Chapter 3 Breakup, Don't Disturb!

After paying the deposit, Tan Siyan waited for the goods to be delivered to the door.

In addition to the warehouse on the factory side, Tan Siyan had already rented several large warehouses in the suburbs earlier. This time, he called to buy goods, and Tan Siyan asked the wholesaler to deliver the goods directly to the warehouse in the suburbs. to go.

The delivery time of these wholesalers is arranged by Tan Siyan, and they are staggered from each other, so that Tan Siyan can continue to operate.

The jade pendant has a large space, and it has the function of keeping fresh, so there is no problem of deterioration. This is why Tan Siyan dared to store so much.

After ordering from several companies, at least 700 bags of each type of food were stored. Tan Siyan spent almost [-] million yuan on staple food!

This money is really worthless.

After finishing the staple food, Tan Siyan continued to stock up.

Miscellaneous grains such as soybeans, peanuts, black beans, buckwheat, oats, barley, and corn flour are also necessities.

If you want to eat well, you have to eat healthy. Tan Siyan buys these miscellaneous grains by the ton, and also spends millions of dollars.

Tan Siyan also bought a lot of peanut oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, olive oil, sunflower oil and other edible oils, ranging from tens of thousands of pieces to hundreds of thousands of pieces, in large and small barrels.

Even the oil press, Tan Siyan bought more than a dozen of them through one of the dealers.

Soy sauce, salt, fish sauce, oyster sauce, white sugar, brown sugar, maltose, white vinegar, mature vinegar, chili sauce, dried chili, peppercorns, star anise, ginger, galangal, garlic and other condiments, Tan Siyan stocked them in large quantities according to the packaging .

Eggs, quail eggs, duck eggs, salted duck eggs, preserved eggs, milk powder and other eggs and milk foods, Tan Siyan purchased them in the name of his own food factory, and bought them by truckload.

These are handled in the name of a food factory, and the problem is not very big.

Anyway, Tan Siyan didn't miss any food he could think of.

To experience the apocalypse again, what Tan Siyan wants most is not to go hungry!
If she is full, she must try her best to eat well!

But just to buy these, Tan Siyan spent more than 1000 million!

For the sake of the follow-up cooperation, and because the end of the world is about to break out, Tan Siyan has no intention of reneging on his debts.

And when Xu Linlang came back, Tan Siyan handed Xu Linlang the bulk purchases of salt and other special materials that required certificates, and asked her to buy with the factory's instructions and a copy of the certificate.

Tan Siyan sent all the materials that needed to cross Ming Road to the warehouse here in the factory.

Seeing Tan Siyan like this, Xu Linlang thought that Tan Siyan had figured it out and was ready to run the factory, so she was naturally happy, so she hurried to do it after dinner, so as not to delay Tan Siyan's planning time.

After explaining this, Tan Siyan ate in the factory, ordered Xu Bo to receive the goods, and left in a hurry.

In addition to food, Tan Siyan has to buy a lot of other things.

The scale of F City is not small, and there are many wholesale markets, which is convenient for Tan Siyan to shop for goods.

Driving the truck to the grain and oil wholesale market, Tan Siyan immediately began to buy.

Tan Siyan buys hundreds of quick-frozen foods such as quick-frozen steamed stuffed buns, rice dumplings, fat cakes, steamed buns, meatballs, fish balls, sausages, etc.

The grain and oil wholesale market sells them here. Tan Siyan placed orders and asked the workers to help them move them into the trucks. Then he contacted these manufacturers, placed larger orders, and signed them to the warehouse.

Buying directly from the factory, and in large quantities, it is naturally much cheaper to get the wholesale price, which really helped Tan Siyan save a lot of money.

Tan Siyan left the wholesale market after filling the compartment of the large truck.

After that, Tan Siyan started on the road and took all these supplies into the space.

The security and traffic monitoring along the road just happened to be overhauled, and it was not turned on. Tan Siyan was not afraid of being recorded for these small actions.

Continuing to drive the large truck, Tan Siyan drove to several wholesale markets in a row and stocked up a large amount of food.

When it came to the end of the world, she was really too busy or inconvenient, so she put some hot food in the space for storage, so that she could have something to eat anytime.

Evacuating the truck silently, Tan Siyan rushed to the fresh market again and continued shopping.

Chicken, Beef, Duck, Pork, Lamb...

Bacon, sauced beef, salt-baked chicken, stewed pork, white-cut chicken, roast chicken, roast duck, roast goose, beggar chicken, lotus leaf chicken, spicy duck neck, roast chicken wings...

Meat, what a good thing these are!By the end of the world, such fresh meat would have disappeared long ago.

The hot and humid weather, coupled with water and electricity cutoffs, rampant plagues, the death of poultry, mutations, and the rampage of various mutant mice and mutant insects, fresh meat and bacon, don't even think about it under external conditions.

Looking at these meats now, Tan Siyan couldn't help drooling thinking of all kinds of gourmet recipes.

After buying meat, Tan Siyan rushed to the fishery area again.

Grass carp, crucian carp, yellow croaker, perch, hairtail, octopus, squid...

Clams, prawns, mussels, crayfish...

After the water pollution in the last days, there is no need to think about these things. It is good not to become a piranha, let alone catch them and eat them.

Now that there is such a good fresh-keeping tool as space, Tan Siyan naturally wants to save more.

Dried shrimp, scallops, dried squid, dried fish...

Frozen tofu, water tofu, dried tofu, thousand sheets, bean curd, jelly...

Dry goods and parallel imports can be stocked up.

After visiting the aquatic product area, Tan Siyan rushed to the vegetable and fruit area without stopping.

Radish, cucumber, wax gourd, bitter gourd, pumpkin, gourd...

Cabbage, cabbage, amaranth, mustard greens, cauliflower, lettuce...

Apples, citrus, grapes, tomatoes, peaches, bananas…

Fresh vegetables and fruits, supplemented with various nutrients, are also scarce materials in the last days, and Tan Siyan buys them in large quantities.

With such an easy-to-use guise as a food factory, Tan Siyan has become more and more proficient in purchasing goods from these places.

After working for a long time and hoarding these supplies, Tan Siyan's space was only crammed into a corner.

However, when he was free, Tan Siyan's message also rang.

Seeing that the message was sent by Liu Renjian, who also said all kinds of self-righteousness and accusations against her, Tan Siyan directly sent a message that we have broken up, please don't disturb.

Just received a delivery call from the dealer. Tan Siyan looked at the rapidly decreasing deposits, thought for a while, and sent Liu Renjian a few more accounting statements, which contained the problems she marked.

As long as the investigation continues according to these points, then the accounting problems of Liu Renjian's company will explode directly, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Liu Renjian will not allow these things to erupt.

(End of this chapter)

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