Chapter 61 Explosion
Tan Siyan, this time through flexible movement, succeeded in one attack.

The long knife pierced into the body of the zombie mantis, causing a lot of damage to this zombie mantis.

Moreover, the thunder and lightning abilities carried on the long knife, also with the fierce penetration of this long knife, are frantically playing the role of violent destruction in the body of the zombie praying mantis, causing the zombies to explode Mantis was even more severely injured, her whole body lying on the ground, howling in pain, struggling violently, trying to break free from Tan Siyan's long knife.

But under such circumstances, the more the zombie praying mantis struggled, the more serious the damage to its body would be.

After struggling a few times, the damage increased and the pain intensified. This big zombie praying mantis couldn't even stand up on its legs.

Knowing that going on like this is not an option, the zombie praying mantis violently gave up the two legs that were trapped by the trap, broke off the two legs that couldn't get rid of, and broke free from the restriction of the last trap. , first regaining the freedom of the body.

The back door, as well as the abdomen, were seriously injured. The big zombie praying mantis was unable to move, and its abdomen had been dragging on the ground.

But under such a serious injury, the zombie mantis still struggled to turn around, brandished the pair of machetes, slashed at Tan Siyan fiercely, and sent out more sharp wind blades, and besieged Tan Siyan together. Hope to kill Tan Siyan directly for revenge.

Under such injury conditions, the big zombie mantis's movement and strength also caused more serious injuries to the abdomen of the big zombie mantis.

The big long knife still inserted in the body of the zombie mantis rotates and stirs the internal organs of the zombie mantis, further destroying it, and like a stronger conductor, it guides the thunder and lightning to continue to destroy the zombies The body of the giant praying mantis will cause greater damage to the zombie giant mantis.

Moreover, at the moment when the zombie mantis turned around and attacked, Tan Siyan once again used the earth-type supernatural ability to gather the starting point under his feet to use more force, and the whole person fell back in an instant.

Flying back, avoiding the slashing attack of the giant zombie praying mantis, Tan Siyan continued to attack, unleashing more attacks with lightning powers, and attacked this handicapped zombie mantis.

Seeing so many thunderbolts coming towards him, the zombie mantis became more and more angry and panicked. Even though he was seriously injured, several legs were broken, and there were two open serious wounds on his abdomen, which made the zombie mantis It is very inconvenient to move, and it is very painful to move, but this big zombie praying mantis still tries to dodge Tan Siyan's lightning attack.

Seriously injured, but the zombie mantis still insisted on moving.

That is, the big long knife stuck in the body, and those manic lightning abilities, caused the zombie mantis to continue to suffer more serious injuries in the process of avoiding it.

After being attacked by these lightning abilities, the giant zombie mantis roared angrily and in pain, but couldn't break free, instead, the injuries continued to worsen.

And Tan Siyan's attacking methods are far more than these.

After retreating a certain distance, Tan Siyan immediately pressed the remote control in his hand.

Following Tan Siyan's operation, knowing that he was not Tan Siyan's opponent, the big zombie praying mantis who was about to escape from here just now suddenly heard a violent explosion sound from its body.

rumbling rumbling...

A series of explosions filled the scene with gunpowder smoke, mixed with a lot of blackened minced meat, and the scene was bloody and terrifying.

When the dust settled and the smoke cleared, the big zombie praying mantis had already been exploded by the powerful explosives, blowing up more than half of its body, and the situation was terrible.

For that big zombie praying mantis, one of the two predating forefeet was also blown up, and the other was injured. It was no longer possible to use the predating forefoot as a machete for attacking, and the big mouth was blown off. The threat plummeted.

Now, this big zombie praying mantis, which was still very arrogant, only has a mouth that was half blown off, a still intact eye, a scarred head, a mottled neck connected with scars, and a rare connection behind it. A little bit of broken body.

Most of the abdomen, as well as the covering wings, have been blasted to pieces by those high explosives.

As for so many legs, except for one injured predatory forefoot, there is only one leg, which is still hanging on the body.

Suffering such bloody and brutal injuries, this giant zombie praying mantis has already lost the ability to move. It cannot walk, fly, escape, or fight. It can only wait to die there .

This big zombie praying mantis obviously did not expect that the situation would develop to such a bad state.

In the contest with Tan Siyan, it actually lost, and it paid such a heavy price!
More than half of its body is gone, so what else does it have to fight?

Even if it wants to recover its body as soon as possible by devouring it, there seems to be no object for it to devour in the surrounding area.

What's more, the injury has become such a ghost, and the zombie mantis has no fighting power. How can it be devoured and recovered?
At this time, seeing Tan Siyan continue to walk towards it again, the giant zombie mantis turned its big green eye that was still intact, and let out a sharp roar again.

Although the big zombie praying mantis was seriously injured, there was still a fourth-order mental coercion in the roar, which made those first-order and zero-order zombies who had just been slowed down stop in place again , unable to break free from such mental oppression, could only tremble in place, waiting for the arrival of his poor fate.

Several zombies were already turning around and walking back. They seemed to be under the control of the giant zombie praying mantis, and they wanted to go there as sacrifices to help the giant zombie mantis recover.

However, the mental coercion of the zombie mantis still couldn't affect Tan Siyan.

Looking at the big zombie mantis who was still trying to resist, Tan Siyan sneered, ready to give this big zombie mantis a fatal blow to solve this trouble.

If she let go of the zombie mantis in this way and gave the zombie mantis time and chance to recover, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for her to deal with that zombie mantis next time.

But at this time, Tan Siyan suddenly felt the movement from the ground, and his face became serious.

In order to prevent accidents from happening again, Tan Siyan threw the recovered long knife towards the big zombie praying mantis.

Unexpectedly, it's already this time, and there are still people who want to pick up ready-made things and snatch things from her!

(End of this chapter)

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