Chapter 55 Zombie Bat
Although this batch is all first-order zombie mice, their jumping ability is limited, but there are too many of them!
Moreover, in order for this unmanned aircraft to further target the large group of zombies when dropping bombs, it got too close to this side.

Coupled with the fact that it is now a nighttime battle, although there are lights on, it is still more conducive to the actions of zombie mice.

In such a situation, in the end, two zombie mice successfully jumped onto the unmanned aircraft, directly destroying the balance of the unmanned aircraft, and further destroying the hardware, power supply, etc. of the unmanned aircraft, eventually resulting in no The manned plane fell down and exploded along with the unmanned plane.

Seeing that an unmanned aircraft had been damaged on their side under the sneak attack and suicide of zombie mice, Jiang Liang and the others were very distressed.

There are a limited number of unmanned aircraft, each with a specific mission arrangement.

Such a loss will also have a certain impact on their subsequent arrangements.

And, to make matters worse, Jiang Liang also noticed that in the distance, there were dozens of zombie bats flying towards the safe base.

The appearance of zombie bats and their ability to fly so quickly surprised Jiang Liangfen even more.

In order not to continue to damage the unmanned aircraft, Jiang Liang hurriedly ordered the members of the special brigade to control the unmanned aircraft to fly back as soon as possible, and fly back to the safe base to avoid confrontation with those zombie bats.

Although those zombie bats are only at the first level now, they are still relatively stiff, and they are very laborious and awkward when flying, but they can still fly.

Being able to fly and attack from the air has already given these zombie bats a good combat effectiveness.

It is relatively difficult for these zombie bats to fly forward, and the ability to fly has not been fully recovered, but if they dive down to attack, the speed is definitely fast enough.

Compared with these first-order zombie bats, unmanned aircraft may be better in speed and agility, but these zombie bats are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and they are not so easy to deal with.

If the unmanned aircraft is too close to the zombie bat, it is attacked by the wind ability of the zombie bat, the balance of the flight is destroyed by the attack of the wind ability, or it is crashed by the zombie bat, then For a safe base, the loss outweighs the gain.

Rather than the cost-effectiveness of fighting is not too high, it is better to take it easy.

When all the unmanned aircraft flew into the safe base, the electric fence continued to be fully opened to block possible attacks from zombie bats.

Not long after, those zombie bats, fluttering their wings stiffly, approached the safe base.

Seeing the flying movements of these zombie bats, Jiang Liangfen's face became more solemn, and he couldn't help but use his mental power to look at the mutant zombie with a third-level mental power in the distance.

That third-level zombie, and these zombie bats that can fly at the first level, are too different!

Behind this scene, there must be another master controlling it.

Otherwise, in just these two days, zombies and zombie bats would not be able to evolve so fast!

Just thinking of these aspects, Jiang Liangfen became more and more worried about Tan Siyan's safety, for fear that Tan Siyan would fall into the scheme here.

Since these zombie bats flew from the sky, there was no need to worry about those traps. After flying through the air, they continued to fly towards the safe base.

Seeing so many zombie bats approaching, Jiang Liang began to direct the fire and wind superpowers, aimed at these zombie bats, started to use fire to attack, and used the wind power to bless, strengthen the fire attack Power, strive to kill these zombie bats to a greater extent.

Under the cover of the light, coupled with the interference of sound waves, the sudden flame attacks in the safe base made the movements stiff, and the zombie bats who could only barely maintain their flight could not detect the crisis immediately. It is also difficult to avoid completely.

Today's first-order zombie bats are stiff and their bat wings are damaged, but with the blessing of special power, the wings of zombie bats can be repaired quickly, and they can fly like this.

However, the current physical condition of the zombie bat is still not flexible enough, and it has considerable limitations. It is difficult to completely avoid even these flame attacks.

Even though the zombie bats counterattacked with the wind ability to attack the flames, and wanted to blow the flames away, but because of the wind ability mixed in the flames, the wind attacks of these zombie bats seemed very weak , there was no way to achieve the desired effect, and many were still attacked by flames.

As soon as these supernatural flame attacks strengthened by the wind-type superpowers burned to the body of the zombie bat, the hairs began to explode in an instant.

During such a flight, the body of the zombie bat has already been dried a lot, which also makes it more difficult for the zombie bat to resist the fierce offensive of these flames.

Especially the pair of wings, they couldn't bear it at all under the attack of the flames, and they burned the most.

Once the wings caught fire, exploded, and lost the support of the wings, these flying zombie bats also lost the barrier to maintain their flight in the air.

With their wings burned off and unable to put out the fire, these zombie bats let out sharp screams, lost their balance, and fell directly from midair.

Seeing that such a congratulatory attack was effective, and the effect was very good, the confidence of these supernatural beings in the safe base was well enhanced, and they continued to target the chaotic zombie bats and launched more flame attacks.

If it is a high-level zombie bat, it is an extremely terrifying and powerful existence.

However, at this moment, even though the first-order zombie bats have been blessed with changes, their movements are still stiff, and they can barely maintain their flight. Burned, and soon was destroyed a lot.

These menacing zombie bats did not go so smoothly.

However, the attack of zombie bats this time may be just to test the defense status of the safe base, as well as the strength level of these supernatural beings, and even to scare off those unmanned aircraft. After picking up a batch of them, it was as if they had received an order to retreat, and they all started to turn around and fly back.

Everyone in the security base was a little surprised by such a change.

They couldn't figure out, what was the real purpose of such a group of zombie bats flying over?
(End of this chapter)

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