Chapter 44 The Cruel Scene

None of the team's three main combat powers were able to exert their due lethality, which made the others panic even more.

Even these few people can't deal with zombies, what should they do?
However, what people didn't expect was that at this time, Pan Tengqi showed his strength as a power mutant, swung the shovel in his hand, and smashed it with a bang, bang bang bang bang, and hit it with precision. Those zombie mice that rushed to the front were all patted into a lump of meat.

Such a scene also stunned the rest of the team.

Due to Pan Tengqi's special status, he has a different status in the team. No one wants to provoke him, but most of them also look down on Pan Tengqi.

If it weren't for Pan Tengqi being a power mutant and still useful, Liu Renjian would have discarded this shame far away.

But this time, seeing Pan Tengqi showing off his power, everyone had to look straight at this person they had intentionally ignored.

Seeing that there were so many zombie rats and they were not running slowly, they couldn't start the car, drive in reverse in such a situation, and escape from here quickly, so everyone had to follow suit, imitating Pan Tengqi's appearance , Start to work one by one, holding a shovel, a hoe, a steel sickle, etc., to fight back against the zombie mice that surrounded them.

In such a close-range state, Liu Renjian's supernatural golden dart, and Liu Bingrong and Liu Bingyi's flame offensive finally began to show their power, killing these approaching zombie mice.

With such a counterattack, the situation facing the team began to improve.

Liu Renjian, with these people in the team, fought and retreated, trying to force these zombie mice back, and after opening the distance, they drove away in a hurry.

They also left a car at the intersection so that they could get in the car later and drive away.

Liu Renjian's plan was well planned, but the number of zombie rats was really too much.

The commotion here was too great. After being alarmed, more and more zombie mice appeared, and surrounded Liu Renjian and his team from all directions.

In the process of retreating, Liu Renjian and the others never found a chance to get rid of these zombie mice. The scene was somewhat stalemate, but it became more and more unfavorable to their team.

Seeing that the zombie mice on both sides were also approaching them, Liu Renjian suddenly yelled "Run", and immediately turned around, holding Huang Mengdie with one hand and Pan Qingxue with the other, and ran quickly towards them. He rushed over to the car parked at the intersection.

Because of the tacit understanding of the family, Liu Xiaoxuan and the others also started running immediately.

Such a situation caused Liu Bingrong and the others to be directly left behind.

The team's counterattack suddenly dropped, and Liu Renjian and the others escaped early, which instantly weakened the pressure on the zombie mouse.

In particular, the rapid departure of some fresh flesh and blood also made these zombie mice instinctively speed up their running, and quickly chased them here.

Moreover, the zombie mice hiding in the buildings on both sides also jumped down from the windows and other places, chasing Liu Renjian and the others with the fastest speed.

Such a chaotic situation brought great danger to Liu Renjian and everyone in his team.

Seeing that there were more and more zombie rats, and they were about to chase them to the intersection, everyone gritted their teeth and persisted. Instead of stopping, they continued to rush towards the prepared car at full speed.

Liu Bingrong, who fell behind, looked at Liu Renjian and the others who were running ahead, and hated them too, but right now they can only run, run with all their strength, escape is the most important thing.

Only if they can get out of here alive and save their lives, will they have the possibility to take revenge on Liu Renjian.

This strong unwillingness and hatred supported Liu Bingrong and the others, making them run faster and faster, almost catching up with Liu Renjian and the others.

But at this moment, Liu Daihong, who was frantically running for her life, suddenly felt her feet tripped, her center of gravity was unstable, and she fell directly to the ground.

Seeing Liu Daihong fall to the ground, Liu Bingyi, Pan Tengqi and the others did not intend to stop and give Liu Daihong a hand, but continued to run faster, wanting to take the opportunity to escape here, let Liu Daihong fall at the end, and attract those zombie mice attention.

Even, Pan Tengqi was still passing Liu Daihong, and when Liu Daihong wanted to stand up but was still unable to stand, he secretly bumped Liu Daihong from the side, causing Liu Daihong to fall to the ground again.

Although Liu Daihong has the ability of the wind element, she still has an advantage in escaping, but being counted one after another makes her weak and has nowhere to use. She was tricked and fell down, losing her advantage in speed.

In this way, Liu Daihong completely lost the chance to escape from these zombie mice.

Among the group of zombie mice, some of them fell from a height and landed on Liu Daihong's body.

Knowing the danger of the zombie mouse, Liu Daihong quickly grabbed it and grabbed the zombie mouse, but no matter how frightened or collapsed she was, she just wanted to avoid being bitten by the zombie mouse and turning into a zombie, and to avoid being bitten by these zombie mice. The danger of the rat being wiped out, the zombie rat was thrown away vigorously.

However, more zombie mice fell from the buildings on both sides, and the large group of zombie mice behind them also caught up and flocked to Liu Daihong.

Under such circumstances, Liu Daihong had no room to resist at all, and could not completely stop the siege of these zombie mice.

Even though Liu Daihong had already used the wind blade to attack, it had little effect and could not deal with such a huge number of zombie mice.

Unable to completely stop these zombie mice, Liu Daihong's arms, calves, cheeks, etc. were all covered with zombie mice, being bitten by the zombie mice frantically, causing Liu Daihong to burst into a sharp scream in pain.

But when Liu Daihong opened his mouth, a zombie mouse took the opportunity to get in.

Liu Daihong's screams came to an abrupt end, only a whimper of panic and pain remained, and soon everything subsided.

A large group of zombie mice continued to rush up, covering Liu Daihong completely, scrambling to bite and devour Liu Daihong's body, the scene was bloody and terrifying.

Not long after, there was only a mass of white bones left on the ground, not a single bit of minced meat remained.

But the group of zombie mice, stimulated by the bloody smell here, all instinctively fought for food, and temporarily gave up hunting Liu Renjian and the others.

This allowed Liu Renjian and the others to smoothly get into the car prepared at the intersection, quickly start the car, and drive away at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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