. Seeing that the scars on her face had all fallen off, her whole body seemed to be reborn, and her aura also became fierce. He got up, as if a fire was about to burn his face.

Xu Linlang's changes made Xu Bo's eyes turn red.

Before, because of the scars on her face, Xu Linlang had been bullied, excluded, and called ugly.

He also wanted to take his daughter for plastic surgery, and the previous Tan family was also willing to help, but the results of the examination were not satisfactory.

Xu Linlang's physique was not suitable for surgery.

Moreover, these scars on Xu Linlang's face were very deep and serious, and it was not so easy to completely repair them.

After knowing this, Xu Linlang did not force the plastic surgery with a success rate of less than 20.00%, and faced it calmly with scars all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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