The Growth of the Music Goddess

After Chapter 105, her surname will be Nangong

After Chapter 105, her surname will be Nangong
Tang Rushi, Han Dongqing.

Where did he seem to have heard these two names?
and many more!

Xia Houye quietly approached He Yixuan, and asked in a low voice: "Yixuan, is this Tang Rushi... the one who acted in "Top of the Clouds"?"

"Top of the Clouds" is a modern inspirational workplace drama, which tells the story of the heroine Yun Beibei's steady progress from an ordinary employee to a company executive through hard work.

Xia Houye is very familiar with An Yelin who plays the heroine.

As for Tang Rushi, if he remembered correctly, she should have played the role of the second female lead, that is, the heroine's "best friend" in the play!
The reason why he noticed Tang Ru was the second female lead was also because the drama "Top of the Clouds" won a series of awards, and it overshadowed the popular hit drama for a while!
And because of this opportunity, Tang Rushi himself became a second-tier star and went straight to the first-tier!
He Yixuan is also a person who has watched this drama. After thinking about it, he nodded: "Yes, it is her."

Qi Feibai rubbed his nose, and then moved closer to the two of them: "Hey, what are you two whispering about?"

In front of outsiders, Qi Feibai was born in a family, handsome and famous, but there are many girls who are willing to follow suit.

But in the eyes of the brothers, Qi Feibai is just one word, stupid!

He Yixuan and Xia Houye ignored him.

The latter went directly to Nangong Yuting: "Don't tell me, the girl you mentioned is the one that Han Dongqing just signed!"

It's only been a day since her official debut, and the popularity of her topic on Weibo is rising like a rocket.

You know, she doesn't have any ready-made works yet!
Speaking of Quan Jing, Nangong Yuting's eyebrows and eyes were much more gentle: "It's her."

Xia Houye: "..."

Swallowing, Xia Houye went all out: "Can you give me a reason why I must protect her?"

Nangong Yuting looked up at him, turned and left the lounge without saying a word.

But the moment he stepped out of that door, a light word fell into the ears of the three people in the lounge like the wind.

He said, "In the future, her surname will be Nangong."

His greatest wish in this life is to have his surname in front of hers.

Nangong Quanjing, well, it sounds pretty good.

Nangong Yuting pursed her lips and strode away.

As soon as he left, Xia Houye, who reacted the most, suddenly widened his eyes.

What does he mean...he will marry her?

How can it be!

There is a 12-year difference between them!
Is Yu Ting asking old cows to eat tender grass?

Xia Houye was shocked.

He Yixuan was very surprised to hear the two talking about Han Dongqing and Quan Jing.

Especially what Nangong Yuting said!
When watching the live broadcast yesterday, he recognized that Quan Jing was the girl he met in the western restaurant earlier and wanted him to sign a contract, but it's a pity...

Today, he finally understood why Yu Ting didn't let him say one more word to Quan Jing.

So...he was jealous!
Looking at Nangong Yuting's back, He Yixuan shook his head.

Only Qi Feibai was still in a daze.

the other side.

Tang Rushi hurried back to the hotel.

The assistant had been waiting at the door, and when she saw her, she immediately stepped forward: "Sister Tang, it's too bad, Sister Han, no, the artist Han Dongqing just signed is very popular!"

Tang Ru frowned and glanced at the assistant: "It's just a newcomer, where can it be popular? Look at your flustered face."

Anyway, after following Tang Rushi all these years, the assistant knew that she didn't watch the live broadcast she sent her when she heard her words.

So, she clicked on a small video captured by a netizen on Weibo, and handed it to Tang Rushi to watch...

(End of this chapter)

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