Full Sugar No Ice

Chapter 65 Sea Salt Cheese (1)

Chapter 65 Sea Salt Cheese ([-])

A resident misidentified the room number after being drunk, and swiped Tang Xiaobing's door lock vigorously with the room card. If he couldn't open it, he kicked the door cursingly.

When Teng Yi went out, there was a gap in the door diagonally opposite, and the male resident inside used the door to block his body and poked his head to look out.

Outside Tang Xiaobing's door stood a shirtless man with a red face. He was leaning on the door frame, punching and kicking at the innocent door, "Sb door, don't open it, don't open it, I'll kick you to death!"

There was a loud echo in the empty corridor.

Seeing that the man's fist was about to hit again, he was stopped by a powerful hand, blocked, and thrown aside.

The drunk man almost didn't lie on the ground, he stood up unsteadily, pointed at the burly young man in front of him, and opened his mouth to curse: "Fuck..."

Before he could utter the next swear word, his cheeks were pinched by the young man. The pain was tight and his face was already deformed. Before he could resist, his arms were caught by a powerful force Twist with strength, put your back behind your back, and your body goes straight to the wall.

Even though there was a layer of wallpaper as a buffer, the thud still made the people who watched the excitement behind the door secretly startled.

Half of the drunk man's face was pressed against the wall, groaning in pain.

Under the dim light, the young man's eyes were surprisingly bright, but also surprisingly cold.

"Don't fight, don't fight..." The floor attendant arrived late with two security guards. They only knew that someone was drunk and made trouble in the corridor on the eighth floor, but they didn't know what happened.

Teng Yi and the drunk were pulled away by security.

At this time, Tang Xiaobing came out from inside with a pale face.

Seeing her, Teng Yi stretched out his hand, and said in a soft tone, "Come here."

Tang Xiaobing walked over, took Teng Yi's hand, looked him up and down, and asked if he was injured.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Tang Xiaobing shook his head.

She was indeed frightened when she was awakened by the kicking on the door just now, but after hearing Teng Yi's voice, she settled down.

As long as he is there, no matter what happens, her heart will not panic.

Teng Yi stroked her hair, and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

The hotel came to a responsible person to solve this problem.

Both parties were taken aback when they met, and the woman was actually the front desk staff who checked them in.

She was on the night shift for the lobby manager today, but she didn't expect to catch up with this matter.

When she saw Teng Yi, her eyes lit up obviously, and she was not as anxious as before going upstairs.This man's appearance and figure are all in her aesthetic point of view. He doesn't have a trace of popular makeup, short hair, handsome and sharp facial features, and muscle lines that are not exaggerated but full of strength.She has worked at the front desk of the hotel for a long time, and has seen many men with outstanding appearance, but she has never had such a heart-pounding feeling from a man.There seems to be a kind of magical power in his body, which makes people addicted to it unconsciously.It's a pity that such a perfect man already has a girlfriend. When she saw him for the first time, she could tell from his eyes and subtle movements that he loved, no, he loved that big-eyed guy very, very much girl.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, his girlfriend is indeed pretty, with a natural beauty, especially when she smiles, she looks a bit like a certain female star.

The front desk surnamed Huang took the two parties to the waiter's lounge on the floor.

The incident was clear, and the drunk was fully responsible, but he was still not sober at the moment. The front desk surnamed Huang wrote down his mobile phone number and said that he would contact Teng Yi and the others to resolve the matter when he was sober.

Before leaving, Teng Yi and the receptionist surnamed Huang said a few words alone.After that, he took Tang Xiaobing directly to his house.

"I don't want...to be alone..." Tang Xiaobing thought Teng Yi was going to sleep next door.

Teng Yi smiled and touched the back of her ear, and said softly, "I won't go."

Only then did Tang Xiaobing lie down with peace of mind. Teng Yi went to the bathroom and came out to boil water. She hugged the quilt and secretly looked at him.

"You want a ticket." Teng Yi leaned on the wooden cabinet, turned his head and joked.

Tang Xiaobing lifted the quilt and took money out of his pocket, "I'll buy it."

There was a smile on Teng Yi's brows and eyes. He made a gesture to signal her to cover the quilt, and then took out his phone to look through it.

He was a little surprised to see Jiang Wei's news.

"About you for a drink, when are you free?"

He looked at the time, gave up the idea of ​​replying to the message, and waited until dawn.

The water boiled and the door rang.

Teng Yi walked over and opened the door, there was Xiao Huang at the front desk standing outside the door, she handed a small paper bag with the hotel logo printed on it to Teng Yi, and whispered: "Call anytime you need anything."

"Thank you. Sorry for the trouble." Teng Yi said politely.

Xiao Huang looked behind the crack of the door, smiled, and left. Teng Yi closed the door, and as soon as he reached the entrance, he heard Tang Xiaobing ask him, "Who is it?"

"Oh, Xiao Huang at the front desk, I asked her for some painkillers." Teng Yi raised the paper bag in his hand.

Tang Xiaobing looked at him blankly.

Teng Yi poured half a cup of hot water and mixed some cold purified water, then walked to the bed with the medicine bag and sat down.

He took out a medicine and brought the cup to Tang Xiaobing's mouth.

"Sit up a little bit, and be careful not to choke."

"I'll do it myself." Tang Xiaobing made a gesture to remember, but was pushed down by him, "Just sit up a little bit."

Tang Xiaobing supported the bed with her arms, raised her body slightly, picked up the pill in his palm and put it in her mouth, he put the cup near her lips, she took a sip, and swallowed the pill with her head up, he put the cup back down On her lips, "Drink more."

Tang Xiaobing drank some hot water before lying down.

Teng Yi tidied up briefly, walked around to the other side of the bed, and was about to lift the quilt, but was snatched by Tang Xiaobing.

"Lie down quickly." Tang Xiaobing patted the bed on his side seriously.

He touched his nose and smiled, lying down.

Tang Xiaobing lifted the quilt to cover him, but he blocked him, "I don't cover it, it's hot."

"The air conditioner is on."

"That's hot too."

"The stomach must be covered." At Tang Xiaobing's insistence, Teng Yi had no choice but to take the quilt and put it on his stomach.

"Go to sleep."

He turned sideways and turned off the light.

The quiet room was dark, only the central air conditioner was still working dutifully.

The two were silent for a while, and Teng Yi held her little hand under the quilt.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

"In the future, if it hurts, it will hurt. You don't have to bear it in front of me, remember?"


The gentle body leaned over and pressed against his shoulder.

"Teng Yi."


"Can I ask you a question?"


"You never took me to your house or your classmates at that time, because... your father... right..."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Xiaobing felt a pain in the palm of his hand.

"Don't mention him..." Teng Yi said in a low voice, and there was no more movement.

Tang Xiaobing snuggled up to him, hugged his waist tightly, and said softly, "Okay, don't mention it."

(End of this chapter)

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