Chapter 37 Team Formation
With the ability tree, Tan Siyan can learn more about the person who made the oath through the corresponding oath.

Of course, if it's an eyeliner nail with ulterior motives, it can't be hidden from the power tree.

This is where Tan Siyan's confidence lies.

When preparing to form a superpower team, Xu Linlang recruited new team members. Then, they read out the oath of joining the team and swore that they would never betray. There is a power tree to manage everything for her, so Tan Siyan doesn't need to worry about it. .

If the ability tree pays attention to the oath, then the team members who receive attention can benefit from the ability tree, and the speed of ability cultivation will become faster and smoother.

As long as there is no betrayal, the benefits will continue.

However, if it is malicious, let alone get benefits, Tan Siyan can use the power tree to punish such people who don't know what is good or bad and dare to swear at will.

This is definitely not what those eyeliners can afford.

Of course, Xu Linlang, Xu Bo, and Tan Siyan all have good eyesight now, so they won't be fooled so easily.

After going through those experiences, Tan Siyan has a deeper understanding of the human heart.

There are some things that can be ignored, but Tan Siyan hates betrayal the most!

Similarly, the teammates of the team are also very curious about Tan Siyan.

How could Miss Tan Siyan, who is so delicate and weak, have such a strong lightning ability?Is the lethality still that powerful?

If they hadn't seen Tan Siyan's ruthless method of striking people and zombies with lightning, they might not have believed it.

Moreover, Tan Siyan's strength is also very strong. It is estimated that even if all of them are added up, they may not be Tan Siyan's opponent.

With such a strong strength, everyone is still very convinced of Tan Siyan.

However, Tan Siyan did not serve as the captain of the supernatural team, Xu Linlang was the captain.

Tan Siyan still has the ability tree in his arms, and there are still many other things to deal with. He cooperates with the special team, and sometimes he is very busy. It would be better for Xu Linlang to take charge.

Xu Linlang has already inspired the fire ability, and has some actual combat experience, so her overall strength is not bad.

As the captain of the supernatural team, Xu Linlang is quite competent.

Although Tan Siyan did not serve as the captain of the ability team, when she had nothing else to do, she would act with the ability team to help Xu Linlang deal with some early problems of the ability team.

When the supernatural team is mature enough and Xu Linlang can take charge of the last days, Tan Siyan will slowly withdraw.

There are many things to do, and sometimes tasks are more suitable for her to carry out alone. Bringing a small team will become a burden instead.

Of course, these are all follow-up matters. For now, Tan Siyan should deal with this task first.

At this time, everyone was sitting in the car. Tan Siyan took out a few lollipops and chocolate bars and distributed them to everyone, letting everyone recover their energy first.

In the last days, under extreme weather, everyone's physical strength will be consumed more and faster, and they need to be replenished from time to time.

It is precisely because of this that the materials they collected may not be able to last for a long time.

It is obviously impossible to sit and eat. In the last days, everyone still needs to find a way to continue to produce materials.

But there is no rush.

Before this apocalyptic outbreak, in fact, there were already relevant researches going on, cultivating various crops that can grow and mature under extreme conditions, and some of the results have already been achieved.

However, there is still some distance from adapting to the environment in the last days and large-scale promotion, and the overall situation is not so mature yet.

At present, they need to collect supplies as much as possible to maintain the consumption of the entire security base.

As for Tan Siyan's habit of eating lollipops, the teammates of the team already knew, and generously gave all the lollipops they collected to Tan Siyan.

After joining the ability team, they had a lot of material expenses, which were all in charge of the ability team, or rather, Tan Siyan and Xu Linlang were responsible together.

This made the team members very grateful to Tan Siyan and Xu Linlang, and they were willing to do something for Tan Siyan and Xu Linlang.

Giving out their own few lollipops is a way for the team members to express their gratitude and love for Tan Siyan.

Tan Siyan did not refuse everyone's kindness.

Of course, Tan Siyan also exchanged the chocolate bars, spicy sticks and other materials collected by herself, and usually shared them with everyone, and did not take everything for granted.

In the end of the world, all kinds of materials are very precious. Tan Siyan still cherishes them very much, and even more so cherishes everyone's thoughts.

Although the whole team didn't take very long to establish and everyone spent even less time together, after more interactions like this, the team members quickly became familiar with each other and got along more harmoniously.

This time, it was the first time for the supernatural team to go out on a mission, and being able to trust each other more made everyone feel more at ease.

Everyone was about to go to the pier, and they were both nervous and looking forward to this trip, waiting for their team's first battle in the last days.

The team formed by Xu Linlang and Tan Siyan now has nine members.

In addition to Tan Siyan and Xu Linlang, there are seven other people, all of whom are first-order supernatural powers or mutants. They obtained supernatural powers or mutations after the outbreak of the crisis in the last days.

Yuan Zhuoyan, a first-order fire-type supernatural power user.

Tian Yongjia, a first-order earth-type supernatural power user.

Guo Silin, a power mutant of the first order.

Xing Yefeng, a first-level ice-type supernatural power user.

Liao Yuqi, a first-order water-type supernatural power user.

Peng Shuhui, a first-level fire-type supernatural power user.

Peng Shuhua, a first-order speed mutant.

The various ability collocations among the team members are still very comprehensive and very good.

However, the apocalypse broke out ahead of time, and the time for the home team was also very short. They hadn't had time to practice in actual combat. Even the cooperation between each other was only a little bit when dealing with the zombies and zombie animals in the trap. It's just a bit of adaptation and cooperation, but it's not that tacit, and we need to continue to learn.

This time out, Tan Siyan deliberately took the team members out to have a good experience before the zombies had advanced, so that they could adapt to fighting zombies and be able to deal with tasks and battles more freely in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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