The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 103 I Owe You One Favor

Chapter 103 I Owe You A Favor

"Yu Ting?" Xia Houye stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

What is this guy thinking? He's so preoccupied.

Nangong Yuting closed her eyes, stood up from the sofa, put her hands in her pockets: "Aye, I owe you a favor."

His expression was too serious, Xia Houye was stunned.

Who on earth made this guy give in so much?
Xia Houye rubbed his hair indiscriminately, with a generous appearance: "You tell me, as long as I can do it..."

Office parking lot.

Qi Feibai got out of the car, just after he locked the door, a car stopped on the opposite side.

He fixed his eyes and took a look: "..." Damn, why is this fellow He Yixuan here?
Qi Fei ran angrily to the opposite parking space and knocked on He Yixuan's car window.

With that appearance, I can't wait to smash his car window...

He Yixuan lowered the car window, and faced Qi Feibai with a distorted expression.

He chuckled: "Fei Bai, I didn't recruit you, why are you still targeting me?"

Qi Feibai hooked his hands at him: "Come down for me."

He Yixuan put his right hand on the back of his head, and leaned on the driver's seat lazily: "If you let me get off, I will lose face."

Seeing this guy's face watching the show, Qi Feibai was so angry that his teeth itch.

He clenched his fists so loudly that he almost missed hitting someone.

Seeing this, He Yixuan raised his hand again and again: "OK, OK, I can't go down, I really can't stand you."

As soon as his feet landed, Qi Feibai hooked his neck with one hand, and punched his stomach with his fist...

He Yixuan bent over to cover his stomach from the beating, and grinned in pain: "Fuck, Qi Feibai, you really beat me!"

Qi Feibai breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled evilly: "I told you to laugh at me, you should hit me."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his foot and walked out with a look on his face.

He Yixuan came here to watch a good show, so he wouldn't miss the slightest chance.

He reluctantly chased after it.

Damn Qi Feibai, his strikes were too harsh!

Arrive at the front desk on the first floor.

Qi Feibai knocked on the counter: "Beauty, I'm looking for your boss."

He Yixuan who arrived one step late: "..." These bastards...

The beautiful woman at the reception showed a professional smile: "Excuse me sir, do you have an appointment?"

Qi Feibai let out a "hmm", turned his head and looked at He Yixuan who had followed him over at some time, with a look of surprise on his face: "Yixuan, when will we make an appointment to see someone?"

He Yixuan rolled his eyes at him, smiled slightly at the front desk, took out his mobile phone, and called Feng Zhe, Nangong Yuting's assistant.

After learning that Nangong Yuting was in the JY era, He Yixuan smiled and said to the front desk: "Hi, please ask, which floor is the JY era?"

The receptionist pointed to the elevator passage on the side: "Take the elevator to the 66th floor, get out of the elevator, and you will be in the JY era."

He Yixuan said "thank you", pulled Qi Feibai and walked towards the elevator.

Qi Feibai was at a loss.

After entering the elevator, he was still confused: "No, what are you pulling me into the elevator for?"

If he hadn't known Qi Feibai since childhood, He Yixuan really wanted to pry his head open to see what was inside!

The elevator opens.

He Yixuan walked out of the elevator first.

Qi Feibai was in a cloud of fog.

After walking two steps, seeing that no one was following, He Yixuan turned around and saw Qi Feibai still in the elevator in a daze.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, he rubbed his temples, stretched out his hand and pulled the guy out, gritted his teeth and said, "You're not looking for Yu Ting, he's here."

You usually look smart, why are you so stupid now?

He Yixuan shook his head and walked forward.

Looking at the big signboard of "JY Times", Qi Feibai's eyes lit up.

Oh right, how did he forget this one!
(End of this chapter)

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