Chapter 33 The situation has changed
The power of the second blood moon night will improve the strength of some zombies. When they evolve to the first level, their mobility will also change significantly.

Among the zombies, a stratification of abilities began to appear.

With the appearance of the first-order zombies, those who are still hesitant to stay outside the safe base will also fall into a great crisis.

Fortunately, most of the survivors have already realized the critical situation and successfully entered the safe base.

Among these survivors, not many were able to activate supernatural powers, but they also received the attention of the special brigade.

Those who are willing to join the special operations team, Jiang Liang, Song Rui, and the others, will settle down and start to take them along to participate in the task of guarding the security base.

The manpower of the special brigade is still very insufficient, and it is very urgent to recruit new personnel.

As for not wanting to join the special brigade, they have their own arrangements, and Jiang Liangfen and the others will not force it.

Anyway, as long as you follow the rules of the safe base, it's fine.

When the members of the special brigade, as well as the guards, escorted all the survivors who were willing to enter the safe base to the safe base, the day was about to end.

Seeing that night began to fall, the crisis reappeared, the gate of the security base was slowly closed, several electric fences were electrified and started, and the high-voltage current was buzzing.

Raising his head and looking at the still blood-red moon, Tan Siyan felt that the surrounding magnetic field became disordered again, and its power became stronger, so he was very worried.

This time, the crisis caused by two consecutive blood moon nights will be even greater, and the situation will become even more uncontrollable.

Tonight, I'm afraid there will be no peace.

In order to avoid accidents, Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan stayed on the fence to guard.

Those survivors who successfully entered the safe base have been assigned to their respective residences. Compared with the outside, they are temporarily more stable.

Everyone still had food in stock, so after eating a little, everyone chose to go to rest early after being frightened.

However, the early outbreak of the apocalypse still plunged everyone into confusion and worry.

The outside world is full of dangers, all the order is destroyed and rebuilt, how should the future go, whether there will be a day when the end of the world will end, how will they continue to live...

These questions make many people feel heavy and toss and turn.

Tonight, many people are having trouble falling asleep.

Especially when I heard the roar of the zombies outside the security base, it was very scary, shaking everyone's hearts, and let everyone know more clearly that the crisis of the end of the world has really erupted!

Those days in the past may be gone forever.

In the face of such a huge disaster, personal power seems so small.

Especially for ordinary people like them, the situation is even worse.

They don't have supernatural powers, and if they want to continue to live in the last days, the only way is to attach to a safe base.

In the safe base, they are a little at a loss as to how to make a living and obtain the supplies they need.

But according to the inventory they brought over, they estimated that they would not be able to last for too long, and there would always be a day when they would finish eating.

At that time, it will be a more difficult time!
Of course, they are also lucky.

They all successfully arrived at the safe base and got the shelter of the safe base. For the time being, they don't have to face those terrifying zombies anymore.

They are still alive, alive, and they can still have some hope after all.

At this time, Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan stood together on the wall, looking outside through the electric fence.

The electric fence of the security base is connected as a whole, including the sky.

Even under the ground, when the foundation was being built, thick concrete was poured, and other materials were used for multiple partitions.

Doing this may not be able to stop all zombie animals or mutated animals, but it can still stop some of them more or less.

Only by reducing these threats can they gain more security in the safe base.

As for the complete defense of the safe base, more people still have to rely on manpower and supernatural beings to be responsible.

This is exactly why Jiang Liangfen and the others fully supported Tan Siyan before.

But even though Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan have already done their best to do this, using the doubled supernatural fruit to train a lot of supernatural beings, there are still many gaps in the whole, and they cannot cover more places.

In order to protect the lives of more people when the crisis of the last days breaks out, many cities that cannot be covered by safe bases will arrange for residents to relocate to cities with safe bases.

This is a huge project, and it caused a lot of problems during the implementation process. Fortunately, it was generally completed smoothly.

The apocalypse broke out ahead of time, but the supernatural beings and the guards attacked in time to solve many crisis situations, and also allowed many survivors to successfully enter the safe base.

This situation is much better than the beginning of the end of the world that Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan experienced before.

That is, the overall number of casualties is still not small, which makes Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan very regrettable.

Looking outside the electric fence, looking at the zombies walking outside, the speed is much faster than when I saw it in the early morning, and the strength has also improved, and some of them are blessed by the power of the blood moon night Next, it has evolved to the first level, Tan Siyan and Jiang Liangfen, the faces of both of them are awe-inspiring.

In fact, the situation here in L city is not bad. When they talked on the phone before, they knew that the casualties in many places were even more serious.

But Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan can only stay here in L City for the time being.

The only thing they can be sure of is that the zombie insects and zombie birds they discovered at the beginning are now lurking near L City.

Jiang Liangfen and Tan Siyan continued to stay here in L City, just waiting for these scourges to show up, so they could seize the opportunity to get rid of such big scourges.

They can feel that the crisis is lurking around the security base in L City, but the zombie insects and zombie birds just don't show up directly and continue to hide.

Both sides are competing, looking for a chance to win with one blow.

But the power of the blood moon night made the situation even more complicated.

This situation is obviously different from before, and it also allows some zombies to advance in advance.

This may be a change that even the demon cultivators did not expect.

(End of this chapter)

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