Chapter 66 Sudden Attack
It was also after the attack was successful, and seeing that the second-tier zombie was about to be killed, Jiang Liangyan sped up in an instant, and rushed towards the zombie color-changing stork on the other side.

This was the first target he specially chose to attack in order to confuse the third-level zombie color-changing stork.

Now that the attack was successful, Jiang Liangfen was ready to act as soon as possible to deal with the third-level zombie color-changing stork.

In order to solve this crisis as soon as possible, Jiang Liangfen traveled very fast and very carefully, trying to avoid the mental detection of the zombie color-changing stork, so that he could approach the zombie more covertly Color-changing stork.

Fortunately, most of the attention of the third-level zombie color-changing stork was attracted by the group of zombies besieging the safe base, and he had to continue to command and control the group of zombies, and strive to fight before dawn. , break through the security base, and have a bloodbath.

This kind of distraction made the zombie's mental strength relatively less when it was exploring Jiang Liangfen on this side.

In addition, around the zombie color-changing stork, there are several second-level zombies and zombie animals on guard, which also makes the zombie color-changing stork relax its vigilance.

Relying on these second-level zombies and zombie animals alone, their mental strength is even insufficient, and they cannot detect Jiang Liangfen's movements in time, and they don't know that the crisis is approaching quickly.

The interaction of various factors gave Jiang Liangfen a better chance.

It didn't take long for Jiang Liangfen to sneak silently, and arrived not far from the color-changing stork of the third-level zombie.

The zombie color-changing stork noticed that something had happened to the second-order zombies, and after confirming that Jiang Liangfen was hiding nearby, he further raised his vigilance, ordering the surrounding second-order zombies and zombie animals to move Take full precautions to prevent Jiang Liangfen from attacking this side again.

But even with such an all-round vigilance, this third-level zombie color-changing stork still failed to detect Jiang Liangfen's actions and the crisis, so he went to control the zombies and seized the time to besiege the security base.

As long as the security base is breached, Jiang Liangfen can only return to defense, and it is relatively safe here.

This time, while sneaking cautiously, Jiang Liangfen had already approached this third-level zombie color-changing stork.

At this time, the zombie color-changing stork happened to be on the side of the security base, and Song Ruiyu's counterattack attracted more attention, and Jiang Liangyan immediately launched an offensive.

The mental power was activated instantly, and Jiang Liangfen directly used his mental power to coerce and attack the zombies and zombie animals that were guarding around the zombie color-changing stork.

There is a gap in level and strength in mental power, which allowed Jiang Liangfen to successfully suppress those zombies and zombie animals this time.

At the same time, clusters of flames quickly condensed in Jiang Liangfen's hands, all of which were sent out instantly, and controlled with mental power, attacking the zombies around.

The flames condensed by Jiang Liangfen were relatively large in number. Apart from attacking the immobile zombies, the remaining flames all attacked this third-level zombie color-changing stork.

Being fully prepared, Jiang Liangfen's attack this time was very fast, and the attack was already in place before the zombies and the zombie color-changing stork had time to react.

To deal with the few guarding zombies, there was mental power to suppress them, making them unable to move. They could only be attacked by Jiang Liangfen's third-level supernatural flame, which caused a detonation in an instant.

Jiang Liangfen's spiritual suppression did not evacuate. These second-order zombies were simply delivering food. Once the flames burned, they detonated and quickly disappeared.

This time, Jiang Liang fired all his firepower, without holding back, and quickly dealt with the small shrimps, and then controlled the remaining flames, approaching the zombie color-changing stork.

The sudden short-distance power fluctuations already shocked the zombie color-changing stork.

Noticing that the flame attack was coming, those vigilant zombies had no power to fight back, and were directly destroyed by the flame deflagration. There was also a powerful third-level supernatural flame, which continued to attack it for 100 years. The zombie color-changing stork screamed in fright With a sound, a bunch of ice cones were sent out immediately, and they greeted these flames,

Although they are all at the third level of strength, Jiang Liangfen has richer training and actual combat experience, and the energy of the power tree provided by Tan Siyan, which makes Jiang Liangfen's current overall strength better than that of this third-level zombie. The color-changing stork is much stronger.

The third-level zombie color-changing stork, although it is already a third-level zombie animal, however, it is biased towards mental powers, which makes the body strength of this zombie color-changing stork, as well as other abilities except mental powers The means are relatively weaker.

During this strong collision between the flame and the ice cone, the supernatural flame emitted by Jiang Liangfen was even more powerful, roasting these ice cones, so that the ice cone had already begun to vaporize before it could touch the flame .

When it really came into contact with the flame, the ice cone directly turned into a cloud of water vapor under the high temperature, and its power completely disappeared, and it was even more impossible to deal with and extinguish these supernatural flame attacks of Jiang Liangfen.

As for Jiang Liangfen's supernatural flame attack, after the collision, the speed and power remained undiminished, and he continued to quickly attack the zombie color-changing stork.

Seeing that his ice pick was completely unable to deal with Jiang Liangfen's flame attack, the zombie color-changing stork was also a little surprised.

However, feeling the attack power of these supernatural flames, the zombie color-changing stork hastily sent out more ice picks, and continued to deal with these flames, hoping to stop them.

At the same time, the zombie color-changing stork is preparing to take off, first avoiding the attack range of these flames, and then looking for a chance to fight back.

But at this moment, the zombie color-changing stork suddenly screamed again, immediately changed its direction, and flew towards the side, risking being burned by the supernatural flame, it quickly flew from this side flew over.

This kind of flight caused the zombie color-changing stork to be burned by the supernatural flame without any accident, and many feathers were directly caught on fire.

These feathers are all flammable materials. Once the flame burned, it instantly caused the deflagration of the feathers in these places on the body of the zombie color-changing stork.

And at the place where the zombie color-changing stork was just now, Jiang Liangyan had already appeared, and the chopping knife in his hand slashed down from midair.

Jiang Liangfen's attack this time was very fierce, and there was a blazing flame on the chopping knife. Once it was chopped, the zombie color-changing stork would suffer more serious injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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