Chapter 31 Blood Moon Night

After patrolling for a day, Tan Siyan and Jiang Liangfen still couldn't find zombie insects or zombie birds, so they could only drive back.

They have been able to find similar traces in L City, but they have always been unable to find specific results.

This made Tan Siyan and Jiang Liangfen both worried.
However, on the way back, the expressions of Tan Siyan and Jiang Liangyan completely changed.

Night had fallen, and the full moon rising in the sky was rapidly turning blood red.

The night of the blood moon broke out a full month earlier than what the two of them had experienced!

Feeling the changes in the surrounding air, the magnetic field also became unstable, and the two immediately returned to the station at full speed.

Worried about the situation everywhere, Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan immediately went to check the surveillance cameras everywhere.

It's night now, whether they're already asleep, staying up late playing with their phones, or relaxing with the air conditioner on while eating cold drinks, almost all the residents have passed out under the influence of the blood moon night .

The situation has become very bad!

From these high-definition surveillance images, both Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan saw insects begin to appear, following the magnetic field changes brought about by the blood moon night, flying around along these magnetic field lines.

In such a changing magnetic field, the powder carried by these insects is constantly falling and floating around.

These insects are the carriers of the zombie virus, but they have not yet turned into zombie insects, and the zombie virus is only attached to the powder on the insects.

In this way, the powder of these insects fell, flowed with the magnetic field, spread to the surroundings, and also affected a larger area.

There were too many insects, and the falling powder shrouded City L in misty smog.

Such insects were obviously under control, so they suddenly appeared at this time and continued to spread the zombie virus!
The magnetic field changes on the night of the blood moon made the zombie virus more active and began to spread, making it almost impossible for the entire L city to escape.

In addition, rats, cockroaches and other dark and dirty animals have also begun to appear in groups, wandering around, spreading the zombie virus to more places, and have begun to destroy it!

Many of those families who did not take precautions were invaded by rats and cockroaches, and were eaten crazily and cruelly.

As the blood moon continued to rise into the sky, the magnetic field became more and more chaotic, and all of this became more bloody and terrifying.

The eyes of these mice, cockroaches and other animals continue to turn scarlet, and it seems that they have been more and more affected by the blood moon night, and the zombie virus in their bodies has been strengthened, making these mice, cockroaches and so on , All of them have completely turned into zombie mice, zombie cockroaches and other zombie animals!
Apart from L City, the same thing happened in other places, causing almost all the air to be polluted by a strong zombie virus.

The disaster of the last days has begun to erupt in an all-round way!
This situation was a month earlier than what Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan remembered, and the situation got worse.

The security base has not yet been officially launched, and many functions have not been fully completed. As a result, the end of the world broke out ahead of schedule!All the people have not yet entered the safe base, and they still have to fully experience the disasters at the beginning of the last days.

This made Tan Siyan and Jiang Liangfen uncontrollably worried.

After thinking about it, Jiang Liang could only take advantage of the fact that the communication was still available, and quickly notified the supernatural beings at the security bases in various places, asking them to strengthen their vigilance, start emergency rescue, activate the security base, and properly resettle those who were not affected by the zombies. Survivor of viral infection.

As soon as Jiang Liangfen's order was issued, all the security bases started to move, preparing to welcome the survivors and resist the zombie attack the next day.

At the same time, Jiang Liangfen reported the situation and fully launched the response plan for the end-time crisis.

After everything was arranged, Jiang Liangyan handed over the affairs here to Song Ruixi and Xu Linlang who were in charge.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan left the station together on a high-powered motorcycle, and went out to solve the crisis that had formed, such as zombies and rats.

They will need to go through some alleys and aisles later, and it will be more convenient to ride a motorcycle.

Even with the strength of the two of them, what can be done is still very limited, but doing more and doing less is better than doing nothing.

Of course, the progress of the matter was unexpected, and they also wanted to try to find out, to see if they could find out the zombie insects or zombie birds that first spread the zombie virus.

After such a long period of secret cultivation and improvement, the strength of these zombie insects and zombie birds must have been improved.

If it can be resolved as soon as possible, it can also reduce the subsequent danger.

They are still very worried about the reappearance of such dangerous existences as the Zombie Bug King and the Zombie Bird King.

Tan Siyan has already told Jiang Liangfen about some things behind the end of the world, which is consistent with the clues Jiang Liangfen has.

They all know that the more powerful demon cultivators have activated the end-time mode of their plane, brought the zombie virus, controlled the zombie insects and zombie birds, and wanted to use this to avoid gaining more Zombies absorb more ghosts and more grievances.

In order to achieve such a goal, demon cultivators will not take people's lives into consideration.

However, Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan's current abilities are still very limited, and they can't deal with demon cultivators at all. They have to do their best in their own way and do their best, hoping to do something to help others.

Of course, the demon cultivators have not rushed to this plane so soon. Before that, they still have time to weaken the crisis and improve their strength.

Perhaps, by the time demon cultivators come to this world, they will already have enough strength to deal with greater crises.

Before the demon cultivators rushed to this plane, they used other means to disrupt the world and detonate the crisis of the last days.

For this reason, what they want to do most at present is to find those zombie insects and zombie birds, and destroy the conspiracy of these zombie insects and zombie birds to take advantage of their powerful strength and spread the zombie virus.

As long as they can do this successfully, then they will be able to temporarily cut off the plan of the demon cultivator, cut off the zombie insects and zombie birds and continue to destroy the world, and complete the actions planned by the demon cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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