After instructing Xu Bo and Xu Linlang, seeing them all go to work, Tan Siyan walked a little forward, continued to check the surrounding situation, and used his mental strength to explore the distant freight yard and wharf.

Fortunately, there were no traces of zombies or zombie animals around. Uncle Xu and Yuan Zhuoyan took action together to deal with the aftermath, and there would be no danger.

Due to the urgency of time, Xu Bo and Yuan Zhuoyan moved quickly, so Tan Siyan didn't need to worry about it.

As for the freight yard in the distance, the situation is relatively complicated.

In addition to hiding some zombies and zombie animals, there are also a few aquatic mutant animals, and the situation is not so good.

If they entered the freight yard rashly, it would take them a lot of time just to deal with those dangers.

In order to make it more convenient and save time when going to the wharf of the freight yard, Tan Siyan released a large group of mutated crabs after weighing it up, and asked them to go to the wharf of the freight yard first to clean up the crabs in the freight yard. Danger, deal with zombies and zombie animals, as well as that part of aquatic mutant animals.

The mutated crabs released by Tan Siyan are reserved for the safe base as a defense. There are a lot of them, but the level is not that high. Most of the mutated crabs are only the first level.

Among them, there are only a few head crabs that will be used as the mutant crab group. The mutant crabs used for the contract at that time are already at the second-tier level of strength.

Tan Siyan also considered such an arrangement for the convenience of controlling the various security bases at that time.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the strength and number of this group of mutant crabs are already sufficient.

This group of mutated crabs is dispatched to clean up all kinds of dangers at the freight yard, kill zombies, zombie animals, and mutated aquatic animals, and resolve the crisis. Then, they will go to the freight yard to collect supplies later, just need to find them as soon as possible. For the available materials, it is enough to collect the whole vehicle or take it away by car, which is enough for them to save a lot of time.

After all, this is at the pier, and there may be various aquatic mutant animals in the water.

If it was because the action was too intense, causing more aquatic mutated animals to run over, then the situation would become more complicated and dangerous.

In order to avoid these crises, they need to seize the time, get things as soon as possible and run away.

Although Tan Siyan has the ability to deal with more crises, Tan Siyan will not always take care of all these things.

After this battle, they have temporarily dealt with the dangers of Pan Tengqi and the others, poisoning them all, and they will not recover so quickly.

It was also after solving such a special crisis that the situation became more controllable. Tan Siyan was still going to leave the next actions to Xu Linlang and Xu Bo and the others to take care of them.

A swarm of mutated crabs has dealt with the zombies and zombie animals in advance, as well as the mutated aquatic animals. Most of the crisis has been resolved, and Tan Siyan doesn't need to bother so much.

After Xu Bo and Yuan Zhuoyan had dealt with the aftermath on this side, they all returned to the previous street.

Knowing that the time was urgent, Xu Linlang and the others acted very quickly this time.

In addition, it has been cleaned up almost before, and there are relatively few vehicles on the street that reaches the freight yard and wharf, so it is cleaned up faster.

At that time, the apocalypse suddenly broke out, and many people saw that the situation was not good, the streets were already blocked, those who could use electric vehicles, ran on electric vehicles, and those who could not, just ran on the [-]th road, there was no hope Seeing that the blocked road conditions in front can be quickly restored, no one will think about those cars anymore.

When Tan Siyan and the others came over, the streets here had been cleaned up by Xu Linlang and the others.

With the addition of Tan Siyan and others, Xu Linlang took over the command, arranged the formation, and the group immediately went to the pier.

Xu Linlang, together with Yuan Zhuoyan and Xing Yefeng, took the lead, responsible for guarding and cleaning up the zombies that might exist in front, as well as zombie animals and other dangers.

Tan Siyan, Xu Bo, and Liao Yuqi followed closely behind.

Liao Yuqi continued to control the drone, checking the surroundings, especially paying attention to the actions of large-scale mutated animals.

Liao Yuqi was taken aback when she saw that large group of mutated crabs fighting around the freight yard wharf from the drone's display screen.

However, after hearing Tan Siyan's words, Liao Yuqi already knew that these mutated crabs were all under Tan Siyan's control, and they were helping to clean up the dangerous situation hidden in the freight yard and wharf. I am more and more impressed.

Even being able to control mutant crabs, and controlling so many mutant crabs at once, Tan Siyan's level of mental strength and strength are really amazing.

If it were someone else, it would be absolutely impossible to do this.

Tan Siyan, Coach Tan, is amazing!She is indeed her idol!

She doesn't even know, what else is there that Tan Siyan can't do?
Knowing that the group of mutated crabs was controlled by Tan Siyan and was clearing up the dangers at the freight yard, Liao Yuqi also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She has already seen that on the other side of the freight yard, with the large-scale dispatch and cleaning of the mutated crabs, more dangers have been exposed.

Those zombies, zombie animals, and even aquatic mutated animals that could escape were all besieged by the mutated crab group, and fled the freight yard one after another.

As for those who couldn't escape, they fell into a tight siege and fought with the mutated crab group, but they were completely at a disadvantage.

Although these mutated crab groups are only at the first and second level, the extremely hard shell and the sharp big iron pincers make the opponent helpless, and they are constantly surrounded by the mutated crab group , and rushed forward, gnawed and devoured those zombies, zombie animals, and aquatic mutant animals frantically.

Wherever the mutated crab swarm passed, there was nowhere to hide, and they were all surrounded and devoured.

It is also because of the help of the mutated crab that these crises were resolved in advance. The dangers ahead have been greatly controlled, and many of them have been cleaned up, so that the members of the team can be more on the side of the freight yard and wharf. go fast.

As for Tian Yongjia and the others, they stayed at the back of the team. During the follow-up process, they were in charge of the rear to prevent the team from being attacked.

Even with the help of mutated crabs, no one dared to be careless.

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