Noticing that Tan Siyan and the others had also come here, in order to avoid being exposed, Liu Renjian made a signal and asked the other six members of the team to stop temporarily and hide on the rooftop, thinking about what to do next.

At this time, continue to rush to Huang's freight yard and wharf, they may directly confront Tan Siyan.

With Tan Siyan's strong strength, Xu Linlang's attack power is not bad. Liu Renjian is very worried. They really match up. They are not the opponents of Tan Siyan's team.

Just as they were discussing this in a low voice, they suddenly heard the movement of the drone.

Knowing that it was the reconnaissance drone of Tan Siyan's team coming, Liu Xiaoxuan received Liu Renjian's order and immediately released the earth-type supernatural power, covering the seven of them with a layer of soil on top of their heads and around them, so as to avoid being caught by no one. directly monitored by the machine.

When the drone flew over, through the shooting screen of the drone, Liao Yuqi really only saw this scene, seeing a pile of dirt on the roof of a high-rise building, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

However, seeing this from the display screen, Liao Yuqi really didn't pay much attention to it at first. The footage of the drone had already passed by in a flash.

But thinking about it again, Liao Yuqi felt that such a situation was very wrong, and made the drone fly back upside down again.

Such a tall building, on the roof, is there still such a mound of earth?

In fact, if there is some dirt in the corners, it is not too strange.

The mound found this time is in the middle of the roof!

This is what makes Liao Yuqi feel puzzled.

After the outbreak of the doomsday crisis, there will be such a strong wind raging past every day, in the middle of the rooftops so large, can such mounds continue to exist?Wasn't it blown away by the strong wind?

This is obviously unreasonable.

However, after the drone flew back backwards, Liao Yuqi specially let the drone fly higher to avoid any unexpected attack and sneak attack, and then continued to observe this strange pile of dirt.

Noticing Liao Yuqi's frown, as if she noticed something was wrong, Tan Siyan asked, "Qiqi, did you find anything?"

Tan Siyan had already asked, Liao Yuqi nodded, moved the display screen to Tan Siyan's side first, and then said: "Coach Tan, take a look, why is there such a mound of dirt on the roof of this tall building?" ?”

Hearing Liao Yuqi's words, Tan Siyan looked at the display screen of the drone.

Sure enough, in the middle of the roof of that tall building, there was actually a pile of sand, part of which fell loosely beside it!

Such a situation is indeed very wrong!
Immediately stopped, Tan Siyan took a closer look at the drone detection screen on the display screen.

Finally, Tan Siyan also saw something wrong with this pile of sand!


This way of camouflaging and hiding is a bit clumsy, right?
Liu Xiaoxuan?This way of handling it is really perfunctory. ┐('~`;)┌

Teasing the corners of his mouth lightly and mockingly, Tan Siyan handed the display screen back to Liao Yuqi, and said to her, "Qiqi, throw a bomb and blast that pile of sand."

Unexpectedly, they came to the Huang family's warehouse this time, and it was really timely. They actually ran into Liu Renjian and the others who also came here!

Among the people in Liu Renjian's team, isn't Liu Xiaoxuan an earth-type supernatural being?

Of course, Liu Xiaoxuan's ability type may also be a disguise, but what is revealed to the outside is indeed an earth-type ability.

This pile of sand on the roof of the high-rise building is too obvious to be disguised, and those traces were not completely erased, and it was directly exposed.

Such an obvious mound of dirt is simply a living target!

I don't know if Liu Xiaoyu's handling of it like this was intentional?

But no matter what, since he discovered the possible whereabouts of those in Liu Renjian's team, Tan Siyan was not going to let it go easily.

Since Liu Renjian and the others wanted to play, then she let Liao Yuqi use a cannonball to play with Liu Renjian and the others first!
Hearing Tan Siyan's order and knowing that there was indeed something wrong with those mounds, Liao Yuqi nodded, took the controller over, and controlled the drone to aim at these mounds, ready to drop bombs.

When the drone flew back and stayed above their heads, Liu Renjian, Liu Xiaohuang and the others all realized that the situation was not good.

Seeing that the drone was really going to drop bombs towards them, Liu Xiaoxuan immediately removed the camouflage of the soil, and everyone quickly fled to the side.

The situation is very bad, Liu Xiaoxuan can only extend a lot of soil stairs on the edge of the high-rise building with the ability of the soil system, to help everyone in the team, they can get out from the protruding balconies, window sills, and these connecting soil stairs. Quickly escape from this tall building.

When they are bombed here on the roof of a high-rise building, they have nowhere to escape.

From the display screen of the drone, they saw Liu Renjian, Liao Yuqi and the others who fled after the camouflage of the mound was lifted, and they were also shocked.

Sure enough, there was something wrong with that mound of dirt, it was Liu Renjian and the others who made up the disguise!

On the roof of the high-rise building, Liao Yuqi and the others were quite speechless when they created such a mound of earth to disguise and did it so loosely.

Seeing that Liu Renjian and the others wanted to flee, Liao Yuqi continued to control the drone, aimed as much as possible, and threw the bomb without hesitation.

Liu Renjian and the others noticed that the drone was really attacking them by throwing bombs at them. The seven of them immediately jumped down from the tall building, using balconies, window sills, and soil steps as buffers in the middle, and hurriedly fled downstairs. .

When this is the case, how can they care about being afraid of heights?
Even their lives may be blown away, they just want to escape from here now, and run away quickly.

Even though they are already supernatural beings, they are only at the first level of strength at present, and there is no way to use their bodies to fight against such bombs.

And they were still on the roof of a high-rise building, if they were really blown out, they might all fall to their deaths first!
From the dirt stairs on the balcony, Liu Renjian and the others were fleeing down at the fastest speed, with unprecedented agility.

Even a weak person like Pan Qingxue tied up the hem of her skirt, just to move around more conveniently and escape here faster.

However, the bomb from the drone was dropped and exploded on the rooftop.

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