Chapter 82

He had already made up his mind, but Tan Siyan didn't show it on his face.

Before, Liu Renjian and Huang Mengdie planned to go to Liu's freight yard to drive those trucks back, but they failed.

With so many zombies and zombie animals there, things must be difficult.

Moreover, with the high temperature during the day and the power outage outside, the situation in the freight yard must not be very good, and some things may have rotted long ago.

If there is rotten meat, it will be a disaster, and it will attract a lot of zombies, especially zombie animals, to the warehouse.

In that case, the situation will become more dangerous.

She wanted to cut off Liu Renjian and Huang Mengdie's retreat. She also needed to think about this matter carefully and plan it well.

As for Huang Mengdie who seemed to be barking in front of him, Tan Siyan didn't bother to pay attention to it at all.

The more she said, the more mistakes she made, and Huang Mengdie couldn't lie anymore.

But Tan Siyan could ignore it, but Jiang Liangyan couldn't listen anymore.

In front of him, Huang Mengdie dared to slander Tan Siyan like this, and was so eager to pour dirty water on Tan Siyan, he really didn't take him seriously!

What Huang Mengdie was thinking when he did this, don't think he doesn't know!
Although this kind of trick is very clumsy, and the people around don't believe it, Huang Mengdie's actions are disgusting enough.

Immediately raising his feet and swinging his legs, Jiang Liangfen kicked the lump of dirt in front of his feet flying.

With Jiang Liangfen's sudden kick, the lump of dirt flew towards Huang Mengdie. It was so fast that it flew into Tan Siyan's mouth with precision, making Huang Mengdie completely unresponsive. Straight to the trick.

woo... woo... uh...

Suddenly under Jiang Liangfen's attack, her mouth was filled with a lump of mud, and Huang Mengdie was stunned.

Because Jiang Liangfen moved very fast this time, Huang Mengdie couldn't guard against it at all. He was going to continue talking and scolding Tan Siyan just now. After being choked by the mud, some dirty things were directly slapped by Huang Mengdie. swallowed.

The stench came, his mouth was stuffed, and his throat became very uncomfortable due to the stimulation of the mud. Huang Mengdie bent over and vomited badly there.

But Jiang Liangfen didn't stop there.

With a sudden movement of his figure, Jiang Liangfen quickly dodged and came to Liu Renjian.

Under Liu Renjian's terrified eyes, Jiang Liangyan directly punched Liu Renjian in the abdomen, and sent Liu Renjian flying.

Flying upside down like this, Liu Renjian's face was distorted in pain, looking very ferocious.

Moreover, Liu Renjian happened to bump into Huang Mengdie who was still vomiting continuously, the two of them collided and fell to the ground together, onto the filthy vomit.

After being attacked so quickly by Jiang Liangfen, Liu Renjian had no way to resist and counterattack.

He just saw Jiang Liangfen suddenly appearing in front of him, and he shot suddenly, and he was sent flying.

Although he could see all these movements, he just couldn't react to them.

Just as he wanted to avoid the first stomach beating, Jiang Liangyan had already succeeded in beating someone. Liu Renjian couldn't keep up with Jiang Liangfen's beating rhythm this time.

What shocked Liu Renjian so much was not only Jiang Liang's strength, but also Jiang Liang's attack on Tan Siyan without saying hello in order to vent his anger on him!

This is very different from Jiang Liangfen's usual way of dealing with people.

He never imagined that for Tan Siyan's sake, Jiang Liangfen would really be able to let go of the so-called persona, the so-called restraint, and directly beat people up!
At this moment, he fell on Huang Mengdie's body, his whole body was dirty and smelly, and he was in excruciating pain. Almost the skeleton of his whole body was about to fall apart, making Liu Renjian unable to get up for a while, that's all It pressed rigidly on Huang Mengdie's body.

As for Huang Mengdie, who was already feeling very uncomfortable, and being pressed down by Liu Renjian, her whole body lay on top of the vomit, and her face was directly attached to it.

In an instant, the tip of the nose was filled with an extremely unpleasant smell, making it difficult for Huang Mengdie to even breathe, and almost fainted from the smoke.

Being pressed down by Liu Renjian again, it made her want to move, and it was very difficult for her to get up and leave. Huang Mengdie continued to bear such sour and stinky attacks, her eyes turned black, and she almost fainted.

However, Huang Mengdie didn't dare to faint like this, for fear that if she fainted, she would make herself even dirtier and more embarrassed.

Although he really wanted to scold Liu Renjian and let Liu Renjian get up quickly, but Huang Mengdie was crushed so hard that it was difficult for him to breathe, so he could only bear it and wait for Liu Renjian to act on his own.

The longer he endured like this, the angrier and madder Huang Mengdie became.

Seeing Liu Renjian and Huang Mengdie's embarrassed appearance, the people around were also shocked.

Jiang Liangyan, actually directly attacked Liu Renjian, and punched Liu Renjian away? !

Jiang Liang did this all for Tan Siyan, to please Tan Siyan? !

If this is really the case, then it seems that Jiang Liang and Jiang Instructor really care about Tan Siyan.

Hongyan was furious, and even Jiang Liang and Jiang Jiang's instructor couldn't avoid it.

That is, Huang Mengdie and Liu Renjian really deserve a beating!

It's the end of the world, these two people who cheated first, actually want to forcibly clean up the ground?

Those who can use drugs to forcibly control those under his hand, Liu Renjian and Huang Mengdie, these two seem to dare to do anything, and they will do anything by hook or by crook!

When encountering such hypocrites and real villains, they had better stay away.X(Д[-]Д)X

At this time, Jiang Liangyan walked towards Liu Renjian, looked down at Liu Renjian, and said indifferently: "Liu Renjian, take care of your own woman!"

"At the beginning, since you chose Huang Mengdie and gave up Sisi for the sake of money and future, then you should be responsible for your own choice!"

"Sisi is my girlfriend now, don't provoke her again!"

"Say it again, take care of your own woman!"

"In the past, what was right and what was wrong, when there was such a big commotion, don't think that everything will change when the end of the world breaks out, and everyone will forget about it, so you can turn black and white here, Xiang Sisi Splash dirty water!"

"There is still a lot of evidence for those things."

"Even after you and Huang Mengdie were together, Sisi didn't provoke you, but chose to fulfill you, so you can do it yourself!"

"Since everyone is going their own way, you should stop coming to Sisi to show your presence!"

"This is my last warning to you, you'd better remember it!"

(End of this chapter)

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